Creating JournalEntry with VAT on QuickBooks Online - quickbooks

I would like to create a journal entry that has VAT for some of the lines. I use UK sandbox for development.
At first I created a journal entry containing two lines:
<JournalEntry xmlns="">
<AccountRef name="Commission Income">94</AccountRef>
<TaxCodeRef name="Lithuania VAT">41</TaxCodeRef>
<Description>TEST: PLACEHOLDER FOR BALANCING</Description>
<AccountRef name="Transaction Cost">142</AccountRef>
First line containing actual data, second line is for testing purpose (balancing debit and credit). AccountRefs and TaxCodeRef are valid, they were fetched from QB just before creating journal entry. When I add the entry I get the following error:
ERROR CODE:6000, ERROR MESSAGE:A business validation error has
occurred while processing your request, ERROR DETAIL:Business
Validation Error: We're sorry, QuickBooks encountered an error while
calculating tax. Try reselecting the tax rate or reentering the
product/service item and saving the form again.'
target="_blank" title="Help">Please click here for more
information, MORE ERROR DETAIL:
The provided link doesn't work. I'm not able to figure out what should I change on JournalEntry to fullfill business validation.


error reported when writing influx line protocol data to TDengine

the request body is something like:
type_61e753468ecb3800497311bd_19gqMPJ3Os1,ct_name=ct_type_19gqMPJ3Oso_19gBnvupzB6,deviceId=19gBnvupzB6 La$f=257.65,Timestamp$f=1650607683.76,assetId=L"nx_devzy001_inst02",calculate_time=1650607683880i,cloud_time=1650607683781i,create_time=1650607683762i,metricsType=0i,write_time=1650610367037i,bool_test$b=true,duration$i=10i,int_test$i=-46i,la$f=78.0,lb$f=78.0,lc$f=29.0,number_test$f=-46.0,string_test$s=L"Hello你好!",times_int_val$i=1650607683762i,workstatus$i=1i 1650607683762
I got the error is "internal error" and "[0x362] Table does not exist"
Environment (please complete the following information):
TDengine Version :
In your line protocol there's (currently treated as) duplicat column name La and la, use a different name la2 will fix the problem by now.
You can also look up to the bugfix of the problem then.

What is "Custom Program Error 0xa7" in anchor?

My Anchor program is giving me a Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 1: custom program error: 0xa7 with nothing useful in the logs.
How do I even begin to debug this?
Custom Program Error 0xa7 is Error: 167: The given account is not owned by the executing program.
This might happen if you pass in an account that's expected to be owned by a program, but isn't.
This can happen accidentally if you forget to set declare_id!(/* ... */) to the program id you're trying to hit.
Consider logging the program id that you're using in your javascript client:
And then seeing if that matches the public key that's in your target/idl/yourprogram.json file.

PIN Transalation error on TermApp Postillion when isuing DUKPT key managemt

I am using DUKPT to encrypt PIN for sending iso8385 Messages from a POS terminal to TermApp Postillion
I am sure I am implementing the algorithm correctly and that I am sending the right KSN but I am getting this error from TermApp.
A PIN Translation failure occurred for terminal TEST0001 because
Postilion exception: [postilion.realtime.sdk.crypto.XInvalidPinBlock]
Description: A cryptographic operation (translate DUKPT PIN with derived IPEK) involving key 'KEYSET_FFFFFF_BDK' failed, because invalid data was supplied. The invalid data was in field 'PIN block'. The data was invalid because PIN block invalid according to format NONE.
Any help from anyone who has worked with postillion will be appreciated.
I have found a solution. It seems I hadn't got information aboutthe pin block format. TermAppIso was configured to use the ISO-0 format on the pinblock,,

quickfix/j NewOrderMultileg message get truncated

In my application, I am receiving a NewOrderMultiLeg message. The entire message is logged into the 'messages.log' file. But when I recevie the message into the onMessage(Message message, SessionID sessionID) method, I am getting only a part of the message, the message is getting truncated. i.e I only one element from the repeated group and the rest of the messages are truncated. I pasted here the message I recevied in log file and method.
Please help me to sort out this issue.
Message from application debugger.
Message from FIX logger.
I am using FIX 4.4, quickfixj1.5.3.
Part of my config file
Thanks in advance.
I was missing one mandatory field 'LegSymbol' in InstrumentLeg component. In QuickFIX/J FIX4.4 dictionary shows 'LegSymbol' is non mandatory field but I found from some other sources, it is a mandatory field. Once I started receving the message with 'LegSymbol' field, my issues got sorted out.

Option Value Changed - ODBC Error 2169

I am connecting to ADS through ODBC DSN. Everything works well until I tried
out my Save Routine. Data is saved quite alright but I get an error that
says - "Option value changed". What could this be? Can't find in the help
The full error message is:
ODBC - 2169
[iAnywhere Solutions][Advantage ODBC Driver] Option Value Changed.
I sent an email in respect of this to since this
number falls between error numbers: 2168 - 2188 Internal Error that should
be reported.
I posted this question on the Newsgroup without a possitive response.
Best regards,
Fredrick Ughimi
For ODBC, in general, "Option Value Changed" typically indicates that a request was made that was not valid or not supported by the driver so the driver substituted similar value. Typically this type of error is informational or in other words sql_success_with_info. I suggest looking into an ODBC trace as it may help uncover what was changed or at least narrow down what was occurring.
It may also be helpful to post information about your save routine.
