Survey monkey c# console integration - surveymonkey

Please anyone provide some examples on c# Survey monkey integration console application?

Are you asking specifically on how to make API requests with C#? Or How to use the SurveyMonkey API.
The docs for the SurveyMonkey API can be found here. Just from doing some searching online, there is documentation on how to make web API requests in C# here.
There is an SDK for using the SurveyMonkey API in C# I've seen people use available here.
Hopefully any of those links can help you get started.

Use SurveyMonkeyApi NuGet package.


SurveyMonkey Metadata API availability

I am exploring SurveyMonkey APIs for version 3.
I would like to know is there any Metadat API available to get the comprehensive request-response structure for all the endpoints available for SurveyMonkey?
I could not find any such details on the documentation :
If no do you plan to support it in future.
There is no current plan at SurveyMonkey to provide a Metadata API. What is your use case for such an API?
It may be added to the roadmap if there is enough value, but currently there is no plan.

Examples using updated gdata-java-client with Oauth2?

According to the gdata-java-client library has recently (April 2012) been updated with OAuth2.0 support. I'd love to use that in a web application, to create and modify google spreadsheets. I want users of my web app to have their data stored in a google spreadsheet under their own credentials.
I'm new to using google apis, and am getting quite lost while trying to wade through examples. They all seem to refer to deprecated auth methods (oauth1 or authsub or clientlogin).
Has anyone seen any good, recent samples on how to use gdata apis with Oauth2.0 to accomplish the sort of thing I'm talking about? Thanks very much in advance. And sorry if the question is too n00by.

Foursquare and ASP.Net

does anybody work with foursquare api and, do you know some basic tutorial, how to set the environment, do I need some api, how can I make my app to conect to 4sq and ask something. I work with mvc2, and any clue on this would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
There are a couple of C# libraries available for the foursquare API, you can see the complete list here:
In terms of tutorials, you can use the interactive query viewer on the foursquare website to get a sense of the data:
(click 'try it now' and it will give you an interactive query console for the api!)
You can also get a walkthrough of how to do OAuth2 authentication on the website too:
For what it's worth, when I was first playing with the API I found it useful to test out all of my queries using cURL, then once you use a library you're already a pro.
Hope that helps?

How should I use Twitter API in java?

I want to develop a web application that uses the Twitter API.
Where can i find examples
thanks for replay. I have downloaded an app from this site - I have deployed and its running, but its giving javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'userId' not found on type twitter4j.Twitter this exception after giving log in credentials in twitter log in site. thanks in advance.
i am not able to resolve this issue. can anybody help on this
Search for 'twitter api java examples' in Google and you'll find plenty of examples.
See for an example using Twitter4J.
As a connection library, you could use
Twitter4J on
java-twitter on
JTwitter on
You can use Java Twitter - a pure Java interface for the Twitter API.
Documentation and examples are on that page too :)

Twitter Api for .NETApplications

Can any one suggest me to best C# twitter api for developing application with twitter api?. I want all the advance functionality of twitter in my application.
Twitterizer is a .NET class library that provides an easy-to-use interface for the Twitter web api. It is written for developers. It's features are easy to discover and follow a consistent design pattern.
LINQ to Twitter, if your app is LINQ-enabled.
"LINQ to Twitter is a LINQ Provider for the Twitter micro-blogging service. It uses standard LINQ syntax for queries and includes method calls for changes via the Twitter API."
I haven't used this myself, just found it when browsing and passing it on. It's interesting that if you search with the #linqtotwitter hashtag, you can see all the test tweets, which all start with "Ç".
Kindly follow the below link to get latest API for Twitter
Latest Twitter API
May I humbly suggest TweetSharp. It has full support for the API including the Search API and updates are released as soon as possible to address changes in the twitter API. (for instance, it already supports the upcoming GeoLocation APIs).
It's open source (MIT license), so you can use it free for pretty much anything you want.
Disclosure: I'm a project owner.
