Olingo Odata v2 Client Ignore metadata changes - odata

I'vve problems with the Olingo Odata v2 Client library. We save the metadata file in our backend and read it from there instead of getting it every time from server because of performance.
But if server changes the structure of data (e.g. adding a new field) the methold call:
ODataFeed feed = EntityProvider.readFeed( contentType,
entityContainer.getEntitySet( entitySetName ), content,
EntityProviderReadProperties.init( ).build( ) );
will run into an Exception:
org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException: Illegal argument for method call with message 'NewModel2'.
at org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.consumer.JsonEntryConsumer.readNavigationProperty(JsonEntryConsumer.java:279)
at org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.consumer.JsonEntryConsumer.handleName(JsonEntryConsumer.java:178)
where NewModel2 is a new property added later.
Is there any switch to ignore such changes and parse only known properties?


Can we call External Rest API from Rule Chain to collect telemetry data from another API?

I am trying to collect energy generation statistics like Watts and wattHour form external API. I have External Rest API endpoint available for it.
Is there a way in Thingsboard using rule chain to call external endpoint and store its as telemetry data. Later i want to show this data in dashboards.
I know it has been too long, but thingsboard has lacking documentation and it might be useful for someone else.
You'd have to use the REST API CALL external node (https://thingsboard.io/docs/user-guide/rule-engine-2-0/external-nodes/#rest-api-call-node)
If the Node was successful, it will output it's OutboundMessage containing the HTTP Response, with the metadata containing:
- metadata.status
- metadata.statusCode
- metadata.statusReason
and with the payload of the message containing the response body from your external REST service (i.e. your stored telemetry).
You then have to use a script transformation node in order to format the metadata, payload and msgType, into the POST_TELEMETRY_REQUEST message format, see: https://thingsboard.io/docs/user-guide/rule-engine-2-0/overview/#predefined-message-types
Your external REST API should provide the correct "deviceName" and "deviceType", as well as the "ts" in UNIX milliseconds.
Notice that you also need to change the messageType (msgType return variable) to "POST_TELEMETRY_REQUEST".
Finally, just transmit the result to the Save timeseries action node and it will be stored as a telemetry from the specified device. Hope this helps.

SAPUI5 ODataModel metadata $format=xml

i am trying to connect sapui5/openui5 ODataModel to an odata-server. I want to use a nodejs server with package simple-odata-server. Unfortunately this odata server provides metadata only in xml-format. But sapui5 tries to load metadata in json-format.
Before i switch to another odata server, i want to check, wether sapui5 can load metadata in xml-format. I tried to create the model with several parameters, but ODataModel still tries to load metadata as json.
var oModel = new ODataModel("/odata", {
"metadataUrlParams": "$format=xml",
"json": false
Does anybody know, wether i can switch to $format=xml
Thanks in advance,
As far as I know the OData protocol metadata is always provided as XML, never seen metadata in JSON format. Also my n-odata-server Qualiture mentioned in the comment above does it. But I never had problems with SAPUI5. It requests the metadata, gets the xml stream and works with it.
Since the metadataUrlParams parameter is of type map I'd suppose it would at least do what you intend like this:
var oModel = new ODataModel("/odata", {
"metadataUrlParams": {
"$format": "xml"

get 'undefined' saveResult.entities after saveChanges [breezejs]

I tried to update one entity in my angularjs client using breezejs library. After calling saveChanges(), it can actually save back in the server and fetched on the client. However, the server did not return the response back. The saveResult.entities is undefined and pop up an error for me. When I took a look at the docs, it mentions 'Some service APIs do not return information about every saved entity. If your server doesn't return such information, you should add the pre-save, cached entity to saveResult.entities yourself'. Could anyone provide an example of how to do this?
This is the code when i am trying to do an update.
manager.saveChanges(entitiesToSave, null, (saveResult) => {
const savedRes = saveResult;
savedRes.entities = entitiesToSave;
return savedRes;
On the server, you would need to construct the response for an update similar to the way it is for a create:
response.setContent(...); // entities
response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE, responseFormat.toContentTypeString());

How can I get Breeze to query $metadata instead of Metadata?

I set up my odata service with Node, MongoDB and JayData. When I hit http://localhost:8000/odata/findash.svc/$metadata in my browser I get the metadata exactly as I would expect.
In the browser console I execute this sample code:
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager('odata/findash.svc');
var query = new breeze.EntityQuery()
}).fail(function(e) {
An alert pops up with the message: Error: Metadata query failed for: odata/findash.svc/Metadata; Not Found
The net tab confirms that Breeze is hitting odata/findash.svc/Metadata which produces a 404 instead of odata/findash.svc/$metadata which works fine.
Is there a way to configure this behavior in Breeze or is the problem with my odata setup?
I assume that you meant OData and not JayData in your question. Breeze and JayData are two different products. If not then I'm not sure I understand the question.
I think that you haven't told breeze to use the OData endpoint. By default breeze uses a WebApi endpoint. You can change this via the breeze.config like this:
dataService: "OData", ...
Breeze supports both OData and a WebApi endpoints. The OData endpoint ( per the OData spec) returns metadata from '$metadata". The webApi endpoint returns metadata from 'Metadata'.
See: http://www.breezejs.com/documentation/odata

system error is null from GradesManagementService

In case of a system error from the GradesManagementService, the returned response object is null, but the response header includes the diagnostic information. What class do I use to get this information?
Here is my code:
GradesManagementServiceV10 port = service.getGradesManagementServiceV10();
GetGradeValuesByOrgUnitRequest r = new GetGradeValuesByOrgUnitRequest(); GetGradeValuesByOrgUnitResponse resp = new GetGradeValuesByOrgUnitResponse(); WSBindingProvider bp = (WSBindingProvider)port; bp.setOutboundHeaders( Headers.create(formatSOAPHeader())); ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, getUrl());
resp = port.getGradeValuesByOrgUnit(r); // the response is null. <------ How do I see what the error is?
In your service object (in the above code snippet that would be port, the object of the Web service proxy class GradesManagementServiceV10), ResponseHeader property would contain such information (this property's type is ResponseHeaderInfo).
If you are doing new development with Desire2Learn I would also suggest that you look at the Valence REST/JSON API. New features and new API calls are going to show up in that system http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/ (it is always deployed, the docs are open, etc.)
