UITableViewCell Constraints Not Updated - ios

I have a custom UITableViewCell with UITextView, UICollectionView and UITableView inside. They have a 10 px space between. In some cases I have only UITextView, sometimes only collection view etc.
When no text - I have to move UICollection view up by 10 px. And If I have no text, tableView and collectionView it should be zero height.
- (void)configureMiddleWrapperState
self.middleWrapperHasNote = self.noteTextView.text.length > 0;
self.noteTextViewTopConstraint.constant = self.middleWrapperHasNote ? 7.f : 0.f;
self.staffWrapperTopConstraint.constant = self.middleWrapperHasStaff ? 7.f : 0.f;
self.tagsWrapperTopConstraint.constant = self.middleWrapperHasTags ? 7.f : 0.f;
BOOL middleWrapperHasAtleastOne = self.middleWrapperHasNote || self.middleWrapperHasStaff ||
self.middleWrapperLastTenPixelSpaceConstraint.constant = middleWrapperHasAtleastOne ? 7.f : 0.f;
[self setNeedsUpdateConstraints];
- (void)layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews];
[self setExcludedPaths];
[self configureMiddleWrapperState];
The result isn't like expected:
instead of one line.
When only text is looks like expected.
Constraints become work only if I scroll up and down many times.

try add
[self setNeedsLayout];
[self setNeedsUpdateConstraints];

I've found the issue. Coz my self.middleWrapperHasTags doesn't set correctly when reuse.


How to load UITreeView in collapsed form in iOS

I'm using UITreeView by Varun Naharia in my iOS app. How can I load UITreeView in collapsed form first time app starts?
Hook the height constraint as IBOutlet and change it's constant to zero
once = NO;
self.treeViewHCon.constant = 0 ;
[self.view layoutIfNeeded ];
also set
self.treeView.clipsToBounds = YES;

UIView subview autolayout issue

I have UITableView Cell in which 4 UIViews are arranged in a vertical order like this,
In each UIView, I have two Labels like this,
I have taken a IBOutlet for Height Constraint of all of the Four UIViews and I want to make the height 0 of the view when data is not available in that view. The problem is View is not getting 0 height due to the 10 px bottom constraint of UILabel inside that View.
What i am getting is like this,
Code where constraints are handled
NSString *toName = [self jointNameFromArray:evidence.arrTo];
if ([Utility isEmptyString:toName]) {
cell.toViewHeight.constant = 0;
else {
cell.lblToName.text = toName;
NSString *fromName = [self jointNameFromArray:evidence.arrFrom];
if ([Utility isEmptyString:fromName]) {
cell.fromViewHeight.constant = 0;
else {
cell.lblFromName.text = fromName;
NSString *ccName = [self jointNameFromArray:evidence.arrCc];
if ([Utility isEmptyString:ccName]) {
cell.ccViewHeight.constant = 0;
else {
cell.lblCCName.text = ccName;
NSString *custName = [self jointNameFromArray:evidence.arrCustodian];
if ([Utility isEmptyString:custName]) {
cell.custViewHeight.constant = 0;
else {
cell.lblCustName.text = custName;
[cell layoutIfNeeded];
If you're targeting iOS 9+, I'd suggesting using UIStackView, as it does exactly what you want just by setting the .hidden property of your view to true.
If you are unable to use UIStackView, you will need to set one of the vertical padding constraints to a lower priority than the height constraint. You will also need to set .clipsToBounds to true.
Set constraint programatically and write logic as u want it is good idea and dont forgot to set layoutifnedded.

UISearchBar - internal UITextField height issue

I'm working on an app where I place a UISearchBar at the top of a UIViewController that contains a UITableViewController. The UISearchBar filters the contents of the UITableView.
I've left things alone so far (aside from customizing the colors to match my app's theme, which was hard enough!), but on anything except iPhone 4/5, the UISearchBar is dramatically too small.
Therefore, I'm trying to update the size of the font and the height of the internal UITextField.
All of this has proved remarkably difficult to accomplish, requiring quite a bit of customization. So, if you know of a library that makes this easier, please let me know in the comments.
Here's the code I'm using right now:
// In a category for UISearchBar
- (void)setup {
self.tintColor = [UIColor offWhite];
for (UIView *view in self.subviews) {
[self configureView:view];
- (void)configureView:(UIView *)view {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
CGFloat fontSize, frameHeight;
if (IS_IPHONE_4) {
fontSize = 14.0f;
frameHeight = 24.0f;
} else if (IS_IPHONE_5) {
fontSize = 14.0f;
frameHeight = 24.0f;
} else if (IS_IPHONE_6) {
fontSize = 17.0f;
frameHeight = 28.0f;
} else if (IS_IPHONE_6PLUS) {
fontSize = 20.0f;
frameHeight = 32.0f;
} else {
// iPad
fontSize = 24.0f;
frameHeight = 36.0f;
UITextField *textfield = (UITextField *)view;
textfield.font = [UIFont buttonFontOfSize:fontSize];
textfield.textColor = [UIColor offWhite];
textfield.tintColor = [UIColor offWhite];
CGRect frame = textfield.frame;
frame.origin.y = (self.frame.size.height - frameHeight) / 2.0f;
frame.size.height = frameHeight;
textfield.frame = frame;
if (view.subviews.count > 0) {
for (UIView *subview in view.subviews) {
[self configureView:subview];
Note: I structured my code this way in case Apple changes the internal structure of the UISearchBar. I didn't want to hard-code index values.
So, this code "works", in that the end result is what I desire, namely, a taller UISearchBar with text sized as specified and the internal UITextField also taller, as specified. What I don't understand is the process of getting there.
If I call [self.searchBar setup] in my general AutoLayout process, it doesn't work (the internal UITextField is the wrong height). This makes sense to me, since the frame is (0,0,0,0) until the view is actually laid out.
If I call [self.searchBar setup] in my -viewWillAppear: method, it doesn't work (the internal UITextField is the wrong height). This doesn't make sense to me, since debugging shows the frames to still be (0,0,0,0), but I thought -viewWillAppear: was called when everything was laid out and set up.
If I call [self.searchBar setup] in my -viewDidLayoutSubviews method, it "works", but the internal UITextField starts out the "normal" height and then "jumps" to the correct height some time after the view actually appears.
I set up the entire UIViewController in code, using pure AutoLayout. I simply cannot get the UISearchBar set up the way I want BEFORE the view finished loading and is displayed on screen. I've seen some funky stuff in the past, but I've always been able to force a view to render as desired. Is there something special behind the scenes with UISearchBar? Does anybody know how to get this done?
You're mixing auto-layout and manual layout (someView.frame = …) on the same view. You can't do that.
Instead, to change the height, set the constant on your view's height constraint to frameHeight. Let the auto-layout engine set the frame for you.

iOS Change Width of UIButton in UITableViewCell

In my custom UITableViewCell I have a UIButton. For a particular cell (row) object I want to change the width of the button. I tried many ways, but can't change the size of button in any ways. I am not using AutoLayout in this cell, as this button contains text and image and using auto layout am not able to set the spacing between text ands image properly.
Code of cellForRowAtIndexPath that initiates cell and calls resize function :
} else if ([text isEqualToString:#"Now"] ) { //(indexPath.row == 2) {
vcell.listDataSource = inList;
count = inList.count;
vcell.listsTableView.tag = 2;
[vcell reSizeButton];
Method in custom UITableViewCell :
-(void) reSizeButton {
CGRect btnFrame = self.button.frame;
btnFrame.size = CGSizeMake(157.0, btnFrame.size.height);
[self.button setFrame:btnFrame];
//[self.button sizeToFit];
//[self.button setNeedsDisplay];
[self.button setNeedsLayout];
Method is being called properly. As it is being called during initing cell properties, so I don't think I need to call to reload the cell.
After calling the reSizeButton method, I am calling the setText method :-
-(void) setButtonText :(NSString *) text withCount:(int)count isExpanded:(BOOL)expanded {
titleText = text;
countNums = count;
cellExpanded = expanded;
[self updateButtonText];
-(void) updateButtonText {
countNums = (int)[self.listDataSource count];
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# (%d) ", titleText, countNums ];
[self.button.titleLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"OpenSans" size:12.0] ];
[self.button setTitle:str forState:UIControlStateNormal];
//[self.button sizeToFit];
[self.button setNeedsLayout];
Maybe his be causing the problem....
Can you point where am I going wrong ? Since long am trying with this, but couldn't solve it. Thanks.
Thanks #Greg and #Grzegorz Krukowski . Thanks for your time and effort to help me.
Don't know what was the problem, but I again un-checked (which was already unchecked) AutoLayout checkbox from xib for the cell. Tried again. My Code remains same as shown in question. And it started to work as expected.
Godness, can't recognize the problem and solved the issue.

ios create 'readmore'. Let superview be dependent of subview

gaaah designing in ios gives me headache!!
So please, help me out and maby explain to me how one should think trying to come up with the solution.
I have:
As you can see the UITextField has its frame being set in storyboard to be smaller than its actual content.
Everything above the prototypecell is within a UIView that is set to be tableHeader programatically.
I want to:
Press the read more btn so that the UITextField get its actual size. No problem, I can do that with getting the contentSize programmatically. It works but it ofc overflows the tableHeader
So I thought, good. Then all I have to do is set the tableHeader to be the size of the 'new' calculated height of UITextField + height of the 2 UIImageViews.
But nope. it only resizes to the existing height set in storyboard insted. In other word, it does one or the other.
And using autolayout it totally breaks but not giving me any errors about constraints.
This seems so easy wich makes me feel so stupid haha
this is what I have i code
- (IBAction)toggleReadMore:(id)sender{
_toggleReadMoreBtn.hidden = YES;
CGRect textFrame = _cityDescription.frame;
_cityDescription.frame = textFrame;
CGRect tableHeaderViewFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.tableView.tableHeaderView.frame.size.width, _cityDescription.contentSize.height + 218.0f ); //textFrame.size.height
self.tableView.tableHeaderView.frame = tableHeaderViewFrame;
textFrame.size.height = _cityDescription.contentSize.height;
[self.tableView setTableHeaderView:self.viewForTableHeader];
please, guide me how to think
- (IBAction)readMoreBtnClicked:(UIButton *)sender
NSLog(#"Read more Btn Clicked");
NSString *stringToBeDisplayed = #"Any Text Here";
CGSize textSize=[stringToBeDisplayed sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:30]
constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(270, 500)
NSLog(#"textSize = %#",NSStringFromCGSize(textSize));
[self.textView setFrame:CGRectMake(self.textView.frame.origin.x,self.textView.frame.origin.y, textSize.width, textSize.height)];
NSLog(#"self.textView.frame = %#",NSStringFromCGRect(self.textView.frame));
[self.textView setText:stringToBeDisplayed];
[self.headerView setFrame:CGRectMake(self.headerView.frame.origin.x,self.headerView.frame.origin.y, 320, dynamicHeightCalculatedAfterTextSize)];
[self.tableView reloadData];
