Classifier for data with varying dimensionality - machine-learning

I need to train a classifier with data whose dimensionality can vary. For example (and this is made-up date for illustration):
and so on...
I am trying to train a Linear SVM using scikit-learn which requires the dimensionality to be fixed. A simple zero-padding of the smaller dims to match the dim of the largest, is giving me disappointing results.
Should I be using a different classifier for such data? How should I approach this?

Feature hashing is the algorithm you need to use to convert your variable-length input into constant-length input. Then, you could use your transformed vectors with any appropiate learning algorithm.
Wikipedia: Feature Hashing

Try padding with feature mean/median, that's another way to deal with missing data.
Are those measurements made in the same points/features ?


Which SMOTE algorithm should I use for Augmentation of Time Series dataset?

I am working on a Time Series Dataset where i want to do forcasting and prediction both. So, if you have any suggestion please share. Thank You!
This allows one to both impute fully missing observations to allow uniform time series classification across the entire data and, in special cases, to impute individually missing features. To do so, we slightly generalize the well-known class imbalance algorithm SMOTE to allow component wise nearest neighbor interpolation that preserves correlations when there are no missing features. We visualize the method in the simplified setting of 2-dimensional uncoupled harmonic oscillators. Next, we use tSMOTE to train an Encoder/Decoder long-short term memory (LSTM) model with Logistic Regression for predicting and classifying distinct trajectories of different 2D oscillators.

Predicting over data that has categorical, numerical and text

I am trying to build a classifier for my dataset. Each observation in the data has categorical and numerical values, as well as a more general description in free-text. I understand how to build a boosting algorithm to handle the categorical and numerical values, and I have already trained a neural network that predicted over the text quite succesfully. What I'm wrapping my head around is how to integrate both approaches?
Embed your free text using a Language Model (e.g. averaging fasttext wordembeddings, or using google-universal-sentence-encoder) into an N-dim vector of floats. One hot encode the categorical stuff. Concatenate [embedding, one_hot_encoding, numericals] and badabing badaboom, you've got yourself 1 vector representing your datapoint.
Tensorflow hub's KerasLayer + is def a good starting point. I you need to train something yourself, you could look into tf.keras.layers.Embedding.

Suggested unsupervised feature selection / extraction method for 2 class classification?

I've got a set of F features e.g. Lab color space, entropy. By concatenating all features together, I obtain a feature vector of dimension d (between 12 and 50, depending on which features selected.
I usually get between 1000 and 5000 new samples, denoted x. A Gaussian Mixture Model is then trained with the vectors, but I don't know which class the features are from. What I know though, is that there are only 2 classes. Based on the GMM prediction I get a probability of that feature vector belonging to class 1 or 2.
My question now is: How do I obtain the best subset of features, for instance only entropy and normalized rgb, that will give me the best classification accuracy? I guess this is achieved, if the class separability is increased, due to the feature subset selection.
Maybe I can utilize Fisher's linear discriminant analysis? Since I already have the mean and covariance matrices obtained from the GMM. But wouldn't I have to calculate the score for each combination of features then?
Would be nice to get some help if this is a unrewarding approach and I'm on the wrong track and/or any other suggestions?
One way of finding "informative" features is to use the features that will maximise the log likelihood. You could do this with cross validation.
Another idea might be to use another unsupervised algorithm that automatically selects features such as an clustering forest
In that case the clustering algorithm will automatically split the data based on information gain.
Fisher LDA will not select features but project your original data into a lower dimensional subspace. If you are looking into the subspace method
another interesting approach might be spectral clustering, which also happens
in a subspace or unsupervised neural networks such as auto encoder.

How to choose classifier on specific dataset

When given the dataset, normally m instances by n features matrix, how to choose the classifier that is most appropriate for the dataset.
This is just like what algorithm to solve a prime Number. Not every algorithm solve any problem means each problem assigned which finite no. of algorithm. In machine learning you can apply different algorithm on a type of problem.
If matrix contain real numbered features then you can use KNN algorithm can be used. Or if matrix have words as feature then you can use naive bayes classifier which is one of best for text classification. And Machine learning have tons of algorithm you can read them apply to your problem which fits best. Hope you understand what I said.
An interesting but much more general map I found:
If you have weka, you can use experimenter and choose different algorithms on same data set to evaluate different models.
This project compares many different classifiers on different typical datasets.
If you have no idea, you could use this simple tool auto-weka which will test all the different classifiers you selected within different constraints. Before using auto-weka, you may need to convert your data to ARFF using Weka or just manually (many tutorial on youtube).
The best classifier depends on your data (binary/string/real/tags, patterns, distribution...), what kind of output to predict (binary class / multi-class / evolving classes / a value from regression ?) and the expected performance (time, memory, accuracy). It would also depend on whether you want to update your model frequently or not (ie. if it is a stream, better use an online classifier).
Please note that the best classifier may not be one but an ensemble of different classifiers.

CvSVM.predict() gives 'NaN' output and low accuracy

I am using CvSVM to classify only two types of facial expression. I used LBP(Local Binary Pattern) based histogram to extract features from the images, and trained using cvSVM::train(data_mat,labels_mat,Mat(),Mat(),params), where,
data_mat is of size 200x3452, containing normalized(0-1) feature histogram of 200 samples in row major form, with 3452 features each(depends on number of neighbourhood points)
labels_mat is corresponding label matrix containing only two value 0 and 1.
The parameters are:
CvSVMParams params;
params.svm_type =CvSVM::C_SVC;
params.kernel_type =CvSVM::LINEAR;
params.C =0.01;
The problem is that:-
while testing I get very bad result (around 10%-30% accuracy), even after applying with different kernel and train_auto() function.
CvSVM::predict(test_data_mat,true) gives 'NaN' output
I will greatly appreciate any help with this, it's got me stumped.
I suppose, that your classes linearly hard/non-separable in feature space you use.
May be it will be better to apply PCA to your dataset before classifier training step
and estimate effective dimensionality of this problem.
Also I think it will be userful test your dataset with other classifiers.
You can adapt for this purpose standard opencv example points_classifier.cpp.
It includes a lot of different classifiers with similar interface you can play with.
The SVM generalization power is low.In the first reduce your data dimension by principal component analysis then change your SVM kerenl type to RBF.
