Get-WMIObject Access Denied, similar query - powershell-2.0

I am running WMI queries remotely against a Windows Server 2012 box. I have two queries that are doing the same exact thing, one is just more efficient than the other.
Query 1:
Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select NumberOfCores, Caption, MaxClockSpeed | Format-List
Query 2:
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Processor -Property NumberOfCores, Caption, MaxClockSpeed | Format-List NumberOfCores, Caption, MaxClockSpeed
For some reason, I get back an access denied error when I run the first query, but I don't when I run the second query. They both do the same thing when I run locally, though. Am I missing something?


how do i pass the selected string into a variable?

how do i store the output of a command into a variable for use in a github-actions .yaml?
docker images --format='{{.ID}}' | select -first 1
gives me:
i've seen stuff online about select-object..but i honestly have no idea, just trying to push an image to a registry...
the following cmd doesn't work in powershell:
for /f "delims=" %a in ("docker images --format='{{.ID}}' | select -first 1") do #set "%_img%=%a"
the following cmd doesn't work in powershell:
for /f "delims=" %a in ("docker images --format='{{.ID}}' | select -first 1") do #set "%_img%=%a"
That's because this is Command Prompt syntax. Specifically, everything outside of the () would only work under cmd.exe. The PowerShell equivalent for assigning a command result to a variable is:
$variableName = COMMAND
To apply it to your use case:
$imageId = docker images --format='{{.ID}}' | Select-Object -First 1
Note that select is an alias of Select-Object and either can be used interchangeably.
Edit: While not required for setting variables unlike in the Command Prompt, for syntax is still different in PowerShell when batch scripting. You can read up on PowerShell's for, foreach, and ForEach-Object constructs when you want to learn how they are used in PowerShell scripts, and watch for this gotcha when using the foreach "statement" as part of a pipeline.
While not part of the original scope of the question, since OP did ask and I answered in the comments, I will put the bash equivalent here for the sake of completeness and how I transposed this from the PowerShell method I used above:
imageId=$(docker images --format="{{.ID}}" | head -n 1)
This is similar to the PowerShell syntax with a few changes: remove the $ from the variable name on assignment, and Select-Object is replaced by head. You can't pad the = with whitespace, and you have to subshell the command with $().

Only one type of list may be specified?

So I have a bash script which is below, and whenever I try to execute it, it says only one type of list may be specified, any clue as to whats wrong with this code? I interpret this as we use grep to find the word (-word) of the first character ($1) typed by the user in the file femalenames.txt and then using the cut command we print the 2nd field of characters 16-20? sort of confused there.
grep -w $1 femalenames.txt | cut -f2 -c16-20
Just pipe it ( | ) again & it'll work.
Command guide here
grep -w $1 femalenames.txt | cut -f2 | cut -c16-20

PowerShell - Problems Passing Variables into ForEach Loop

I am trying to enumerate a list of servers from Active Directory, and then insert the server name into a UNC path as part of a copy command.
When I execute the script, I get the result below. I think that maybe I have to convert my variable, but I am not sure what to convert it to.
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Copy File" on target "Item: C:\davidtemp\Logo.png Destination: \#{name=NCIDITSTWEB07}\c$\program files...
$webdev = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter {name -like "*dev*"} | where {$_.DistinguishedName -like "*relativity*"}
$ServerList = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $webdev | where {$ -like "*web*"} | select name | sort name
Foreach($server in $ServerList)
$scriptBlockwork = { copy C:\davidtemp\Logo.png "\\$server\c$\program files\web\images" -Force -Verbose}
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $scriptBlockwork -verbose
I reached out to a friend who was able to help. I was not defining the variable properly.
I needed to use -expandProperty to get the results into a format that worked with the pipeline
$ServerList = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $webdev | where {$ -like "web"} | select -expandProperty name
Hopefully this helps someone else who might be having a similar issue.

Search in/for text in files

I am currently learning LPTHW Ex 46. In his video tutorial, Zed had done the following commands:
Find NAME within files using grep -r "NAME" *.
Find all files with extension ending in .pyc using find . -name "*pyc" -print.
Unfortunately, the above code does not work on Windows PowerShell. May I know what their Windows PowerShell equivalents are?
Based on my search, item 1 can be replaced by Select-String. However, it is not as good as we can only search specific files and not directories. For example, while this would work:
Select-String C:\Users\KMF\Exercises\Projects\gesso\gesso\ -pattern "NAME"
this would not:
Select-String C:\Users\KMF\Exercises\Projects\gesso -Pattern "NAME"
and it gives the following error
Select-String : The file C:\Users\KMF\Exercises\Projects\gesso can not be read: Access to the path 'C:\Users\KMF\Exercises\Projects\gesso' is denied.
For item 2 I could not find a similar function.
grep and find are Unix/Linux shell commands. They won't work in PowerShell unless you install a Windows port of them.
As you already found out, Select-String is the PowerShell equivalent for grep. It doesn't recurse by itself, though, so you have to combine it with Get-ChildItem to emulate grep -r:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern 'NAME'
For emulating find you'd combine Get-ChildItem with a Where-Object filter:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq '.pyc' }
PowerShell cmdlets can be aliased to help administrators avoid extensive typing (since PowerShell statements tend to be rather verbose). There are several built-in aliases, e.g. ls or dir for Get-ChildItem, and ? or where for Where-Object. You can also define aliases of your own, e.g. New-Alias -Name grep -Value Select-String. Parameter names can be shortened as long as the truncated parameter name remains unique for the cmdlet. When cmdlets allow positional parameters they can even be omitted entirely.
With all of the above your two PowerShell statements can be reduced to the following:
ls -r | grep 'NAME'
ls -r | ? { $_.Extension -eq '.pyc' }
Note however, that aliases and abbreviations are mainly intended as an enhancement for console use. For PowerShell scripts you should always use the full form, not only for readability, but also because aliases may differ from environment to environment. You don't want your scripts to break just because they're run by someone else.

grep specific pattern from a log file

I am passing all my svn commit log messages to a file and want to grep only the JIRA issue numbers from that.
Some lines might have more than 1 issue number, but I want to grab only the first occurrence.
The pattern is XXXX-999 (number of alpha and numeric char is not constant)
Also, I don't want the entire line to be displayed, just the JIRA number, without duplicates. I use the following command but it didn't work.
Could someone help please?
cat /tmp/jira.txt | grep '^[A-Z]+[-]+[0-9]'
Log file sample
r62086 | userx | 2015-05-12 11:12:52 -0600 (Tue, 12 May 2015) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /projects/trunk/
ABC-1000 This is a sample commit message
r62084 | usery | 2015-05-12 11:12:12 -0600 (Tue, 12 May 2015) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /projects/training/package.jar
EFG-1001 Test commit
Output expected:
First of all, it seems like you have the second + in the wrong place, it should be at the end of [0-9] expression.
Second, I think all you need to do this is use the -o option to grep (to display only the matching portion of the line), then pipe the grep output through sort -u, like this:
cat /tmp/jira.txt | grep -oE '^[A-Z]+-[0-9]+' | sort -u
Although if it were me, I'd skip the cat step and just give the filename to grep, as so:
grep -oE '^[A-Z]+-[0-9]+' /tmp/jira.txt | sort -u
Six of one, half a dozen of the other, really.
