Efficient and simplest way to insert template based content into generated files with Yeoman generator - yeoman

Suppose I already have some files generated by a generator and want to create some sub-generators that inserts contents into these files based on some content's template.
The goal is to create a generator of a multilayer architecture composed by 3 layers (for Angular2 app written in typescript):
applicatif layer
metier layer and
business-delegate layer
For each layer, the main generator have to generate all files composing it: a module file, interfaces files, ... The main 3 files generated in this process looks like this:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { IHeroApplicatif } from './hero.applicatif.interface';
import { HeroMetier } from '../metier/hero.metier';
export class HeroApplicatif implements IHeroApplicatif {
constructor(private heroMetier: HeroMetier) {}
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { IHeroMetier } from './hero.metier.interface';
import { HeroBusinessDelegate } from '../business-delegate/hero.business-delegate';
export class HeroMetier implements IHeroMetier {
constructor(private heroBusinessDelegate: HeroBusinessDelegate) {}
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Http, Headers } from '#angular/http';
import { IHeroBusinessDelegate } from './hero.business-delegate.interface';
export class HeroBusinessDelegate implements IHeroBusinessDelegate {
constructor(private http: Http) {}
Generating these files based on templates doesn't pose problem. But I want sub-generators that prompt the user to input a method name, it's return type and parameters so the sub-generator have to modify each previously generated files to inserts codes that, by default, for each layer, pass the call to the next layer.
Suppose the sub-generator have prompt the user to input a method called getHero, the contents of the 3 files have to be modified like this:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { IHeroApplicatif } from './hero.applicatif.interface';
import { HeroMetier } from '../metier/hero.metier';
export class HeroApplicatif implements IHeroApplicatif {
constructor(private heroMetier: HeroMetier) {}
getHero(id:number): Promise<any> {
return this.heroMetier.getHero(id);
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { IHeroMetier } from './hero.metier.interface';
import { HeroBusinessDelegate } from '../business-delegate/hero.business-delegate';
export class HeroMetier implements IHeroMetier {
constructor(private heroBusinessDelegate: HeroBusinessDelegate) {}
getHero(id:number): Promise<any> {
return this.heroBusinessDelegate.getHero(id);
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Http, Headers } from '#angular/http';
import { IHeroBusinessDelegate } from './hero.business-delegate.interface';
export class HeroBusinessDelegate implements IHeroBusinessDelegate {
constructor(private http: Http) {}
getHero(id:number): Promise<any> {
return this.http.get(...).toPromise();
What is the simplest, safe, up to date way to do that?

To edit code files content in a safe way that won't mess up with un-predicted changes by the end user, the safest way is to modify a file Abstract Syntax Tree.
There's multiple AST parser available for Node. The two most popular being Esprima and Acorn. There's also a few tools built on those parser to modify AST more easily.
I wrote such a tool a while back if you want to check it out https://github.com/SBoudrias/AST-query - it might works for your use case.


Using BullMQ with NestJs, is it possible to use a config variable as part of a Job name?

I'm trying to use an environment variable value in the nestjs/bull module's #Process() decorator, as follows. How should I provide the 'STAGE' variable as part of the job name?
import { Process, Processor } from '#nestjs/bull';
import { Inject } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { Job } from 'bull';
export class MqListener {
#Inject(ConfigService) private configService: ConfigService<SuperRootConfig>,
) { }
// The reference to configService is not actually allowed here:
handleTestMessage(job: Job) {
console.log("Message received: ", job.data)
EDITED with answers (below) from Micael and Jay:
Micael Levi answered the initial question: You can't use the NestJS ConfigModule to get your config into a memory variable. However, running dotenv.config() in your bootstrap function will not work either; you get undefined values for the memory variables if you try to access them from within a Method Decorator. To resolve this, Jay McDoniel points out that you have to import the file before you import AppModule. So this works:
// main.ts
import { NestFactory } from '#nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
await app.listen(process.env.PORT || 4500);
You cannot use this on that context due to how decorator evaluation works. At that time, there's no instance created for MqListener class, thus, using this.configService doens't make sense.
You'll need to access process.env. directly. And so will call dotenv (or what lib that read & parses your dot env file) in that file.

How do I use material-ui in electron

My code always gave me an error in the electron console, however the same code did not give me an error in a web browser:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Router, Route, Link, browserHistory ,hashHistory} from 'react-router'
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
import injectTapEventPlugin from 'react-tap-event-plugin';
import { RaisedButton } from 'material-ui';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<RaisedButton className="submit" label='xxxxxxx' labelColor="#fff" backgroundColor="#32a62e"></RaisedButton>
let rootElement = document.getElementById('containers');
You need to add
import injectTapEventPlugin from 'react-tap-event-plugin';
to the top level of your javascript files as explained in this page of the documentation . It's because there is a dependencey on this module for onTouchTap to work So move it up before the class definition or to the top js file you have.

Custom ViewResolver and dependency injection

I'm attempting to create a custom ViewResolver class (extending angular's built-in class) to augment my systems' style metadata with a custom service (I'm loading my styles from external systems). However I'm running into a problem with the dependency injection system and ViewResolver.
I have my system setup something like the following:
bootstrap(App, [
MyStyleService, // my custom service
SomeOtherService, // another custom service used by MyStyleService
provide: ViewResolver,
useClass: MyViewResolver // my custom ViewResolver
export class MyViewResolover extends ViewResolver {
private _reflector: ReflectorReader,
// I want to reference 'StyleService' from the providers array in boot.ts
private _styleService: StyleService
) {
public resolve(comopnent: Type) {
let meta: ViewMetadata = super.resolve(component);
let styles = this._styleService.someMethod(meta);
However inside MyViewResolver, this._styleService has NOT been injected and is currently undefined. It should be noted that MyStyleService also depends on another injected service SomeOtherService, so I need to make sure that that provider is also defined and available for the injector.
I want all of these services to be "provided" by the bootstrap, so that in the future I can provide alternate versions of any of my services on a per-system basis.
For reference this is angular's core ViewResolver:
view_resolver.ts (Angular2 core):
import {Injectable, ViewMetadata, ComponentMetadata,} from '#angular/core';
import {ReflectorReader, reflector} from '../core_private';
import {Type, stringify, isBlank, isPresent} from '../src/facade/lang';
import {BaseException} from '../src/facade/exceptions';
import {Map} from '../src/facade/collection';
export class ViewResolver {
constructor(private _reflector: ReflectorReader = reflector) {}
resolve(component: Type): ViewMetadata {
... stuff here ...
You could try to configure your class with useFactory:
bootstrap(App, [
provide: ViewResolver,
useFactory: (_reflector: ReflectorReader, styleService: StyleService) => {
return MyViewResolver(_reflector, _styleService);
deps: [ ReflectorReader, StyleService ]

Angular2 - Use Dependency Injection outside Components

In my app I use DI to pass information about the UserLogged around the different Components that need such info.
This means that I have a main.ts class like this
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {UserLogged} from './userLogged'
bootstrap(AppComponent, [UserLogged]);
and the components that need to use the instance of UserLogged have a constructor like this
constructor(private _user: UserLogged)
Now I would like to use the same instance of UserLogged also in simple TypeScript classes (which are not #Component). Is this possible? In other words, can I get hold of the same instance of UserLogged injected by DI also if I am outside a #Component?
This constructor also works for services (other classes created by DI)
bootstrap(AppComponent, [OtherClass, UserLoggged]);
export class UserLogged {
log(text) {
export class OtherClass {
constructor(private _user: UserLogged) {}
class SomeComponent {
constructor(private otherClass:OtherClass) {
If you create these classes using new SomeClass() then you can inject it like
class SomeComponent {
constructor(private _injector:Injector) {
let userLog = this._injector.get(UserLogged);
new SomeClass(userLog);
In the file where you bootstrap angular:
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { UserLogged } from './userLogged';
declare global {
var injector: Injector;
bootstrap(AppComponent, [UserLogged]).then((appRef) => {
injector = appRef.injector;
In your other file:
import { UserLogged } from '../path/to/userLogged';
class TestClass {
private userLogged: UserLogged;
constructor() {
this.userLogged = injector.get(UserLogged);
To be able to use dependency injection in classes you need to have a decorator, the #Injectable one.
export class SomeClass {
constructor(private dep:SomeDependency) {
The name Injectable isn't really self-explanatory. It's to make possible the injection within the class (and not into another class).
The provider for the SomeDependency class need to be visible from the component that initiates the call.
See this question for more details about dependency injection and hierarchical injectors:
What's the best way to inject one service into another in angular 2 (Beta)?
Im taking a wild guess here, but do you mean to say you want to Inject the class with having to use providers : [UserLogged] ?
If that is the case, this will work
providers: [ provide(UserLogged, {useClass: UserLogged} ]
add the above to your bootstrap and you are good to go when you 'do not want to use #Component'
export class Sample{
constructor(private ulog : UserLogged){}
In your case the bootstrap would be :
import {provide} from 'angular2/core';
import {HTTP_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2/http';
bootstrap(AppComponent,[HTTP_PROVIDERS,provide(UserLogged, { useClass : UserLogged})]);
Ive added the HTTP_PROVIDERS to demonstrate how to add multiple providers.

Binding a class to an interface

Using typescript, I can easily bind classes to themselves:
bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [MyClass]);
However, I would like to bind my class to an interface, like such:
boostrap(MyAppComponent, [???]);
such that I can inject it as follows:
class MyAppComponent {
constructor(my_class : IMyClass){
Is this possible in Angular2? If yes, how to I have to specify the binding?
To make it short the problem is that Interfaces disappear when typescript is compiled. So you'd have to use #Inject with a string.
Or there's another option, if you check the last article of Victor Savkin you can find this in the comments :
Some background. In TypeScript, interfaces are structural and are not retained at runtime. So you have to use ILoginService as follows:
constructor(#Inject("ILoginService") s:ILoginService).
You don't have to use a string - any object can be passed in there. We actually provide an object called OpaqueToken that can be used for this purpose.
interface ILoginService { login(credentials);}
const ILoginService = new OpaqueToken("LoginService");
can be used like this:
constructor(#Inject(ILoginService) s:ILoginService).
I dont know if it is possible with interface as interface will not be available at runtime (javascript does not know about interface).
But it can be done using abstract classes.
export class DatabaseService{
getService: ()=>string;
import {DatabaseService} from "./abstract-parent-service";
export class HibernateService implements DatabaseService{
constructor() { }
getService() {
return "i am hibernate";
import {DatabaseService} from "./abstract-parent-service";
export class JDBCService implements DatabaseService{
constructor() { }
getService() {
return "i am Jdbc";
import {DatabaseService} from "./abstract-parent-service";
import {HibernateService} from "./hibernate.service";
selector: 'cmp-a',
template: `<h1>Hello Hibernate</h1>`,
providers: [{provide: DatabaseService, useClass: HibernateService}]
export class CmpAComponent {
constructor (private databaseService: DatabaseService) {
console.log("Database implementation in CompA :"+this.databaseService.getService());
import {DatabaseService} from "./abstract-parent-service";
import {HibernateService} from "./hibernate.service";
selector: 'cmp-b',
template: `<h1>Hello Jdbc</h1>`,
providers: [{provide: DatabaseService, useClass: JDBCService}]
export class CmpAComponent {
constructor (private databaseService: DatabaseService) {
console.log("Database implementation in CompA :"+this.databaseService.getService());
But the problem with this implementation is HibernateService and
JDBCService are not able to extend any other class now because they
have already got married with DatabaseService.
class A{
console.log("in A");
class B extends A{
console.log("in B");
class C extends A{
console.log("in C");
let c = new C();
//This thing is not possible in typescript
class D extends B, C{//error: Classes can only extend a single class
super();// which constructor B or C
console.log("in D");
If you are using this pattern for DI, make it sure that your child class services are not going to extend any other functionality in future.
