Toggle Custom UITableViewCell Radio Button - ios

I have a custom cell where it displays a table like structure with multiple columns.
Each row has a column that is a button that will perform different tasks.
My issue is trying to get the middle column to communicate its state with the other rows.
Initially everything will be grey (not selected) but, when I tap the middle column button, the state will be green. When I select a different row that button will turn green and the previous row would be grey.
Again, each column in the row is a button that does something different (i.e. the right button loads up a modal view). I have tried to use
didSelectRowAtIndexPath but, with the overlapping custom views it does not seem to read the selection.
Any help would be appreciated


Appcelerator ListView transparent row selection?

I've made an app (for iOS) that shows a ListView with product information on it.
On the left of the row, I have a button to add the product to the orderlist. However when I click the button, the entire row changes color. I don't want this, I want the row to stay the same when it is clicked.
I've tried to set the allowSelection property to 'false', but then the 'itemclick' event doesn't fire anymore, so that's not the solution.
I also tried to set the selectedBackgroundColor property to 'transparent', but this still changed the color of the row when the button is clicked.
Is there any easy solution to this? Thanks.
Use "selectionStyle" property of the cell class, example shown below,
cell.selectionStyle = .none
By this usage the selection will occur but it wont change the color on highlighting(selecting state) of the cell.

Right to Left form with XLForm in iOS

I have two questions:
How can I create a Right to Left form in XLForm (Right label and
Left TextField or other widgets) I tried to get the label or text
field frame but that wasn't helpful.
How can I create a multi valued table with reorder and delete
actions that last button perform a segue and then the result creates
a new row. Assume I want to add multiple pictures and the last row
of table is "Add New" button. but my problem is a delete sign will
appear at the left of that row too. On the other hand I don't want
to add a row like a text filed but I want to set a segue result as
new row.

Conditionally formatting multiple rows with the same conditions

I am looking to format 500+ rows of data and essentially, G5-K5 (in every row) needs to be highlighted a light color (any color) if J5 equals "Regular".
This same condition will exist in every row, so it should be simple - but I am not an excel master by any means. I just don't think it's necessary to create 500+ conditions for each row!
That is actually pretty simple.
You right click one of the cells to do the formatting(one with
regular for example) and select Conditional Formatting on the menu.
Then you make sure the Range is the cell you right clicked, select
"The text is exactly" in the list and type "Regular in the field
under it.
Select the color under that field and press the blue button.
After that you just need to press the paint format tool(the paint
roll) and drag all the cells you want to have the same
behaviour(probably the entire column of the right clicked cell).

How to select just one row, prevent to unselect item in singleselect mode

My question is very simple but I really didn't find any solution here.
I have a Table setSelectable(true), setMultiselect(false), setImmediate(true).
It works fine by first click and moving through the table using arrows.
But if I click again to the row already having been selected,
then it becomes unselected. How to prevent it?
I'd like to have kept just one row always selected.
As from the Vaadin Book here:
If the user clicks on an already selected item, the selection will deselected and the table property will have null value. You can disable this behaviour by setting setNullSelectionAllowed(false) for the table.

how to edit text in uitableview cells by toggling section visibility

I have a uitableview with multiple sections. I want to let user edit all rows of one section. The text is originally displayed with UILabels in section (Say section B). Is it possible to do something like this?
Add an extra section (Say section C) with UITextView, and the same content as section B, But keep it hidden.
Add an edit button somewhere so when user hits it, Section B hides, Section C shows up with two option buttons (Update, Cancel).
Depending on what they choose, perform the action (say submit to server if Update is clicked, or Cancel and move to step 4 if cancel button is pressed)
Hide the editable section C, Show section B (with new content if edited).
OR is there a better way to do this?
