Relay query that that depends on data from a Relay query - relayjs

I'm trying to perform a Relay query that that depends on data from another relay query
Assuming this runs under a url like /job/{jobID}
render() {
const job = this.props.job
to={job.finishDate} />
fragments: {
job: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Job {
project {
So I need to get startDate and finishDate into the fragment, something like ${TasksOutstanding.getFragment('project',{from, to})}
But these values (from to) are unknown on the initial fetch ( all I have then is the jobID)
How are people dealing with this? Should I just execute a second request on component did mount once I have the startDate and finishDate values ?

You need to create field with arguments, this is GraqhQL feature and you should be able to do it with your tool for modeling the schema.
Relay's variables also will be useful. They will solve the problem that you don't know them on initial fetch.
So declare project field with from and to arguments, query the field using arguments are return appropriate data for project field. Your container should look like this:
initialVariables: {
from: null,
to: null
fragments: {
job: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Job {
project(from: $from, to: $to) {
Then during the application life, you can set your variables using setVariables to job.startDate and job.finishDate and have proper project fetched.


How to best access data from QueryRenderer in a parent component in Relay Modern?

As you can see from the picture below, I'm rendering the popover using a react-relay QueryRenderer since the request is slow, and I do not want the rest of the page to wait for events to be fetched.
My problem is that in the navigation I have a button to show/hide the popover. That button should only be rendered when events has loaded, and the button also needs to show a count of how many events there is.
So my question is how to pass events data up from QueryRenderer (popover) to a parent component (toggle button)?
My first idea was to reuse my QueryRenderer for events and pass in dataFrom={'STORE_ONLY'}, to avoid a new HTTP request and use the cache instead, but unfortunately 'STORE_ONLY' is not an option... YET...
From looking at it seems like store-only will be supported by useQuery in the future, so is that the recommended solution to go about it, or how is the recommended way? Surely facebook, and many other applications, must have had this need frequently?
You can achieve redux-like relay store with custom handlers and local schema.
I'll be guessing what your queries, components and fields might be named like so don't forget to change it to correct values
Somewhere in project's src folder create a file ClientState.client.graphql to extend your root query type with new field for client state:
// ClientState.client.graphql
type ClientState {
showToggleButton: Boolean!
eventsCount: Int
extend type Query {
clientState: ClientState!
this will allow you to wrap Toggle button with fragment like this:
fragment ToggleButton_query on Query {
clientState {
and spread this fragment in parent query (probably AppQuery)
Then in your second query, where you'll be fetching events, add #__clientField directive, to define custom handle for that field:
query EventModal {
events #__clientField(handle: "eventsData") {
Create EventsDataHandler for handle eventsData:
// EventsDataHandler.js
// update method will be called every time when field with `#__clientField(handle: "eventsData")` is fetched
const EventsDataHandler = {
update (store, payload) {
const record = store.get(payload.dataID)
if (!record) {
// get "events" from record
const events = record.getLinkedRecord(payload.fieldKey)
// get events count and set client state values
const eventsCount = events.getValue('totalCount')
const clientState = store.getRoot().getLinkedRecord('clientState')
clientState.setValue(eventsCount, 'eventsCount')
clientState.setValue(true, 'showToggleButton')
// link "events" to record, so the "events" field in EventModal is not undefined
record.setLinkedRecord(events, payload.handleKey)
export default EventsDataHandler
Last thing to do is to assign custom (and default) handlers to environment and create init store values:
// environment.js
import { commitLocalUpdate, ConnectionHandler, Environment, RecordSource, Store, ViewerHandler } from 'relay-runtime'
import EventsDataHandler from './EventsDataHandler'
// ...
const handlerProvider = handle => {
switch (handle) {
case 'connection':
return ConnectionHandler
case 'viewer':
return ViewerHandler
case 'eventsData':
return EventsDataHandler
throw new Error(`Handler for ${handle} not found.`)
const environment = new Environment({
// set init client state values
commitLocalUpdate(environment, store => {
const FIELD_KEY = 'clientState'
const TYPENAME = 'ClientState'
const dataID = `client:${FIELD_KEY}`
const record = store.create(dataID, TYPENAME)
record.setValue(false, 'showToggleButton')
// prevent relay from removing client state
variables: {},
node: { selections: [] }
store.getRoot().setLinkedRecord(record, FIELD_KEY)

How to spy on a Falcor Data Model constructor in Jasmine 1

I am trying to mock the constructor returned by require('falcor'); I have two routes and one calls the other route using var dataModel = new falcor({source: this});
Code looks like so
var falcor = require('falcor');
module.exports = {
route: 'items',
get: function (pathSet) {
var dataModel = new falcor({source: this});
var ids = '1';
dataModel.get('itemIds', ids).then(function (response) {
// Code I can't get to in Jasmine 1.x tests
I want the constructor to return a spy so I can call Promise.resolve and send back mock data for testing purposes. I'm not sure how to do this without moving the call into another module that I can mock separately. I think some questions that may help me here are
Where do I find the constructor functions defined by modules like falcor? I have tried looking into the 'global' object but have had no luck. If I did find this constructor, could I just replace it with a spyOn(global, 'falcor').andReturn(/* object with a mocked get method*/); ?
Is there a better way that makes testing easier to call a route from inside another route?
Thanks for any help.
To start w/ question 2: yes, to get data from another route, return refs to that route. Don't instantiate another model w/i the route. E.g.
const itemsRoute = {
route: 'items[{keys:indices}]',
get(pathSet) {
// map indices to item ids, likely via DB call
// in this case, SomeDataModel handles network requests to your data store and returns a promise
return SomeDataModel.getItemsByIndices(pathSet.indices)
.then(ids =>, idx) => ({
path: ['items', pathSet.indices[idx]],
value: {
$type: 'ref',
value: ['itemById', id]
const itemByIdRoute = {
route: 'itemById[{keys:ids}].name',
get(pathSet) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
resolve( => ({
path: ['itemById', id, 'name'],
value: {
$type: 'atom',
value: `I am item w/ id ${id}`
When a request comes in for (e.g.) [items, 2, name], it will hit the first items route, resolve [items, 2] to [itemById, someId], and resolve the remaining name key in the itemsById route.
As for question 1: rather than mocking falcor, just mock whatever you are using to make the remote call to your data source. In the above case, just mock SomeDataModel

Strategy for modifying a route parameter dynamically within the app

I'm developing a simple app that fetches the weekly lunch menu from a server. The query looks something like:
query {
lunchMenu(date: $date) {
I've defined a Route like so:
class LunchRoute extends Relay.Route {
static queries = {
lunchMenu: () => Relay.QL`
query { lunchMenu(date: $date) }
static paramDefinitions = {
date: {required: false},
static routeName = 'LunchRoute';
I want the user to be able to select the date within the app via a datepicker and I've developed a LunchBrowser component which does that and renders the lunch menu. In index.js I have:
const lunchRoute = new LunchRoute({date: new Date()});
The question is: how do I communicate a change in the date selection (from the LunchBrowser component) up one level so that I can modify the 'date' parameter in the Route and re-render?
I suppose I could have the LunchBrowser fire off some window event that is caught in index.js that does this, but this seems very wrong in that communication is flowing "up" from a lower-level component outside of React.
Or should I redefine my schema such that lunchMenu(date: $date) is pushed down one level? As in:
query {
lunch {
lunchMenu(date: $date) {
in which case lunch(date: $date) can be pushed down into LunchBrowserContainer's fragment and I no longer have to worry about dynamically modifying the Route's parameter.

I am confused Relay.QL fragments, Relays' queries and routes?

I am following a relay tutorial and I am confused with this part of the code:
exports.Container = Relay.createContainer(ConferenceApp, {
/* 1st id on mock database */
initialVariables: {
userToShow: 1
fragments: {
user: () => Relay.QL`
/* what is this fragment on 'User'? does this has to be the name on/from the UserType Schema or this could be anything? */
fragment on User {
conferences(userToShow: $userToShow) {
edges {
node {
exports.queries = {
name: 'ConferenceQueries',
params: {}, // what is params purpose here?
queries: {
user: () => Relay.QL`query { user }` // why do we have this user query when we have the query above?, what is this user field?
And on the app root, I've read this in docs, I just need to have a strong grasp, I am having OCD with this
route={ConferenceApp.queries} // is this something like react router? :/
onReadyStateChange={({error}) => { if (error) console.error(error) }} />
I put my questions on comments to specifically point out. Would really appreciate explanation on those parts, thank you.
Ok then. Let me try to answer you.
1. What is this fragment on 'User'?
Well, in GraphQL, queries declare fields that exist on the root query type. On the other hand, GraphQL fragments declare fields that exist on any arbitrary type. For example, the following fragment fetches the name and conferences for some User.
2. What is params purpose here?
Get your own example. If you need to get some particular user, you need to specify the id of the user to be able to get it. So, this is why we have these params.

Breeze querying local cache with EF and Web API

I have a view with 6 drop downs. Each of which is being populated by a Web API call. I want
to use breeze to run the query locally once it has populated from the remote server
The code runs fine when the data call is against the server. The issue is when trying to query the local cache. I never get any results returned. Is my approach flawed or am I doing something wrong ?
View model
class genericDropDown()
public int value{get;set;}
public string option{get;set;}
The WebAPI [A single sample method]
// GET api/<controller>
public object GetSomeVals()
return _context.getClinician();
The Repository [A single sample method]
public IEnumerable<genericDropDown> getDropDownVal()
return context.somemodel(a=>new{,a.firstname,a.lastname}).ToList().
Select(x => new GenericDropDown
{ value =, option = x.firstname+ " " + x.lastname});}
var _manager = new breeze.EntityManager("EndPoint");
//Being called from my view model
var getDropDownBindings = function(KO1, KO2) {
//First add the entity to the local metadatastore then populate the entity
addDD('clinicianDropDown', webAPIMethod),
getData(KO1, webAPIMethod, null, 'clinicianDropDown'),
addDD('docTypeDropDown', webAPIMethod);
getData(KO2, webAPIMethod, null, 'docTypeDropDown'),
function querySucceeded(data) {
logger.log('Got drop down vals', "", 'dataContext', true);
//Add the entity to local store. First param is typename and second is
resource name (Web API method)
var addDD = function(shortName,resName) {
shortName: shortName,
namespace: "Namespace",
autoGeneratedKeyType: breeze.AutoGeneratedKeyType.Identity,
dataProperties: {
value: { dataType: DataType.Int32,
isNullable: false, isPartOfKey: true },
option: { dataType: DataType.String, isNullable: false }
return _manager.metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor(shortName, null, null);
//Get the data
var getData = function(observableArray, dataEndPoint, parameters, mapto) {
if (observableArray != null)
//TO DO: Incorporate logic for server or local call depending on
// whether this method is accessed for the first time
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from(dataEndPoint);
if (mapto != null && mapto != "")
query = query.toType(mapto);
if (parameters != null)
query = query.withParameters(parameters);
//This approach doesnt work on local querying as Jquery complains
//there is no 'then' method. Not sure how to implement promises
//when querying locally
/* return _manager.executeQuery(query).then(querySucceeded).fail(queryFailed);
function querySucceeded(data) {
if (observableArray != null)
//The array length from this query is always 0
var data = _manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
//Generic error handler
function queryFailed(error) {
logger.log(error.message, null, 'dataContext', true);
//In Durandal's activate method populate the observable arrays
dataContext.getDropDownBindings (KO1,KO2);
<select class="dropdown" data-bind="options: KO1, optionsText: 'option', value: 'value', optionsCaption: 'Clinicians'"></select>
<select class="dropdown" data-bind="options: KO2 optionsText: 'option', value: 'value', optionsCaption: 'Document Types'"></select>
You can only execute local queries against types that are described by metadata.
Without more information I can't be sure, but my guess is that your GetSomeVals method is not returning 'entities' but just loose data. In other words, the types of objects returned from the GetSomeVals method must be entities (or contain entities within a projection) in order for breeze to be able to perform a local query. This is because Breeze knows how to cache and query entities but has no ideas how to cache 'arbitrary' query results.
Note that you can return an anonymous type containing entities of different types from the server, (in order to populate mostly static small datasets), but the individual items must be 'entities'. In this case, Breeze will take apart the anon result and pick out any entities to include in the EntityManager cache.
Per you question of how to perform an local query with promises, use the FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache with the using method.
i.e. this query
var results = em.executeQueryLocally(query)
can also be expressed as:
query = query.using(FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache);
return em.executeQuery(query).then(data) {
var results = data.results;
The local query is still executed synchonously but is made to look async.
