iOS NavigationController - Best Practice - ios

I'm new to iOS programming and was wondering, should you only use a navigation controller if your entire app will be embedded in it? I've embedded view controllers for login/signup screens and was wondering for the actual game play controllers, is it bad practice to navigate to an entirely new view controller? Or should I push to another screen in the navigation controller to start a new game etc...
Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I think that the best practice to use UINavigationController is to use them whenever you want to able the user to go back, and/or if you want to add bar buttons to it (For example to add new items, to perform a search, to open settings, and so on).
You can even work with several navigation controllers in the same application according to your needs. You want to understand first the flow that your application will have.


How to present navigation controller from a seperate viewcontroller

I am building an Onboarding/Welcome screen for my app, but the problem is that my app has a tab bar, so my Onboarding somehow interferes with that and doesn't look like a seamless interface. My solution is to put the Onboarding thing on a separate view controller and once a user is done with that screen, it presents the navigation controller and all of ITS views. I have done some research on this, but I'm still lost. If you have any other ideas, or have solutions, please let me know, thanks.
Here is what I want to achieve:
In order to do this in a way that looks nice and works well you should not be pushing or presenting the tab bar but updating the root view controller of the whole window.
I can’t provide a code example right now but there will be several online sources for this.
You should be changing the view controller so it essentially toggles the app between “logged in” and “logged out”.
That way you don’t have to worry about how to get from one to the other. They act separately just dealing with their own stuff.

Programmatically transitioning between two UIViewControllers (Xcode 9, Swift 4)

The app I am currently working on requires that I do not use ANY storyboards. Therefore I need to do everything programmatically. One thing I seem to be struggling with is switching between two UIViewControllers.
The issue is that every time I call the self.present() method; it creates a brand new instance of the class I would like to show. So when I go into Xcode's visual debugger, I see over 15 different views that are all stacked and are merely instantiations of one another. Ex: View1, View2, View1, View2, View1, View2, View1... This constant repetition of the views is significantly hurting the performance of my app. So my question:
Is there a way that I can switch between my two UIViewControllers without constantly creating a new instance of each one?
Again, I am doing all of this with ALL storyboards DELETED. So the solution I necessary needs to be implemented using ONLY code.
I think you should create main ViewController.
if you keep your two instance view controller, create two controller in mainViewController. Then keep that in main viewController.
And push view controller you want to present in navigation of main view controller
if you want to change second view controller pop navigation controller and push another, or just push other controller.
if you want keep your instance view controller i think it's best option for you
I think that it is really important to realize the fact that the view controller will show up multiple times in the debugger because that is something that can throw off the performance of the app. I really like the way you mention that in your comment. This is one of the main differences that can outstand you from another programmer in the same field. One of the most easiest and simple ways to fix this problem would be using the self.dismiss() method. Another way to dismiss this view controller would be to use a navigation controller to fix this problem. A navigation controller will push the main view controller out of the way and it will not create multiple instances of it. This will be the most efficient as it doesn't require a lot of code and a mere initialization of the UINavigationController class implemented in the UIKit. This is one of the most important tools and resources that you must make use of while coding in xcode and developing your skills in the swift ios field. Since this problem is not one of the most common to find on the internet, it is very beneficial for you to post it on this forum page and will really be helpful for some other programmers unaware of such methods and ways to code. One of the questions that I have for you is the fact that you don't want to use storyboards. Why don't you want to use storyboards and only make it proGrAMitcally? This is one of the very questions that manages to astound me. The storyboard is an implementation that makes it very easy for xcode and swift users to work around the tedious work that has to be done while working in the coding aspect. It only takes a few lines of code and you can get a seGu done very easily. The switch is very easily done and you can find this method on some youtube channels. For this type of work, I recommend VigneshSriniswami Patel and ShaniLakshmiVishnuJiSwami, these content creators will help guide you to becoming an xcode master.
Hope I helped!

Convert a Single View to Tabbed App in iOS/Xcode

I have a few simple apps that are single view. I want to add a 'Info' tab for some instructions, support details, etc.
What is the easiest way to do this? Create new Tabbed Apps and copy the existing code in, or edit the current single view apps? I would prefer if the latter was possible.
I achieved the same in <5 seconds with the below xCode menu option: Tab Bar Controller.
I kept my ViewController classes so my main.storyboard looked like this:
Without understanding more about your current setup your question can't really be answered with any kind of accuracy.
Having said that it's easy enough to add a UITabBarController to an existing app, really all you need to do is change the initial view controller.
I presume you haven't tried searching for an example...
Implementing UITabBarController in code:

Good way in iOS to have a view outside a UITabViewController

I'm just getting back into iOS development after a year or so away and am looking for a way to have a single view above or below a UITabViewController view. The idea is to have one ad view that is used throughout the app instead of one on each tab. The constant reinitializing of the ad view seems like it would be a lot of overhead so having one persist throughout would seem to be more effective.
I've searched for this but not found much of anything so even a useful link would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I see several approaches here:
Since you are setting up your view hierarchy in your application's delegate, I'd suggest creating a separate UIViewController and managing it from your app delegate. That way you can show/hide it in the main UIWindow, without having to do much work.
You can subclass UITabBarController and show the ad in the visible view controller. This is more work, but your app architecture is arguably cleaner, because your app delegate doesn't get cluttered with ad-related code.
Another option is to look into a UIViewController category, where you can manage add related code. Not necessarily the cleanest, but it keeps the ads out of both your app delegate, and your tab bar controller. (You'd add the ad view as a category property via runtime level calls and associate objects, but that gets messy.)
I'd probably go with the first approach if it were me, but I could argue for either of the other two approaches, since an ad view doesn't really necessitate it's own view controller.
How about create a parent view controller and each view controller inherits from that parent view controller? Parent view controller has a ad view or table view, so every child view controller will has those two view as well.
Okay, after spending some time trying to create and manage a customer view controller for this I stumbled on the Container View Controller capability Apple added in iOS 5. I have no need to support iOS 4 or earlier so this works good for me. There's a good description of it here (unfortunately the author never wrote part 2 with a tutorial):
Container View Controller description
And a decent tutorial is available here:
Container View Controller tutorial
Between the two of these I was able to create a good setup with an AdViewController and BodyViewController (TabBarController) contained in a Container View Controller. This gives me all the capabilities I need (at least so far).

Best way to combine UI Navigation Controller with UITabBar Controller?

I'm at a point in the development of the app I'm working on where in order to complete the assignments given to me, it seems like the best way to accomplish what I need is to combine a UINavigationController with a UITabBarController.
Structurally, the app has a home page, and the rest of the app is navigated through the UITabBarController. This is a sound design for the original, but when I took over the development process of this, I had to make a lot of additions to the app, and there's technically supposed to be a "second" section which adds extra "features" if you will that aren't necessarily related to the main functionality of the app itself.
Basically, since everything begins at the Overview, the user is supposed to have a choice between just diving into the app itself, or using some of these extra features. I'm thinking the Navigation Controller would be fitting for the extra features, but I'm not sure how I can add to it.
What I need to know is - is this solution to the problem sound? If so, what's a good way to accomplish this? Is it ok to have a separate UIWindow class to link the Navigation Controller up with the TabBar Controller?
Granted, this app has used a lot of nib files, and every time I've tried to do something programmatically, it just hasn't worked. Thus, if someone could point out a NIB method of achieving this, I'd appreciate it.
According to Apple recommendation, UITabBarController should always be the root view controller of your app. So basically your main view is just one tab of your tab view controller, and so you just need to embed your main view controller in a navigation controller. This way you can navigate to whatever page you wish within that tab using the navigation controller, or you can go to other tabs using the tabbar controller.
