Docker Container Usage - docker

I am running docker with kubernetes.
I need to find out when the last time docker container is used by a user.
I am creating one container per user.I have to kill that container if the user has not interacted with the container for a specific amount of time.
Currently, I am running a daemon inside docker container which checks last modified files and sends the info.
Is there any docker/kubernetes API for the same?

I thinks there's no API for that as "usage" is something which is hard to measure. One way would be to check whether systems stopped logging at some point back in time.
The other option would be to use the metrics which are exposed by Kubernetes and bring up monitoring and alerting systems like Prometheus to tell you once a Deployment/Pod is not used anymore. "Usage" could then be determined through the exposed network metrics e.g. like this:
If that's below a certain threshold you could trigger and alert and perform further actions.


Is it possible to run a large number of docker containers?

A small introduction to history. I am building a small service (website) where the user is provided with all sorts of tools that work according to the parameters specified by the user himself. In my implementation, it turns out that the tools are one big script that runs in the docker. It turns out that my service should launch a new docker container for each user.
I was thinking about using "aws fargate" or "gcloud run", or any other resource that makes it possible to run a docker container.
But I'm interested. What if there are 1000 or 10000 users, each one will have its own docker container, is that good? Do the services (aws, gcloud) have any restrictions, or is it a bad implementation?
Based upon my understanding you have suggested that you instantiate a Docker container for each of your users, I think there are a couple of issues with this:
Depending on how many users you have you get into the realms of too many containers. (each container will consume resources, not just Memory and CPU but also TCP/IP pool exhaustion.)
Isolation -> Read containers are not VMs

Is there a way to set the "--rm" option for a docker container deployed in a GCP compute instance?

I'm admittedly very new to Docker so this might be a dumb question but here it goes.
I have a Python ETL script that I've packaged in a Docker container essentially following this tutorial, then using cloud functions and cloud scheduler, I have the instance turn start every hour, run the sync and then shut down the instance.
I've run into an issue though where after this process has been running for a while the VM runs out of hard drive space. The script doesn't require any storage or persistence of state - it pulls any state data from external systems and only uses temporary files which are supposed to be deleted when the machine shuts down.
This has caused particular problems where updates I make to the script stop working because the machine doesn't have the space to download the latest version of the container.
I'm guessing it's either logs or perhaps files created automatically to try to persist the state - either within the Docker container or on the VM.
I'm wondering whether if I could get the VM to run the instance with the "--rm" flag so that the image was removed when it was finished this could solve this problem. This would theoretically guarantee that I'm always starting with the most recent image.
The trouble is, I can't for the life of my find a way to configure the "rm" option within the instance settings and the documentation for container options only covers passing arguments to the container ENTRYPOINT and not the docker run options docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
I feel like I'm either missing something obvious or it's not designed to be used this way. Is this something that can be configured in the Dockerfile or is there a different way I have to set up the VM in the first place?
Basically I just want the docker image to be pulled fresh and run each time and not leave any remnants on the VM that will slowly run out of space.
Also, I know Cloud Run might work in some similar situations but I need the script to be able to run for as long as it needs to (particularly at the start when it's backfilling data) and so the 15 minute cap on runtime would be a problem.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Note: I'm posting this as an answer as I need more space than a comment. If anyone feels it is not a good answer and wants it deleted, I will be delighted to do such.
Recapping the story, we have a Compute Engine configured to start a Docker Container. The Compute Engine runs the container and then we stop it. An hour later we restart it, let it run and then we stop it again. This continues on into the future. What we seem to find is that the disk associated with the Compute Engine fills up and we end up breaking. The thinking is that the container contained within the Compute Engine is created at first launch of the Compute Engine and then each time it is restarted, it is being "re-used" as opposed to a brand new container instance being created. This means that resources consumed by the container from one run to the next (eg disk storage) continues to grow.
What we would like to happen is that when the Compute Engine starts, it will always create a brand new instance of the container with no history / resource usage of the past. This means that we won't consume resources over time.
One way to achieve this outside of GCP would be to start the container through Docker with the "--rm" flag. This means that when the container ends, it will be auto-deleted and hence there will be no previous container to start the next time the Compute Engine starts. Again ... this is a recap.
If we dig through how GCP Compute Engines work as they relate to containers, we come across a package called "Konlet" (Konlet). This is the package responsible for loading the container in the Compute engine. This appears to be itself a Docker container application written in Go. It appears to read the metadata associated with the Compute Engine and based on that, performs API calls to Docker to launch the target container. The first thing to see from this is that the launch of the target Docker container does not appear to be executed through simple docker command line. This then implies that we can't "simply" edit a script.
Konlet is open source so in principle, we could study it in detail and see if there are special flags associated with it to achieve the equivalent of --rm. However, my immediate recommendation is to post an issue at the Konlet GitHub site and ask the author whether there is a --rm equivalent option for Konlet and, if not, could one be added (and if not, what is the higher level thinking).
In the meantime, let me offer you an alternative to your story. If I am hearing you correctly, every hour you fire a job to start a compute engine, do work and then shutdown the compute engine. This compute engine hosts your "leaky" docker container. What if instead of starting/stopping your compute engine you created/destroyed your compute engine? While the creation/destruction steps may take a little longer to run, given that you are running this once an hour, a minute or two delay might not be egregious.

Why use docker service?

This question illustrates the theoretical differences between docker run and docker service.
What I don't understand is when would one need to use the exact same container replicated multiple times (as per the Docker documentation example)?
There, they run the same web app replicated 5 times.
Is deployment on Kubernetes (for example) a potential use case, where the developer does not want to centralize the app on one host, in order to make it more resilient, hence why 5 replicas are created?
To understand, can someone please please with an example use case, where the docker service is useful?
swarm is an orchestrator just like kubernetes. docker service deploys services to swarm just as you deploy your services to kubernetes using kubectl.
swarm is essentially built-in primitive orchestrator. One possible case for replicas is running a proxy that directs requests to proper containers. You could expose multiple machines and have one take place of another in case another fails. Or any other high availability case you could think of.
Your question could be rephrased as "What's the difference between running a single container and running containers in a cluster?", which would be another question altogether, but that rephrasing might help illustrate what docker service does.
If you want to scale your application, you can run multiple instances of it (horizontal scaling) or you beef up the machine(s) that it runs on (vertical scaling). For the first, you would have to put a load balancer in front of your application so that the traffic is evenly distributed between the different instances. The idea is that those instances run on different hosts, so if one goes down, your application is still up. Some controlling instance (a Kubernetes service, for example) will notice that one of your instances has gone south and won't direct any more traffic to it. Nowadays, with all the cloud stuff going on, this is typically the way to go.
You don't need Kubernetes for such a setup, but you're right, this would be a typical use case for it. At least if you run your application in a Docker container.
Once use case is running on Docker swarm which consists of n number of nodes in your swarm cluster. You can run replicas of your application on the swarm cluster with a load balancer/reverse proxy to load balance your setup. If any one of the nodes goes down the application can still run.
But the exact use case for running multiple instances is scalabilty. Suppose you know that one instance of your app can serve 10000 users (Assume Bank authentication) at a time.
If you want your application to serve 50K users just run 5 replicas(using docker service create) .

docker track logs from dynamically created containers

I have an app that is dynamically creating docker containers and I can't intercept the way it is created.
I want to see logs from all the machines that are up. no matter if it was via docker-compose or just docker command line. I need to see all the logs.
Is it possible?
right no I need to run docker ps, see all the created machines and run docker log container.
I can't really monitor what is going inside.
An approach is to use a dedicated logging container that can gather log events from other containers, aggregate them, then store or forward the events to a third-party service, this approach eliminates the dependencies on a host.
Further, dedicated logging containers can automatically collect, monitor, and analyze log events, It can scale your log events automatically without configuration. It can retrieve logs through multiple streams of log events, stats, and Docker API data.
You can check this link also for some help.
Docker Logging Best Practices

How to keep a certain number of Docker containers running the same application and add/remove them as needed?

I've working with Docker containers. What Ive done is lunching 5 containers running the same application, I use HAProxy to redirect requests to them, I added a volume to preserve data and set restart policy as Always.
It works. (So far this is my load balancing aproach)But sometimes I need another container to join the pool as there might be more requests, or maybe at first I don't need 5 containers.
This is provided by the Swarm Mode addition in Docker 1.12. It includes orchestration that lets you not only scale your service up or down, but recover from an outage by automatically rescheduling the jobs to run on other nodes.
If you don't want to use Docker 1.12 (yet!), you can also use a Service Discovery like Consul, register your containers inside and use a tool like Consul Template to regenerate your load balancer configuration accordingly.
I made a talk 6 months ago about it. You can find the code and the configuration I used during my demo here:
