Paperclip missing.png not showing - ruby-on-rails

In my member model I have a default url when no image is uploaded:
default_url: "/images/:style/missing.png"
in the assets/images folder I created a 'medium' folder and stored an image 'missing.png'
However, when I created a new member object and not upload an image, the webpage doesn't show the missing.png
Am I missing something?
I also tried the solution here and changed the default setting to:
default_url: "/:style/missing.png"
but that didn't work.
Help is much appreciated

You can use the below working code. It's working fine in my case.
has_attached_file :content, styles: { thumb: "120x120>", medium: "160x226" }, default_url: "/assets/noimage/:style/missing.png",
:storage => :s3,
:s3_protocol => 'https',
:s3_host_name =>,
:s3_credentials => {
:bucket =>,
:access_key_id =>,
:secret_access_key =>


Delayed Paperclip with s3 Missing Bucket Option in Production

I'm trying to used delayed_paperclip to process image resize in the background. This process works in development but in production I get this in my delayed job's last error.
missing required :bucket option\n/home/server_username/project_folder_name/shared/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/paperclip-4.3.0/lib/paperclip/storage/s3.rb:218:in 'bucket_name'...etc
In application.rb
config.paperclip_defaults = {
:storage => :s3,
:url =>':s3_domain_url',
:s3_protocol => 'https',
:path => '/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename',
:bucket => ENV['s3_bucket_name'],
:s3_credentials => {
:access_key_id => ENV['s3_id'],
:secret_access_key => ENV['s3_key']
In my class file
has_attached_file :uploaded_file,
:styles => { original: "990x990#",large: "300x300#", medium: "200x200#", thumb: "100x100#"},
only_process: [:medium]
process_in_background :uploaded_file, queue: "queue_name",
only_process: [:original, :large, :thumb]
Uploading to s3 works without using delayed_paperclip. I just wanted to use this library so people didn't have to wait for these to be uploaded/resiszed. I'm working on Ubuntu14.04. Deploying w/ Capistrano.
I saw a couple places that the bucket should be outside of the s3_credentials, so I moved it to where it is now. So I've tried it there and inside s3_credentials -- no change either way.
The medium image is uploaded and resized immediately and works.
Let me know if there is some info I didn't provide.

Paperclip + AWS S3, Prefixing remote path with my local path

I'm using Paperclip with a Rails 4 app and Amazon S3 storage. On my development machine, the site is running at
When I upload a file with Paperclip to S3, the remote path in S3 inherits my local folder structure.
Why is this happening? How do I strip that part out? I tried changing the :path property but that only seemed to affect the "application" part of the path (e.g. after /assets/uploads) My site is still in development, so I don't care about having to preserve links.
My config is...
config.paperclip_defaults = {
:storage => :s3,
:path => '/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename',
:s3_credentials => {
:bucket => 'example_com_bucket',
:access_key_id => '...',
:secret_access_key => '...'
I had this exact same issue when I was using the :url parameter where I should have been using the :path parameter:
has_attached_file :primary_photo,
:styles => ...,
:storage => :s3,
:s3_host_name => '',
:s3_credentials => 'config/s3.yml',
:url => '/product/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename'
I fixed it by changing my config to this:
has_attached_file :primary_photo,
:styles => ...,
:storage => :s3,
:s3_host_name => '',
:s3_credentials => 'config/s3.yml',
:path => '/product/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename'

Paperclip is not saving the original file when a style is defined

I'm working to make Paperclip store a thumbnail in addition to the original image. The original image had always saved file and now I'm trying to add a thumbnail.
The problem is, once I defined the style thumbnail, the original is no longer being saved. How can I get the original to save along with the thumb?
has_mongoid_attached_file :attachment,
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => "s3.yml",
:s3_protocol => 'https',
:s3_permissions => :private,
:use_timestamp => true,
:default_style => :original,
:default_url => '/images/:attachment/default_:style.png',
:path => "/:rails_env/private/:basename.:extension",
:styles => {
:thumb => "100x100#" },
:convert_options => {
:thumb => "-quality 75 -strip" }
Install Imagemagic ( and then you can rezize your original sized photo into any size by using like this
<img src="#", size: '150x150'>

Rails 4, Paperclip, Amazon S3 Config Amazon Path

I'm trying to configure the endpoint which is returned from paperclip when my object is successfully uploaded to Amazon's S3 service. The upload and everything is working correctly, but the URL that is being returned is incorrect for displaying the upload.
Right now, the url that is being returned is (as seen in the picture below).
Instead of, I would like the root to be specific to the bucket's location (e.g.
Where should I try and configure a different url path (from to something else)? I've tried to add a url with the above path into my configuration file like:
#Paperclip Amazon S3
config.paperclip_defaults = {
:storage => :s3,
:url => "",
:s3_credentials => {
:bucket => ENV['S3_BUCKET_NAME'],
:access_key_id => ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
:secret_access_key => ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
Which did not appear to have any effect. Please advise on where I should be setting this option!
Thanks in advance!
If you're going to use S3, we've found that you have to include the S3 credentials in your actual model (not just the config files). Here's what we do:
#Image Upload
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = 'C:\RailsInstaller\ImageMagick'
has_attached_file :image,
:styles => { :medium => "x300", :thumb => "x100" },
:default_url => "****",
:storage => :s3,
:bucket => '****',
:s3_credentials => S3_CREDENTIALS,
:url => "/:image/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
:path => ":image/:id/:style/:basename.:extension"
# Paperclip (for Amazon) (we use EU servers)
config.paperclip_defaults = {
:storage => :s3,
:s3_host_name => ''
#Amazon AWS Config
access_key_id: **********
secret_access_key: **************
bucket: ****
access_key_id: ***********
secret_access_key: ***********
bucket: ****
Hope this helps?
I also had the same problem when migrating to Spree 2.2 and am still not sure how to solve it the correct way. It seems like Paperclip should have been updating the path from the configuration, but it isn't.
Lacking a better solution, I've overridden the Spree::Image class like this:
1 Spree::Image.class_eval do
2 has_attached_file :attachment,
3 styles: { mini: '48x48>', small: '100x100>', product: '240x240>', large: '600x600>' },
4 default_style: :product,
5 url: '/spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension',
6 path: 'products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension',
7 convert_options: { all: '-strip -auto-orient -colorspace sRGB' }ยท
8 end
After some experimentation I have found that setting :s3_host_name globally suffices. I ended up with the same problem because I was setting :s3_region, which was being used by Paperclip (post-4.3.1, with aws-sdk 2) for storing attachments, but not when generating the URLs.
This may also be of interest to readers who end up on this problem:

Imagehack and paperclip how to create a thumb and define path and filename?

I am trying to create a thumb with and uploaded image. I also want to resize the uploaded image to 672x378 and the thumb is should be 219x123.
The path for the thumb should be photographer/image/:id/thumb:Filename
I have installed imageshack (gem 'Rmagick') and intstalled the program on my pc.
My model:
has_attached_file :image,
:storage => :s3,
:bucket => 'mybucket',
:path => '/photographer/image/:id/:filename',
:s3_credentials => {
:access_key_id => 'mykey',
:secret_access_key => 'mykey'
It looks like you want to attach images to photographers. So in that case I would include this code on the photographer model.
has_attached_file :image,
:styles => { :original => "672>x378>", :thumb => "219>x123>" }, # width x height
:storage => :s3,
:bucket => "mybucket",
:path => "photographers/:id/images/:style/:basename.:extension",
:s3_credentials => {
:access_key_id => 'mykey',
:secret_access_key => 'mykey'
Not that the > after the size of the images will restrict the width from exceeding the value, but still keep the image in proportion. So, the image can't go larger than the height or width. You can remove those if you want.
