Cannot install gem march_hare - ruby-on-rails

I tried adding this to my Gemfile:
gem 'march_hare', '~> 2.22'
Using bundle install I got this message:
Could not find gem 'march_hare (~> 2.22)' in any of the gem sources listed in
your Gemfile or available on this machine.
On the topmost line in my Gemfile, I have this :
source ''
When I manually visit the rubygems and I m able to find this gem here :
How do I install this gem? I don't understand what is happening.

It doesn't work with any jRuby older than 9.0, this was a miss on my part


'bundle install' keeps installing gem sqlite3 version 1.4.2 even if not in Gemfile

I need sqlite3 v1.3.9 gem installed for my app, so I add this line to the Gemfile:
gem 'sqlite3', '= 1.3.9'
However, when I run 'bundle install', it installs v1.4.2 of that gem.
I modified the above line to
gem 'sqlite3', '= 1.3.9', '< 1.4'
No joy -- sqlite v1.4.2 is installed (even if I remove any reference to 'sqlite3' from the Gemfile completely).
My Gemfile was created when I used rails new appname, so it is not fancy at all... I only added gem devise to it.
Gemfile.lock doesn't contain any reference to sqlite3. I removed it anyway and it didn't help.
As another option, I installed v1.3.9 via gem install sqlite3 -v 1.3.9 and I removed v1.4.2 with
# bundle exec gem uninstal sqlite3
Select gem to uninstall:
1. sqlite3-1.3.9
2. sqlite3-1.4.2
3. All versions
> 2
Successfully uninstalled sqlite3-1.4.2
...but as soon as I tried to add v1.3.9, I got:
# bundle add sqlite3 -v 1.3.9
[!] There was an error parsing `injected gems`: You cannot specify the same gem twice with different version requirements.
You specified: sqlite3 (~> 1.4) and sqlite3 (= 1.3.9). Bundler cannot continue.
# from injected gems:1
# -------------------------------------------
> gem "sqlite3", "= 1.3.9"
# -------------------------------------------
I'd grateful for any hints on why v1.4.2 keeps being installed and, most importantly, how do get the bundler forget about v1.4.2 and accept v1.3.9?
Thanks a lot!
There might be some gem in your app that requires sqlite3-1.4.2 and that is causing an issue with installing sqlite3-1.3.9. You should check your Gemfile.lock and look for any gem that is adding sqlite3-1.4.2 as a dependency.
There should be a gem in your app that requires sqlite3-1.4.2 and that is causing an issue with installing sqlite3-1.3.9. You should check your Gemfile.lock and look for any gem that is adding sqlite3-1.4.2 as a dependency.

LoadError: cannot load such file — bcrypt_ext

I have tried to deploy devise authentication on my rails app.
I am getting this issue
"cannot load such file -- bcrypt_ext"
I see it is a common issue amongst windows based computers but the answers to other questions have not helped me yet.
I am running Windows 8 x64 with x86 ruby and devkit
C:\> gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc bcrypt
C:\> cd (path to gems root)\bcrypt-3.1.7-x86-mingw32\ext\mri
C:\(path to gems root)\bcrypt-3.1.7-x86-mingw32\ext\mri> ruby extconf.rb
C:\(path to gems root)\bcrypt-3.1.7-x86-mingw32\ext\mri> make
C:\(path to gems root)\bcrypt-3.1.7-x86-mingw32\ext\mri> make install
reference: file is missing -if you manually copy it to proper folder - in my case \Ruby23\lib\ruby\gems\2.3.0\gems\bcrypt-3.1.11-x86-mingw32\lib - it helps. :)
This worked for me:
-Uninstall all bcrypt versions: gem uninstall bcrypt
select option 3 (uninstall all)
-Uninstall all bcrypt-ruby versions: gem uninstall bcrypt-ruby
select option 3 (uninstall all)
replace the line in your gemfile by:
to add this line to the gemfile:
gem 'bcrypt', platforms: :ruby
did not work for me though but to point the gemfile to the git repository did:
gem 'bcrypt', git: '', :require => 'bcrypt'
bundle install
and you should be good to go
At this link
Somebody mentioned this solution
gem 'bcrypt', git: '', :require => 'bcrypt'
And it worked for me

Source does not contain any versions of 'rails-assets-lodash (~> 2.4)

I'm trying to help debug a project. I'm getting a really weird error when I try to run the server. I tried to google the gem but no luck. Anyone have any ideas? I tried bundle install and bundle update.
Here is the actual block of code I'm trying to run.
source '' do
# Assets via Bower
gem 'rails-assets-lodash', '~> 2.4'
gem 'rails-assets-angular', '~> 1.2'
gem 'rails-assets-angular-spree', '= 0.0.2'
error: Source does not contain any versions of 'rails-assets-lodash (~> 2.4) ruby' Run bundle install to install missing gems.
If I comment out the first gem I get similar error with the gem proceeding it. When I comment out the block it does work though, but I was instructed not to change the environment.
If you are using Bundler 1.8.0-1.8.2, you are probably hitting this bug:
This should be fixed in Bundler 1.8.3 (released today).

Bundle install doesn't work

I'm trying to install all gems in a gemFile of a project, but when i typed:
sudo bundle install
but i got this error:
Could not find gem 'llrp_connector (>= 0)' ruby in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile.
Anyone have an idea ?
Have you added this line on the top of your Gemfile?
source ''
As Dylan said, this gem doesn't exist on If it is a gem hosted on a (private) repository, add it this way :
gem "nokogiri", :git => "git://", :branch => "1.4"

"Bundle install" fails with "thin", and cannot point a different "eventmachine"

I work with Ruby 1.9.3 on Windows.
**I have a trouble to do "bundle install" due to a "thin" gem, for my app.
My original GEMFILE looks like this:
gem "sinatra"
gem "mogli"
gem "json"
gem "httparty"
gem "thin"
Running "bundle install" causes Installing eventmachine (0.12.10) with native extensions which fails. Error is described here: Cannot install thin on windows
Just to mention that "gem install thin" is successful!
Some people on the net, facing this issue, suggested to install
"eventmachine" version 1.0.0.beta.4.1 which I did:
gem list --local shows eventmachine (1.0.0.beta.4.1 x86-mingw32, 1.0.0.beta.2 x86-mingw32)
Yet "bundle install" fails.
In another post: ROR 3.1: Bundle update fails (eventmachine gem)
I followed the advise to specify the exact version of "eventmachine" in GEMFILE, so I edited it like (hopefully I did it right)
gem "sinatra"
gem "mogli"
gem "json"
gem "httparty"
gem "eventmachine" "1.0.0.beta.4.1"
gem "thin"
Now, "bundle install" fails with a different error:
Could not find gem 'eventmachine1.0.0.beta.4.1 (>= 0) ruby' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile.
As I mentioned, this version was successfully installed, and it appears in the local repository.
Please help to make "bundle" "happy" with the right 'eventmachine' version.
Sorry if I missed something basic, or failed to find answer already published.
I think you are missing a comma in this line of the last Gemfile:
gem "eventmachine", "1.0.0.beta.4.1"
