IOS - Add message to status bar - ios

How to add message to status bar when I using geolocations. Like the image below

As #Quentin Hayot described here
This banner is displayed by iOS itself in the following situations:
A background app is tracking your position (after a startUpdatingLocation)
A background app is using your microphone
A background app is performing a VOIP call
The banner color changes with the reason. There is no way to force iOS
to display those banners but by using one of the relevant background
If your app does not tracking position, using microphone or performing a VOIP call, you will not able to display that bar.


Change text in status bar while app in background

I want to change the text of red bar shown below, how do I do it? I see it when my swift app is currently using the microphone and is in the background.
You cannot change it yourself.
This is a system level event that occurs when your app is running in
background stage and using services like location, audio, etc. This
link discusses about the types of background services an app can

In-Call voip status bar in background

We are currently developing an app that uses peer-to-peer audio/voice transfer through APIs. When the app is in the background, a message appears in the in-call status bar reading “XXX (Recording)”. If we remove the in-call status bar altogether the voice goes to mute when the app is in the background. Apparently this message comes from Apple because it doesn’t appear in Android Samsung devices. We would like to change the content and perhaps the color of the in-call status bar in order to remove the word “Recording”. Please refer to attached screen shot. So any advice on the in-call status bar modification? Skype for example has its costume VoIP status bar
Thank you.
You cannot hide or customize the recording bar.
iOS chooses the colors and text of the bar depending on what you are doing:
Recordings are red, which is what you are doing.
Calls are green, which is what Skype is doing.
AirPlay and Personal hotspot are blue.
If you want the same color as Skype try changing your UIBackgroundModes to "voip" (or maybe look if you need to be using CallKit?)
Modifying recording bar (Color-text or anything) is NOT POSSIBLE in ios.
Hiding this when you are using Microphone is also NOT POSSIBLE. This bar appear as long as you use mic. Recoding or not, if mic is in use, It will display this bar. Its security measure for users to know that an app is listening to microphone.

Sinch in-call Status Bae text Modifying

We are currently developing a live app using Sinch Voice services to intiate call between two peers . When the app is in the background, the in-call status bar displays the following message:
App Name (Recording)
Since we are not recording any of the sessions, we would like to omit the use of the word "Recording" from the in-call status bar. Any idea how to achieve that
you are actually recording according to Apple, the microphone is active and is recording your voice and sending it to the other side. Unfortunately there is nothing to be done about this, its built in to the iOS to display that status bar when the microphone is active.

Remove Redbar while application is in backgroung and allowing VOIP notification

Red bar is displaying on top of device screen while I am receiving any VOIP notifications. In didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload method, I am doing nothing no microphone operations, No GPS, no audio session nothing at all just core data operations.
This red bar is indicating VOIP background use but I want to remove this red bar from top of screen without disabling VOIP from build settings.
I don't have any idea how to remove this. Any help would be highly appreciated.

IOS Text below Status Bar while app is in Background

I'm trying to figure out how to implement a banner like notification with text below the statusbar while an app is in the background.
Much like Runkeeper, while active and app is in background:
Is it a Banner? All I can find for that is banners for ads while the app is in the foreground.
Do I need to customize the StatusBar and add an extra view for the StatusBar with a custom text to appear?
Is it a customized UILocalNotification to be continuously shown?
This banner is displayed by iOS itself in the following situations:
A background app is tracking your position (after a startUpdatingLocation)
A background app is using your microphone
A background app is performing a VOIP call
The banner color changes with the reason.
There is no way to force iOS to display those banners but by using one of the relevant background modes.
