Why is xCode asking for Android Studio Gradle files? - ios

I had to delete Android Studio off my MacBook Air to free up space for an xCode update. Now xCode is complaining its missing Android Studio files that have nothing to do with it but are somehow titled
file:///Users/administrator/Documents/Retrographic/Sprocket/Android/Gradle%20Binaries/gradle-2.2.1/lib/plugins/xbean-reflect-3.4.jar: warning: Missing file: /Users/administrator/Documents/Retrographic/Sprocket/Android/Gradle Binaries/gradle-2.2.1/lib/plugins/xbean-reflect-3.4.jar is missing from working copy
What the heck is this and how do I fix it? I tried re-downloading the branch in SourceTree and pointing xCode at it but its still having the same problem. Do I need to just nuke and re-install xCode?

This seems very unusual...
My best guess would be to go through your various build settings in your project targets and ensure that this file isn't listed under anything for linking, building, etc.
If it is, delete it, provided you don't need it for your XCode project.

This error occurs as that file was under your version control system such as git and now it is removed. xcode checks the status of git and complains if a file was removed. You can go to your version control system and commit this change so that xcode doesn't complain. If you are using git, you can do the following:
git status
--> This should tell the file was removed
git commit ...

Some possible solutions.
Solution 1
Open your xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in a text editor
Search for "xbean".
Remove that line.
Solution 2
If you are using an xcworkspace, there may be some other project that is including that file. In that case, I'd do that for all project files. If that is infeasible, do a grep grep -r xbean . and then edit the named files. This command will recursively search for all files mentioning this particular file.

I'm not sure why is this happening, but i think there might be some file references in your project which are no more existing.
You can try this:
Search and delete missing files.


Bitrise.io scheme not found

For some reason I'm getting an error message on Bitrise.io saying the scheme cannot be found within the project. It says to use the -list command, however doing that locally finds the scheme fine.
I know a common reason for this problem is not having your scheme shared, however I've checked this and it appears to be shared correctly.
I'm using the Xcode test for iOS step within my workflow. Another odd thing is running the build command locally works perfectly fine too.
Can anyone suggest any ideas for resolving this issue?
I'm getting an error message on Bitrise.io saying the scheme cannot be found within the project
It's not bitrise what prints this error, it's Xcode (Xcode's Command Line Tool, xcodebuild).
The most common cause of this issue is if you don't mark the scheme as shared. If you did, you should also check your gitignore list - shared schemes are have to be stored in the git repository, the related files can't be ignored!
Related docs: http://devcenter.bitrise.io/ios/frequent-ios-issues/#xcode-scheme-not-found - and related section:
Don't forget to commit & push the changes if you just enabled the Shared option!
This change should be reflected in your git repository,
under you project / workspace
(which is actually a directory, just seems like a file in Finder):
*.xcodeproj OR *.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/xcschemes/SchemeName.xcscheme.
If you still can't see the desired Scheme,
try to look into your .gitignore file and check if you are ignoring the config files of your Xcode project.
This file have to exist after you do a clean git clone into a new directory on your Mac/PC.
I've managed to solve this problem for me by moving from xcode 8.2 to xcode 8.1.

Files missing warning after upgrading to Xcode 8 and converting syntax from swift 2.3 to swift 3.0

I upgraded from Xcode 7.3 to Xcode 8.0 and changed syntax from swift 2.3 to swift 3.0. I am able to build the project and run fine but I got some 233 warnings all about images I used in Assets.xcassets.
I realized that the path is wrong as I changed the name of my project from projectA to projectB and the path is referring to an invalid path which is
/Users/name/Desktop/projectA/projectB/Assets.xcassets/Images/img_01.imageset/img_01#2x.png is missing from working copy
I believe that I have to remove name of those files from my sourcecontrol as they are not valid anymore. I have committed all my changes and have no idea how to remove these missing file links to get rid of those warnings.
I was able to solve this after a lot of research.
I went to projectB.xcodeproject > Show package contents > project.pbxproj > xcuserdata. Delete the xcuserdata.
Then go to Source Control > Commit
Commit all changes. Since the path doesn't exist, Xcode will not commit changes; so just cancel out of it and do
Source Control > Refresh Status
Then exit out of Xcode and restart it.
Start terminal, go to the project directory, call:
git commit -a -m "some hints"
After restarting XCode the message should be gone. I think XCode is calling git commit without -a option
The only thing that worked for me was to open the .xcodeproj and then Option key (on keyboard) + (Product (top menu) -> Clean Build Folder)
Note. Even if you are using cocoapods and usually open the project with .xcworkspace, you still need to perform above with .xcodeproj
In your XCode Projects Folder write "git add ." and then commit it. If you have erased some project you should use "git add -u ." and then commit it again.
This worked for me!
If you are using CocoaPods, you might need to do what learner122 said in your projects Pods directory, as well.
Almost the same as above poster, but I didn't have to delete the XCuserdata file:
Commit dialogue
Manually selected the missing/unrecognized Swift file
clicked Commit files
and "Refresh Status"
the error message disappeared. All good.

Using agvtool with multiple .xcodeproject files in one directory

I have tried using agvtool for ios build versionining. It works great when there is a single .xcodeproj file in the directory. In my case, our project structure is such that it has 4 .xcodeproj files in a single directory. When firing agvtool command in this directory it throws error message, 'agvtool does not work with multiple projects in the same directory'. Anyone has any idea how can I make agvtool work with this folder structure?
For people finding this post and using Fastlane, I just wanted to tell about the plugin https://github.com/SiarheiFedartsou/fastlane-plugin-versioning which have a increment_version_number_in_plist command which does not use agvtool (and support multiple .xcodeproj files in a single folder.
You just need to install the plugin above and replace your increment_version_number action with increment_version_number_in_plist .. they have a very similar contract.
For me, there were actually 2 xcode project files. i.e. projectName.xcodeproj and projectNameModule.xcodeproj. That happened as I removed some commits where we updated the project name from projectName to projectNameModule. For some reason even after reverting those name changes, the project *Module.xcodeproj and *Module.xcworkspace files were still existing.
I just deleted those unused files and it fixed the issue for me.

"Missing File" warning in Xcode 5 & 6 in iOS

I am working with Xcode 6. I am creating new project & adding some files in my project, again i deleted that file with "Remove Reference" click and adding some new files according to my requirement. But when i run this App in Xcode 5 then its showing 2 warning with "Missing File" but if i run with Xcode 6 then its showing so many warning.
How Can i resolve this warning.
I share my screenshot how i deleted file.
This is my warning image
I googled but i got all answer with SVN but i am not using svn and my project also not in SVN server. So without SVN how can i resolve this.
Please help me.
Run the shell script below in your SVN repositories path:
for missingFile in $(svn status | sed -e '/^!/!d' -e 's/^!//')
echo $missingFile
svn rm --force $missingFile
I can resolve these Missing File warnings just by doing an SVN update (Source Control -> Update), typically after a Commit.
Go to Project Folder then right Click on it
then Delete the XCUserda
Xcode's source control was the culprit for 546 "missing files" warnings on any new project I created. Somehow it searches for the files of other projects I have in a remote SVN server.
In Xcode preferences, source control, I disable it entirely. Now I can create new projects without receiving missing files warnings.
Xcode's source control seems not to work so well, or at least it's not so clear about the way it does things, so I prefer external options to manage my repositories.

Xcode: issue "file xxx.png is missing from working copy" at project building

After deleting/adding some png files to project, i have got messages when building project.
"file ProjectPath\aaa\xxx.png is missing from working copy."
All these files are in the project, and the application is running. However, these messages are annoying. Looked .plist file, but there is no mention of these files.
What should I do to remove these messages?
The warning will disappear as soon as you commit your changes (Xcode 8).
It seems that this problem may have different causes, but it's often in relation with source control software.
In my case, I solved it by going to Git, and adding the files again. I mean running the following command:
git add .
You can also disable source control by unchecking
Xcode -> Preferences -> Source Control -> Enable Source Control
if you're managing it via command line or any other app.
In XCode -> SoureControl:
Update + Refresh Status did it for me.
In my case, the file was missing from the source control.
To fix, I had to discard this file (be careful only discard the missing file not all your project):
Xcode->Source Control->commit
Right Click the missing file
Choose Discard Changes
Disable Source Control, clean build folder (Alt+Shift+Cmd+K), then Enable Source Control again.
Xcode -> Preferences -> Source Control -> Enable Source Control
In my case, Xcode had somehow found old .svn directories that referenced the missing files. I had to go up a level above my project folder to find those .svn files. Once deleted, I restarted Xcode and everything was fine.
I had a similar issue with a handful of files that had long since been deleted from my Xcode project while I was still using Xcode 7.
My solution was to:
Create files with the names Xcode was complaining about (they don't need any content)
Add the files to my Xcode project (in Xcode right click on my main project directory, click Add files to my_project_name and select the files that were just created
Select the newly added files and delete them - select move to trash.
This got rid of the warnings for me.
To add onto Alexander Vasenin's answer...
First I Committed and Pushed my changes
Xcode Main Menu > Source Control > Commit
Then I Discarded All Changes to get rid of the errors
Xcode Main Menu > Source Control > Discard All Changes
After that, the errors stating "file xxx.png is missing from working copy" disappeared.
This is occurred when you delete file on Xcode, but didnt tell svn server about it.
Go to command line tool, and delete file directly.
svn delete missingFile.m
and commit it
svn commit -m "Deleting file"
note that if you delete .svn folder, the warning is disappear but you will lost communication with svn server.
I worked it out.
just open your third-party SVN tool, find the miss files, Revert;
that's all.
I had same problem and solved it by add git .
Open Command Line Tool
cd "project folder path"
git add .
Later,restart Xcode project and open your project again.
Show on target->build phases -> copy Bundle Resources.
clean build folder command+shift+alt+k
I had to manually go into Terminal and remove the files with git rm ProjectPath\aaa\xxx.png and then commit. After that everything worked fine.
Got this for every project after moving on to XCode 8. This solved it:
With Option Key pressed, Product (in title menu) -> Clean Build Folder.
In my case, I had wrong data from my old projects in the simulator. Solved by reset content and settings in the simulator:
Simulator -> Reset content and settings...
For me the following worked:
Since I do not and did never use Git, I created a new project (XCode 8, I could not see the usual "use Git" or however the checkmark was labeled). Then I bluntly deleted all the files in this new project; went to the old messed up project, copied everything in the project folder, came back to the newly created project, pasted the old stuff, opened that - all the warnings about files that have not been existing for months are gone. Fingers crossed.
I had the same issue and solved it by simply dragging the specified files from finder into the project navigator (ensuring that "copy files" is selected in the dialog) and committing the files.
These warnings are not build warnings, they are about your SVN repository.
It is correct that the directories shown no longer exist, CocoaPods stores the headers in Pods/Headers/{Private,Public} now. You have to update your working copy to reflect those changes.
In my case I drag & dropped a number of files on my Xcode project window to add them. It made copies into my source directory but didn't put them where I wanted them to go (it put them at the root of my directory, I wanted them in a sub-directory). Without thinking I just grabbed them in the Finder and moved them to the directory I wanted them in. After going back into the project window it of course could not find them so I deleted them in the window and re added them. After compiling I started getting these errors.
I thought, as some mention above that it was a git issue but when I ran "git ls-tree --full-tree -r HEAD" I didn't see the files at all??
Anyway to fix it all I did was use the "Add File..." menu command to add each of the files to the default location, do a clean build, and then delete them from the project window (using move to trash) and it got rid of all the errors.
I had the warnings, and also could not commit changes under XCode (using svn). All I had to do was restart XCode and the problem went away.
This works for me:
Xcode -> ("option + click") Product -> Clean Build Folder...
Than restart xCode
In my case it was a problem with git and a case-insensitive file system.
I had inadvertently submitted the same file twice, using file paths that differed only in case:
Xcode was complaining about one of the missing files.
Fixed by deleting the offending files, and re-adding.
cd MyProject
mv Resources/foo.png /tmp
git rm Resources/foo.png
git rm resources/foo.png
git commit
mv /tmp/foo.png Resources
git add Resources/foo.png
git commit
This is definitely related to source control. I renamed and moved a couple of non-committed plist files and got this error. I am using svn. I was able to fix this via Source Control - Commit by removing old referenced files.
