MSBuild Missing from TFS 2015 Build Templates - tfs

I have upgraded to TFS 2015 Update 3 and can't find MSBuild in the available build templates. Only the following ones are available:
Any help to getting MSBuild installed would be appreciated.

I am on TFS 2015 update 2 and I don't see any MSBuild Build Templates available to me either. However, I would just use the MSBuild task after selecting the empty Build Template at the bottom of the picture you provided. I don't think a MSBuild Build Template exists for TFS 2015.
Also, whether or not MSBuild is installed is based on the Agent running your builds, not based on the build templates. You can see if your Agent can use MSBuild by viewing its capabilities under your agent pools at {tfs-name}:8080/tfs/_admin/_AgentPool

There's never been an MSBuild template. There has been, and still is, however, an MSBuild task. You can use the MSBuild task in any build definition.


How to use code coverage tools in continuous build integration of TFS 2013?

I am using the TFS 2013\VS 2013 professional editions for continuous build. Am looking to use an open source tool like OpenCover for code coverage. I have no prior experience in code coverage tools. I installed the OpenCover UI from Nuget but not sure how to include Codecoverage in integrated build in TFS. Getting "No Code Coverage Results" when the build runs.
I enabled code coverage under Automated tests node in build definition.
Any suggestion on how to implement code coverage in TFS\VS 2013 Profession edition would be greatly appreciated.
If you mean Enabled Code Coverage in the build definition just like below screeshot.
This is VS build-in code coverage, according to the Compare VS offerings site, only Visual Studio Enterprise has Code Coverage feature, so if you use TFS for your CI build and want to use the built-in code coverage feature, installing VS Enterprise on your build agent machine is required.
If you want to integrate OpenCover with TFS XAML build, you need to customize your build process template, add a custom activity in the build definition to trigger the opencover command for generating the report.
Created a RunCoverage.cmd at the root of my source folder
Installed / copied in TFS Servers the Opencover binaries and added into Path(must restart TFS Services to enable TFS to see it).
Created a new actitivity in the build definition, that is, editing the build template (before sonar execution activity) to run the cmd:
Running command line statements from TFS custom activity
There is the cmd contents:
#REM #echo suppresses command line. ^ is line continuation character
#ECHO Executing OpenCover...
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user ^
-target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" ^
-targetargs:"/testcontainer:%~dp0test.dll /usestderr /resultsfile:%~dp0MSTestsResults.trx" ^
More details please refer Naim Raja Díaz's answer in this similar question:Integration of OpenCover with TFS 

Forcing TFS 2013 to use VS 2015 as a Build Agent

Not too sure if what I'm asking here is possible, or if it requires an upgrade. My problem is that I have a local install of TFS 2013 (that is, on-premises), and all dev machines have now upgraded to VS2015. However, when using new features (such as $"test {teststring}"), we get build errors.
The build machine has both VS2013 and VS2015 installed, and is using the default build template (TfvcTemplate.12.xaml). Looking at the "Run MSBuild" task inside the build workflow, there doesn't seem to be any way to point it to one MSBuild or another.
Is it possible to hint to the build to use the later version of VS / MSBuild and, if so, how?
Try adding /tv:14 to the msbuild commandline arguments in your build template, if that doesn't work, edit the xaml file for your build process template and override the "ToolPath" property of the "Run MsBuild for Project" task. Or make that field configurable through further customization of the build template.
Set that path to C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin (or your equivalend location in case your machine uses alternate default directory names).

How can I put xaml build definitions in source control in Visual Studio 2015?

I use Visual Studio 2015 and TFS 2012. In Team Explorer, it is possible to manage Builds and Build Definitions. Since VS2015, the section Build Definitions is named "XAML Build Definitions". I would like to put xaml build definitions in source control. Problem is I cannot find the build definition files on disk. Anyone knows where they are ?
You can download build process template and add it into source control, but you can't version-control build definitions.
In the new build system coming with TFS 2015 you can see the full history of the changes to your build definition. The feature that is currently missing is the ability to undo or rollback to a previous revision. Check
Just in case anyone needs to access the XAML Build Definitions parameters. They are saved in the TFS database, table: [dbo].[tbl_BuildDefinition].

Integration of OpenCover with TFS

I am new to TFS and want to integrate OpenCover with TFS. If any has done this please help!
This question is rather old but maybe you are still interested. With current Version of TFS (2015 Update 2) this is now possible as a "vsts Extension".
See here for details:
Since the answer doesn't specify the version of TFS, here is an answer for 2015/2017.
OpenCover can be run from TFS using the Powershell build step. You need to get the contents of the OpenCover NuGet package onto TFS and run OpenCover.console.exe from there.
Since TFS doesn't support the format produced by OpenCover, you need to take one additional step and convert the results to Cobertura format. It's possible using the OpenCoverToCoberturaConverter NuGet package.
I've described the whole process in much more detail on my blog:
OpenCover is just a console application so you can just modify your scripts to get OpenCover to run your unit tests.
I haven't used TFS for several years and it has changed since then however this blog post should help
To incorporate coverage measurement of OpenCover the build process of TFS (second half)
The original is in Japanese but if you are familiar with TFS then the screens will probably be obvious.
OpenCover also comes with an MSBuild task that may help you with your integration.
I've just integrated opencover with TFS Build, to generate a xml with the results that will be processed by sonar:
Created a RunCoverage.cmd at the root of my source folder
Installed / copied in TFS Servers the Opencover binaries and added into Path(must restart TFS Services to enable TFS to see it).
Created a new actitivity in the build definition, that is, editing the build template (before sonar execution activity) to run the cmd:
Running command line statements from TFS custom activity
There is the cmd contents:
#REM #echo suppresses command line. ^ is line continuation character
#ECHO Executing OpenCover...
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user ^
-target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" ^
-targetargs:"/testcontainer:%~dp0test.dll /usestderr /resultsfile:%~dp0MSTestsResults.trx" ^
But i'm facing three issues (that are related with my concrete implementation, but you may face them):
The Tests are runned twice (one for template itself, and other for OpenCover)
The MsTest.exe in the TFS Servers is not in the same path, so when the Controller asigns an agent (if the match is done by tags) then if the agent executing the build is in a TFS Server that does not have the MSTest in the right path it will fail.
How to inject in cmd the corresponding test runner (MsTest, XUnit, Nunit, etc...) depending on the test project
Hope that it helps! (and someone can help me ;-)

How to use MSBuild Community Tasks in Team Build 2010?

How to use MSBuild Community Tasks in Team Build 2010? As you know TFS 2010 uses Windows Work Flow instead of Tasks and Target like previous version.
Many Thanks
MSBuild is still used to build your solution(s)/project(s). The simplest thing would be to install the Community Tasks on your build machine and reference them as you normally would from your solution's project files (*.*proj).
