We definitely can't call any wide-character formatting function from DISPATCH_LEVEL, can we? - device-driver

When developing Windows kernel-mode driver, I'm considering calling wide-string formatting functions, like swprintf, to generate some log messages. But today, I feel so thwarted.
Look at this simple statements:
WCHAR wbuf[100];
swprintf(wbuf, L"{%d}", 123);
Do you think it is safe to execut in DISPATCH_LEVEL? I find it No, because swprintf will definitely call into a pageable function RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar, so, it will sooner or later result in IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Bugcheck.
So I'd like to know, does Microsoft really refuse to provide a way to let us do WCHAR string formatting in Windows kernel? Or is there some esoteric function to do that?
This screenshot shows the evidence.


(Roblox scripting) help needed for "GetMaterialColor" or "SetMaterialColor"

I am new to roblox scripting, and I am working on a game. I am trying to make an exploration game with multiple planets. I want the colors on the surfaces of the planets to vary, but I also wish to use smooth terrain, as it is easier to use and looks nice. from reading a bit online, i have figured out i need to use "GetMaterialColor" or "SetMaterialColor". however, "SetMaterialColor", the one i needed specifically, requires two bits of information- the material and the color.
The issue comes from the "Material" part of this, as I have no idea how to make the script recognize what material I want to change. i tried multiple things, including but not limited to:
(grass, #,#,#)
(grass) (#,#,#)
("Grass"), (#,#,#)
("Grass", #,#,#)
or even just (#,#,#), without trying to get a specific material at all
so yeah, I need some help
here is the code:
local function onTouch(hit)
(there should be stuff after SetMaterialColor, that is what i need help with)
If you read the documentation on Terrain:SetMaterialColor(), you'll see that the first argument is a Material type, which is an Enum. So the method expects an Enum (or number to be more accurate), not a string denoting the material.
At the same time the second argument is a Color3, so (#,#,#) isn't apt, using it with the constructor Color3.fromRGB(#,#,#) is. If you are ever confused about what a method returns or expects, try referring to its documentation on https://developer.roblox.com/.
Here's an example of correct usage:
workspace.Terrain:SetMaterialColor(Enum.Material.Grass, Color3.fromRGB(123,123,123))
And ofcourse, Event:Connect() instead of Event:connect()

Permission needed for using GetTableNames

I have a Delphi/C++ builder app that uses Firedac to connect to a Sybase ASE database using the ODBC connection. When connection to the database, if I use the database's system admin (SA) user id/password, everything works fine and GetTableNames comes back with the list of tables in the database. But if I use a regular user to connect to database, GetTableNames comes back with an empty list. My question is, what permissions should I give the regular user for this to work.And as a side question, does anyone know what kind of command Firedac sends to database to get the table names?My code in Delphi looks like:
DBConnection.GetTableNames('', '', '', tableNameList, [TFDPhysObjectScope.osMy], [TFDPhysTableKind.tkTable]);
and in C++ Builder it looks like:
DBConnection->GetTableNames(L"", L"", L"", tableNameList, TFDPhysObjectScopes() << TFDPhysObjectScope::osMy, TFDPhysTableKinds() << TFDPhysTableKind::tkTable);
Thank youSam
For generic ODBC drivers it's the SQLTables function that FireDAC calls. Unfortunately, for the SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise driver I haven't found any information about the implementation of this function. It is the implementation detail, so it's not the issue.
The only note I found is this (for different products), for example:
This function corresponds to the ODBC function SQLTables.
So it's possible that the ODBC driver calls the sp_tables stored procedure in its SQLTables function implementation for that product, but no one explicitly said that (only that it corresponds).
What's more, for SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, there is no such note by its sp_tables procedure. But you can give it a try. Or better yet, if you have some kind of command monitoring tool, use it to track what your driver calls from its SQLTables function implementation.
In any case, it is an implementation detail you should not care about, nor rely on.
The problem was NOT permissions, it was the 5th parameter of GetTableNames. The 5th parameter is the Scope which determines what kind of tables would be reported back. osMy means tables/objects owned by the logged-in user. But normally all tables in a database, are owned by SA/dbo. Adding osOther to the parameter will fix the problem. So the correct way of calling the function in Delphi would be:
DBConnection.GetTableNames('', '', '', tableNameList, [TFDPhysObjectScope.osMy, TFDPhysObjectScope.osOther], [TFDPhysTableKind.tkTable]);
and in C++ Builder it should look like:
DBConnection->GetTableNames(L"", L"", L"", tableNameList, TFDPhysObjectScopes() << TFDPhysObjectScope::osMy << TFDPhysObjectScope::osOther, TFDPhysTableKinds() << TFDPhysTableKind::tkTable);
Which will return the name of all tables that are not system tables.I must mention that I blame Embarcadero for poor documentation of TFDPhysObjectScope. The documentation does NOT explain what any of these values means. Way too often (as in this case) we see this:
Embarcadero Technologies does not currently have any additional
information. Please help us document this topic by using the
Discussion page!
And we are forced to guess and/or try-fail.

Can I adapt from XMLEventWriter to XMLStreamWriter?

In order to support a StAXResult as input, I'd like to be able to adapt from XMLEventWriter to XMLStreamWriter. Its possible to go in the other direction via XMLOutputFactory2.createXMLEventWriter(XMLStreamWriter).
There's a similar asymmetry for readers as XMLInputFactory only has a method to adapt from XMLStreamReader to XMLEventReader.
Is there a way to do this?
NB: My code currently uses an XMLStreamWriter internally so it would be trivial to support an XMLStreamWriter. To support XMLEventWriter I either need to adapt the writer or change all the internal code to use XMLEventWriter (given that I can adapt from XMLStreamWriter to XMLEventWriter).
To answer my own question, you can use XMLEventStreamWriter from stax-utils.

Coroutines, multiple requests in Lua

I've been poring over this subject for the past 12 hours, and I simply cannot seem to get anywhere. I do not even know if this is possible, but I'm hoping it is because it would go a long way to continuing my project.
What I am attempting to do is create coroutines so the particular program I use does not freeze up due to its inability to perform asynchronous http requests. I've figured out how to do that part, even though my understanding of coroutines is still in the "Huh? How does that work?" phase. My issue now is being able to respond to multiple requests with the correct information. For instance, the following should produce three separate responses:
where foo initiates a coroutine with the parameters inside. If all requested separately, then it returns the proper results. However, if requested as a block, it will only return foo(c)'s result. Now, I understand the reasoning behind this, but I cannot find a way to make it return all three results when requested as a block. To help understand this problem a bit, here's the actual code:
function background_weather()
local loc = url.escape(querystring)
weatherpage = http.request("http://api.wunderground.com/api/004678614f27ceae/conditions/q/" .. loc .. ".json")
wresults = json.decode(weatherpage)
--process some stuff here, mainly datamining
--send datamined information as a response
And the creation of the coroutine:
function getweather ()
-- see if backgrounder running
if background_task == nil or
coroutine.status (background_task) == "dead" then
-- not running, create it
background_task = coroutine.create (background_weather)
-- make timer to keep it going
AddTimer ("tickler", 0, 0, 1, "",
timer_flag.Enabled + timer_flag.Replace,
end -- if
end -- function
The querystring variable is set with the initial request. I didn't include it here, but for the sake of testing, use 12345 as the querystring variable. The timer is something that the original author of the script initialized to check if the coroutine was still running or not, poking the background every second until done. To be honest, I'm not even sure if I've done this correctly, though it seems to run asynchronously in the program.
So, is it possible to receive multiple requests in one block and return multiple responses, correctly? Or is this far too much a task for Lua to handle?
Coroutines don't work like that. They are, in fact, blocking.
The problem coroutines resolve is "I want to have a function I can execute for a while, then go back to do other thing, and then come back and have the same state I had when I left it".
Notice that I didn't say "I want it to keep running while I do other things"; the flow of code "stops" on the coroutine, and only continues on it when you go back to it.
Using coroutines you can modify (and in some cases facilitate) how the code behaves, to make it more evident or legible. But it is still strictly single-threaded.
Remember that what Lua implements must be specified by C99. Since this standard doesn't come with a thread implementation, Lua is strictly single-threaded by default. If you want multi-threading, you need to hook it to an external lib. For example, luvit hooks Luajit with the libuv lib to achieve this.
A couple good references:
Chapter 9.4 of Programming in Lua contains a fairly good example of how to deal with this exact problem, using coroutines and LuaSocket's socket.select() function to prevent busylooping.
Unfortunately I don't believe there's any way to use the socket.http functions with socket.select; the code in the PiL example is often all you'll need, but it doesn't handle some fairly common cases such as the requested URL sending a redirect.

How do you make a combo of two emotes in lua in World of Warcraft work?

How do you make a combo of two emotes in lua in World of Warcraft work?
function Button2_OnClick()
I am using Wow Addon Studio to make a fart application on Wow.
I used this function, and only the sit motion showed, and beckon and moon only showed on the chat window. The dance emote didn't show up anywhere.
Blizzard has explicitly prohibited anything that can be used to make lua wait or pause because it is an essential ingredient to making a gold mining or grinding bot.
There isn't a native (i.e. lua only) way to have lua wait without using all the CPU. Outside of the WOW client, you'd use win.sleep or some other 3rd party API call that calls into the host application or operating systems threading functions.
It may be possible to simulate a wait by having code execute on a frequent event (such as text arriving at the chat window) and then in the event handler checking to see if enough time has passed to permit executing the next command in the sequence. This probably wouldn't be a very accurate timer and it would be rather complex as you'd have to create a data structure to hold the sequence of commands, the timings between each, the current command, etc. and so on.
This may be an intentional limitation of the API to prevent in game automation (botting).
What has worked for me is to have a global variable that is incremented through the loop. Such as
Integer count = 0;
function Button2_OnClick()
What you would have to do then is to click the button multiple times, but you would get the effect you're going for.
I would suggest you wait some time before doing the next emote. As far as I know, the server disconnects you if you spam too much. This might just trigger it sometimes.
Besides that, I guess maybe the client has a way of preventing it? In either case, I would suggest you add some sort of fraction-of-a-second delay between the emotes.
Amit Ron
Could it be that the last two can't be done while sitting?
infact, integer i = 0, because defining integer 'count' and then using i is incorrect. :)
