How to append a text to a file in jenkinsfile - jenkins

How to append text to a file in a Jenkinsfile injecting the Jenkins BUILD_ID
I wish to see:
version := "1.0.25"
where 25 is the BUILD_ID
Here is my attempt:
import hudson.EnvVars
node {
echo 'retrieve build version'
sh 'echo version := 1.0.${env.BUILD_ID} >> build.sbt'
version:=1.0.${env.BUILD_ID}: bad substitution
Note the file is in the current directory

The pipeline built in writeFile is also very useful here but requires a read+write process to append to a file.
def readContent = readFile 'build.sbt'
writeFile file: 'build.sbt', text: readContent+"\r\nversion := 1.0.${env.BUILD_ID}"

env.BUILD_ID is a groovy variable, not a shell variable. Since you used single-quotes (') groovy will not substitute the variables in your string and the shell doesn't know about ${env.BUILD_ID}. You need to either use double-quotes " and let groovy do the substitution
sh "echo version := 1.0.${env.BUILD_ID} >> build.sbt"
or use the variable the shell knows
sh 'echo version := 1.0.$BUILD_ID >> build.sbt'
and since you need the version surrounded with doublequotes, you'd need something like this:
sh "echo version := \\\"1.0.${env.BUILD_ID}\\\" >> build.sbt"

I've used dirty little wrapper function to implement Stefan Crain's answer above:
def appendFile(String fileName, String line) {
def current = ""
if (fileExists(fileName)) {
current = readFile fileName
writeFile file: fileName, text: current + "\n" + line
I really don't like it, but it does the trick and it gets round escaping quotes via slashy strings,e.g.:
def tempFile = '/tmp/temp.txt'
writeFile file: tempFile, text: "worthless line 1\n"
// now append the string 'version="1.2.3" # added by appendFile\n' to tempFile
appendFile(tempFile,/version="1.2.3" # added by appendFile/ + "\n")


Remove substring from filename in jenkins groovy script

Hi I am trying to remove substring "-unsigned" from filename in jenkins pipeline script.
where filePattern app/build/outputs/**/-release.apk".
I wrote below groovy script
findFiles(glob: filePattern).each { file ->
sh """
mv ${file.path} "${file.path//-unsigned/}"
getting error unexpected char : 0XFFFF.
Can suggest where exactly I am missing. or suggest how to remove substring from file name in groovy.
not sure it's the best way to rename files however:
findFiles(glob: filePattern).each { file ->
sh """
mv ${file.path} "${file.path - '-unsigned'}"
issue in your code that you have // in this expression ${file.path // ...}
and compiler could take it as a single line comment
try to run this in groovy console:
${'abc' //no matter what here}
//comment here
^^^ compilation error: unexpected char: 0xFFFF
See bash(1) - Linux man page:
Parameter Expansion
Pattern substitution. [...] Parameter is expanded and the longest match of pattern against its value is replaced with string.
So it should be "${file.path/-unsigned//}".

Access a groovy variable from within shell in Jenkins pipeline

This answer did not help me
Below is the method in groovy:
def analyze(repoName){
result= sh (
script: '''
cat > << EOF_$$
returnStatus: true
) == 0
print "Creating file - Return status: ${result}"
where below line gives error:
properties file gets created with entry sonar.projectKey=ABC-
How to use groovy variable in sh() step?
You should double quotes for string interpolation and escape $ by \$ in following places:
${WORKSPACE} and ${BUILD_NUMBER}, you intent to use them as bash environment variable, rather than groovy variable
EOF_$$, you intent to use it literal meaning
Changed code:
def analyze(repoName){
result= sh (
script: """
cat > << EOF_\$\$
returnStatus: true
) == 0
print "Creating file - Return status: ${result}"
You should use double quotes for string interpolation, so just replace '''with """
And change EOF_$$ to EOF_\$\$

Jenkinsfile ${steps.env.BUILD_NUMBER}: bad substitution

I am trying to print a variable in Jenkins. But I am getting an error saying "bad substitution". I am using Jenkinsfile to achieve that. This is what I am doing.
static def printbn() {
sh '''
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo \"${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\"
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Print Build Number') {
steps {
Error that I am getting
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/groovymethod#tmp/durable-7d9ef0b0/ line 4: ${steps.env.BUILD_NUMBER}: bad substitution
NOTE: I am using Jenkins version Jenkins ver. 2.163
In Shell, variable name is not allow use ., that's why you get following error: bad substitution
In Groovy, there are 4 ways to represent a string:
single quote: ' a string '
tripe single quote: ''' a string '''
double quote: " a string "
tripe double quote: """ a string """
And Groovy only execute string interpolation on double and triple double quote string.
For example:
def name = 'Tom'
print "Hello ${name}"
print """Hello ${name}"""
// do interpolation before print, thus get Hello Tom printed out
print 'Hello ${name}'
print '''Hello ${name}'''
//no interpolation thus, print Hello ${name} out directly.
BUILD_NUMBER is Jenkins job's build-in environment variable. You can directly access it in shell/bat.
static def printbn() {
sh '''
#!/usr/bin/env bash
// directly access any Jenkins build-in environment variable,
// no need to use pattern `env.xxxx` which only works in groovy not in shell/bat
If you want use env.xxxx pattern, you can archive that via groovy string interpolation.
static def printbn() {
// use pipeline step: echo
echo "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" // env.BUILD_NUMBER is groovy variable
// or use pipeline step: sh
sh """#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}
// will do interpolation firstly, to replace ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} with real value
// then execute the whole shell script.

Jenkins pipeline shell step

Trying to get this pipeline working..
I need to prepare some variables (list or string) in groovy, and iterate over it in bash. As I understand, groovy scripts run on jenkins master, but I need to download some files into build workspace, that's why I try to download them in SH step.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import hudson.FilePath
pipeline {
agent { label 'xxx' }
parameters {
stages {
stage ('Get rendered images') {
steps {
script {
//select grafana API url based on environment
if ( params.grafana_env == "111" ) {
grafana_url = "http://xxx:3001"
} else if ( params.grafana_env == "222" ) {
grafana_url = "http://yyy:3001"
//get available grafana dashboards
def grafana_url = "${grafana_url}/api/search"
URL apiUrl = grafana_url.toURL()
List json = new JsonSlurper().parse(apiUrl.newReader())
def workspace = pwd()
List dash_names = []
// save png for each available dashboard
for ( dash in json ) {
def dash_name = dash['uri'].split('/')
dash_names_string = dash_names.join(" ")
sh "echo $dash_names_string"
sh """
for dash in $dash_names_string;
echo $dash
I get this error when run..
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: dash for class: WorkflowScript
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.getProperty(
at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.sandbox.DefaultInvoker.getProperty(
at com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.impl.PropertyAccessBlock.rawGet(
Looks like I'm missing something obvious...
Escape the $ for the shell variable with a backslash, that should help:
for dash in $dash_names_string;
echo \$dash
the problem is on line three here:
for dash in $dash_names_string;
echo $dash
it's trying to find a $dash property in groovy-land and finding none. i can't actually think how to make this work vi an inline sh step (possibly not enough sleep), but if you save the relevant contents of your json response to a file and then replace those four lines with a shell script that reads the file and call it from the Jenkinsfile like sh './', it will not try to evaluate that dollar value as groovy, and ought to at least fail in a different way. :)

Load file with environment variables Jenkins Pipeline

I am doing a simple pipeline:
Build -> Staging -> Production
I need different environment variables for staging and production, so i am trying to source variables.
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/'
But it returns Not found
[Stack Test] Running shell script
+ source /var/jenkins_home/.envvars/
/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Stack Test#tmp/durable-bcbe1515/ 2: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Stack Test#tmp/durable-bcbe1515/ source: not found
The path is right, because i run the same command when i log via ssh, and it works fine.
Here is the pipeline idea:
node {
stage name: 'Build'
// git and gradle build OK
echo 'My build stage'
stage name: 'Staging'
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/' // PROBLEM HERE
echo '$DB_URL' // Expects http://production_url/my_db
sh 'gradle flywayMigrate' // To staging
input message: "Does Staging server look good?"
stage name: 'Production'
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/'
echo '$DB_URL' // Expects http://production_url/my_db
sh 'gradle flywayMigrate' // To production
sh './'
What should i do?
I was thinking about not using pipeline (but i will not be able to use my Jenkinsfile).
Or make different jobs for staging and production, using EnvInject Plugin (But i lose my stage view)
Or make withEnv (but the code gets big, because today i am working with 12 env vars)
One way you could load environment variables from a file is to load a Groovy file.
For example:
Let's say you have a groovy file in '$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars' called 'stacktest-staging.groovy'.
Inside this file, you define 2 environment variables you want to load
You can then load this in using
load "$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/stacktest-staging.groovy"
Then you can use them in subsequent echo/shell steps.
For example, here is a short pipeline script:
node {
load "$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/stacktest-staging.groovy"
echo "${env.DB_URL}"
echo "${env.DB_URL2}"
From the comments to the accepted answer
Don't use global 'env' but use 'withEnv' construct, eg see:
issue #9: don't set env vars with global env in top 10 best practices jenkins pipeline plugin
In the following example: VAR1 is a plain java string (no groovy variable expansion), VAR2 is a groovy string (so variable 'someGroovyVar' is expanded).
The passed script is a plain java string, so $VAR1 and $VAR2 are passed literally to the shell, and the echo's are accessing environment variables VAR1 and VAR2.
stage('build') {
def someGroovyVar = 'Hello world'
withEnv(['VAR1=VALUE ONE',
]) {
def result = sh(script: 'echo $VAR1; echo $VAR2', returnStdout: true)
echo result
For secrets / passwords you can use credentials binding plugin
NOTE: CREDENTIALS_ID1 is a registered username/password secret on the Jenkins settings.
stage('Push') {
credentialsId: 'CREDENTIALS_ID1',
passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'USER')]) {
echo "User name: $USER"
echo "Password: $PASSWORD"
The jenkisn console log output hides the real values:
[Pipeline] echo
User name: ****
[Pipeline] echo
Password: ****
Jenkins and credentials is a big issue, probably see: credentials plugin
For completeness: Most of the time, we need the secrets in environment variables, as we use them from shell scripts, so we combine the withCredentials and withEnv like follows:
stage('Push') {
credentialsId: 'CREDENTIALS_ID1',
passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'USER')]) {
]) {
def result = sh(script: 'echo $ENV_USERNAME', returnStdout: true)
echo result
Another way to resolve this install 'Pipeline Utility Steps' plugin that provides us readProperties method ( for reference please go to the link
Here in the example we can see that they are storing the keys into an array and using the keys to retrieve the value.
But in that case the in production the problem will be like if we add any variable later into property file that variable needs to be added into the array of Jenkins file as well.
To get rid of this tight coupling, we can write code in such a way so that the Jenkins build environment can get information automatically about all the existing keys which presents currently in the Property file. Here is an example for the reference
def loadEnvironmentVariables(path){
def props = readProperties file: path
keys= props.keySet()
for(key in keys) {
value = props["${key}"]
env."${key}" = "${value}"
And the client code looks like
path = '\\ABS_Output\\EnvVars\\'
With declarative pipeline, you can do it in one line ( change path by your value):
script {
readProperties(file: path).each {key, value -> env[key] = value }
Using withEnv() to pass environment variables from file splitted by new line and casted to List:
writeFile file: 'version.txt', text: 'version=6.22.0'
withEnv(readFile('version.txt').split('\n') as List) {
sh "echo ${version}"
If you are using Jenkins 2.0 you can load the property file (which consists of all required Environment variables along with their corresponding values) and read all the environment variables listed there automatically and inject it into the Jenkins provided env entity.
Here is a method which performs the above stated action.
def loadProperties(path) {
properties = new Properties()
File propertiesFile = new File(path)
Set<Object> keys = properties.keySet();
for(Object k:keys){
String key = (String)k;
String value =(String) properties.getProperty(key)
env."${key}" = "${value}"
To call this method we need to pass the path of property file as a string variable For example, in our Jenkins file using groovy script we can call like
path = "${workspace}/"
Please ask me if you have any doubt
Here is a complete example of externalizing environment variables and loading them in Jenkins pipeline execution. The pipeline is written in a declarative style.
stage('Reading environment variable defined in groovy file') {
steps {
script {
load "./pipeline/basics/extenvvariable/env.groovy"
echo "${env.env_var1}"
echo "${env.env_var2}"
Complete code example:
Where variables are loaded from a groovy file placed with the pipeline code only.
This pattern comes very handy when you are creating a generic pipeline that could be used across teams.
You can externalize the dependent variable in such groovy file and each team can define their values according to their ecosystem.
Another solution is to use a custom method without allowing extra permissions such as for new Properties() which leads to this error before allowing:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use new java.util.Properties
or adding extra plugin methods such as readProperties.
here is a method which reads a simple file named env_vars in this format:
pipeline {
<... skipped lines ...>
script {
echo "show time! ${BAR} ${BAR2}"
<... skipped lines ...>
private void loadEnvironmentVariablesFromFile(String path) {
def file = readFile(path)
file.split('\n').each { envLine ->
def (key, value) = envLine.tokenize('=')
env."${key}" = "${value}"
