HttpClient request is not working in asp .net Project -

I am using HttpClient to make a request to an api. This code is located in a class library project shared with two aditional projects, a Console and a Asp.Net Mvc project. When I make a request from the Console project it works great, but in the asp project it blocks in the line
using(Stream responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()
this is my request code
private async Task<dynamic> ReadJson(string url)
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);
if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
throw new RateLimitException();
if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
throw new AccessDeniedException();
if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
throw new Exception("Error: " + response.StatusCode);
using (Stream responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
string json = sr.ReadToEnd();
return JObject.Parse(json);
I am making the same call to the method from the Console and the Asp.Net project. From the console works but the asp .net project blocks in the line when reads the response content

Most probably this deadlock occurs because the controller action that calls ReadJson function is synchronous. You need to make the action async. You can find an excellent explanation of this deadlock here. (All the credits go to Stephen Cleary)
Quick summary is:
/ My "library" method.
public static async Task<JObject> GetJsonAsync(Uri uri)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var jsonString = await client.GetStringAsync(uri);
return JObject.Parse(jsonString);
// My "top-level" method.
public class MyController : ApiController
public string Get()
var jsonTask = GetJsonAsync(...);
return jsonTask.Result.ToString();
What Causes the Deadlock
The top-level method calls GetJsonAsync (within the UI/ASP.NET context). GetJsonAsync starts the REST request by calling
HttpClient.GetStringAsync (still within the context).
GetStringAsync returns an uncompleted Task, indicating the REST request is not complete.
GetJsonAsync awaits the Task returned by GetStringAsync. The context is captured and will be used to continue running the
GetJsonAsync method later. GetJsonAsync returns an uncompleted
Task, indicating that the GetJsonAsync method is not complete.
The top-level method synchronously blocks on the Task returned by GetJsonAsync. This blocks the context thread.
… Eventually, the REST request will complete. This completes the Task that was returned by GetStringAsync.
The continuation for GetJsonAsync is now ready to run, and it waits for the context to be available so it can execute in the context.
Deadlock. The top-level method is blocking the context thread, waiting for GetJsonAsync to complete, and GetJsonAsync is waiting for
the context to be free so it can complete.
Preventing the Deadlock
There are two best practices that avoid this situation:
In your “library” async methods, use ConfigureAwait(false) wherever possible.
Don’t block on Tasks; use async all the way down.


How to simulate SessionStateBehavior.ReadOnly in .net core

i need to make parallel request in .net core.
In MVC is easy to do that with
but i suppose we can not use in .net core app so How to simulate System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateBehavior.ReadOnly in .net core
i think i figure it.
We can not use SessionStateBehavior.ReadOnly but there is a new methor for make parallel requesting. Normaly session lock request queue and we have to wait request is finish and process to next request form queue.
But if we make Session load async with Session.LoadAsync() method than it's make requests parallel.
How We Do That
internal static async Task<int> GetSessionInt(this ISession session, string key)
await session.LoadAsync();
return session.GetInt32(key).Value;
Than call method from action
if action is async
int id = await HttpContext.Session.GetSessionInt("id");
if action is not async
int id = HttpContext.Session.GetSessionInt("id").Result;

ASP.NET MVC Task.Run running status

I want to run a task like below :
Task.Run(() => GetWeatherAsync());
And this task only sleeps for 20 seconds :
public async void GetWeatherAsync()
I want to prevent new user to enter to this scope (Method) until the previous Process is running .
What happens if the current user is waiting in GetWeatherAsync and new user enter .
Using Task.Run doesn't make your method async. Just use the GetWeatherAsync method without another overhead (because it's already async) and ASP.NET runs each request in a new thread. You don't need another thread here.
You should not use async void.
You should not use Thread.Sleep in async methods. It's Task.Delay here.
You can use locking here to achieve your goal:
// only 1 thread can be granted access at a time
static SemaphoreSlim semaphoreSlim = new SemaphoreSlim(1,1);
public async Task GetWeatherAsync()
// If no-one has been granted access to the Semaphore, code execution will proceed,
// otherwise this thread waits here until the semaphore is released
await semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
await Task.Delay(20000); // Your code here
You need to start reading this Persian course about C# 5, Async.

Struts2 JMS request processing long running process

I have a Struts2 Action class that places a JMS Fetch request for a list of Trade in a JMS Queue. This JMS Fetch message is processed by an external process and can take either a few seconds or even few minutes depending on the number of Trade files to be processed by the external task processing app.
I want to know how to handle this HTTP Request with an appropriate response. Does the client wait till the list of Trades is returned? (client (UI) has to action on it and has nothing else to do meanwhile).
The way I approached it is
HTTP Request -->
Struts2 Action -->
Invokes a Runnable to run in a separate Thread (separate from Action class)
UI waits
Action class thread sleeps till runnable does it's job
When Task completed, return list of Trades to UI
Flow is as follows:
Place JMS Fetch Request on Queue1
ExecutorService for Runnable
CClass cclass = new CClass();
final ExecutorService execSvc = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
Where CClass implements runnable returning a list of Trades:
List<Trade> tradesList = new ArrayList<Trade>();
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
Message message = msgConsumer.receive(); // SYNCHRONOUS / NO MDB
if (message == null){
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
TextMessage txtMessage = (TextMessage) message;
Trade trade = TradeBuilder.buildTradeFromInputXML(txtMessage);
if (trade != null) {
tradesList.add(trade); // tradeList is a CClass class variable
} catch (JMSException e) {
logger.error("JMSException occurred ", e);
And while this runnableis executing, I do a Thread.sleep in Action class (to let the Runnable execute in the separate Thread)
// In Action class
try {
Thread.sleep(5000); // some time till when the runnable will get executed
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Problem is If I use Callable with a FutureTask and do a get() , that will be blocking till any result is returned. If I do a Runnable, I have to put Action class Thread to sleep till runnable has executed and tradeList is available.
Using Runnable approach, I am able to get couple of hundred records back to UI giving a 5 second Thread.sleep() in main Action class, but only partially constructed tradeList when thousands of records are to be fetched and shown in UI.
This is clearly Not a fail-proof approach.
Any better approach to suggest ? Please elucidate steps for processing in one complete request - response flow.
Yes there is a much better approach when making a standard HTTP request (with ajax you can do other things).
You want to look at the Struts2 Execute and Wait Interceptor Which has most of the functionality you've already implemented. Also look at the token interceptor... which could be useful (it prevents duplicate requests, but doesn't provide a happy wait screen like exec and wait does).

Is an MVC Async controller that calls WebResponse still async?

We have a large library that makes a lot of HTTP calls using HttpWebRequest to get data. Rewriting this library to make use of async calls with the HTTPClient would be a bear. So, I was wondering if I could create async controllers that use a taskfactory to call into our library and whether the calls that are ultimately made via the WebClient would be asynch or they would still be synch. Are there any problems/side-effects I might cause by trying to mix async with the old HttpWebRequest?
If I'm understanding what you're proposing the answer is: no, changing the services the client talks to to be async would not help. The client would still block a CPU thread while the I/O is outstanding with the server, whether the server is async or not.
There's no reason to switch away from HttpWebRequest. You can use TaskFactory::FromAsync in .NET 4.0 to call HttpWebRequest::BeginGetResponse. That looks something like this:
WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("");
Task<WebResponse> getResponseTask = Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(
getResponseTask.ContinueWith(getResponseAntecedent =>
WebResponse webResponse = getResponseAntecedent.Result;
Stream webResponseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
// read from stream async too... eventually dispose of it
In .NET 4.5 you can still continue to use HttpWebRequest and use the new GetResponseAsync method with the new await features in C# to make life a heck of a lot easier:
WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("");
using(WebResponse webResponse = await myWebRequest.GetResponseAsync())
using(Stream webResponseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
// read from stream async, etc.

WebClient async callback not called in ASP.NET MVC

On GET request I run (something like):
public ActionResult Index(void) {
webClient.DownloadStringComplete += onComplete;
return null;
I see that onComplete isn't get invoked until after Index() has finished execution.
I can see that onComplete is invoked on a different thread from one Index was executed on.
Question: why is this happening? why is webClient's async thread is apparently blocked until request handling thread is finished?
Is there a way to fix this without starting new thread from ThreadPool (I tried this, and using thread pool does work as expected. Also webClient's callback does happen as expected if DownloadStringAsync is called from a ThreadPool's thread).
ASP.NET MVC 3.0, .NET 4.0, MS Cassini dev web server (VS 2010)
EDIT: Here is a full code:
public class HomeController : Controller {
private static ManualResetEvent done;
public ActionResult Index() {
return Content(DownloadString() ? "success" : "failure");
private static bool DownloadString() {
try {
done = new ManualResetEvent(false);
var wc = new WebClient();
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (sender, args) => {
// this breakpoint is not hit until after Index() returns.
// It is weird though, because response isn't returned to the client (browser) until this callback finishes.
// Note: This thread is different from one Index() was running on.
var uri = new Uri(#"");
var timedout = !done.WaitOne(3000);
if (timedout) {
// if this would be .WaitOne() instead then deadlock occurs.
var timedout2 = !done.WaitOne(3000);
return !timedout2;
return true;
catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
I was curious about this so I asked on the Microsoft internal ASP.NET discussion alias, and got this response from Levi Broderick:
ASP.NET internally uses the
SynchronizationContext for
synchronization, and only one thread
at a time is ever allowed to have
control of that lock. In your
particular example, the thread running
HomeController::DownloadString holds
the lock, but it’s waiting for the
ManualResetEvent to be fired. The
ManualResetEvent won’t be fired until
the DownloadStringCompleted method
runs, but that method runs on a
different thread that can’t ever take
the synchronization lock because the
first thread still holds it. You’re
now deadlocked.
I’m surprised that this ever worked in
MVC 2, but if it did it was only by
happy accident. This was never
This is the point of using asynchronous processing. Your main thread starts the call, then goes on to do other useful things. When the call is complete, it picks a thread from the IO completion thread pool and calls your registered callback method on it (in this case your onComplete method). That way you don't need to have an expensive thread waiting around for a long-running web call to complete.
Anyway, the methods you're using follow the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern. You can read more about it here:
(edit) Note: Disregard this answer as it does not help answer the clarified question. Leaving it up for the discussion that happened under it.
In addition to the chosen answer, see this article for further details on why the WebClient captures the SynchronizationContext.
