Send Image with text message - ios

I want to send an image with my text Message. I have used MFMessageComposeViewController. This is the code i have done:
MFMessageComposeViewController *messageController = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
messageController.messageComposeDelegate = self;
NSArray *recipents = #[[arr_promoterDetaildata valueForKey:#"phone_number"], #"72345524"];
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageNamed:#"ic_dummy_img"];
NSData *imgData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(img);
BOOL didAttachImage = [messageController addAttachmentData:imgData typeIdentifier:(NSString *)kUTTypePNG filename:#"image.png"];
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Sending SMS"];
[messageController setRecipients:recipents];
[messageController setBody:message];
if (didAttachImage)
// Present message view controller on screen
[self presentViewController:messageController animated:YES completion:nil];
UIAlertView *warningAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Error"
message:#"Failed to attach image"
[warningAlert show];
I have tried so many method’s but it is not attaching image in my message screen. Can anyone help?


How to send the SMS using number in an array?

I have stored the contact numbers in an array and then passed this array to message controller like the below code and printed the value of controller.recipients and its showing null.
MFMessageComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
NSArray *arr = [NSArray arrayWithArray:selContacts];
controller.recipients = arr;
NSLog(#"received:- %#",controller.recipients);
controller.messageComposeDelegate = self;
controller.body =#" Here to Download!";
if([MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText])
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
if(![MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText])
UIAlertView *warningAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Error" message:#"Your device doesn't support SMS!" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[warningAlert show];
NSArray *recipents = #[#"+919999999999"];
NSString *message = #"Enter message here!";
MFMessageComposeViewController *messageController = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
messageController.messageComposeDelegate = self;
[messageController setRecipients:recipents];
[messageController setBody:message];
// Present message view controller on screen
[self presentViewController:messageController animated:YES completion:nil];

Convert NSArray to NSMutable to remove string dynamically

I have a code that I modified to pull data from an external JSON file. There are two NSArrays. One for the image and one for color. Then, when a particular array is pressed it opens a webviewcontroller. I got it to work perfectly. Here is the problem. I want to be able to modify the JSON anytime I want externally and have the app update the information but since the NSArray information is hardcoded I don't know how to remove an array if I remove an objectforkey from the JSON. Any help would be appreciated.
The code to call the images and colors is:
- (IBAction)onclick:(id)sender {
NSArray *images = #[
[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#",[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"PhoneUrl"]]],
[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#",[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"TextUrl"]]],
[UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#",[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"MailUrl"]]]
NSArray *colors = #[
[UIColor [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#",[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"PhoneColor"]],
[UIColor [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#",[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"TextColor"]]],
[UIColor [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#",[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"MailColor"]]],
Sidebar *callout = [[Sidebar alloc] initWithImages:images borderColors:colors];
callout.delegate = self;
[callout show];
Then when pressed it calls the following:
- (void)sidebar:(Sidebar *)sidebar didTapItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
self.webViewController = [[PBWebViewController alloc] init];
PBSafariActivity *activity = [[PBSafariActivity alloc] init];
self.webViewController.applicationActivities = #[activity];
self.webViewController.excludedActivityTypes = #[UIActivityTypeMail, UIActivityTypeMessage];
NSLog(#"Tapped item at index %lu",(unsigned long)index);
if (index == 0) {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"PhoneWeb"]]];
[sidebar dismissAnimated:YES completion:nil];
if (index == 1) {
if(![MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText]) {
UIAlertView *warningAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Error" message:#"Your device doesn't support SMS!" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[warningAlert show];
NSArray *recipents = #[[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"TextWeb"]];
MFMessageComposeViewController *messageController = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
messageController.messageComposeDelegate = self;
[messageController setRecipients:recipents];
[[messageController navigationBar] setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[self presentViewController:messageController animated:YES completion:nil];
[sidebar dismissAnimated:YES completion:nil];
if (index == 2) {
if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail])
MFMailComposeViewController *mailer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
[[mailer navigationBar] setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
mailer.mailComposeDelegate = self;
NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[dataDictionary objectForKey:#"MailWeb"], nil];
[mailer setToRecipients:toRecipients];
[self presentViewController:mailer animated:YES completion:nil];
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Failure"
message:#"Your device doesn't support the composer sheet"
otherButtonTitles: nil];
[alert show];
[sidebar dismissAnimated:YES completion:nil];

Send e-mail via from my app on iOS

I have seen a nice feature in the iOS App Scanner Pro. This app allows to send scanned documents as email attachments via the original mail app from Apple but without leaving the Scanner Pro app. I ask me how did they do it? Is there a special API call?
implement MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate like this:
#interface YourViewController<MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate >
Then where you want to instantiate this email viewcontroller just do the following:
if([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail])
MFMailComposeViewController *mailController = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
[mailController setMailComposeDelegate:self];
[mailController setSubject:#"Mail Subject!"];
[mailController setMessageBody:#"Here is your message body" isHTML:NO];
[mailController setToRecipients:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#""]];
NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imageToUpload, 1.0f);
[mailController addAttachmentData:imageData mimeType:#"image/jpeg" fileName:#"Your_Photo.jpg"];
[self presentModalViewController:mailController animated:YES];
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Invalid Image" message:#"The image couldn't be converted." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:#"Okay", nil];
[alert show];
Last implement mailComposerViewController delegate method
-(void)mailComposeController:(MFMailComposeViewController *)controller didFinishWithResult:(MFMailComposeResult)result error:(NSError *)error
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
// or you can check for the status first and implement different task if you wish
You can use UIActivityViewController, for example:
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"image_file_name"];
UIActivityViewController *activityViewController = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:#[image] applicationActivities:nil];
[self presentViewController:activityViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
it gives user even more options, than just send email.
Yes, the so called UIActivityViewController. You use it like this:
NSArray *itemsToShare = #[[NSString stringWithFormat:#"This is a string that is sent via mail as well."], NSURLtoTheFileToSend];
UIActivityViewController *activityVC = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:itemsToShare applicationActivities:nil];
activityVC.excludedActivityTypes = #[UIActivityTypeAssignToContact]; // Here you can say what you dont want to give the opportunity to share.
activityVC.completionHandler = ^(NSString *activityType, BOOL completed) {
if (completed) {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] init];
alert.title = #"Export successfull";
[alert show];
[alert performSelector:#selector(dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated:) withObject:nil afterDelay:1];
[self presentViewController:activityVC animated:YES completion:^{}];

MFMailComposeViewController for Two different labels

My problem is i have a view with a label, wherein, the data on label is coming from web service and on tapping it mail box should appear.In a nutshell it is a mailLabel.
Similarly on the same view i have a custom cell which too has another mail label and the same thing should happen,but the mail address will be different and dynamic.
Q1) do i need to include only one method of mail for this to handle.
Q2) If yes then how and if no then what is the procedure.
i have used a second method for this and called this in cellForRow like
-(UITableViewCell*)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
UITapGestureRecognizer *mgmtMail1LblGesture = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(mail1LblTappedForCC:)];
[cell.managementMemberEmail addGestureRecognizer:mgmtMail1LblGesture];
and method.
- (void)mail1LblTappedForCC:(id)sender
if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail])
MFMailComposeViewController *mailer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
mailer.mailComposeDelegate = self;
[mailer setSubject:#""];
NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objCCforManagement.managementMemberEmail.text, nil];
[mailer setToRecipients:toRecipients];
NSString *emailBody = #"";
[mailer setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];
mailer.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque;
[self presentViewController:mailer animated:YES completion:nil];
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Failure"
message:#"Your device doesn't support the composer sheet"
[alert show];
objCCforManagement is the object of custom class.
How your recognizer will get the to recipient array from
NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objCCforManagement.managementMemberEmail.text, nil];
Use recognizer.view to get your label text or get value from objCCforManagement on the basis of label.text. Or particular tag set to label like label.tag=cellRowIndex etc in cellForRow method
Code ----
Your mail1LblTappedForCC method is unable to find which row value or objCCforManagement is to be inserted as recipient. thats why it is showing blank.
Get your email on the basis of row tag by setting it to label.
- (void)mail1LblTappedForCC:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)recognizer
if ([MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail])
UILabel *labelOnWhichItisClicked=(UILabel*)recognizer.view;
CustomCellForExhibitorDetailVC *cell=(CustomCellForExhibitorDetailVC*)[managementTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:labelOnWhichItisClicked.tag inSection:0]];
NSLog(#"mail to is == %#",cell.managementMemberEmail.text);
MFMailComposeViewController *mailer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
mailer.mailComposeDelegate = self;
[mailer setSubject:#""];
NSArray *toRecipients =[NSArray arrayWithObjects:cell.managementMemberEmail.text,nil];
[mailer setToRecipients:toRecipients];
NSString *emailBody = #"";
[mailer setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];
mailer.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackOpaque;
[self presentViewController:mailer animated:YES completion:nil];
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Failure"
message:#"Your device doesn't support the composer sheet"
[alert show];

failed to share my photo to WECHAT

I want to share a photo from the Internet to WECHAT, but after I press the share button , nothing happens , I am new to Objective-C and I am unable to figure out the problem myself.Hearing that there are a lot of experts here,so is there some guy can help me solve this one? thanks in advance. here are the codes:
UIImage * image = [[[imageTitleArray objectAtIndex:initIndex] albumImageView] image];
WXMediaMessage *message = [WXMediaMessage message];
[message setThumbImage: image];
WXImageObject *ext = [WXImageObject object];
ext.imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image,1);
message.mediaObject = ext;
SendMessageToWXReq* req = [[[SendMessageToWXReq alloc] init]autorelease];
req.bText = NO;
req.message = message;
[WXApi sendReq:req];
Try the following method
- (void) sendImageContentToWeixin:(UIImage *)image {
//if the Weixin app is not installed, show an error
if (![WXApi isWXAppInstalled]) {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:#"The Weixin app is not installed" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK" otherButtonTitles: nil];
[alert show];
//create a message object
WXMediaMessage *message = [WXMediaMessage message];
//set the thumbnail image. This MUST be less than 32kb, or sendReq may return NO.
//we'll just use the full image resized to 100x100 pixels for now
[message setThumbImage:[image resizedImage:CGSizeMake(100,100) interpolationQuality:kCGInterpolationDefault]];
//create an image object and set the image data as a JPG representation of our UIImage
WXImageObject *ext = [WXImageObject object];
ext.imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 0.8);
message.mediaObject = ext;
//create a request
SendMessageToWXReq* req = [[SendMessageToWXReq alloc] init];
//this is a multimedia message, not a text message
req.bText = NO;
//set the message
req.message = message;
//set the "scene", WXSceneTimeline is for "moments". WXSceneSession allows the user to send a message to friends
req.scene = WXSceneTimeline;
//try to send the request
if (![WXApi sendReq:req]) {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:#"Error" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK" otherButtonTitles: nil];
[alert show];
