iOS Evernote SDK with Evernote App 8.x - ios

We have recently noticed that our app's Evernote integration has stopped working. I've pinpointed it to the new Evernote app update released on January 19th that brings the app to version 8.0.1. Specifically the "IsEvernoteInstalled()" function no longer works, and neither do any ENSession calls that open notes in the Evernote app itself (viewNoteInEvernote for example). I made sure I have the latest version of the Evernote Cloud SDK here:
but I'm still not having any luck. One oddity I've noticed is that the only required LSApplicationQueriesSchemes item mentioned in the documentation is "en" yet the source code for the app is trying to open "evernote://" urls. Also the "IsEvernoteInstalled" function checks "en://". The current version of the Evernote iOS app appears to only have "evernote://" as a registered scheme so I'm confused. I tried adding "evernote" as another application query scheme, but that did not help. It appears that the Evernote Cloud SDK has not been updated to remain functional with the new version of the app, but maybe I'm missing something?
Thank you.

I think the change of URL scheme is unintentional and will be fixed on the Evernote side.


Some apps haven't been configured to use Apple's SKAdNetwork

After I publish my Flutter app on Apple App Store Admob gave this warning.
Some apps haven't been configured to use Apple's SKAdNetwork
To ensure you're getting credit for all ads activity, like app
installs, be sure to configure SKAdNetwork with Google's network IDs.
When I click "Get instructions" button. It opens this page:
But as you know, this page is not for Flutter. This page is for Native iOS apps developing by Swift or Objective-C.
How can I configure Apple's SKAdNetwork in Flutter? Where to edit - change?
Interestingly, there is no source for this problem in the Internet.
I feel like the first person in the world to develop Flutter.
Really, there is no solution - no source in Flutter for this problem!
Note: There is no information about this problem in this source too:
EDIT: Must I implement ATT to configure SKAdNetwork? What happens if I only change Info.plist?
Even with flutter applications, you have different configuration files for iOS and Android.
Look for the Info.plist file within your project (you must have one, usually under ios/Runner and update the keys as mentioned in the link you have attached
I solved my problem, this warning has been removed automatically. I was using out-dated admob SDK.
Update your admob SDK to latest version.
I edited my pubspec.yaml file.
google_mobile_ads: ^1.0.1
I updated my app on App Store so no warning is seen now in Admob Panel.

Is GSDAppIndexing SDK required anymore?

It seems like for iOS 9+, Implementing Universal links (associated-domains, apple-app-site-associations) is enough for Google App indexing. The GSDAppIndexing pod (2.0.3) is not required anymore. Is that correct?
I ask because on the japanese product forum, a googler said that the SDK should be removed from the app.
Similarly, the firebase app-indexing setup page for iOS doesn't mention the SDK anymore and simply says to implement universal links.
Just need a confirmation.
Thank you for your question. GSDAppIndexing pod isn't required anymore. Implementing Universal Links is sufficient for Firebase App Indexing.

Google Maps iOS street view URL scheme not working?

My app has some code for opening directly to Google Maps. We're attempting to open directly to Street View for a particular coordinate using a URL like so:
I'm seeing an infinite spinner with the Street View never loading.
This URL scheme is documented and has worked for several years, until a recent update.
Is this feature of the app busted or did the URL scheme change?
This has been fixed in the latest release of google maps iOS app. Please check it.
Reference :
This is a bug ( or documentation needs updating) as I was able to verify this working with the previous Google Maps iOS build of 4.14(the last update). Also verified with other iOS apps that use StreetView.
submitted issue but this has not been acknowledged as a bug yet.
It looks like it's been accepted as a bug according to Google. I've heard that it will be fixed with next update, but that is not official.
Google has a new app, I believe we are supposed to use this instead but I've not tried it yet!! I still have not seen updated documentation on website that confirms this.

Facebook App Events Set App Version

I integrated with Facebook SDK and I am tracking FBAppEvents with it. So far the event reporting is working perfectly fine and the events all showed up in App Insights. However, I am having trouble setting the app version number.
According to Apple's document, all I need to do is to call [FBSettings setAppVersion:xxx]. However, this method is
deprecated and Facebook is suggesting using CFBundleVersion instead.
So instead of calling [FBSettings setAppVersion:], I set this CFBundleVersion in my app's [Appname]-Info.plist file but I still don't see the app version number show up(I put a value of 56 there).
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
I set the Bundle version under the Info tab of the my target:

Google maps SDK Version Issue - IOS

Am using Google maps SDK in my app and I had to support 5.0 also but Google maps does n't support 5.0. How to implement my app for 5.0
Is there any link to download Google Maps SDK 1.4.x?
Thanks in advance,
There's a "Releases" webpage for the GoogleMaps SDK which list what's changed from version to version.
They do allow downloading releases from one or two versions back, but there's no actual link there for 1.4.X.
However, when I tried manually typing in a link of "", it successfully downloaded. Grab it now, because it is likely to be gone within the next month or two.
