Error while generating make latexpdf with sphinx - latex

I am currently using sphinx 1.4.9 for documents creation. While giving make latexpdf, I get the following error.
****! Package keyval Error: pdfencoding undefined.****
See the keyval package documentation for explanation.
I have searched for pdfencoding in the sphinx.egg, also it only appears in sphinx.sty.
but I don't know how to define this pdfencoding. whether to edit or how to do.

Your hyperref is outdated. Sphinx 1.4.x series was tested to work with Ubuntu Precise (Debian/TeXLive 2009). I can not try it but here is a hack which may help you out. However, perhaps other parts will fail as your TeX install is really old...
'passoptionstopackages' : """
\\else\\expandafter\\originalPassOptionsToPackage\\fi {#1}}
inside the latex_elements configuration variable of Could work ...


i´m trying to compile a pdf in mardown, but generate the next error

i´m working on rmardown, i´m trying to compile in pdf, but the console show me an error.
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ^^S (U+0013)
(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.
Try other LaTeX engines instead (e.g., xelatex) if you are using pdflatex. See
Error: LaTeX failed to compile Modelos-de-volatilidad.tex. See for debugging tips. See Modelos-de-volatilidad.log for more info.
Ejecución interrumpida
i have install MIKTEX.
Check for the error in the line where it is happening. There's surely one character that LaTeX is not processing. Comment or cut the line and run again. I have had a similar issue when copy pasting from a pdf into LaTeX.

missing `subfigure.sty'

I install texstudio by download texstudio-qt4_2.12.14-1_amd64.deb on ubuntu16.04, but I get this erros:
File `subfigure.sty' not found. \RequirePackage
I download subfigure from and make and move it to /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex but still not working, how to fix this?
TeX maintains an internal TeX database for file search that is managed by the kpathsea set of tools. It requires a specific command to refresh the database. Try running sudo texhash
BTW, subfigure is no longer maintained and is considered as deprecated. From ctan subfigure page:
The pack­age is now con­sid­ered ob­so­lete: it was su­per­seded by sub­fig, but users may find the more re­cent sub­cap­tion pack­age more sat­is­fac­tory.
For a new document, I would advice you to switch to another package.

sphinx doc with different latex versions

Recently, I found some issue with different version of tex. In our company, some are using texlive2018 and some are using texlive2017. In our, I put
latex_elements = {
'preamble': '''\usepackage{chngcntr}
It runs OK in texlive2017 but have a redefined error in texlive2018. If I remove \usepackage{chngcntr}, then texlive2018 works, but texlive2017 have a undefined error. Certainly, it is triggered by some changes in newer version of texlive. But I am wondering if there is a way so that it works on both texlive version.
Indeed the macros of chngcntr have been moved to the LaTeX format with TeXLive2018.
A new version of chngcntr package starts with this
% version 1.1 this package has been adoped into the format so does not
% need to do anything in current latex releases.
\PackageInfo{chngcntr}{\string\counterwithout\space already defined.\MessageBreak
Quitting chngcntr}%
Thus all should be find if your TeXLive2018 has the v1.1a 2018/04/09 version of the chngctr package. Please check. Is this the Info you see? this is not an Error.
Else you can always do (beware the r else double the backslashes)
latex_elements = {
'preamble': r'''\ifdefined\counterwithout\else\usepackage{chngcntr}\fi
By the way there was a related issue with the LaTeX format, but it has been fixed since.

Clang_complete not worrking

unfortunately I can't manage to make clang_complete work and I could need your help.
I've already compiled vim 7.4 with python support. Here is the output of vim --version | grep python:
+cryptv +linebreak +python/dyn +viminfo
-cscope +lispindent +python3/dyn +vreplace
I followed this guide:
Please note that I've started from a clean installation (i.e. no other plugins and no further entries in my .vimrc (except for those shown in the guide above)).
According to the tutorials I've seen so far everything should be working.
However, if I try to get code completion for the following example nothing happens. If I press <c-x><x-u> I receive the error "completefunc not set".
#include <string>
int main()
std::string s;
Moreover, I've installed the newest version of clang from source and it in my $PATH.
Is there a way to verify that clang_complete is actually installed?
What might cause this problem?
Any help is much appreciated.
filetype plugin indent on
to your vimrc, its missing from the vimrc snippet in the link. This tells vim to do filetype detection and fire autocommands related to those file types. Without it you won't run the following autocommands.
au FileType c,cpp,objc,objcpp call <SID>ClangCompleteInit()
au FileType c.*,cpp.*,objc.*,objcpp.* call <SID>ClangCompleteInit()
Which probably initalize ClangComplete.

subfig package in latex

When I am using subfig package in latex, it gives some errors:
Package subfig Warning: Your document class has a bad definition
of \endfigure, most likely
which has now been changed to
because otherwise subsequent changes to \end#float
(like done by several packages changing float behaviour)
can't take effect on \endfigure.
Please complain to your document class author.
Package subfig Warning: Your document class has a bad definition
of \endtable, most likely
which has now been changed to
because otherwise subsequent changes to \end#float
(like done by several packages changing float behaviour)
can't take effect on \endtable.
Please complain to your document class author.
`rotating' package detected
`float' package detected
LaTeX Warning: You have requested, on input line 139, version
`2005/06/26' of package caption,
but only version
`1995/04/05 v1.4b caption package (AS)'
is available.
! Undefined control sequence.
l.163 \DeclareCaptionOption
How can I solve it?
Thanks and regards!
It looks like a clash between subfig and an old version of the caption package. Try updating your caption package to something more recent. In general, it is a good idea to keep all packages updated to their latest versions.
