How to allow users to run (but not manage) docker containers? - docker

I would like to allow users of my docker containers (on a shared Linux server) to do
docker run
But not any of the other commands: build, inspect, ...
My use case is that of wrapped applications inside containers.
I was wondering if there is a best practice for this?

Typically, you could use a sudoers configuration in order to allow to execute docker command only for docker run.
See "How can I use docker without sudo?" for the theory.
Make sure your user is not from the docker group, and use sudo to execute only docker run as root.
See as an example "sudo / su to user in a specific group"


Dockerfile hide variables (user creation)

I am trying to generate a docker image from Ubuntu 18.04.
To administrate the container I am creating a default user :
# set default user
RUN useradd -m docker && echo "docker:docker" | chpasswd && adduser docker sudo
USER docker
My problem is I would like to set a secured password on it, and my dockerfile is intended to be versioned with Git.
So my question is : is there a way to load variables in dockerfile from a .env file or anything else ?
I have seen an option on the docker run command, but not for the docker build, am I wrong ?
Anything you write in the Dockerfile can be trivially retrieved in plain text with docker history. Any file in the image can be very easily retrieved by anyone who can run any docker command. There is no way around either limitation.
Do NOT try to set user passwords for your Docker images like this. In most cases it shouldn't be necessary to formally "log in" to a container at all. Let the container run the single application process it needs to run, and don't try to set up an ssh daemon, sudo, or other things you'd have in a more complete server environment.
(You shouldn't usually need a shell inside a container; you don't for other kinds of processes like your Nginx server, for example. If you do, you can get one with docker exec, and if your main process runs as a non-root user, you can add a -u root option to be root in that shell. Again, you can't prevent an end user from being able to do this.)
If you are using a standalone container, then you can use a script with the variables and run docker RUN, or ENTRYPOINT to run the script. This would contain your password information, and then you can carry on with the build of your image.
If you are using Docker Swarm, you can use secrets, more information on the following link, and differences if you are using Windows or Linux are explained as well.

How to attach VSCode to a remote Docker container while setting the correct user

I start a Docker container with a special bash script that runs the container and then creates a user X with a dynamic name, UID and GUID in the container. I can then bash into the container and perform actions as this user X. The script also creates an 'alias' user named vscode with the same UID as the earlier created dynamic user X.
In VSCode I can attach to this container. Two questions:
How can I setup VSCode to perform all actions as the 'vscode' user or as the user X? (When using devcontainer.json to create the container this is trivial, but now I attach to an existing container and devcontainer.json is not used).
In devcontainer.json you have the option to automatically install extensions. Which settings file do I need to create to automatically install extensions when attaching to a container?
The solution should be automated. Eg. manual intervention and committing the image as suggested below is possible but will make it much harder for users to just use my Docker image.
I updated to vscode 1.39 and tried to add:
ADD server-env-setup /root/.vscode-server/server-env-setup
But "server-env-setup" seems to be only used for WSL.
I'll answer your questions in reverted order:
VSCode installs extensions after creating the container by using docker exec command.
And now recipe: The easiest way is to take container already created by VSCode:
Run "Open folder on container" for creating dev container.
After container has done and you can work with VSCode. Stop your environment by clicking "Close remote connection".
Run docker ps -a. You should see last died containers something as:
How you can see the latest running container is: a7aa5af7ec08 vsc-typescript-2ea9f347739c5397afc431028000c02b. This your container with all extensions installed. And it doesn't matter how you install extensions manually or by configuring via devcontainer.json.
Run docker commit a7aa5af7ec08 all-installed-vscode-image:latest. Now you have a docker image with all your loved software installed. You can upload this image to your favorite docker registry and use also on other machines.
Now you can run docker run -i -u vscode all-installed-vscode-image:latest. And attach vscode to this container. This is an answer to your first question.
Also, you can review vscode documentation and use devcontainer.json configurations when you attach to already running containers and even containers running on remote machines.
VSCode now implements a "remoteUser" property ehich you can set in the image configuration. This will ensure that VSCode logs into the container as the correct user.

Is there a good and secure way to allow non-root user to start a docker image?

I have a scenario where I want to let non-root users start a docker image and run it. It's a very simple image - we have a stupid proprietary piece of software that insists on blocking a certain port, making concurrent runs of that software impossible. I was thinking to fix that with docker.
Problem is that normal users (it's a part of a compile process) should be able to spin this up. How do I go about that in a sane and secure fashion?
If the desired docker command is static, create a simple start script, store in in /usr/local/bin and make it executeable. Make an entry in /etc/sudoers to allow desired users to run this command with sudo without a password.
E.g create file /usr/local/bin/alpine.docker:
#! /bin/sh
docker run --rm -it alpine sh
Make the script secure (non root user should not be able to edit it):
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/alpine.docker
Set reasonable permissions and make it executeable:
sudo chmod 554 /usr/local/bin/alpine.docker
Create an entry in /etc/sudoers with visudo:
username ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/alpine.docker
Now the user username can run sudo alpine.docker without a password.
Don't add users to group docker if they should not have root privileges.
For this solution, you need to install sudo. But the user username does not need to be member of group sudo.
Note 2:
A similar setup is possible with policykit / pkexec. But I am not familar with it.
I prefer solution, but an alternative is to use something like docker machine or dind to create a brand new throwaway docker.
Then you set the environment variable export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://${IP_ADDRESS}:2376 and can use that docker without root.
This is probably not necessary for OPs case, but where it would come in handy is if the image had to be run with arbitrary privileges:
docker container run --privileged ...
Can you escalate from --privileged to root? I don't know you can not. I would rather assume you can and isolate the docker.
Since OP has one simple static predetermined docker command that OP is confident can not be escalated, I feel is the preferred solution.
If you are paranoid, you can use both and my solution together.
Create the docker group and add your user to the docker group.
$ sudo groupadd docker
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.
You can follow docker documentation for more details manage-docker-as-a-non-root-user

Start service using systemctl inside docker container

In my Dockerfile I am trying to install multiple services and want to have them all start up automatically when I launch the container.
One among the services is mysql and when I launch the container I don't see the mysql service starting up. When I try to start manually, I get the error:
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
FROM centos:7
RUN yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server
CMD ["/bin/bash", ""]
My file:
service mariadb start
Docker build:
docker build --tag="pbellamk/mariadb" .
Docker run:
docker run -it -d --privileged=true pbellamk/mariadb bash
I have checked the centos:systemd image and that doesn't help too. How do I launch the container with the services started using systemctl/service commands.
When you do docker run with bash as the command, the init system (e.g. SystemD) doesn’t get started (nor does your start script, since the command you pass overrides the CMD in the Dockerfile). Try to change the command you use to /sbin/init, start the container in daemon mode with -d, and then look around in a shell using docker exec -it <container id> sh.
Docker is designed around the idea of a single service/process per container. Although it definitely supports running multiple processes in a container and in no way stops you from doing that, you will run into areas eventually where multiple services in a container doesn't quite map to what Docker or external tools expect. Things like moving to scaling of services, or using Docker swarm across hosts only support the concept of one service per container.
Docker Compose allows you to compose multiple containers into a single definition, which means you can use more of the standard, prebuilt containers (httpd, mariadb) rather than building your own. Compose definitions map to Docker Swarm services fairly easily. Also look at Kubernetes and Marathon/Mesos for managing groups of containers as a service.
Process management in Docker
It's possible to run systemd in a container but it requires --privileged access to the host and the /sys/fs/cgroup volume mounted so may not be the best fit for most use cases.
The s6-overlay project provides a more docker friendly process management system using s6.
It's fairly rare you actually need ssh access into a container, but if that's a hard requirement then you are going to be stuck building your own containers and using a process manager.
You can avoid running a systemd daemon inside a docker container altogether. You can even avoid to write a special script - that is another benefit when using the docker-systemctl-replacement script.
The docker can parse the normal *.service files to know how to start and stop services. You can register it as the CMD of an image in which case it will look for all the systemctl-enabled services - those will be started and stopped in the correct order.
The current testsuite includes testcases for the LAMP stack including centos, so it should run fine specifically in your setup.
I found this project:
which can be used to create an image based on the stock ubuntu image but with systemd and multiuser mode.
My use case is the first one mentioned in its Readme. I use it to test the installer script of my application that is installed as a systemd service. The installer creates a systemd service then enables and starts it. I need CI tests for the installer. The test should create the installer, install the application on an ubuntu, and connect to the service from outside.
Without systemd the installer would fail, and it would be much more difficult to write the test with vagrant. So, there are valid use cases for systemd in docker.

Is there a "multi-user" Docker mode, e.g. for scientific clusters?

I want to use Docker for isolating scientific applications for the use in a HPC Unix cluster. Scientific software often has exotic dependencies so isolating them with Docker appears to be a good idea. The programs are to be run as jobs and not as services.
I want to have multiple users use Docker and the users should be isolated from each other. Is this possible?
I performed a local Docker installation and had two users in the docker group. The call to docker images showed the same results for both users.
Further, the jobs should be run under the calling users's UID and not as root.
Is such a setup feasible? Has it been done before? Is this documented anywhere?
Yes there is! It's called Singularity and it was designed with scientific applications and multi user HPCs. More at
OK, I think there will be more and more solutions pop up for this. I'll try to update the following list in the future:
udocker for executing Docker containers as users
Singularity (Kudos to Filo) is another Linux container based solution
Don't forget about DinD (Docker in Docker): jpetazzo/dind
You could dedicate one Docker per user, and within one of those docker containers, the user could launch a job in a docker container.
I'm also interested in this possibility with Docker, for similar reasons.
There are a few of problems I can think of:
The Docker Daemon runs as root, providing anyone in the docker group
with effective host root permissions (e.g. leak permissions by
mounting host / dir as root).
Multi user Isolation as mentioned
Not sure how well this will play with any existing load balancers?
I came across Shifter which may be worth a look an partly solves #1:
Also I know there is discussion to use kernel user namespaces to provide mapping container:root --> host:non-privileged user but I'm not sure if this is happening or not.
There is an officially supported Docker image that allows one to run Docker in Docker (dind), available here: This way, each user can have their own Docker daemon. First, start the daemon instance:
docker run --privileged --name some-docker -d docker:stable-dins
Note that the --privileged flag is required. Next, connect to that instance from a second container:
docker run --rm --link some-docker:docker docker:edge version
