Search URL on the new LinkedIn UI - url

Looks like LinkedIn has a new UI and seems to be slowly rolling out to everyone. We have a LinkedIn button on our site that looks up a prospect by their name and company and searches LI. Currently, this works for the "oldLinkedIn" but for me, I'm somehow on the "nuLinkedIn" and this search URL doesn't render properly. Our current search URL for oldLinkedIn will populate this: For me, this loads a blank page with just the LinkedIn logo, but for another employee still on the oldLinkedin it renders properly and can see the client. When I do a manual search for this person in nuLinkedIn, this is the URL we are trying to figure out what the new URL search query is so we can update our search button for linkedin. Thanks!

If you change your populated URL to:"carden"%20AND%20lastname%3A"wyckoff"%20AND%20company%3A"salesforce"&origin=GLOBAL_SEARCH_HEADER
it should work.
Obviously you can use OR instead of AND in there for more results.
Fields you can search are:
firstname: Finds members based on first name
lastname: Finds members based on last name
title: Finds members based on their current title
company: Finds members based on their current company (keyword search)
school: Finds members based on schools attended (keyword search)


How can i trigger zendesk web widget after page reload?

I create custom ticket form in zendesk and passing some parameters (like customer name, customer email, and customers company name) from my database. then i found zE(identify) functions and saw this functions include just name and email object. but i need customers company names too. and it is just came after completely page reload.
So how can i refresh (or something) after database value completely reload?
sorry for my bad english
To execute zE function after page load you should be able to add it to a callback function from however you are loading the DB values.

Algolia search with attribute name

Data on algolia is like this
Name:"ProsiebenSat1 Accelerator Batch #8"
I want to search any name which are in Germany. How I do that?
When I do Contact.raw_search("Batch"), I get all records even whose name include this even non-German. I want to get all those which are of specific country.
To do so, you'll first need to put the Country attribute in your attributesForFaceting list. You can do that using the REST API, your client of choice or from the Algolia Dashboard. Using the later one, go to the Indices page, select your index and click on the Display tab. Here, you could add your Country field to the Attributes for faceting list. After that, click on save and your index will be rebuild.
Now, your index is ready to filter the search queries according to the country you want. To perform the search query, you can use (using the Ruby client):"Batch", {
facets: ["Country"],
facetFilters: ["Country:Germany"]
For more informations about faceting, here is a quick intro from the FAQ and a more detailed guide in the documentation.

SurveyMonkey: How do you determine a survey's ID?

For a given survey, how do you determine its survey_id for use with the SurveyMonkey API?
A list of all IDs is returned by the API method get_survey_list, and you could subsequently call get_survey_details on each survey to determine which one is the intended one, but that seems needlessly complicated. There has to be a way to get a survey's ID from the My Surveys page, right?
Whoops, get_survey_details isn't actually necessary, since get_survey_list can take a fields parameter that includes the survey's title.
If you want to get the survey ID via the web page you can:
Right click on the survey in the "ALL SURVEYS" surveys view, and press "Inspect Element" or "Inspect" depending on your browser.
In the bottom of the browser, you will see a highlighted block that starts with:
<a href="/summary/...
Scroll up a few lines until you see a line that starts with:
<tr class="survey-row" id=`
The number that follows id= is the survey id, which you can then use in the API.
Nothing much to add to what Tony & Miles said, just that my UI form contains these fields:
1) An Age limit - eg the past 365 days
2) A keyword in the title - typically all the surveys for one client have that client's name in the title. Hint: if you can be organised enough to enforce a convention, and put keywords in the nickname, the nickname is what the API looks in for Title, although what the user sees is the other title.
3) A start date to get responses only after a start date - the first day may have been only a test.
4) A combobox with all the matching surveys is presented showing the title, number of respondents, date created and date recently modified, pretty much the same as what appears in the SurveyMonkey web UI. That's where they pick the one they want.

Foursquare API : Is there any way to search venue with name and city?

Using Foursquare API is there any way to search venue with name and city?
currently I am using parameter "query" to search venue, how can I pass city name along with venue name to get exact results
I want to search restaurant located in specific city
FSQ API Current Search query which is working for restaurant name search only:,-73.985651532083&categoryId=4d4b7105d754a06374d81259&query=starbucks&client_id=your_client_id&client_secret=your_client_secret
In above search query I have used "query=starbucks" to search restaurant "starbucks"
Any one knows how to do search with name and city for venue?
Please help...
You can replace the ll parameter with near and put a city name in there, for example york, ny&categoryId=4d4b7105d754a06374d81259&query=starbucks&client_id=your_client_id&client_secret=your_client_secret
I am finding that for place names comprising of two or three words the use of an an underscore works for example:
Reason being in a browser a space becomes the characters '%20', however when passing a GET string value to a url such as from a search box or via PHP I found that the string being passed with spaces was not being "read/interpreted" correctly. Adding the underscore seems to resolve that issue.

Sharepoint 2007 approval email

in our Company we have a Sharepoint 2007 Server which we are using to keep track of our cars.
What I try to achieve is to have a aspx page where you can select a car of the cars list and then click "request". If you did that the page must switch to another text saying something like "car request in progress" (and of course hide this car in the cars list if the next person enters this page) and send an email to someone which contains two buttons: "accept" "decline". If he clicks "decline" the cars status has to be set to available again so someone else can do a request for this car again. if he clicks "accept" another person gets an email telling him that person1 requested this car and this has been approved by person2. this emails are easy to create using workflows which are waiting for the status to change but how can i create a link which changes a cars statusfield in the cars list and what code do i need in the aspx request page?
Thanks in advance!
Make a link that, when clicked, will run the appropriate action on the users behalf. If you are using workflows, this is as "simple" as changing the items property and letting the item-change event be handled. Make sure to avoid cyclic changes.
This can be done trivially by encoding the items GUID (and perhaps list and action and whatever else you want) in the URL; the GUID can be used with the SharePoint Object Model for the lookup.
Perhaps the above can be done using SPD without a separate/"code" ASPX, but I don't touch that pile of "fun".
Edit for comment:
In my scenario we just encoded the link as{THEGUID}. The aspx handler just read the query parameters. Item editing ability used standard SharePoint list permissions. Double-submissions were rejected because after the link is handled the item modified to be in a new state which does not accept said link-action (thus clicking the link again simply resulted in no-operations). Working out a total state-diagram before starting work can save lots of time.
