I'm trying to build a sample docker image. When I run the following command:
docker build -t sample .
Where does the docker image go?
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM node:boron
# Create app directory
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Install app dependencies
COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install
# Bundle app source
COPY . /usr/src/app
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
docker images
to see it
sample latest c660b762fcd1 5 days ago 1.46GB
They get stored as a series of layers in your Docker root directory. On Linux, it's /var/lib/docker.
after building you docker image run
docker image ls
then pick the image name you are interested (from first column) and run
docker image inspect <image name>
you will see there is about that image including location
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM golang:1.17.5 as builder
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/cnosdb/cnosdb
COPY . /go/src/github.com/cnosdb/cnosdb
RUN go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
RUN go env -w GO111MODULE=on
RUN go install ./...
FROM debian:stretch
COPY --from=builder /go/bin/cnosdb /go/bin/cnosdb-cli /usr/bin/
COPY --from=builder /go/src/github.com/cnosdb/cnosdb/etc/cnosdb.sample.toml /etc/cnosdb/cnosdb.conf
VOLUME /var/lib/cnosdb
COPY docker/entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
COPY docker/init-cnosdb.sh /init-cnosdb.sh
RUN chmod +x /entrypoint.sh /init-cnosdb.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["cnosdb"]
Here is my configuration of my jenkins:
But the image docker built didn't have a name.
I haven't used Jenkins for this, as I build from the command line. But are you expecting your name arg to show up in the REPOSITORY and TAG columns? If that is the case, docker has a docker tag command, like so:
~$ docker tag <image-id> repo/name:tag
When I build from the command line, I do it like this:
~$ docker build -t repo/name:0.1 .
Then if I check images:
❯ docker image ls
repo/name 0.1 689459c139ef 2 days ago 187MB
Adding to what #rtl9069 mentioned the docker build command can be ran as part of a pipeline. Please take a look at this article https://www.liatrio.com/blog/building-with-docker-using-jenkins-pipelines as it describes it with examples.
I just got started with docker and was following fireship's tutorial, however I encountered a problem when I ran the docker build command. I was expecting a similar output as the video (timestamp). Instead, I got the following:
FROM node:12
WORKDIR /app #maybe its this? There is no /app directory
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD ["npm","start"]
docker build command
docker build -t <my docker id>/firstapp:1.1 .
File tree
Yes, I have a docker ID.
The docker build command stopped at COPY . ., rather than finishing at CMD ["npm","start"]
CWD (Windows): D:\Code\testing\Docker\test1
I ran the docker build command twice
Why is this happening?
How can it be fixed?
The reason this occurs is because fireship is running Linux (like Hans Kilian noted) and I am running Windows. To get your image ID, run the docker images command, which will list your images w/ their image ID.
However, I am still not sure why it does not complete all 8 steps.
I'm trying to run Cypress tests from docker image.
I'm using this Dockerfile:
FROM cypress/included:4.8.0
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
ENV PATH /usr/src/app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
COPY cypress.json /usr/src/app/cypress.json
In the docs I found I can run tests like this:
docker run -it -v $PWD:/services/cypress -w /usr/src/app --entrypoint=cypress cypress/included:4.8.0 run
This gives me error saying it can't find cypress.json in /usr/src/app
services/cypress is where the Dockerfile is located.
I copied the file over to /usr/src/app in Dockerfile so I don't understand why it complains it can't find it.
Can I get any feedback on this ?
The command you are using to run (docker run -it -v $PWD:/services/cypress -w /usr/src/app --entrypoint=cypress cypress/included:4.8.0 run) is running the "cypress/included:4.8.0" image that doesn't have your cypress.json file.
First, you need to build your own image using the Dockerfile you've built. The dockerfile contains instructions to copy your cypress.json file within a layer in your image.
docker build -t TheNameOfYourImage .
Then, you can run this image:
docker run -it -v $PWD:/services/cypress -w /usr/src/app --entrypoint=cypress TheNameOfYourImage run
I am creating an image of my application which involves the packaging of different applications.
After doing the tests/ npm/ bower install etc I am trying to copy the content from the previous image to a fresh image. But that COPY seems very very slow and takes more than 3-4 minutes.
COPY --from=0 /data /data
(Size of /data folder is around 800MB and thousands of files)
Can anyone please suggest a better alternative or some idea to optimize this:
Here is my dockerfile:
FROM node:10-alpine
RUN apk add python git \
&& npm install -g bower
ENV CLIENT_DIR /data/current/client
ENV SERVER_DIR /data/current/server
ENV EXTRA_DIR /data/current/extra
ADD src/client $CLIENT_DIR
ADD src/server $SERVER_DIR
RUN npm install
RUN npm install --only=dev
RUN npm run build
RUN bower --allow-root install
FROM node:10-alpine
COPY --from=0 /data /data # This step is very very slow.
WORKDIR /data/current/server/src
CMD ["npm","run","start:staging"]
Or if anyone can help me cleaning up the first phase (to reduce the image size), so that it doesn't require using the next image that will be useful too.
It is taking time because the number of files are large . If you can compress the data folder as tar and then copy and extract will be helpful in your situation.
If you can take this step to running containers it will be very fast. As per your requirement you need to copy an image of your application that is created already in another image.
You can use volume sharing functionality that will share a volume in between 2 or more docker containers.
Create 1st container:
docker run -ti --name=Container -v datavolume:/datavolume ubuntu
2nd container:
docker run -ti --name=Container2 --volumes-from Container ubuntu
Or you can use -v option , so with v option create your 1st and 2nd container as:
docker run -v docker-volume:/data-volume --name centos-latest -it centos
docker run -v docker-volume:/data-volume --name centos-latest1 -it centos
This will create and share same volume folder that is data-volume in both the containers. docker-volume is the volume name and data-volume is folder name in that container that will be pointing to docker-volume volume Same way you can share a volume with more than 2 containers.
I am creating one docker image name with soaphonda.
the code of docker file is below
FROM centos:7
FROM python:2.7
FROM java:openjdk-7-jdk
MAINTAINER Daniel Davison <sircapsalot#gmail.com>
# Version
COPY entry_point.sh /opt/bin/entry_point.sh
COPY server.py /opt/bin/server.py
COPY server_index.html /opt/bin/server_index.html
COPY SoapUI-5.3.0.tar.gz /opt/SoapUI-5.3.0.tar.gz
COPY exit.sh /opt/bin/exit.sh
RUN chmod +x /opt/bin/entry_point.sh
RUN chmod +x /opt/bin/server.py
# Download and unarchive SoapUI
RUN mkdir -p /opt
RUN tar -xvf SoapUI-5.3.0.tar.gz .
# Set working directory
WORKDIR /opt/bin
# Set environment
ENV PATH ${PATH}:/opt/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin
RUN chmod +x /opt/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin/mockservicerunner.sh
CMD ["/opt/bin/entry_point.sh","exit","pwd", "sh", "/Users/ankitsrivastava/Documents/SametimeFileTransfers/Honda/files/hondascript.sh"]
My image creation is getiing successfull. I want that once the image creation is done it should retag and push in the docker hub. For that i have created the script which is below;
docker tag soaphonda ankiksri/soaphonda
docker push ankiksri/soaphonda
docker login
docker run -d -p 8089:8089 --name demo ankiksri/soaphonda
containerid=`docker ps -aqf "name=demo"`
echo $containerid
docker exec -it $containerid bash -c 'cd ../SoapUI-5.3.0;sh /opt/SoapUI-5.3.0/bin/mockservicerunner.sh "/opt/SoapUI-5.3.0/Honda-soapui-project.xml"'
Please help me how i can call the second script from docker file and the exit command is not working in docker file.
What you have to understand here is what you are specifying within the Dockerfile are the commands that gets executed when you build and run a Docker container from the image you have created using your Dockerfile.
So Docker image tag, push running should all done after you have built the Docker image from the Dockerfile. It cannot be done within the Dockerfile itself.
To achieve this kind of a thing you would have to use a build tool like Maven (an example) and automate the process of tagging, pushing the image. Also by looking at your image, I don't see any nessactiy to keep on tagging and pushing the image unless you are continuously updating the image. Also there is no point of using three FROM commands as it will unnecessarily make your Docker image size huge.