Troubles using the styles [duplicate] - delphi

Create a new VCL Forms application
On the main form add a Tbutton and a TSaveDialog
Set "ofOverwritePrompt" to True in properties for the SaveDialog1
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Run the app. Press the button to execute the save dialog. Try to save to a file that already exists.
A message box appears if you want to replace the file. Press cancel. All fine so far. Close the app.
Go to Project/Options/Application/Appearance and select a Custom style (e.g. Amakrits). Set Amakrits as the default style.
Run the app as in #5 above. Only a small bit of the message box will be shown. You will have to press Enter to be able to continue.
(Using a TFileSaveDialog will give the same result)
If I compile and run the app using Delphi XE8 it will be ok since the save dialog window seems to use the default windows style even if another style is chosen.
I have Windows 10 pro. Source compiled as win32 with Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
The replace message box is partly hidden. Only a small top left part is shown, see figure.
And here it is compiled with XE8 win32:
Ps. I am using the default 100% scale factor.
Compiling with win64 (Delphi 10.1 Berlin) seems to be ok:
So, compiling to win32 does not work for me, but 64-bit will. Any clues?
Edit: Trying with "GetSaveFileName(OFN)" will also not work for me in win32 (win 64 is ok):

You can avoid this issue using the dialog styling code of the VCL Styles Utils project.
Just Add these units to your project.
Vcl.Styles.Utils.Menus, //Popup and Shell Menus (class #32768)
Vcl.Styles.Utils.Forms, //dialogs box (class #32770)
Vcl.Styles.Utils.StdCtrls, //buttons, static, and so on
Vcl.Styles.Utils.ComCtrls, //SysTreeView32, SysListView32
Vcl.Styles.Utils.ScreenTips, //tooltips_class32 class
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm26.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
UseLatestCommonDialogs := false;

I cannot confirm the problem, and all looks well here, (32 bit executalbe, themed with Amakrits, compiled with 10.1 Berlin, on Windows 7, 100% scaling) but you could try this:
uses ... Winapi.CommDlg;
OFN: TOpenFileName;
FillChar(OFN, SizeOf(OFN), 0);
OFN.lStructSize := SizeOf(OFN);
OFN.nMaxFile := MAX_PATH;
The result is an Amakrits-themed, new Explorer-like save dialog, which works fine (for me). Only the two round, blue "back" and "forth" (<- and ->) buttons at the top left of the dialog look a little weird.
But I did not try this with custom scaling settings (e.g. Medium 125% in the Control Panel -> Display panel, etc.). I think this could influence such things.
I just tried to use SaveDialog1 (commenting out the OFN code above) with custom Display scaling (125%). All looked fine, so that is not it. Also when I use the OFN code, all looks fine (actually, better, i.e. no XP style dialog, but a real Explorer-like dialog instead).

If I set "Enable High-DPI" to true in Project/Options/Application it will work (replace box properly displayed). Disabling it will cause the problem (both in win32 and win64).

For the record, I had exactly the same problem (Delphi 10.1 Berlin, compiling on Windows 10 64 bit, 100% screen settings, compiled for 32 bit target). Enabling or disabling High-DPMI awareness didn't help.
A workaround is to disable styles for dialog boxes before executing the TSaveDialog (or TOpenDialog) like this:
TStyleManager.SystemHooks := TStyleManager.SystemHooks - [shDialogs];
The file dialog itself will still be themed. You will get standard Windows-style message boxes in case an overwrite prompt (or create prompt) pops up, but they will be large enough for the user to read and click them. After the file dialog has finished, you can enable styled dialogs again by re-adding shDialogs to SystemHooks if needed.


Property "ofOverwritePrompt" for TSaveDialog does not work when VCL Styles are used in Delphi 10.1 Berlin

Create a new VCL Forms application
On the main form add a Tbutton and a TSaveDialog
Set "ofOverwritePrompt" to True in properties for the SaveDialog1
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Run the app. Press the button to execute the save dialog. Try to save to a file that already exists.
A message box appears if you want to replace the file. Press cancel. All fine so far. Close the app.
Go to Project/Options/Application/Appearance and select a Custom style (e.g. Amakrits). Set Amakrits as the default style.
Run the app as in #5 above. Only a small bit of the message box will be shown. You will have to press Enter to be able to continue.
(Using a TFileSaveDialog will give the same result)
If I compile and run the app using Delphi XE8 it will be ok since the save dialog window seems to use the default windows style even if another style is chosen.
I have Windows 10 pro. Source compiled as win32 with Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
The replace message box is partly hidden. Only a small top left part is shown, see figure.
And here it is compiled with XE8 win32:
Ps. I am using the default 100% scale factor.
Compiling with win64 (Delphi 10.1 Berlin) seems to be ok:
So, compiling to win32 does not work for me, but 64-bit will. Any clues?
Edit: Trying with "GetSaveFileName(OFN)" will also not work for me in win32 (win 64 is ok):
You can avoid this issue using the dialog styling code of the VCL Styles Utils project.
Just Add these units to your project.
Vcl.Styles.Utils.Menus, //Popup and Shell Menus (class #32768)
Vcl.Styles.Utils.Forms, //dialogs box (class #32770)
Vcl.Styles.Utils.StdCtrls, //buttons, static, and so on
Vcl.Styles.Utils.ComCtrls, //SysTreeView32, SysListView32
Vcl.Styles.Utils.ScreenTips, //tooltips_class32 class
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm26.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
UseLatestCommonDialogs := false;
I cannot confirm the problem, and all looks well here, (32 bit executalbe, themed with Amakrits, compiled with 10.1 Berlin, on Windows 7, 100% scaling) but you could try this:
uses ... Winapi.CommDlg;
OFN: TOpenFileName;
FillChar(OFN, SizeOf(OFN), 0);
OFN.lStructSize := SizeOf(OFN);
OFN.nMaxFile := MAX_PATH;
The result is an Amakrits-themed, new Explorer-like save dialog, which works fine (for me). Only the two round, blue "back" and "forth" (<- and ->) buttons at the top left of the dialog look a little weird.
But I did not try this with custom scaling settings (e.g. Medium 125% in the Control Panel -> Display panel, etc.). I think this could influence such things.
I just tried to use SaveDialog1 (commenting out the OFN code above) with custom Display scaling (125%). All looked fine, so that is not it. Also when I use the OFN code, all looks fine (actually, better, i.e. no XP style dialog, but a real Explorer-like dialog instead).
If I set "Enable High-DPI" to true in Project/Options/Application it will work (replace box properly displayed). Disabling it will cause the problem (both in win32 and win64).
For the record, I had exactly the same problem (Delphi 10.1 Berlin, compiling on Windows 10 64 bit, 100% screen settings, compiled for 32 bit target). Enabling or disabling High-DPMI awareness didn't help.
A workaround is to disable styles for dialog boxes before executing the TSaveDialog (or TOpenDialog) like this:
TStyleManager.SystemHooks := TStyleManager.SystemHooks - [shDialogs];
The file dialog itself will still be themed. You will get standard Windows-style message boxes in case an overwrite prompt (or create prompt) pops up, but they will be large enough for the user to read and click them. After the file dialog has finished, you can enable styled dialogs again by re-adding shDialogs to SystemHooks if needed.

Delphi ActiveX MSTSCLib

I'm trying to play around with some Delphi ActiveX library for MS-RDP (mstscax.dll), so I imported the library into my project, and started looking for some codes snippets on the web. On a first look, it's pretty obvious, but the lack of examples makes it a little complex.
First the library gives an error on Delphi Seattle, on this line:
property ConnectWithEndpoint: POleVariant1 write Set_ConnectWithEndpoint;
Ok, I commented this line out (not the best solution, I know), but it compiled. Later I tried to change POleVariant1 to OleVariant only, and still compiling.
Ok, after compiled, I tried this code:
Form1: TForm1;
RDP: TMsRdpClient8NotSafeForScripting;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
RDP:= TMsRdpClient8NotSafeForScripting.Create(Nil);
RDP.Server:= 'xxxx';
RDP.AdvancedSettings8.RDPPort:= 3389;
RDP.UserName:= 'terminal';
RDP.AdvancedSettings8.ClearTextPassword:= '123456';
if RDP.Connected.ToBoolean = true then
I tried some different types for the var RDP, like TMsRdpClient8 only, but still the same problem:
It don't even try to connect! While looking on the sniffer, no tcp connections are made, just nothing happens and the "error" message appears. Any idea about how to work with this guy?
This question intrigued me so I tried to import that ActiveX control and try it myself. It seems to work for me, so I'll explain what I did.
I imported the mstscax.dll ActiveX control then added it to a new package in order to install components onto the tool palette. I immediately ran into the error you did with the ConnectWithEndpoint property. I changed the type in the declaration to OleVariant because the Set_ConnectWithEnpoint property setter function takes an OleVariant. There is clearly something about the type information that our ActiveX importer code is getting confused by. Either way, that change got the file to compile and install the component package. There are now a bunch of TMsRdpClientXXXX components.
Created a new VCL Forms project, then dropped the TMsRdpClient9 component into the form. Added a TButton and then added this code into the button's OnClick handler:
MsRdpClient91.Server := '<some remote server>';
MsRdpClient91.Domain := '';
MsRdpClient91.UserName := 'abauer';
Once I ran the app, and pressed the button, it connected and the content of the ActiveX control showed the remote server login screen just fine.
I'm running Windows 10, build 10565.
Here's what I'm seeing on my little app I wrote:

Delphi TButton component styling

I just want to apologize in advanced if this question is already in another thread. I am also relatively new to Delphi.
Today I have seen an example Delphi program that has TButton components on it. The buttons have a pulsating blue effect that I assume is part of the Windows styling. There is absolutely no code written to make the button this way. I have searched for a possible setting, but to no avail.
Note: The buttons makes the effect at run-time and there is no custom components installed.
If someone could give me some information about how to do this without code, maybe just a setting would be great.
I am using Delphi 7 (2002).
Delphi Firemonkey (FMX) component framework has a TColorAnimation for which you can set properties like Duration, StartValue, StopValue, trigger etc. The FMX framework was introduced in Delphi XE2.
Blinking button demo
Now that you have clarified that you use Delphi 7 (please remember in future to indicate the version), here's an alternative that works in Delphi 7 (FMX is not compatible with Delphi 7)
b: boolean;
procedure TForm9.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
b := not b;
if b then
Button1.Perform(BM_SETSTATE, 0, 0)
Button1.Perform(BM_SETSTATE, 1, 0);
Flashing is controlled by a TTimer, e.g 500 ms.
However, this doesn't fulfill your requirement of "There is absolutely no code written to make the button this way.", but I'm not aware of any way to achieve that.

Delphi7 Font dialog outdated on Windows 7

Left - dialog of Win7 of modern apps
Right - dialog of Win7 of my Delphi7 app
How to make my dlg modern? (How to patch Delphi7)
The offending part for the new dialog to be shown, for Windows 7 and later, is the callback. Here's a quote from "Font Dialog Box":
If you enable a hook procedure without creating a custom template, the
default ChooseFont template for earlier Windows versions will be
You can eliminate the hook procedure by modifying a copy of "dialogs.pas" and putting it in your source folder for the current project.
function TFontDialog.Execute: Boolean;
// Flags := Devices[FDevice] or (CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT or CF_ENABLEHOOK);
Flags := Devices[FDevice] or CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT;
// hWndOwner := Application.Handle;
hWndOwner := GetActiveWindow;
The latter modification is for displaying the dialog in a reasonable place. Once the hook procedure is disabled, the VCL will not be able to center the dialog. You will also lose "Apply" button functionality and other events (OnShow/Close).

Use TStatusBar style and graphical effects within TTabSet control

OS: Windows XP Pro SP3
As you see - in left side is located StatusBar
Control ; In right side - TabSet Control.
What approach you would suggest to "copy" StatusBar style ( dynamic darkening of Top and Button ) into TabSet Control? Colour manipulations like clNone or AlphaBlend do not work ... and TransparentColor prop is not available either ...
Again I am too puzzled because there is a lot of options ( imho ) to choose from, but I do not know possible side-effects and level of compatibility in various Windows versions.
Thank you very very very much for any help.
P.S. Sorry if it is hard to notice
issue I am experiencing in my little
image above, BUT if I would resize it, It
would lose quality and there might be
problems notice anything at all ..
Rephrasing the Question
StatusBar1 is Parent of TabSet1. Now it looks like this ( wrong ):
I must achieve this StatusBar1.Panels[0] and TabSet1 look ( correct ):
I also tried to use psOwnerDraw technique ( ) for StatusBar1.Panels[0] and get this result:
I tried the following in Turbo Delphi:
Create a new VCL app.
Drop a TStatusBar and a TTabSet on the form.
Add the following OnCreate handler:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
StatusBar1.SimplePanel := True;
StatusBar1.SimpleText := 'Hallo';
TabSet1.SetBounds(30, 0, TabSet1.Width, StatusBar1.Height); // Replace the 204
TabSet1.ParentBackground := True;
TabSet1.SoftTop := True;
TabSet1.Style := tsSoftTabs;
TabSet1.Parent := StatusBar1;
Add XPMan to Unit1's uses clause.
Run the app under XP. This gives me the following form:
Is this what you want?
You have two basic ways to accomplish this:
Do it the way that the control you're copying does it, which means, invoke the XP Theming engine. You should be aware if you do it this way, that this effect is conditional, and only shown on systems that (a) support and (b) have themes enabled, so any user who has chosen the Windows Classic Theme (Windows 2000 era look and feel) will not see it.
Write some code to do the effects yourself. In this case, a bitmap that is carefully painted into a region on top of an owner-drawn tab. This will give you a consistent application look, but will be ignoring the users perhaps-intentional-perhaps-unintentional preferences on how the application should look.
Obviously there are tradeoffs in both approaches.
