I have set up gitlab pages for my user project. I access it under username.gitlab.io/project-name. The problem is that my index.html wants to load static files under /static/, like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/styles.css?h=d722d99b">
but gitlab pages will search for static files under username.gitlab.io/static/, which do not exist, instead of username.gitlab.io/project-name/static/ where they actually are.
Is this normal and if so how can I do ?
Note that I could successfully publish group pages, that are accessible under group-name.gitlab.io (even if I had to enter group-name.gitlab.io/group-name.gitlab.io before the simple url was created).
to the doc: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/pages/README.html
edit: related issue and potential fix: https://gitlab.com/pages/jekyll/issues/4
Since most of the example available in Internet is working based on Internet.
I would like to download and use. I don't want to use either CDN or openlayer.org in my code.
Is it possible to use openlayers without a CDN?
Yes. Like any library, you can download locally. This page has some download links to get the CSS and JS files: https://openlayers.org/download/
You download and unzip those into a folder that is accessible from your web server. Usually this is a scripts subfolder
Then you simply reference them as explained here:
(note these are very basic W3C references. You should really know this)
So if you downloaded those .js and .css files into a scripts subdirectory you do this:
<script src="scripts/theopenlayersscriptfile.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="scripts/theopenlayerscssfile.css">
After some experimenting and investigation, you mention that it is trying to access https://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/4/6/6.png
I googled and found this link
Which says
With this example you can browse your tiles stored localy without any webserver. I use this to check my tiles I downloaded to use in Osmtracker. But you can also browse Tiles rendered by any other techniques.
The instructions at this link appear to explain exactly what you want to do - it has references to all of the files you are trying to use.
I created Phonegap application that holds web pages in file system. When I open any of these web pages from filesystem, only chosen page is loaded, but related files (images, css etc.) not.
For example there is webpage in filesystem under path:
In this directory there are files like: index.html, style.css, img/background.png etc.
When I open file index.html only this file is opened, but page has no styles and no images. These related files have relative path in index.html.
This situation is on iOS platform only. On Android platform and on google chrome all works. Why is that and can I fix it?
I just figured out that links and js loaded from file work. For example:
opens right page. But css like:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"/>
are broken.
Unfortunately, this is an open bug in cordova project: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-6532
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/22801512/276648
I ended up using a relative path (ie something like ../../Documents/MyApp/temporary/1/) instead of the full path (ie cdvfile://localhost/temporary/1/) to fix the CSS issues in iOS.
It looks like you are running into CB-6532. I just put in a pull request for a fix -- you can temporarily use my fork until it is accepted:
To use it, do
cordova plugin remove org.apache.cordova.file
cordova plugin add https://github.com/loufranco/cordova-plugin-file.git
Remember to reverse it if the pull request is accepted.
I have 2 scripts. One is in a Folder called ItemMenu in the root and the other is in the Scripts folder that is also in the root.
The script in the Scripts folder is never loaded, but the ItemMenu one it. They are both included in a script tag the same way on the client.
Here is the HTML render of the scripts.
<script src="/Scripts/article_layout1.js"></script>
<script src="/ItemMenu/itemMenu.js"></script>
If, I use the full URL it will work - but this won't work long term.
It's not making any sense to me.
I have confirmed the locations of these and "/Scripts/article_layout1.js" can be accessed by navigating directly to the URL. I have confirmed the spelling and folder names.
Does anyone have any idea here? This is going to make me crazy maybe.
I have this code in an Index.cshtml file:
#{ViewBag.Title = "Home";}
<link href="Home.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<img id="logo" src="~/Content/Images/Logo.png" />
This file is a view in my ASP.NET MVC4 application.
When I run the web application, I can see that the source code adds the appropriate HTML around this, and also adds a reference to the 'Content\Site.css' file.
However, neither the Site.css file nor my own Home.css CSS file appear to be used when running the application. First of all, any edits I make to Site.css aren't reflected when I view source when running the application, which is weird. I have saved everything and built the project before running it and checking out the source code through my browser.
Second of all, the CSS link to Home.css (which is in the same folder as my view) does not appear to be used. The HTML editor doesn't have a problem with the file, and so indicates that the path is valid - but when I click on Home.css in my the source code editor on my browser, I get a 404 error, saying that the file doesn't exist.
Any idea on what I am doing wrong here?
The actual image I am using here loads correctly.
the CSS link to Home.css (which is in the same folder
as my view) does not appear to be used.
The Views folder is restricted direct access to from the clients. So you should not be putting any CSS, javascript or images files inside it. They should reside in your ~/Content folder (or some other folder which is accessible from the clients). And then reference it like this:
<link href="~/Content/Home.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
As far as your first problem about ~/Content/Site.css is concerned, the stylesheet might be cached by the browser. Try clearing the cache. If you are running your application in Release mode and enabled Bundles, ASP.NET MVC 4 will automatically emit a cache response header so that the static resources included in the bundle get cached in the browser.
you also could use #url.content() helper method to convert your relative path to absolute. It's extremely useful when you will implementing website with multiple areas and also it's the common style to set path to the content in MVC so it's better does it this way
css belongs in the head - i can't stand .net
It also needs to NOT have the closing /> at the end of the tag - it messes things up. XHTML proper, but not everyone understands it. Unclose the link tag and try...
Use ~/ before your file statement for example:
<img src="~/images/team-image3.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="">
instead of
<img src="images/team-image3.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt=""> etc...
i have hosted my application on IIS 6.0 the view that i wanted to browse is getting fetched in the browser but the css and scripts are not being rendered .
<link href="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/Tree.css")%>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
in this way i have given the path.
The link tag is properly defined. You are using the Url.Content method with a relative path from the site root which will correctly take into account the virtual directory which could be added when hosting under IIS.
I would recommend you looking at FireBug to see why the path is not found and what response does the server send when the CSS is fetched. Is the file missing? Or is there some other status code returned?