Do users have access to the Documents directory in an iOS sandbox? - ios

I'm saving data that keeps track of a users virtual purchases inside the Documents directory of the app's sandbox. For obvious reasons I don't want the user to have access to this file or be able to manipulate it.
Is this the proper directory for storing these files? If not where can I store files that can not be accessed by the user?
I did find this link from Apple that suggests that data such as this should be stored in the Library directory. It doesn't seem to say if it's secure from users accessing it though.

I'm not an iOS security expert, however, I can share my experience of working with users data on iOS. Any corrections/remarks are appreciated.
Generally speaking, the best recommendation would be to store important user's data remotely (i.e. having a server backend or using iCloud) with SSL-protected connection. However, if you are forced to store data locally for some reason, here are some recommendations:
1) Do not ever save important data in Documents directory or in NSUserDefaults as is. It's pretty easily accessible for user even on non-jailbroken devices. For instance, you can check iExplorer: as far as I remember, it does the trick.
2) If you really need to store some data locally, whatever your choice is: Documents folder, UserDefaults or CoreData, you have to encrypt it. Algorithm choice is up to you, but it's better to use some iOS built-in solution for it.
3) The data encryption assumes having a key for your app to decrypt it. The best way to store your key is KeyChain. Probably, that is the only place where you can store keys and other stuff like user's authorization data with no worries of being stolen from the outside.
Eventually, after all these steps your user's encrypted data can still be accessible by user. One won't be able to read it unless it is encrypted, but having access to the own keychain and some skill, an advanced user can finally get the original data. Moreover, it still can be damaged. So, in terms of saving data from being damaged or removed you still need to store backups or the data itself somewhere remotely.

You should treat data in the Documents directory as public. Anyone with an iOS device hooked up to a computer via USB using a tool such as iExplorer or iFunBox can view the contents of your application's Documents and Caches directory. For safety, consider using the keychain (if applicable), or a web service which validates the receipt (shared secret, user information, etc) to make sure that the user actually purchased the product, and isn't trying to spoof a transaction.


How to ensure the integrity of data sent to the database from my application?

I am currently creating an iOS application with Swift. For the database I use Firebase Realtime Database where I store among other things information about the user and requests that the user sends me.
It is very important for my application that the data in the database is not corrupted.
For this I have disabled data persistence so that I don't have to store the requests locally on the device. But I was wondering if it was possible for the user to directly modify the values of the variables during the execution of my application and still send erroneous requests.
For example the user has a number of coins, can he access the memory of the application, modify the number of coins, return to the application and send an erroneous request without having to modify it himself.
If this is the case then is it really more secure to disable data persistence or is this a misconception?
Also, does disabling access to jailbroken devices solve my problems? Because I've heard that a normal user can still modify the request backups before they are sent.
To summarize I would like to understand if what I think is correct? Is it really useful to prevent requests to save locally or then anyway a malicious user will be able to modify the values of variables directly during the execution and this without jailbreak?
I would also like to find a solution so that the data in my database is reliable.
Thank you for your attention :)
PS : I also set the security rules of the db so that only a logged in user can write and read only in his area.
You should treat the server-side data as the only source of truth, and consider all data coming from the client to be suspect.
To protect your server-side data, you should implement Firebase's server-side security rules. With these you can validate data structures and ensure all read/writes are authorized.
Disabling client-side persistence, or write queues as in your previous question, is not all that useful and not necessary once you follow the two rules above.
As an added layer of security you can enable Firebase's new App Check, which works with a so-called attestation provider on your device (DeviceCheck on iOS) to detect tampering, and allows you to then only allow requests from uncorrupted devices.
By combining App Check and Security Rules you get both broad protection from abuse, and fine-grained control over the data structure and who can access what data.

GOOGLE FIRESTORE: Are these security rules safe?

So I am going through the security rules documentation of firestore right now in an effort to make sure the data users put in my app will be okay. As of right now, all I need users to be able to do is to read data (really only the 'get', but 'read' is fine too), and create data. So, my security rules for the firestore data right now are:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /jumpSpotAnnotations/{id} {
// 'get' instead of 'read' would work too
allow read, create;
I have the exact same 'allow read, create;' for my storage data too. Will this be okay upon release or is this dangerous? In the documentation, they write:
"As you set up Cloud Firestore, you might have set your rules to allow open access during development. You might think you're the only person using your app, but if you've deployed it, it's available on the internet. If you're not authenticating users and configuring security rules, then anyone who guesses your project ID can steal, modify, or delete the data."
This text precedes an example where the rules are, 'allow read, write;', as opposed to my 'allow read, create'. Are my rules also subject to the deletion/modification of the data? I put create because I assume that that only lets people create the data, and not delete or modify it.
Final part of this question, but how could a user guess my project ID? Would they not have to sign in on my google account to then be able to manually delete, modify, or steal data? I'm not sure how that works. My app interface allows for the user to only create data, or read data, nothing else. So could some random person still somehow get into this database online and mess with it?
Thanks for any help.
Your rule allows anyone with an internet connection to read and create documents in the jumpSpotAnnotations collection. We don't know if that's "safe" for your app. You have to determine for yourself if that situation is safe. If you're OK with someone anonymously loading up that collection with documents, and you're OK with paying for that behavior, then it's safe.
Your project ID is baked into your app before you publish it. All someone has to do is download and decompile your app to find it. It's not hard. Your project ID is not private information.
No, your rules are not secure, to understand how someone can guess your project id and steal data first you have to understand that Firebase provides a simple REST API to access stored data. All of the data is stored in JSON format, so public databases can be accessed by making a request to the database URL appended by “.json”.
Now the main concern that how someone can guess your project id, see there are many tools available through which you can set up a proxy on your network and analyze each and every request going through. As Google already said that firebase simply uses rest API so the API endpoints can be known easily by intercepting HTTP requests and then if your rules are not secured then your data could be compromised.
Now solution, how to protect your data. See there are many ways even firebase provides tons of ways to secure data just read their docs about database security. But there is something which you could do from your side so that if your data is compromised then also someone can't actually read it.
You can prevent the apps from reading the data in plaintext. Use public-key algorithms to encrypt the data. Keep the private key on the systems that have to read the data. Then the app cannot read the data in plain text. This also will not prevent the manipulation or deletion of data.

Is secure save some sensitive data in Localizable.strings?

My question is very clear. I need save some sensitive static data. For example, the url of my service or a password of encrypt. Now I have the next doubt: Is secure save this data in Localizable.strings?
No. A malicious user can easily see this in the IPA of an iTunes backup. But the user can also see this in any file in your app bundle. You will need to encrypt the string somehow. The tricky part is to hide the key as well: it may be a good idea to calculate the key somehow (you can be creative here).
Also pay attention to secure your transmission: if you would be using plain HTTP anyone who can use Wireshark would be able to see your sensitive information. Make sure you've set up HTTPS correctly and that you are validating the certificate of the server on connect (search StackOverflow about that).
I totally agree with #DarkDust. Just to add more things:
A malicious user can see the data because he does the jailbreak on one of the devices. Then he installs the app and may get whole contents of the app. He may change some code and run it.
Whole process of getting the data is called reverse engineering. It's quite wide branch and it's good to know the basics if you care about data security.
You may read more about reverse engineering at e.g. this free book:
The best hacker always gets the data, it's just the matter of time. For you, as a developer, the task is to forbid getting the data for less experienced "hackers".
To make things more difficult, you can obfuscate the data.
If you need to save some credentials in app (eg login token), always use the keychain, never any other storage.

Secure keys in iOS App scenario, is it safe?

I am trying to hide 2 secrets that I am using in one of my apps.
As I understand the keychain is a good place but I can not add them before I submit the app.
I thought about this scenario -
Pre seed the secrets in my app's CoreData Database by spreading them in other entities to obscure them. (I already have a seed DB in that app).
As the app launches for the first time, generate and move the keys to the keychain.
Delete the records from CoreData.
Is that safe or can the hacker see this happening and get those keys?
Sorry for not explaining this scenario from the beginning - The App has many levels, each level contains files (audio, video, images). The user can purchase a level (IAP) and after the purchase is completed I need to download the files to his device.
For iOS6 the files are stored with Apple new "Hosted Content" feature. For iOS5 the files are stored in amazon S3.
So in all this process I have 2 keys:
1. IAP key, for verifying the purchase at Apple IAP.
2. S3 keys, for getting the files from S3 for iOS5 users:
NSString *secretAccessKey = #"xxxxxxxxx";
NSString *accessKey = #"xxxxxxxxx";
Do I need to protect those keys at all? I am afraid that people will be able to get the files from S3 with out purchasing the levels. Or that hackers will be able to build a hacked version with all the levels pre-downloaded inside.
Let me try to break down your question to multiple subquestions/assumption:
a) Keychain is safe place
Actually, it's not that safe. If your application is installed on jailbroked device, a hacker will be able to get your keys from the keychain
a) Is there a way to put some key into an app (binary which is delivered form AppStore) and be completely secure?
Short answer is NO. As soon as there is something in your binary, it could be reverse engineered.
b) Will obfuscation help?
Yes. It will increase time for a hacker to figure it out. If the keys which you have in app will "cost" less than a time spend on reverse engineering - generally speaking, you are good.
However, in most cases, security through obscurity is bad practice, It gives you a feeling that you are secure, but you aren't.
So, this could be one of security measures, but you need to have other security measures in place too.
c) What should I do in such case?*
It's hard to give you a good solution without knowing background what you are trying to do.
As example, why everybody should have access to the same Amazon S3? Do they need to read-only or write (as pointed out by Kendall Helmstetter Gein).
I believe one of the most secure scenarios would be something like that:
Your application should be passcode protected
First time you enter your application it requests a user to authenticate (enter his username, password) to the server
This authenticates against your server or other authentication provider (e.g. Google)
The server sends some authentication token to a device (quite often it's some type of cookie).
You encrypt this token based on hash of your application passcode and save it in keychain in this form
And now you can do one of two things:
hand over specific keys from the server to the client (so each client will have their own keys) and encrypt them with the hash of your application passcode
handle all operation with S3 on the server (and require client to send)
This way your protect from multiple possible attacks.
c) Whoooa.... I don't plan to implement all of this stuff which you just wrote, because it will take me months. Is there anything simpler?
I think it would be useful, if you have one set of keys per client.
If even this is too much then download encrypted keys from the server and save them in encrypted form on the device and have decryption key hardcoded into your app. I would say it's minimally invasive and at least your binary doesn't have keys in it.
P.S. Both Kendall and Rob are right.
Update 1 (based on new info)
First of all, have you seen in app purchase programming guide.
There is very good drawing under Server Product Model. This model protects against somebody who didn't buy new levels. There will be no amazon keys embedded in your application and your server side will hand over levels when it will receive receipt of purchase.
There is no perfect solution to protect against somebody who purchased the content (and decided to rip it off from your application), because at the end of days your application will have the content downloaded to a device and will need it in plain (unencrypted form) at some point of time.
If you are really concerned about this case, I would recommend to encrypt all your assets and hand over it in encrypted form from the server together with encryption key. Encryption key should be generated per client and asset should be encrypted using it.
This won't stop any advanced hacker, but at least it will protect from somebody using iExplorer and just copying files (since they will be encrypted).
Update 2
One more thing regarding update 1. You should store files unencrypted and store encryption key somewhere (e.g. in keychain).
In case your game requires internet connection, the best idea is to not store encryption key on the device at all. You can get it from the server each time when your app is started.
DO NOT store an S3 key used for write in your app! In short order someone sniffing traffic will see the write call to S3, in shorter order they will find that key and do whatever they like.
The ONLY way an application can write content to S3 with any degree of security is by going through a server you control.
If it's a key used for read-only use, meaning your S3 cannot be read publicly but the key can be used for read-only access with no ability to write, then you could embed it in the application but anyone wanting to can pull it out.
To lightly obscure pre-loaded sensitive data you could encrypt it in a file and the app can read it in to memory and decrypt before storing in the keychain. Again, someone will be able to get to these keys so it better not matter much if they can.
Based on new information you are probably better off just embedding the secrets in code. Using a tool like iExplorer a causal user can easily get to a core data database or anything else in your application bundle, but object files are somewhat encrypted. If they have a jailbroken device they can easily get the un-encrypted versions but it still can be hard to find meaningful strings, perhaps store them in two parts and re-assemble in code.
Again it will not stop a determined hacker but it's enough to keep most people out.
You might want to also add some code that would attempt to ask your server if there's any override secrets it can download. That way if the secrets are leaked you could quickly react to it by changing the secrets used for your app, while shutting out anyone using a copied secret. To start with there would be no override to download. You don't want to have to wait for an application update to be able to use new keys.
There is no good way to hide a secret in a piece of code you send your attacker. As with most things of this type, you need to focus more on how to mitigate the problem when the key does leak rather than spend unbounded time trying to protect it. For instance, generating different keys for each user allows you to disable a key if it is being used abusively. Or working through a intermediary server allows you to control the protocol (i.e. the server has the key and is only willing to do certain things with it).
It is not a waste of time to do a little obfuscating. That's fine. But don't spend a lot of time on it. If it's in the program and it's highly valuable, then it will be hacked out. Focus on how to detect when that happens, and how to recover when it does. And as much as possible, move that kind of sensitive data into some other server that you control.

Storing a shared key for Rails application

One of my Rails applications is going to depend on a secret key in memory, so all of its functions will only be available once administrator goes to a certain page and uploads the valid key.
The problem is that this key needs to be stored securely, so no other processes on the same machine should be able to access it (so memcached and filesystem are not suitable). One good idea would be just to store it in some configuration variable in the application, but newly spawned instances won't have access to that variable. Any thoughts how to implement this on RubyEE/Apache/mod_passenger?
there is really no way to accomplish that goal. (this is the same problem all DRM systems have)
You can't keep things secret from the operating system. Your application has to have the key somewhere in memory and the operating system kernel can read any memory location it wants to.
You need to be able to trust the operating system, which means that you then can also trust the operating system to properly enforce file access permissions. This in turn means that can store the key in a file that only the rails-user-process can read.
Think of it this way: even if you had no key at all, what is to stop an attacker on the server from simply changing the application code itself to gain access to the disabled functionality?
I would use the filesystem, with read access only to the file owner, and ensure the ruby process is the only process owned by this user. (using chmod 400 file)
You can get more complex than that, but it all boils down to using the unix users and permissions.
Encrypt it heavily in the filesystem?
What about treating it like a regular password, and using a salted hash? Once the user authenticates, he has access to the functions of the website.
