How to use WHERE for foreign key of a JOINed table in Doctrine? - join

I have a structure of three tables/entities: User (table users; columns id and name), Room (table roome; columns id and number), and RoomUser (user_room; columns id, user_id, room_id).
Now I want to retrieve all Rooms for a User with a given id. How to do this without to join Rooms?
$userId = 123;
// ...
$queryBuilder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
$query = $queryBuilder->select('r')
->from(Room::class, 'r')
->join('r.RoomUsers', 'ru')
->where('ru.room_id = :userId') // room_id?
->setParameter('userId', $userId)
$rooms = $query->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT);
So in SQL it would be something like
FROM rooms
JOIN room_users ON room_users.room_id =
WHERE user_id = 123;
How to implement this simple request with the QueryBuilder?

You can use MEMBER OF (docs) for that:
$query = $queryBuilder->select('r')
->from(Room::class, 'r')
->where(':user_id MEMBER OF r.users')
->setParameter('user_id', $userId)


Get value of each comma separated ID from another table in Web Api-not working in live

I have a 'Skill' table where i store skills. And in 'Job' table i store all required skill when post job like UpWork. Employeers have checkbox to select all required skills. But i store skillID like: 1,5,6,8 in job table. When i retrieve the job details, i want to get name of the all skills because i want to show SkillName with other details of the Job from job table. My Web Api:
public object BrowseJobs()
var skills = db.Skills.ToDictionary(d => d.SkillID, n => n.SkillName);
var jobData = (from j in db.Jobs where j.Preference==2
//from cj in j.ClosedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
join cj in db.ClosedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
on j.JobID equals cj.JobID into closedJob
where !closedJob.Any()
join c in db.Categories on j.Category equals c.CategoryID
join jobContract in
from appliedJob in db.AppliedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
from offer in appliedJob.JobOffers.DefaultIfEmpty()
from contract in db.Contracts.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { appliedJob, offer, contract }
on j.JobID equals jobContract.appliedJob.JobID into jobContracts
where !jobContracts.Any(jobContract => jobContract.contract.CompletedDate != null)
select new
JobTitle = j.JobTitle,
JobID = j.JobID,
ReqSkillCommaSeperated = j.ReqSkill,
Category = c.CategoryName,
TotalApplied=(from ap in db.AppliedJobs where j.JobID == ap.JobID select ap.AppliedJobID).DefaultIfEmpty().Count()
.Select(x => new
JobID = x.JobID,
JobTitle = x.JobTitle,
Category = x.Category,
Budget = x.Budget,
Deadline = x.Deadline,
JobDetails = x.JobDetails,
PublishDate = x.PublishDate,
SkillNames = GetSkillName(x.ReqSkillCommaSeperated, skills),
TotalApplied = (from ap in db.AppliedJobs where x.JobID == ap.JobID select ap.AppliedJobID).DefaultIfEmpty().Count()
return jobData.AsEnumerable();
private string GetSkillName(string reqSkill, Dictionary<int, string> skills)
if (reqSkill == null) return string.Empty;
var skillArr = reqSkill.Split(',');
var skillNameList = skillArr.Select(skillId => skills[Convert.ToInt32(skillId)])
return String.Join(",", skillNameList);
My Problem is that the code is working well in my VS 2013. But when i uploaded it on a Godaddy live server, it doesn't work! returns 500 internal server error
Now i want to Make a SQL query instead of Linq. Can i do SQL with my desired result?
your sql code is well worked. But i have others condition to be put on.
1. I need to show those job which is not closed yet (ClosedJobs table take the closed jobs ID).If a job ID is found on ClosedJobs table, it will not return in the list.
join cj in db.ClosedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
on j.JobID equals cj.JobID into closedJob
where !closedJob.Any()
Those job which is not found on Contracts table(Contracts table take the jobID of a job that is started as contract)
2nd Edit===================
join jobContract in
from appliedJob in db.AppliedJobs.DefaultIfEmpty()
from offer in appliedJob.JobOffers.DefaultIfEmpty()
from contract in db.Contracts.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { appliedJob, offer, contract }
on j.JobID equals jobContract.appliedJob.JobID into jobContracts
where !jobContracts.Any(jobContract => jobContract.contract.CompletedDate != null)
EXP: Job table has relation with AppliedJobs table. AppliedJobs table has relation with JobOffers. JobOffers has relation with Contracts.
i don't want to show those jobs that are completed.(Contracts.CompletedDate != null). When a contract starts the field CompletedDate is set to null. After completing the contract ,it is changed null to the completed date.
Where i will apply the condition?
How can i do that? Can you help me? #John Cappelletti
Below is a simple example of using Stuff() and XML. If the sequence is important, then we must split the string first.
To be clear #Skills and #YourData are table variables and simply demonstrative.
Declare #Skills table (SkillID int,SkillName varchar(50))
Insert Into #Skills values
Declare #YourData table (ID int,ReqSkill varchar(50))
Insert Into #YourData values
Select A.ID
,Skills = Stuff((Select ',' +SkillName
From #Skills
Where charindex(concat(',',SkillID,','),','+A.ReqSkill+',')>0
For XML Path ('')),1,1,'')
From #YourData A
-- Your WHERE Statement Here --
ID Skills
1 ASP,JavaScript,AngularJS,WordPress,Joomla
2 AngularJS
3 JavaScript,AngularJS,WordPress,Joomla

Multipy after joining data in PIG

I am trying to multiply two fields and take their sum after joining three tables in Pig. However I keep on getting this error:
<file loyalty_program.pig, line 30, column 74> (Name: Multiply Type: null Uid: null)incompatible types in Multiply Operator left hand side:bag :tuple(new_details1::new_details::potential_customers::num_of_orders:long) right hand side:bag :tuple(products::price:int)
-- load the data sets
orders = LOAD '/dualcore/orders' AS (order_id:int,
details = LOAD '/dualcore/order_details' AS (order_id:int,
products = LOAD '/dualcore/products' AS (prod_id:int,
recent = FILTER orders by order_dtm matches '2012-.*$';
customer = GROUP recent by cust_id;
cust_orders = FOREACH customer GENERATE group as cust_id, (int)COUNT(recent) as num_of_orders;
potential_customers = FILTER cust_orders by num_of_orders>=5;
new_details = join potential_customers by cust_id, recent by cust_id;
new_details1 = join new_details by order_id, details by order_id;
new_details2 = join new_details1 by prod_id, products by prod_id;
--DESCRIBE new_details2;
final_details = FOREACH new_details2 GENERATE potential_customers::cust_id, potential_customers::num_of_orders as num_of_orders,recent::order_id as order_id,recent::order_dtm,details::prod_id,products::brand,products::name,products::price as price,products::cost,products::shipping_wt;
grouped_data = GROUP final_details by cust_id;
member = FOREACH grouped_data GENERATE SUM(final_details.num_of_orders * final_details.price) ;
lim = limit member 10;
dump lim;
I even casted the result of count to int. It still keeps on throwing this error at me. I have no clue how to go about it.
Ok.. I think at first, you want to multiply no.of purchases with the price of each product and then you need total SUM of that multiplied value..
Even though this is a strange requirement, but you can go with below approach..
All you need to do is calculate the multiplication in final_details Foreach statement itself and simply apply the SUM for that multiplied amount..
Based on your load statements I created the below input files
Below is the code
orders = LOAD '/user/cloudera/inputfiles/main_orders.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (order_id:int,cust_id:int,order_dtm:chararray);
details = LOAD '/user/cloudera/inputfiles/orders_details.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (order_id:int,prod_id:int);
products = LOAD '/user/cloudera/inputfiles/main_products.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS(prod_id:int,brand:chararray,name:chararray,price:int,cost:int,shipping_wt:int);
recent = FILTER orders by order_dtm matches '2012-.*';
customer = GROUP recent by cust_id;
cust_orders = FOREACH customer GENERATE group as cust_id, (int)COUNT(recent) as num_of_orders;
potential_customers = FILTER cust_orders by num_of_orders>=5;
new_details = join potential_customers by cust_id, recent by cust_id;
new_details1 = join new_details by order_id, details by order_id;
new_details2 = join new_details1 by prod_id, products by prod_id;
DESCRIBE new_details2;
final_details = FOREACH new_details2 GENERATE potential_customers::cust_id, potential_customers::num_of_orders as num_of_orders,recent::order_id as order_id,recent::order_dtm,details::prod_id,products::brand,products::name,products::price as price,products::cost,products::shipping_wt, (potential_customers::num_of_orders * products::price ) as multiplied_price;// multiplication is achived in last variable
dump final_details;
grouped_data = GROUP final_details by cust_id;
member = FOREACH grouped_data GENERATE SUM(final_details.multiplied_price) ;
lim = limit member 10;
dump lim;
Just for clarity I am dumping the output of final_details foreach statement as well.
final output is below
This code may help you, but Please clarify your requirement again

Cannot do Inner join in CDbCriteria

This is mysqli query
SELECT DISTINCT t.company_id,t.image,t.text,, t.title AS c_title
FROM news t
INNER JOIN companies c ON c.company_id=t.company_id ORDER BY DESC
LIMIT 20" or die ("ERROR ". mysqli_error($link));
I want to write in CDbCriteria
$Criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$Criteria->join = 'INNER JOIN companies c ON t.company_id=c.company_id';
if ($place>0){
$Criteria->condition = "t.company_id = :place";
$Criteria->params = array(':place'=>$place);
$Criteria->order = " DESC";
$Criteria->limit = 20;
$Criteria->select='t.company_id,t.image,t.text,,c.title AS c_title';
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('News',
Error Property "News.c_title" is not defined
The property c_title is not defined in your News model (fields from your news table will be available as properties automatically, but c_title is an alias of title and not a field of of your table).
Put this in your News model:
public $c_title;

How can this SQL subquery be expressed using Squeel/ActiveRecord?

I'm having a bit of brain fade today and can't figure out how I should express this SQL query correctly using ActiveRecord/Squeel/ARel:
SELECT `d1`.* FROM `domain_names` d1
WHERE `d1`.`created_at` = (
SELECT MAX(`d2`.`created_at`)
FROM `domain_names` d2
WHERE `d2`.`owner_type` = `d1`.`owner_type`
AND `d2`.`owner_id` = `d1`.`owner_id`
AND `d2`.`key` = `d1`.`key`
Any ideas?
Background: The DomainName model has a polymorphic owner as well as a "key" field that allows owners to have many different types of domain name. The query above fetches the latest domain name for each unique [owner_type, owner_id, key] tuple.
Here's the same query using JOIN:
SELECT `d1`.* FROM `domain_names` d1
SELECT `owner_type`, `owner_id`, `key`, MAX(`created_at`) max_created_at
FROM `domain_names`
GROUP BY `owner_type`, `owner_id`, `key`
) d2
ON `d2`.`owner_type` = `d1`.`owner_type`
AND `d2`.`owner_id` = `d1`.`owner_id`
AND `d2`.`key` = `d1`.`key`
WHERE `d1`.`created_at` = `d2`.`max_created_at`

LINQ to Entites: how can I implement this complex t-sql in LINQ (multiple joins, DISTINCT, NOT EXISTS)?

I have a complex query that I'm trying to reproduce in LINQ to Entities, but I'm not there yet - is it possible?
The t-sql query looks like:
select distinct,
join L on =
join M on ( M.l_code = L.l_code and M.dp_code = DP.dp_code )
join C on C.c_code = M.c_code
where not exists ( select id from map where map.cid = and map.lid = )
Tables look like:
id (pk)
dp_code (varchar)
id (pk)
fk (fk to DP.ID)
l_code (varchar)
id (pk)
l_code (varchar, matches value in L.l_code)
dp_code (varchar, matches value in DP.dp_code)
c_code (varchar, matches the value in C.c_code)
id (pk)
c_code (varchar)
id (pk)
cid (fk to
lid (fk to
My LINQ looks like:
IQueryable foo = from dp in ctx.DP
from l in dl.L
join m in ctx.M on l.l_code equals m.m_code
// Q1: how can I add: AND m.dp_code = dp.dp_code
join c in ctx.C on m.c_code = c.c_code
// this works, but why can't I do it as an AND in the join?
where m.dp_code == dp.dp_code
select new
cid =,
cid =
So, questions:
Q1: Why can't I do two conditions in the join? User error, or limitations in LINQ?
Q2: How can I add the NOT EXISTS to the query? I've looked at this question, but can't see how to implement the NOT EXISTS subquery.
You can, but it's usually wrong to do a join at all. Still, if you must, you use anonymous types: on new { l: l.l_code, d: dp.code } equals new { l: m_code, d: m.dp_code }
where !(from m in map where whatever select m).Any(). But as with (1), it's better to use associations.
