mongoexport --collection too many positional options - mongoexport

I am getting this error when I run mongoexport query.
too many positional arguments: [—-collection thermal_comfort_collection]
mongoexport --db gccdb —-collection thermal_comfort_collection --type=csv --fields Timestamp,Temperature,User,ThermalComfort --query '{settingID: ObjectId("58992333441be20c7f834868")}' --out thermal_comfort_103060.csv
I've tried 'thermal_comfort_collection' and "thermal_comfort_collection", however, both gave me the same error. How should I fix it?

My issue stemmed from copying and pasting from a different editor (Evernote in this specific case). It transformed my '--' into a long '—', in fact your copying and pasting of the issue looks very similar.
Try deleting out your dashes before "collection" and replacing with typed in dashes --


Jenkins PyLint Warnings tool parses log files but reports 'found 0 issues'

I have setup Jenkins to run pylint on all python source files and all the log files are generated (apparently correctly) into a sub-directory as follows:
Source\pylint_logs\pylint1.log, pylint2.log, ..., pylint75.log
I have included a --msg-template definition based on the instructions on my Jenkins Configure page: Post-build Actions->Record compiler warnings and static analysis results->Static Analysis Tools. The template is shown as:
msg-template={path}:{line}: [{msg_id}, {obj}] {msg} ({symbol})
An example of one of the log files being generated by Jenkins/pylint is as follows:
************* Module FigureView
myapp\Views\ [C0103, ] Module name "FigureView" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style (invalid-name)
myapp\Views\ [C0103, FigureView.__init__] Attribute name "ax" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style (invalid-name)
Your code has been rated at 8.57/10 (previous run: 8.57/10, +0.00)
For the PyLint Report File Pattern, I have: Source/pylint_logs/pylint*.log
It appears that PyLint Warnings is parsing the files because the console output looks like this:
[PyLint] Searching for all files in 'D:\Jenkins\workspace\PROJECT' that match the pattern 'Source/pylint_logs/pylint*.log'
[PyLint] -> found 75 files
[PyLint] Successfully parsed file D:\Jenkins\workspace\PROJECT\Source\pylint_logs\pylint1.log
[PyLint] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[PyLint] Successfully parsed file D:\Jenkins\workspace\PROJECT\Source\pylint_logs\pylint10.log
[PyLint] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
This repeats for all 75 files, even though there are plenty of issues in the log files.
What is odd, is that when I was first prototyping the use of Jenkins on this project, I set it up to just run pylint on a single file. I ran across another StackOverflow post that showed a msg-template that allowed me to get it working (unable to get pylint output to populate the violations graph). I even got the graph to show up for the PyLint Warnings Trend. I used the following definition per the post:
msg-template={path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}
Note that this format is slightly different from the one recommended by my Jenkins page (shown earlier). Even though this worked for a single file, neither template now seems to work for multiple files, or else there is something other than the template causing the problem. My graph has flat-lined, and I always get 0 issues reported.
I have had trouble finding useful documentation on the Jenkins PyLint Warnings tool. Does anyone have any ideas or pointers to documentation I can research further? Thanks much!
Ensure pass output-format parameter in pylint command. Example:
pylint --exit-zero --output-format=parseable module1 module2 >
you have to set the Pylint's option --message-template in .pylintrc as
msg-template={path}: {line}: [{msg_id} ({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}

I want to count detected strings in file with grep, excluding a specific phrase

Hi I'm trying to search a log file for the following words and assign the number of matches to a variable as a number.
But I don't want to match the words error or errors if its preceeded by "No "
So ignore error if its "no error" and ignore errors if its "no errors"
Here's what I have so far
ErrorCheck=$(grep -vi "No errors" $LOGFILE | grep -ciE "error|fail|can't" $LOGFILE)
Its not working out for me unfortunatly, any suggestions would be great.
PS I'm using microcore running busybox shell, so I have a slightly lean environment to work in.
All comments and suggestions welcome.
Thanks for your input.
Well, I think one problem is that the "-v" flag for grep will basically omit the entire line containing 'No errors' or any other string you specify. So if a single line contains both "no failures" and "can't" for example, you'd have a problem.
One possible (sort of janky) way to do this could be to store values in three different variables: NUM_COUNTED minus NUM_NOTS = ErrorCheck, which should account for having a "no failure" and an actual failure indicator in the same line.
NUM_COUNTED=grep -ciF 'error
can't' $LOGFILE
NUM_NOTS=grep -ciF 'no error
no fail' $LOGFILE
ErrorCheck=`expr $NUM_COUNTED - $NUM_NOTS`
Alternatively, this seems to be giving (mostly accurate) results:
ErrorCheck=$(grep -vi 'No errors' $LOGFILE | grep -ciF 'error
can't' $LOGFILE)
The -F flag just tells grep to look for string literals (error, fail, and can't) which are newline separated.
Hope this helps.

Search string occurrence and display directory wise count

We have a error log directory structure wherein we store all errors log files for a particular day in datewise directories -
I want to search for a particular string in the error log file and get the output such that I will get directory wise search result of a count of that string's occurrence. For example grep "blahblahSQLError" should output something like-
This is needed because we fixed some errors in one of the release and I want to make sure that there are no occurrences of that error since the day it was deployed to Prod. Also note that there are thousands of error log files created every day. Each error log file is created with a random number in its name to ensure uniqueness.
If you are sure the filenames of the log files will not contain any "odd" characters or newlines then something like the following should work.
for dir in errorbackup/*; do
printf '%s:%s\n' "${dir#*/}" "$(grep -l blahblahSQLError "$dir/"*.xml | wc -l)"
If they can have unexpected names then you would need to use multiple calls to grep and count the matching files manually I believe. Something like this.
for dir in errorbackup/*; do
for log in "$dir"/*.xml; do
grep -l blahblahSQLError "$log" && _dcount=$((_dcount + 1));
Something like this should do it:
for dir in errorbackup/*
awk -v dir="${dir##*/}" -v OFS=':' '/blahblahSQLError/{c++} END{print dir, c+0}' "$dir"/*
There's probably a cuter way to do it with find and xargs to avoid the loop and you could certainly do it all within one awk command but life's too short....

jq substring gives "jq: error: Cannot index string with object"

I'm trying to filter a json JQ result to only show a substring of the original string. For example if a JQ filter grabed the value
I want it to only return the first 10 characters 4ffceab674.
What I've tried
On the Official JQ website you can find an example that should give me what I need:
Command: jq '.[2:4]'
Input: "abcdefghi"
Output: "cd"
I've tried to test this out with a simple example in the unix terminal:
# this works fine, => "abcdefghi"
echo '"abcdefghi"' | jq '.'
# this doesn't work => jq: error: Cannot index string with object
echo '"abcdefghi"' | jq '.[2:4]'
So, it turns out most of these filters are not yet in the released version. For reference see issue #289
What you could do is download the latest development version and compile from source. See download page > From source on Linux
After that, if indexing still doesn't work for strings, you should, at least, be able to do explode, index, implode combination, which seems to have been your plan.
Looking at the jq-1.3 manual I suspect there isn't a solution using that version since it offers no primitives for extacting parts of a string.

Can xgettext be used to extract specific domain strings only?

(Really surprised this isn't answered anywhere online; couple posts over the past few years with a similar question, but never answered. Let's hope the Stackoverflow crew can come to the rescue)
When using gettext to support application localization, one sometimes wishes to specify a 'domain' with dgettext('domain', 'some text string'). However, when running xgettext, all strings wrapped with dgettext(...) are spit out into one file (default: messages.po).
Given the following example:
dgettext('menus', 'login link');
dgettext('menus', 'account link');
dgettext('footer', 'copyright notice');
dgettext('footer', 'contact form');
is there any way to end up with
using an extractor such as xgettext?
PHP response desired, although I believe this should be applicable across all languages
The only way I've found to do this is to redefine gettext functions...
function _menus ($str) {
return dgettext('menus', $str);
function _footer ($_str) {
return dgettext('footer', $str);
_menus('login link');
_menus('account link');
_footer('copyright notice');
_footer('contact form');
else, you only have to run following commands:
xgettext [usual options] -k --keyword=_menus:1 -d menus
xgettext [usual options] -k --keyword=_footer:1 -d footer
I do not know how to put different contexts in different files, but I did find that xgettext can extract the domain names into msgctxt fields in the po file. For PHP this is not done by default. To enable this, use for example --keyword=dgettext:1c,2 (in poedit, add "dgettext:1c,2") to the keyword list.
See also:
Achieving this is best done through either code separation or the use of context disambiguation.
If you can separate your menu code from your footer code, then you can truly consider them different domains and extract them accordingly from known locations.
If modular separation is impossible and all the code lives together, then really you should be using context instead of domains. e.g.
translate( 'A string', 'myproject', 'some module' )
Where "myproject" is your domain and "some module" disambiguates the string.
However, reality doesn't always align with best practice, so if you can't refactor your code as Asevere suggests (and that is probably the best answer) then I have a massive hack to offer.
You could exploit the context flag mentioned in Boris's answer - We can repurpose this but only if we're not otherwise going to be using contexts.
I'll repeat that. This hack will only work if your code is not using contexts.
Some PHP holding two domains (including one string used in both) -
<?php // test.php
dgettext( 'abc', 'foo' );
dgettext( 'abc', 'bar' );
dgettext( 'xyz', 'bar' );
We can cheat, and take the domain argument as if we intended it to be the message context (msgctxt field). Extracting from the command line:
xgettext -LPHP --keyword=dgettext:1,2c -o - test.php \
| sed 's/CHARSET/utf-8/' \
> combined.pot
This generates a combined.pot file containing all the strings with our context hack. (note we also fixed the placeholder character set field which would break the next bit)
We can now filter out all messages of a given context into separate files using msggrep. Note we also trash the context field as we're not using it.
msggrep -J -e foo -o - combined.pot | sed '/^msgctxt/d' > foo.pot
msggrep -J -e bar -o - combined.pot | sed '/^msgctxt/d' > bar.pot
Improper, but it works.
