Pass custom data to service worker sync? - service-worker

I need to make a POST request and send some data. I'm using the service worker sync to handle offline situation.
But is there a way to pass the POST data to the service worker, so it makes the same request again?
Cause apparently the current solution is to store requests in some client side storage and after client gets connection - get the requests info from the storage and then send them.
Any more elegant way?
PS: I thought about just making the service worker send message to the application code so it does the request again ... but unfortunately it doesn't know the exact client that registered the service worker :(

You can use fetch-sync
or i use postmessage to fix this problem, which i agree that indexedDB looks trouble.
first of all, i send the message from html.
// send message to serviceWorker
function sync (url, options) {
navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({type: 'sync', url, options})
i got this message in serviceworker, and then i store it.
const syncStore = {}
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
if( === 'sync') {
// get a unique id to save the data
const id = uuid()
syncStore[id] =
// register a sync and pass the id as tag for it to get the data
in the sync event, i got the data and fetch
self.addEventListener('sync', event => {
// get the data by tag
const {url, options} = syncStore[event.tag]
event.waitUntil(fetch(url, options))
it works well in my test, what's more you can delete the memory store after the fetch
what's more, you may want to send back the result to the page. i will do this in the same way by postmessage.
as now i have to communicate between each other, i will change the fucnction sync into this way
// use messagechannel to communicate
sendMessageToSw (msg) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Create a Message Channel
const msg_chan = new MessageChannel()
// Handler for recieving message reply from service worker
msg_chan.port1.onmessage = event => {
if( {
} else {
navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(msg, [msg_chan.port2])
// send message to serviceWorker
// you can see that i add a parse argument
// this is use to tell the serviceworker how to parse our data
function sync (url, options, parse) {
return sendMessageToSw({type: 'sync', url, options, parse})
i also have to change the message event, so that i can pass the port to sync event
self.addEventListener('message', event => {
if(isObject( {
if( === 'sync') {
// in this way, you can decide your tag
const id = || uuid()
// pass the port into the memory stor
syncStore[id] = Object.assign({port: event.ports[0]},
up to now, we can handle the sync event
self.addEventListener('sync', event => {
const {url, options, port, parse} = syncStore[event.tag] || {}
// delete the memory
delete syncStore[event.tag]
event.waitUntil(fetch(url, options)
.then(response => {
// clone response because it will fail to parse if it parse again
const copy = response.clone()
if(response.ok) {
// parse it as you like
.then(data => {
// when success postmessage back
} else {
port.postMessage({error: response.status})
.catch(error => {
port.postMessage({error: error.message})
At the end. you cannot use postmessage to send response directly.Because it's illegal.So you need to parse it, such as text, json, blob, etc. i think that's enough.
As you have mention that, you may want to open the window.
i advice that you can use serviceworker to send a notification.
self.addEventListener('push', function (event) {
const title = 'i am a fucking test'
const options = {
body: 'Yay it works.',
event.waitUntil(self.registration.showNotification(title, options))
self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {
when the client click we can open the window.

To comunicate with the serviceworker I use a trick:
in the fetch eventlistener I put this:
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
if (event.request.url.includes("sw_messages.js")) {
var zib = "some data";
event.respondWith(new Response("window.msg=" + JSON.stringify(zib) + ";", {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'
then, in the main html I just add:
<script src="sw_messages.js"></script>
as the page loads, global variable msg will contain (in this example) "some data".


Manifest v3 extension: asynchronous event listener does not keep the service worker alive [duplicate]

I am trying to pass messages between content script and the extension
Here is what I have in content-script
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "getUrls"}, function(response) {
And in the background script I have
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.type == "getUrls"){
getUrls(request, sender, sendResponse)
function getUrls(request, sender, sendResponse){
var resp = sendResponse;
url: "http://localhost:3000/urls",
method: 'GET',
success: function(d){
resp({urls: d})
Now if I send the response before the ajax call in the getUrls function, the response is sent successfully, but in the success method of the ajax call when I send the response it doesn't send it, when I go into debugging I can see that the port is null inside the code for sendResponse function.
From the documentation for chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener:
This function becomes invalid when the event listener returns, unless you return true from the event listener to indicate you wish to send a response asynchronously (this will keep the message channel open to the other end until sendResponse is called).
So you just need to add return true; after the call to getUrls to indicate that you'll call the response function asynchronously.
The accepted answer is correct, I just wanted to add sample code that simplifies this.
The problem is that the API (in my view) is not well designed because it forces us developers to know if a particular message will be handled async or not. If you handle many different messages this becomes an impossible task because you never know if deep down some function a passed-in sendResponse will be called async or not.
Consider this:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, sendResponseParam) {
if (request.method == "method1") {
How can I know if deep down handleMethod1 the call will be async or not? How can someone that modifies handleMethod1 knows that it will break a caller by introducing something async?
My solution is this:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, sendResponseParam) {
var responseStatus = { bCalled: false };
function sendResponse(obj) { //dummy wrapper to deal with exceptions and detect async
try {
} catch (e) {
//error handling
responseStatus.bCalled= true;
if (request.method == "method1") {
else if (request.method == "method2") {
if (!responseStatus.bCalled) { //if its set, the call wasn't async, else it is.
return true;
This automatically handles the return value, regardless of how you choose to handle the message. Note that this assumes that you never forget to call the response function. Also note that chromium could have automated this for us, I don't see why they didn't.
You can use my library to make this work in both Chrome and FF with Firefox way without callbacks.
Your code will look like:
Browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener( request => new Promise( resolve => {
if( !request || typeof request !== 'object' || request.type !== "getUrls" ) return;
'url': "http://localhost:3000/urls",
'method': 'GET'
}).then( urls => { resolve({ urls }); });
}) );

Empty request body in onFetch method of serviceworker

I am trying to make my website work offline, and while offline any POST request should be saved to a local database. Currently I have this code in my serviceworker to catch any requests:
self.onfetch = (event) => {
switch (event.request.method) {
case 'GET':
return onGet(event);
case 'POST':
return onPost(event);
async function onPost(event) {
if (navigator.onLine){
event.request.clone().formData().then((data) => {
I am trying to read out the data from the request, but the console.log returns an empty object. When looking at the failed request in DevTools the FormData is available. Is it not possible to read out the body when intercepting the request?

How to dispatch a Paypal IPN to a Google Cloud function?

I've read here that it's possible to send an IPN directly to a Google cloud function. I have my Google Cloud functions running on Firebase on an index.js file.
I've set up my Paypal buttons to send the IPN to a page on my webapp.
Here is an example of one of the functions I'm running off Google Cloud Functions/Firebase:
exports.updateRoomIns = functions.database.ref('/doors/{MACaddress}').onWrite((change, context) => {
const beforeData = change.before.val();
const afterData = change.after.val();
const roomPushKey = afterData.inRoom;
const insbefore = beforeData.ins;
const insafter = afterData.ins;
if ((insbefore === null || insbefore === undefined) && (insafter === null || insafter === undefined) || insbefore === insafter) {
return 0;
} else {
const updates = {};
Object.keys(insafter).forEach(key => {
updates['/rooms/' + roomPushKey + '/ins/' + key] = true;
return admin.database().ref().update(updates); // do the update}
return 0;
Now question:
1) I want to add another function to process IPN from Paypal as soon as I have a transaction. How would I go about this?
I'll mark the answer as correct if solves this first question.
2) how would that Google cloud function even look like?
I'll create another question if you can solve this one.
Note I am using Firebase (no other databases nor PHP).
IPN is simply a server that tries to reach a given endpoint.
First, you have to make sure that your firebase plan supports 3rd party requests (it's unavailable in the free plan).
After that, you need to make an http endpoint, like so:
exports.ipn = functions.http.onRequest((req, res) => {
// req and res are instances of req and res of Express.js
// You can validate the request and update your database accordingly.
It will be available in
Based on #Eliya Cohen answer:
on your firebase functions create a function such as:
exports.ipn = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
var reqBody = req.body;
// do something else with the req.body i.e: updating a firebase node with some of that info
When you deploy your functions go to your firebase console project and check your functions. You should have something like this:
Copy that url, go to paypal, edit the button that's triggering the purchase, scroll down to Step 3 and at the bottom type:
notify_url= paste that url here
Save changes.
You can now test your button and check the req.body on your firebase cloud functions Log tab.
Thanks to the answers here, and especially to this gist:,
.. finally worked out a solution to verify the IPN request in a cloud func:
exports.ipn = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
let body = req.body;
logr.debug('body: ' + StringUtil.toStr(body));
let postreq = 'cmd=_notify-validate';
// Iterate the original request payload object
// and prepend its keys and values to the post string
Object.keys(body).map((key) => {
postreq = `${postreq}&${key}=${body[key]}`;
return key;
let request = require('request');
let options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Length': postreq.length,
encoding: 'utf-8',
body: postreq
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Make a post request to PayPal
return request(options, (error, response, resBody) => {
if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) {
reject(new Error(error));
let bodyResult = resBody.substring(0, 8);
logr.debug('bodyResult: ' + bodyResult);
// Validate the response from PayPal and resolve / reject the promise.
if (resBody.substring(0, 8) === 'VERIFIED') {
return resolve(true);
} else if (resBody.substring(0, 7) === 'INVALID') {
return reject(new Error('IPN Message is invalid.'));
} else {
return reject(new Error('Unexpected response body.'));
Also thanks to:
IPN listener request-response flow:
To receive IPN message data from PayPal, your listener must follow this request-response flow:
Your listener listens for the HTTPS POST IPN messages that PayPal sends with each event.
After receiving the IPN message from PayPal, your listener returns an empty HTTP 200 response to PayPal. Otherwise, PayPal resends the IPN message.
Your listener sends the complete message back to PayPal using HTTPS POST.
Prefix the returned message with the cmd=_notify-validate variable, but do not change the message fields, the order of the fields, or the character encoding from the original message.
Extremely late to the party but for anyone still looking for this, PayPal have made a sample in their JS folder on their IPN samples Github repo.
You can find this at:

Ignore ajax requests in service worker

I have an app with a basic 'shell' of HTML, CSS and JS. The main content of the page is loaded via multiple ajax calls to an API that is at another URL to the one my app is running on. I have set up a service-worker to cache the main 'shell' of the application:
var urlsToCache = [
and to respond with the cached version when requested. The problem I am having is that the response of my ajax calls are also being cached. I'm pretty sure that I need to add some code to the fetch event of the service-worker that always get them from the network rather than looking in the cache.
Here is my fetch event:
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
// ignore anything other than GET requests
var request = event.request;
if (request.method !== 'GET') {
// handle other requests
event.respondWith( (cache) {
return cache.match(event.request).then(function (response) {
return response || fetch(event.request).then(function (response) {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
I'm not sure how I can ignore the requests to the API. I've tried doing this:
if (request.url.indexOf(myAPIUrl !== -1) {
but according to the network tab in Chrome Dev Tools, all of these responses are still coming from the service-worker.
You do not have to use event.respondWith(fetch(request)) to handle requests that you want to ignore. If you return without calling event.respondWith browser will fetch the resource for you.
You can do something like:
if (request.method !== 'GET') { return; }
if (request.url.indexOf(myAPIUrl) !== -1) { return; }
\\ handle all other requests
event.respondWith(/* return promise here */);
IOW as long as you can determine synchronously that you don't want to handle the request you can just return from the handler and let the default request processing to take over. Check out this example.

Handle POST data using Dart Route after already listening to stream

I am using route to handle http requests to my server. This is my current route code:
HttpServer.bind("", 8080).then((server) {
new Router(server)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/.*'), addCorsHeaders)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/admin/.*'), authenticate)
..serve(userGetURL, method: 'GET').listen(userGetHandler)
..serve(userPostURL, method: 'POST').listen(userPostHandler);
I am trying to get JSON data that I am POSTing to a URL. The data will be used to get an entity from the database and return it as JSON to the caller. I am basically trying to create a server application that will handle all the data and a client application that will display it.
I cannot figure out how to get the data from a POST. Everything I have tried requires that I listen to the stream, but it is already being listened to. This is how I have been trying to get the POST data:
userPostHandler(HttpRequest req) {
req.listen((List<int> buffer) {
// Return the data back to the client.
res.write(new String.fromCharCodes(buffer));
The problem is I get a Bad state: Stream has already been listened to. error.
EDIT: The filters
Future<bool> authenticate(HttpRequest req) {
if (req.method == 'POST') {
// Post data is not null
// Authenticate user
String userName = '';
String password = '';
User user = new User();
user.DBConnect().then((User user) {
return new Future.value(user.ValidateUser(userName, password));
Future<bool> addCorsHeaders(HttpRequest req) {
print('${req.method}: ${req.uri.path}');
req.response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*, ');
req.response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, OPTIONS, GET');
'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');
return new Future.value(true);
I have never used the Route package but I wonder why you want to listen inside the Handler. Can't you just access the properties you want to process?
Otherwise you could try
A BroadcastStream supports multiple listeners.
More information in this article Use Streams for Data
Using the following code I was able to get a POST working:
void main() {
HttpServer.bind("", 8080).then((server) {
new Router(server)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/.*'), addCorsHeaders)
..filter(new RegExp(r'/admin/.*'), authenticate)
..serve(userGetURL, method: 'GET').listen(userGetHandler)
..serve(userPostURL, method: 'POST').listen(userPostHandler);
Future userPostHandler(HttpRequest req) {
bool headerSent = false;
// Start listening before writing to the response.
req.listen((List<int> buffer) {
if (!headerSent) {
req.response.write("User POST");
headerSent = true;
req.response.write(new String.fromCharCodes(buffer));
// Use onDone to close the response.
onDone: () => req.response.close()
Here is what I figured out. Any write to the response automatically drains the body and thus destroy the POST data. As mentioned here. Also, listening to the response is done asynchronously and thus must be completed before close() is called.
