Appium(Script Recording Tool) - appium

I have created an automation script for android device (Android Version 4.4).I want to record my whole script in a form of video.I surrfed on the net and found 2 toools (OpMirror Sender and Reciver), Second is (AZ Screen Recorder) ..But problem is that the AZ Screen recorder works for android version 5 and higher. On the other hand i have read the reviews for the OpMirror , and i found that it is not relible ..So Can anybody suggest me some tool for the same or provide me with a Url from where i can get it

You should be able to do this if you have adb on your computer. Connect the devices and start recording with:
adb shell screenrecord --verbose /sdcard/video1.mp4
On mac control + c to stop, then pull the video off the device with:
adb pull /sdcard/video1.mp4

Use the below link it will work. Download Droid # screen
Use monitor.bat file in the tools folder.
Launch it and select the device . Device option select Screen Record.


Can I reload my React Native application using a command?

I'm testing on a older iPhone and I have to shake the phone like a madman to get to the dev menu. Is there a command I can send through the bridge to reload or bring up the dev menu? I'm aware of live reload but that's not what I want.
For example on my Android device I can send adb shell input keyevent 82 to simulate a shake event and bring up the dev menu.
There is no way to open dev menu without shaking phone. Here is the issue related to this problem:
Nevertheless you can always try your code inside an iPhone emulator and open dev menu using ⌃⌘Z.
Best regards.

How to run iOS app in iPhone without USB connection to Mac

I have developed my first apple app and i wish to run it in iphone (its working well in XCode). By running in iphone i don't mean to connect it with mac and run with USB connection.
I mean something like there will be uuid of iphone and i upload my app some where and it can be run by Iphone user without any wire-connection to my MAC where i have app in xcode.
Is it possible to achieve by anyway? Is that way to achieve is free of cost ?
What I understand from you question is you want to distribute your application to others,
If you have apple developers account , you can use TestFlight ITunes Connect, where you can distribute upto 1000 users
Or you could use other free providers like,
I personally recommend Fabric , it's free, has lot of features
In your project set your distribution profiles in code signing options
Then click on product-->Build wait for a moment until it opens an Organizer window .
After opening organizer window select save for AdHoC deployment --> choose your organization--> select for all devices compatibility(if you are running with latest Xcode 7.3 version otherwise devices compatibility window won't appear) click next next.
Finally you can get an api file in the Organizer window. In that select the first api file which has recently you built -> click on export to your any finder location.
Then open your api file location in your Finder.
Then open your browser and open and drag and drop your api in the specified field and wait until it reaches 100% to upload and click on send so that you can get a link. Now you can share your link.
Note: In iOS device he can install the api by using safari browser with the link we have shared

Send commands to PJSIP APP -telnet console iPhone

Actually i want to build one iPhone app which will use PJSIP library.
i have downloaded latest pjsip available. and also commandline tool.
and i am successfuly able to build PJSUA app on my iPhone.and i can see Black screen with PJSIP logo and label displaying- telnet to 192.168.. :2323.
but i dont see any console ,where i can enter commands,as mentioned in the pjsip document.
I Just need some initial setUp help .Like how to send command etc ,if anyone can.
it will be very grateful,if you can share some experince and knowledge with me.
I've start same things in meanwhile ago too. Just open up your cmd or terminal and type in following command:
telnet 2323
and it should be working. Good luck!

Tool to get BlackBerry log

For the iPhone there is a console tool for printing Nslog. For Android there is logcat. For Palm there is putty.
Is there any tool like this to print the log for BlackBerry?
The "javaloader.exe" command line tool, which comes with the developer tools (I think) can be used to extract data from the device's event logger. You can also press the Alt-lglg key sequence on the device (or simulator) home screen to see log entries locally (and copy them).
If you're trying to actually send data to the event log, look up the JavaDocs for the EventLogger class.
In addition to the methods octo explained, you can also just use "System.out.println" and as long as the simulator or device is connected to a debugger (JDE or Eclipose in debug mode), you will see the output in the debug window.
I am working on a Linux System and converting an Android App to Blackberry. I am using the Toolset available here:
d.) Start ADB Proxy to connect a device or VMWare simulator through ADB to an Android development environment of your choice
>bin\blackberry-adbproxy [<device IP address>] [-detect] [-gui] [-password <device password>]
>bin\blackberry-adbproxy -gui
This tool allows me to get Logging Info from my Blackberry like I would get from an Android Device.

Screenshot tool for BlackBerry?

I am working on a web development project that I want to make sure works well on the BlackBerry browser. As part of both testing and documentation, I want to be able to take screenshots of my application and was wondering where to start.
I see there are a couple of pay applications on BlackBerry App World when I search for screenshot, but I am looking for recommendations or other options. Specifically, I have a Bold 9700 (v5.0.0.296, platform
It appears this feature is built into the iPhone, according to the iPhone User Guide.
Take a screenshot of the iPhone
display: Quickly press and release the
Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the
same time.
You may want to write you're own app or service to make screenshots.
Display.screenshot(Bitmap bitmap)
Display.screenshot(Bitmap bitmap, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Note: you should sign app to use this api
If you have the developer tools installed, you can use "javaloader -u screenshot file.bmp" to capture a screenshot. Otherwise, the easiest way is to install a PC app called Master Control Program which has the capability to capture screenshots as well (as long as you have your device connected to your PC with a USB cable).
I get BlackBerry screenshots in two ways:
-On real devices I connect them to my PC over USB and run javaloader -u screenshot image.bmp from the command line (as Marc says, it's included with the developer tools).
-The BlackBerry Simulator makes it easy to take screenshots by pressing F3 (or choosing Edit -> Save LCD Snapshot from the menu, note you can choose to save directly as a .png, which is handy). You can change which phone model to simulate based on the SDK you have installed. For the 9700 I think you will need the V5.0 OS SDK (I haven't tried that yet), which you can get from here.
I've also heard of something called BB Stream that will actually stream the blackberry screen to your PC. Can't find it anywhere though.
This is a very good guide
