Swift -- Custom tableview cell with buttons - ios

In my app I would like to have custom cells in my table view that displays a row of buttons that may display all buttons or fewer depending on data. The cell looks like this:
Some of the buttons may not apply to every cell so some cells may look something like this.
What are some ideas on how to structure this so only the buttons that are required show? If I hide a button the space remains. I would like all the buttons to start at the left and only show the ones that apply with no space in between.

Sounds like a job for a UIStackView. They are wonderful for managing sets of evenly spaced objects like buttons.
Put a stack view in your table view cell, and then have your tableView(_:cellForRowAt:) method remove any leftover buttons from the last time the cell was used and add the ones you need. You could even get fancy and manage an array of recycled buttons in order to avoid creating/destroying buttons each time a cell comes into view.


UITableView cells on the same row

as I say in the title, I'd like to display two or more cells on the same row. I have every cell with a UILabel inside. The labels can have changing width depending on user's input. I'd like to fill a row with many labels as I can. Can someone give me some advice on how to do it? Thanks.
Short answer: You can't. Slightly longer answer: Use a collection view.
Table views are designed to show a single column of cells.
You can't make a table view contain multiple cells in a row.
You could probably create a view controller that had side-by-side table views inside it, but it would be awkward and hard to use, and the table views would scroll independently of each other.
If you want multiple cells on the same row, you want a collection view. A collection view is similar to, but more flexible than, a table view.
I would consider using a horizontal UIStackView to achieve what you're trying to do. Depends on how dynamic and changeable you need it to be.

iOS - Add border around a collection view cell and a view under it

There is a collection view cell and a view of the same size right under it.
Instead of separately adding two circle borders for both the cell and the view, I want to add one for them together (forming a rounded rectangle)
Is this possible?
If yes, how to handle the scrolling of the collection view?
Yes it is possible but tricky.
I'd suggest you really try to combine it into one cell to avoid lots of headaches.
If you can not then you need to toy with the collection view layout to get your cell to line up correctly with the view underneath and you need to figure out the scrolling as you indicate.
I've sometimes had to use two consecutive collection view cells that needed to align and it was terrible to get it right, thus I suggest try to solve this problem using just a single cell. FWIW the last cell in a collection view often shifts slightly compared to the others so I've sometimes added a blank cell last just so my second to last will align correctly.

tableview controller, embedded tableview, or something else for this interface?

I'm trying to figure out what kind of iOS user interface element(s) I should be using to create this interface:
At the bottom of this view, there is a list of items. This list of items can be arbitrarily long. As such, and because of the standard detail disclosure indicator and so on, it makes sense that this is a tableview.
However, the items at the top are not tableview cells. The obvious answer then, is to simply place a tableview on the view, i.e. an embedded tableview. But this leads to another obvious issue, which is that this entire view should be scrollable - there will be a button for "Add Item" underneath the list of items which you will need to be able to scroll to, and the interface will be crappy if the whole view doesn't scroll.
So, I could make it so the tableview is not scrollable, and is just as tall as it needs to be to include as many items as it needs to. Then, the entire view is embedded in a scrollview, and scrolls properly. My concern with this relates to memory management, if I do this, I don't think I'll be taking advantage of the dynamic cell creation that is inherently part of a scrollable tableview, and will instead have dozens or even hundreds of cells instantiated when the view loads.
Another alternative would be to make the entire interface a tableview, with the top portions, and the bottom button, implemented as custom tableview cells that are different from the cells that show items. In the past, however, I've found that this is a pain-in-the-ass too, but perhaps it's a pain I must endure.
In general, I feel like I'm missing an obvious approach here, since this seems like it ought to be extremely simple to implement, but I'm currently at a loss. Help is appreciated!
jjv360 mentioned it correctly, this should be 1 tableview with sections and custom cells. The different look comes from nice images.
It's all a tableview with a single cell type, and 4 sections.
The cell has an optional image, a label and the optional disclosure indicator. If those don't exist, the label expands to encompass the full space.
It's very easy to do, quite standard.

Number of Cell prototypes exceeds tableview height

I have a tableview that has a large number of fairly tall dynamic cells. I've tried creating the prototypes for these but I've run out of height room in the view.
I can't seem to extend the height of the table view, (or the view it's in). I also can't create the tableview outside the viewController, give it a larger height, and just link to it.
Suggestions? I know I can create the cells programmatically or from a separate nib, but I'd really like to do it via storyboard.
Just figured this out myself. Try this:
Double-click the table almost anywhere except where there's an existing control. You can also double-click on the outer edge of the table.
Note that the table view will show a highlighted section that aligns with the cell you've clicked. You've entered some sort of selection mode.
Now use the mouse to scroll up or down. The cells will shift up or down as if you were running the app.

Kind of complicated custom UITableViewCell

I have a particular goal in mind here, searching for it is a little hard. I am trying to accomplish this (This is a photoshopped screenshot):
I have everything in this view working, except for the split row for the Company Name/ Beginning of the field row. The "Company Name" field is just a textfield, all I really want to do is shrink that neato cell background to just go behind the right side.
Create a custom table view cell that has two subviews: the text field on the left and a UITableViewCell on the right as a subview of the main table view cell. A UITableViewCell is just a UIView so you can actually add it as a subview of any view. The main table view cell will have it's background color set to transparent.
So totally complicated custom cell comes with a totally ridiculous solution. I built a view for the cell that has the one field...and another UITableView.
That second UITableView has the "Beginning of the field" text, and its cell gets the background, and I hide the background of the main cell.
I had to play around with the nested table's size and position to get the row to display properly, and make sure that the lines in the background don't shift when it hits the nested table, but it came out perfect
You could try setting the frame property of your cells backgroundView to cover only have your cell's width. Address Book handles complex forms like this with a nice look and feel--you might want to see what they've done there..
One approach would be to define a custom table view cell, set its background transparent and add the UITextField on the left and a UIButton on the right (customize it to look like your other cells), as in your screenshot.
