Gerrit image compare - gerrit

I want to enable diff for images in gerrit. After looking into the documentation
[mimetype "image/*"]
safe = true
was added for all images. We are running Gerrit Code Review (2.13.3), so in my opinion the image diff should already work.
What the diff looks like
index 84873aa..8bf6da5 100644
--- a/Graphics/hand_bitmap.png
+++ b/Graphics/hand_bitmap.png
Binary files differ
What am I missing?

Looks like there is a bug in the current releases, see:


Commit tags to use for changing a Fuchsia OS file?

Fuchsia > Guides > Contribute changes > Add commit message tags states:
(1)How does one determine what tags to use? (2)Is there an algorithm calculating the two strings such as simply using the directory name and ..? If this were the case, the file path already has that info.
(3)Apparently [docs] is in addition to [parent] [component]. Are their other additional tags?
(4)For example, if changing the file fuchsia/src/lib/fxl/ what tags should be used?
I found no info in Gerrit Code Review for Git about [tags]. So, it seems to imply that this is a Fuchsia OS convention or info within a commit message.
Fuchsia > Gerrit > Repositories > fuchsia > tags has an empty list.
I think you confuse the git tags with the tags mentioned in the Fuchsia documentation.
You are required to add [parent][component], what they call tags, to your commit messages.
My guess that your commit message would look something like:
[lib][fxl] Updating
You can look at the history of your component for inspiration:

Is it possible to compare files using Plastic SCM Command Line 'cm diff' function?

I'd like to compare two files at particular changesets to see if they are identical or not.
Something like:
>> cm diff rev:Folder\ rev:Folder\
<< True
I'm getting an error (can't find revision of file I specify) and I think I might not be using diff as it's intended. I've worked around my confusion by using getfile on the particular file and changesets I'm comparing and using a python library file compare.
The Plastic SCM default diff tool will open a GUI showing you the file differences.
But you can manually configure a different one (eg. diff.exe) manually editing the "/home/user/.plastic/client.conf" or using the Plastic SCM GUI:
<string>diff.exe #sourcefile #destinationfile</string>
This way, you can run diffs through the command line and based on the output, determine if the files are identical or not.
You can use cm patch command
reference :

How to calculate ahead or behind branchs

Use libgit2sharp, how to calculate ahead or behind metrics. like this page
How to calculate ahead or behind metrics
Each Branch bears a TrackingDetails property. This property exposes AheadBy and BehindBy nullable values (null will be returned when the branch has no upstream configuration or if the upstream branch does not exist).
Those values will represent the number of commits the local branch is ahead/behind compared to the upstream branch (ie. the remote branch being tracked).
This outputs similar results than git status -sb
like this page
This page actually compares each branch of the upstream (ie. the one hosted on GitHub) repository against the current tip of the remote HEAD. This feature (comparing two local branches) is not available in LibGit2Sharp.
Provided you're interested with it, please feel free to open a feature request.
A pull request (see #564) introducing a new method repo.ObjectDatabase.CalculateHistoryDivergence(Commit, Commit) is cooking up.
This will allow the user to determine the ahead-by and behind-by counts, along with the merge-base that's been used to calculate those distances.
For those searching (as of pygit2 v 0.27.4), the API is ahead_behind.
Sample code gist:
import pygit2
repo = pygit2.Repository('your-repo-path')
upstream_head = repo.revparse_single('origin/HEAD')
local_head = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
diff = repo.ahead_behind(,

Equivalent to git difftool -y with libgit2sharp?

I am planning to replace the usage of git.exe from windows path by libgit2sharp for my plugin GitDiffMargin, A Visual Studio 2012 extension to display Git Diff on the margin of the current file. -
I would like to know if there is an equivalent in libgit2sharp to start the external difftool using git difftool -y filename ?
I don't think it should be the responsibility of LibGit2Sharp to launch an external process. LibGit2Sharp goal is to provide a way to manipulate a git repository easily.
It means you can use it to:
Get the diff between files in the workdir and the previous version (in the index). To do that you can use the Repository.Diff.Compare(IEnumerable<string> paths, bool includeUntracked, ExplicitPathsOptions explicitPathsOptions) overload, which returns a TreeChanges object. From there, you can get a TreeEntryChanges object through the indexer of the treeChanges, which corresponds to the changes of a given file (use the .Patch property to get the actual content of the patch).
Get the configured diff tool by using the Repository.Config namespace (e.g.: repo.Config.Get<string>("diff.tool").Value, although you should also check if the value returned by the Get() method is null in case no diff tool has been configured by the user). That way, you can launch the diff tool by yourself.
Additional resources (v0.11.0):
Diff workdir to index tests
An example showing how to use the TreeChanges object
Configuration fixture, pretty self-explanatory
Note: it seems that at some point, you will need to know if a line has changed or not. I don't think there is an easy way to do that right now (apart from parsing the patch content manually). However, opening an issue on the LibGit2Sharp issue tracker might trigger some discussion around that (feel free to weigh in what kind of API you would like to have to do that!).
Edit: Before launching the external diff tool, you will need to copy the content of the file which is in the index in a temporary folder. You can lookup the blob of a file in the index by doing something like:
var indexEntry = repo.Index[fileName];
var blob = repo.Lookup(indexEntry.Id);
However... no filters are currently applied when you get the blob content, so the comparison is likely to produce false positives due to crlf differences.
There is currently an issue opened on libgit2 in order to propose an API to allow applying filters.

Git merge from a specific folder only

I've created a rails website for client X. I now have a client, Y, who wants a website that does the exact same thing as client X, but with a different skin.
I made a git branch from clientXcode and called it clientYcode. I then did all the changes to the views to make it look different, and lala, the same website with a different skin.
Now here's what I don't understand about git: I've made many changes to clientXcode in the views, models, and controllers; and now I want to merge those changes into clientYcode, excluding any view changes. Since views, models, and controllers each have their own folder in rails I was hoping to be able to do something like:
git merge client_x_code 'app/controllers/*', 'app/models/*'
QUESTION 1: Is something like that possible with git? If so, how would I do it?
QUESTION 2: Was branching the best solution to make a copy of my project?
Well I found the easiest solution to my problem...
git checkout clientYcode
git checkout clientXcode "app/controllers/"
git checkout clientXcode "app/models/"
And that does what I want!
The simplest course of action is to merge everything, except the content of the directory you want to keep.
You can do that by adding a merge driver in that directory, as the How do I tell git to always select my local version for conflicted merges on a specific file? question details.
With that merge driver in place, Branching is a good solution in this case.
We have a .gitattributes file defined in the dirWithCopyMerge directory (defined only in the branch where the merge will occurs: myBranch), and we have a .git\config file which now contains a merge driver.
[merge "keepMine"]
name = always keep mine during merge
driver = %O %A %B
