Acessing Weights of LSTM Cell in Tensorflow - machine-learning

How do i get the weights of an LSTM Cell. I would like to assign the weights of this to another LSTM Cell in another network, i.e copy contents.
If this was normal weights, i would do,..)

You could do this using tf.get_variable function.
All you need is the names of those variables.
You can get them by running something like this:
for v in tf.global_variables():


How to add new vector to Keras embedding matrix

I am using an embedding layer for a categorical data column in Keras.
My understanding is that an embedding layer is simply a matrix which consist of trainable vectors, each mapped to an index.
My problem
After training finished, I want to add a new index-vector pair to the embedding matrix.
(The vector is generated by me, no training involved at this stage.)
How do I do this?
I wish to use the newly added embedding in predictions as well.
keras.layers.Embedding(number_of_categories, embedding_size, input_length=1)
I am especially stuck, since number of categories are coded in the model architecture. Is there any way around this?

image augmentation of keras, how it works?

I am reading Fit generator and data augmentation in keras, but there are still something that I am not quite sure about image augmentation in keras.
(1) In datagen.flow(), we also set a batch_size. I know batch_size is needed if we do mini-batch training, so are these two batch_size values the same, i mean, if we indicate batch_size in flow() generator, are we assuming we will do mini-batch training with the same batch_size?
Let me assume the size of training set is 10,000. I guess the only difference between model.fit_generator() and at each epoch is that, for the former one, we are using 10,000 of randomly transformed images, rather than the original 10,000 ones. But for other epochs, we are using another 10,000 images which are totally different than those used in the first epoch, because all the images are randomly generated. Is it right?
It is like we are always using new images at each epoch, which is different from the ordinary case, when the same set of images are used at each epoch.
I am new to this area. Please help!
the 1st question:the answer is YES.
the 2nd question:yes we are always using new images at each epoch,if we use data augmentation in model.fit_generator()

What's the difference between LSTM() and LSTMCell()?

I've checked the source code for both functions, and it seems that LSTM() makes the LSTM network in general, while LSTMCell() only returns one cell.
However, in most cases people only use one LSTM Cell in their program. Does this mean when you have only one LSTM Cell (ex. in simple Seq2Seq), calling LSTMCell() and LSTM() would make no difference?
LSTM is a recurrent layer
LSTMCell is an object (which happens to be a layer too) used by the LSTM layer that contains the calculation logic for one step.
A recurrent layer contains a cell object. The cell contains the core code for the calculations of each step, while the recurrent layer commands the cell and performs the actual recurrent calculations.
Usually, people use LSTM layers in their code.
Or they use RNN layers containing LSTMCell.
Both things are almost the same. An LSTM layer is a RNN layer using an LSTMCell, as you can check out in the source code.
About the number of cells:
Alghout it seems, because of its name, that LSTMCell is a single cell, it is actually an object that manages all the units/cells as we may think. In the same code mentioned, you can see that the units argument is used when creating an instance of LSTMCell.

Mood classification using libsvm

I want to apply SVM on audio data det. I am extarcting difftrent features from the speech signal. After reducing the dimention of this matrix, I am still getting a features in matix form. Can anyone help me regarding the data formating
should i have to convert the feature matix in a row vector? Can i assign same label to each row of one feature matrix and other label to the rows of other matrix?
Little bit ambiguous question but let me try to resolve your problem. For feature selection, you can use filter method, wrapper method etc. One popularly used method is principle component analysis. Once you select your feature you can directly feed them to the classifier. In your case, i guess you are getting lower dimensional representation of your training data (for example, if you have used SVD). In this case, its fine, now you can use it for SVM classification.
What did you mean by adding label to feature matrix? You can add label to the training instances, not the features. I guess you are talking about separate matrix for each of the class labels. If that is the case, yes you can use as you want but remember it depends on the model design.

Gradient decent on the inputs of a pre-trained neural network to achieve a target y-value

I have a trained neural network which suitably maps my inputs to my outputs. Is it then possible to specify a desired y output and then use a gradient decent method to determine the optimum input values to get that output?
When using backpropegation, the partial derivative of a weight is used with error function to proportionally adjust the weights; is there a way to do something similar with the input values themselves and a target y value?
A neural network is basically a complex mathematical function. By adjusting the weights you basically adjust that function's parameters. Given that, your question is if you can easily and automatically invert the function. I don't think this can be done easily.
I think that the only thing you can do is to create another inverted network and train it with inverted data.
