How to Use Vapor Client to Route to Another Port - vapor

I want to use Vapor as the outside facing API to other internal services. For example:"http://localhost:8091/someEndpoint")
However, I get an error explaining that the URL is not a URI (It has problems paling the port and the ":"). Furthermore, if I need to forward to multiple internal services, do I need multiple clients?

try using instead."")


Is there a way to keep a single url, domain, or ip, for communication between docker containters, and between localhost and containers?

I am working on a web app where a single environmental variable is used for specifying a certain server (a rest api), like this:
the application is running inside a container, and it uses the server api variable for two things related to my problem:
It could generate and serve dynamic html where it append URL_SERVER_API to complete full api urls, for example {{URL_SERVER_API}}/someendpoint
It calls the api directly from a (php) script using CURL, defining the endpoint in the same fashion as 1
so I end up with a situation where if I set URL_SERVER_API to localhost:8080 the main application forms valid urls to call because the api app (which is also running in a docker container) was exposed in the correspondingly port, but the CURL calls don't work because localhost:8080 is not a known server inside the container.
Also I configured a bridge network and attached both apps to it, and I was capable to ping from the main app to the api succesfuly (e.g. ping api_docker), then when I set URL_SERVER_API=api_docker the CURL calls to the api are successfull, but the html files returned from the main app are constructed with unreachable urls like http://api_docker/someendpoint
Hope you can see my issue
I am able to solve the issue by having two variables URL_SERVER_API and URL_SERVER_API_INTERNAL and using the first for html serving and the second for the CURL calls, but I think it is not the best solution to add new variables to remember because I am not in charge to do so.
Thanks for the time taken to read

Differentiate incoming requests by bound port using rails and puma

I have a single rails app with two APIs --- one public and one private. Using puma, I have bound this app to ports 3000 and 3001. I have an internal IP address in my google VPC bound to the VM of the rails app on port 3000, and a public IP address bound to port 3001.
What I expected was to be able to understand which source a request came from based on that listener port, but requests only know about the port in the URL, so it's always listed at 80. All requests are coming through a GKE load balancer, so the REMOTE_IP header is always the same.
The only way I've been able to get my desired functionality is by starting two instances of the app, binding one port each, and including an environment variable.
Is it possible to differentiate requests based on the port they were bound to? This would allow me to use one instance of the app instead of two.
I realized I was looking in the wrong place. It doesn't make sense to generate HTTP headers when I was passing data within the same process. I found the data I wanted in the massive request object from inside application controller.
# => ["AF_INET", 3001, "", ""]
So I have used this to implement the authorization I was looking for:
case request.headers['puma.socket'].addr[1]
when 3000 then :private
when 3001 then :public
else :unknown

display domain instead of ip address as url

my website is, rented server from DigitalOcean, domian name is from Namecheap,
I redirected to http://104.236.xx.xx:6060/main/ ,
but when I open up it display the url as :
**** or
**** or
how can i let it display as
**** or
**** or
Lazy way?
Set up a URL Frame
Good way? The way the DNS gods intended?
If you have a dedicated IP, point it with an A record.
It's key to note A records can't specify a port. If at all possible, considering migrating your service to port 80? I understand sometimes this isn't possible but it'll make life a hell of a lot easier.
Edit: as for a redirect method, you could run a website on port 80 with like a line or two of HTML in an index.html to redirect to the proper port. Again assumes port 80 is unoccupied.
Previous post to clarify rewrite vs redirect
Michael makes a good point, however, in that if you want your customer to not have to include the port, you either have to do it for them via the redirect method you're using, or move your service to the default HTTP port 80. If you redirect the customer's browser to an IP address, that is what will be populated in the address bar and the Host header.
You might be able to do this thru Http Reverse Proxy. This wiki might guide you in the right track. You can use Heroku, Nginx, apache, etc. Though, apache might be overkill for the purpose.

How can I get Yahoo OAuth to work when I develop locally when my local domain is not registered with Yahoo?

I'm working on an app that uses Yahoo OAuth. The OAuth had been working fine but I just registered my domain with Yahoo and now it will not let me use the OAuth when I develop locally because
"Custom port is not allowed or the host is not registered with this consumer key."
The issue is because my call back URL is to a domain that is not registered with Yahoo (http://localhost:8080/welcome).
I'm not sure what to do. I'm also new to development so if you could be specific with suggestions that would be awesome! Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hiii... yahoo works on localhost :).. what you have to do is while registering for a yahoo consumer key and secret key, the registration page asks you what type of application is yours. I guess it gives you two options , website and the oder one as stand alone app. Choose stand alone app as in your case. Then it will give you a pair of keys, and it will work on localhost :). Enjoy!
It looks like Yahoo! doesn't want you to do this. Some answers from similar questions might be helpful (or not):
How do I develop against OAuth locally?
401 Unauthorized using Yahoo OAuth
Yahoo OAuth question
EDIT: more evidence Yahoo! doesn't support this:
I found the simplest solution was just to register for a separate key for my development environment. As long as you don't verify the domain for that key, you shouldn't hit any issues.
After many attempts, I too came to the conclusion that Yahoo's redirect_uri does not seem to work with ports other than 80.
The one solution that worked for me:
Download ngrok
Run the app and input ngrok http xxxx in the console - where xxxx is the port you are trying to access
The command will generate a forwarding link that can be used for Yahoo's needs
Create a new Installed Application at and input in the Callback Domain field.
Links should now work with this redirect_uri
Addressing Muhammad's comment in Vignes's answer here because I can't comment. You should be able to use a callback with a stand alone app if you specify as the callback domain. You may also needed to change the port that your local server is listening to, because you cannot request that yahoo use e.g. port 8000. Make sure your local server is listening to port 80.
As of writing, setting the Application Type to Installed Application and then leaving the Callback Domain blank will give you errors.
What works is configuring as the Callback Domain for the app. This works regardless if you are choosing Web Application or Installed Application as the Application Type. However, Yahoo! does not accept callback URLs with ports in it so you have to make sure your app listens to port 80 (or 443 if https) when running locally.
Another less ideal option would be using some random non-existent domain like as Callback Domain and then editing your hosts file by adding this:
This will forward all requests on to

Why is request.env['REMOTE_ADDR'] returning two IPs?

When I visit my Rails 2.2 app on my remote server I receive the following value as my REMOTE_ADDR.
request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']: ","
What has me stumped is why there are two IPs. A quick check of my currently leased public IP confirms that my IP is
So where is coming from?
Is there something about how remote addresses are collected and reported in the HTTP headers spec that I'm missing? Is this expected, normal behavior?
It's definitely because of a reverse proxy.
Reverse proxies (I use BigIPs and Apache mod_proxy mode often) usually append all the intervening IPs to the list so you can pick out the right ones in your code.
For example, you might want to find the public one to log to your webstats application, so there it is right in the REMOTE_ADDR. But you also have the internal IP(s) so you know which loadbalancer it came from, which internal server its on for some kind of internal network tracking, etc
