Spyder with python3 crashes after upgrading ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.10) - spyder

After updating Ubuntu from 14 to 16.10, I cannot anymore use my spyder editor. I also have anaconda2 and anaconda3, and since I'm with ubuntu16.10, spyder3 (anaconda3/bin/spyder3) crashes.
Here is the message:
/home/cecile/anaconda3/bin/python: symbol lookup error:
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpangoft2-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol:
I think it comes from QtWebkit, but not sure.
Do you have any idea ? It was all OK when I was under ubuntu 14 :(
Thanks for your help.

To fix the Anaconda error, please run
conda install pango
The Ubuntu error will be fixed in 17.04 with a new version of Spyder.


gazebo9 no longer opens up

After building a ROS package which requires gazebo9 dependency, my gazebo stoped working. I already had gazebo9 working in my system prior to this.
In my terminal I use the 'gazebo --verbose` command line:
gazebo: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgazebo_common.so.9: undefined symbol: _ZN8ignition10fuel_tools12ClientConfig12SetUserAgentERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
I don't want to have to reinstall gazebo9 if I don't have to. Is there a way to fix this problem without doing so?
According to other forum you should upgrade one library via
$ sudo apt upgrade libignition-math2
or some other workaround by running the gazebo command as
$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libignition-fuel_tools2.so.2 gazebo

Getting the error Couldn't find hdf5 c++ dependies while installing GEM5 on my pc with os ubuntu 20.04

While i was running the - scons build/X86/gem5.opt command on my terminal it got terminated with following output.
enter image description here
could anyone please help me with this error.
After the error i tried installing hdf5-tools and h5util but the error still persist.

How to install opencv on raspberrypi 4 with python3.7

The default version of python on the Raspberry Pi 4 is 3.9. I need python 3.7. I successfully install python 3.7.4 and set it as default by adding the line alias python3='python3.7' to the bashcr file. Then I install opencv using pip3. I got: from .cv2 import *
ImportError: libImath-2_2.so.23: cannot open a shared object file: No such file or directory
I also installed it from the source and got the same result.
I investigated and found out that I need to install libilmbase12, but I got the following error message.
E: The package libilmbase12 could not be found
I appreciate any help.
I found a way. I change raspbian from bullseye to buster. Everything works fine. The problem was the compatibility of python and opencv version
You install OpenCV from bash :
sudo apt install python3-opencv

Alacritty Cargo installation error: crossfont no binary and error: attributes are not yet allowed on `if` expressions

When installing the alacritty terminal on debian with cargo I get this error:
And when running cargo install crossfont I get this error:
Please help. Oh yeah btw I am running debian just so you know.
Alright boys i got the solution:
You need to install rustup and update to the newest version
then just run it again and it works magically

valgrind installation using brew on macOS High Sierra 10.13.2

I get the following error when trying to install valgrind on the version of macOS using brew:
valgrind: This formula either does not compile or function as expected
on macOS versions newer than Sierra due to an upstream
incompatibility. Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.
I have tried to follow suggestions from all related posts on the issue, and even tried building valgrind using the ./configure option after downloading the source tarball. But that too fails with a gcc incompatibility error, which I am unable to overcome, despite following workaround suggestions on the Web.
Any help would be appreciated.
brew install --HEAD valgrind seems to work now.
See this issue for more details.
You may wish to build it directly and install instead of using home-brew. I have created a port of valgrind 3.13.0 to work on macOS High Sierra (10.13.x). You can get it here: https://github.com/padiakalpesh/valgrind_3.13_high_sierra
Once you have obtained the source, run the following commands from inside the source directory:
sudo make install
