No test result files were found using search pattern '...\**\TEST-*.xml - tfs

I am running my test in TFS (Nunit plus Visual Studio with Adapter) and I have set the build definition as below
Build succeeds but no test result file was generated
Does TFS writes this Xml file ?
2017-02-08T08:08:40.8151428Z Executing the powershell script: D:\A1\agent\tasks\PublishTestResults\1.0.20\PublishTestResults.ps1
2017-02-08T08:08:41.0963795Z ##[warning]No test result files were found using search pattern 'D:\A1_work\1\s**\TEST-*.xml'.

If the Nunit plus Visual Studio with Adapter means you have two test steps: one for unit tests and the other one for vs tests.
Please also add two "Publish Test Results" step one for Nunit format.
Also run your test manually on the build server to see if test result file .trx generated on the machine.


Run NUnit automated tests after TFBuild completes

I'm possibly in over my head here, but I've been asked to set up a scheduled Team Foundation Build for our team's branch and then after the build completes for our automated tests to be executed using NUnit.
I've had a look at a few online tutorials on setting up the build definition in TFS, but I can't seem to figure out how to call NUnit after the build is successful. I was expecting to see or find some kind of "run this command line on success" option somewhere; the best I could find is "Pre/Post-test script path", but that's related to tests like **\*test*.dll;**\*test*.appx and I'm not sure what that is.
Just knowing what to Google for would be a help, as I am at a loss now.
If you use XAML build:
You can either install the NUnit Test Adapter NuGet package in the unit test project. Or you can check the assemblies into the Build Controller's Custom Assemblies Path.
Useful article:
If you use new task based build:
You can add the NUnit Test Adapter NuGet package to your solution, and specify the path of NUnit Test Adapter NuGet package in the Path to Custom Test Adapters field in VSTest task. Check the screenshot below:
Useful article:

How to add the output of failing NUnit tests to the TFS build report?

I need to include the output of my failing tests (NUnit) on the final build report of TFS.
I've looked around and found solutions for VSTest, but not NUnit unfortunately.
you can edit the build process template xaml you use and add a custom task.
Alternatively (and arguably worse, but it's what I do) is to not modify the template xaml but to target a custom msbuild file (.proj) into which I'd run the nunit tasks. You then get your build def to build this .proj rather that a sln and it's this that runs and outputs your nunit results.

Can't run SpecFlow tests from Visual Studio with MSTest

I had this working on a previous project and now on a new project I've setup SpecFlow, got it generating tests from my feature file but I can't run the tests from the feature file and instead have to go to the code behind to run the tests. I've also installed the VS extension "Spec Flow for Visual Studio". What can I try?
as Greg suggested the first thing to check is that your config is set up correctly for ms test. you basically need this:
<unitTestProvider name="MSTest"/>
Also worth checking your generated feature.cs tests to see what unit test language they are in

NUnit tests with TFS 2013

I'm trying to get TFS to run my unit tests.
The name of the project assembly is Users.SystemTests.dll. It's located in ~/source/Users.SystemTests/bin/debug. The solution file is located in ~/source/Users.sln.
I've included the Nunit.VisualStudio.TestAdapter nuget package the in test assembly project.
The results of the build shows that the tests don't run.
What am I missing? They run fine locally via the Resharper test runner and I can also use nunit-console-x86.exe to run them.
Does this have something to do with the fact that I'm building a solution file? Maybe it's the output location being "AsConfigured?"
Ok, so I tracked this down on my own. It was twofold. The first problem was the the TestAdapter was not being output to the bin directory. The other piece was the Output Location. Setting copy local and then Output Location SingleFolder fixed the issue.
I do believe this is a bug in the tfs build. It works when you use SingleFolder or PerProject, but not AsConfigured. In the latter case the test runner don't find the testassemblies, and this is the same for both NUnit and MSTest, so it is not adapter specific.
The diagnostics log says:
Run VS Test Runner00:00:00
There were no matches for the search pattern C:\a\bin\**\*test*.dll
There were no matches for the search pattern C:\a\bin\**\*test*.appx

OpenCover not generated Nunit result

In our continuous integration process we are using Jenkins, NUnit and OpenCover.
Every Jenkins job runs NUnit and OpenCover, but OpenCover calls the NUnit batch file in order to determine code coverage; therefore NUnit is executed twice.
For example we have a first (simplified) batch:
nunit-console-x86 [PathToTestAssemblies] /xml=NunitResult.xml /noshadow /nodots /process=Separate
And we have a second batch for OpenCover:
OpenCover.Console.exe -target:"NUnit.bat" -output:"./OpenCoverResults.xml" -register -targetdir:".\bin" -coverbytest:*.dll
The problem is that OpenCover does not provide NUnit result (The NunitResult.xml file in my previous command). So in order to have less test time for every Jenkins job we want to get back the NUnit result or find a way to have the following features with OpenCover in the Jenkins job web page:
Latest Tests result from every Jenkins job, so it is easy for a developer to see the latest result.
Test result trend
Is there a way to have both NunitResult and OpenCover results from an single run of NUnit?
I finally found were was the NUnitResult.xml file. In fact it was in the folder were I put all test assemblies (ex: bin) while the Nunit batch put it at the root location.
I think this is because I use the -targetdir args with "bin" to indicate OpenCover were are my assemblies.
