Jenkings on DCOS - Marathon-plugin missing after install - jenkins

I added the Marathon plugin to Jenkins through the Jenkins management Web UI. It showed up as a list of available plugins to install. I also downloaded the HPI and added the plugin manually. In both cases, the Marathon option doesn't show up in my pipeline config. I'm following the steps here:

Use version mesosphere/jenkins:3.0.1-2.32.2 in combination with persisting your Jenkins data on NFS. Installation and updates of plugins works for me with this combination.
You should consider missing functionality in older versions of Jenkins in DC/OS as described in this thread:
Do you use a NFS share to persist your Jenkins data? In my experience you can not use DC/OS Jenkins properly without persisting Jenkins' data.


Jenkins on Kubernetes node is complaining its plug-ins need newer version of Jenkins, but don't want to lose data

Jenkins (on a Kubernetes node) is complaining it requires a newer version of Jenkins to run some of my plug-ins.
SEVERE: Failed Loading plugin Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
v2.4.2 (matrix-auth) Matrix Authorization
Strategy Plugin v2.4.2 failed to load.
- You must update Jenkins from v2.121.2 to v2.138.3 or later to run this plugin.
The same log file also complains farther down that it can't read my config file... I'm hoping this is just because of the version issue above, but I'm including it here in case it is a sign of deeper issues:
SEVERE: Failed Loading global config Unable to read /var/jenkins_home/config.xml
I'd either like to disable the plug-ins that are causing the issue so I can see the Jenkins UI and manage the plug-ins from there, or I'd like to update Jenkins in a way that DOES NOT DELETE MY USER DATA AND JOB CONFIG DATA.
So far, I tried disabling ALL the plug-ins by adding .disabled files to the Jenkins plug-ins folder. That got rid of most of the errors, but it still complained about the plug-in above. So I removed the .disabled file for that, and now it's complaining about Jenkins not being a new enough version again (the error above).
Note: this installation of Jenkins is using a persistent storage volume, mounted with EFS. So that will probably help alleviate some of the restrictions around upgrading Jenkins, if that's what we need to do.
Finally, whatever we do with the plug-ins and Jenkins version, I need to make sure the change is going to persist if Kubernetes re-starts the node in the future. Unfortunately, I am pretty unfamiliar with Kubernetes, and I haven't discovered yet where these changes need to be made. I'm guessing the file that controls the Kubernetes deployment configuration?
This project is using Helm, in case that matters. But again, I hardly know anything about Helm, so I don't know what files you might need to see to make this question solvable. Please comment so I know what to include here to help provide the needed information.
We faced the same problem with our cluster, and we have a basic explanation about that, but not sure about it (The following fix works)
That error come with the fact that you have installed Jenkins via Helm, and their plugins through the Jenkins UI. It works if you decide to never reboot the pod, but if one day, jenkins have to make his initialization again, you will face that error.
Jenkins try to load plugins from the JENKINS_PLUGINS_DIR, which is empty, so the pod die.
To fix the current error, you should specify your plugin in the master.installPLugins parameter.
If you followed a normal install, just go on your cluster and
helm get values jenkins_release_name
So you may have something like that:
enableRawHtmlMarkupFormatter: true
- kubernetes:1.16.0
- workflow-job:2.32
By default, some values are "embedded" by helm to be sure that jenkins works, see here for more details: Github Helm Charts Jenkins
So, just copy it in a file with the same syntax and add your plugins with their versions. After, you have just to use the helm upgrade command with your file on your release:
helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] -f your_file.yaml
Good luck !

There is no AWS Codedeploy Plugin in Jenkins

I use two different Jenkins servers(tomcat jenkins) and i was trying to install a plugin for aws codedeploy.
However, I couldn't find it in the list of a Jenkins but another one has it.
Why the plugin libraries are different? even though i install them in a same way.
Also, How can i add a particular plugin in my Jenkins server?
Thank you.
Why the plugin libraries are different?
The plugin libraries shouldn't be different.
Which way did you search the plugin (jenkins gui, in the web)? Both your servers are on the same Jenkins version?
Also, How can i add a particular plugin in my Jenkins server?
I do it always via the GUI as described here:

Update jenkins war on one machine and then move it to another one: possible?

I have a machine with blocked outgoing connections so it is not possible to update jenkins nor install the plugins I need for my work.
My idea is the following: I download the jenkins .war on my personal laptop and complete the installation + the plugin download.
Then I just move this .war to the machine where I need jenkins to be up and running.
Is it possible? Where are the plugins/updated data stored?
Also, would it be a problem the fact that my laptop has windows as os, while the destination machine is a linux RHEL?
Your solution sounds crazy :D
This could be help you:
Update Jenkins war
If you have shell access with root privilege, there is a manual way.
Download latest war file inside your linux, using wget , curl or just upload it using winscp from your windows.
Stop jenkins
Backup EVERYTHING: linux snapshot, jenkins workspace, jenkins war file, etc
Replace the old war with new war
Start jenkins
Detailed steps in this webs:
Jenkins has an option to install plugins called Manage Plugins
This offer two options :
(1) Install plugins using available option
For official and compatible plugins, suggested by Jenkins :
(2) Install plugins using upload option
For custom plugins or when is not available on official repositories:

Jenkins plugin upgrade

I have a large fleet of Jenkins instances running in a cluster, all having the LDAP plugin version 1.6 (Jenkins version 1.611). I want to fleet-upgrade the LDAP plugin version to 1.7 (to incorporate environment variables in my plugin configuration). How do I achieve this without manually uploading 1.7 version through UI for each Jenkins instance?
I tried writing a script which basically performs these operations for each Jenkins instance:
Replace the existing .jpi/.hpi file in $JENKINS_HOME/plugins for ldap plugin with the correct .hpi file (of the 1.7 version)
Edit config.xml under $JENKINS_HOME which has the version number
Safe restart Jenkins
It works fine till step 2 but as soon as I perform safe restart, Jenkins magically puts in the original .jpi/.hpi file (the 1.6 version file) back inside $JENKINS_HOME/plugins. Jenkins instance has the 1.6 plugin version again in the UI. Is there a better way to perform fleet plugin upgrades in general? I want to mention that I want the 1.7 plugin version, not the latest
How do I fix this? I even tried using curl (mentioned at but didn't help.
Got a working answer on Google groups.
"As you are on 1.x create an empty ldap.jpi.pinned file as a sibling and that marker will instruct Jenkins not to replace with the bundled plugin."
Came across the documentation for it as well -

Using Jenkins CLI to configure plugins

I am working on installing and configuring Jenkins automatically using the Jenkins CLI. I am able to install plugins such as the Active Directory plugin, but haven't figured out how to configure it. Is it possible to perform such tasks from the CLI? From a Jenkins GUI standpoint, I'd like to check the Enable security checkbox under Security Realm check the Active Directory option, provide parameters to Active Directory, and under Authorization check the Anyone can do anything option.
I'm using a Puppet module ( for the automation.
If you want to modify their configuration files manually using scripts called from the CLI, then yes.
Else, I don't believe there is. At least, not a general way for all plugins. Plugins are capable of adding CLI commands, as per this documentation page:
Extending CLI
Plugins installed on Jenkins server can add custom CLI commands. See Writing CLI commands for more details.
So, some of the plugins you're using may have specific commands to configure them from the CLI.
So as far as I know those are your options. Manual configuration through editing their config files, or hoping your plugin includes some commands in the CLI that is specific to it.
There is currently a new Plugin in development called "Configuration as Code Plugin" to provide a way for configuration of plugins using YAML:
They are currently in an early development stage but this could help solve this kind of problem.
