I want to measure the frequency response function.
to measure the FRF we should multiply the response signal to a window such as Gaussian or Hann windows. but in the below Patent they have claimed we use relatively short time sliding window.
I've studied the below US patent many times in these months:
I really I can't understand how I can define the relatively short time sliding windows.
by summary:
page 4 & 5
The terms in patents only need to be defined so that "one skilled in the art" is able to understand what they mean. They don't need to have an explicit definition if their common usage definition is known.
In this instance, you maybe able to find a formal definition by looking at the patents cited during this patents prosecution.
That said, I think you might gain some understanding by looking to the definition of "time-domain window".
After reading this patent, I suspect "relatively short sliding time-domain window" means a time-domain window shorter than the period of the reference signal.
This patent may have some validity problems stemming from indefinite language issues.
I need to calculate DRAM access latency using given data size to be transfered between DRAM-SRAM
The data is seperated to "load size" and "store size" and "number of iteration of load and store" is given.
I think the features I need to consider are many like first DRAM access latency, transfer one word latency, address load latency etc..
Is there some popular equation to get this by given information?
Thank you in advance.
Your question has many parts, I think I can help better if I knew the ultimate goal? If it's simply to measure access latency:
If you are using an x86 processor maybe the Intel Memory Latency Checker will help
Intel® Memory Latency Checker (Intel® MLC) is a tool used to measure memory latencies and b/w, and how they change with increasing load on the system. It also provides several options for more fine-grained investigation where b/w and latencies from a specific set of cores to caches or memory can be measured as well.
If not x86, I think the Gem5 Simulator has what you are looking for, here is the main page but more specifically, for your needs, I think this config for Gem5 will be the most helpful.
Now regarding a popular equation, the best I could find is this Carnegie Melon paper that goes over my head: https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~omutlu/pub/chargecache_low-latency-dram_hpca16.pdf However, it looks like your main "features" as you put it revolve around cores and memory channels. The equation from the paper:
Storagebits = C ∗MC ∗Entries∗(EntrySizebits +LRUbits)
Is used to create a cache that will ultimately (the goal of ChargeCache) reduce access latency in DRAM. I'm sure this isn't the equation you are looking for but just a piece of the puzzle. The LRUbits relate to the cache this mechanism (in the memory controller, no DRAM modification necessary) creates.
EntrySizebits is determined by this equation EntrySizebits = log2(R)+log2(B)+log2(Ro)+1 and
R, B, and Ro are the number of ranks, banks, and rows in DRAM, respectively
I was surprised to learn highly charged rows (recently accessed) will have a significantly lower access latency.
If this goes over your head as well, maybe this 2007 paper by Ulrich Drepper titled What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory will help you find the elements you need for your equation. I'm still working through this paper myself, and there is some dated references but those depend on what cpu you're working with. Hope this helps, I look forward to being corrected on any of this, as I'm new to the topic.
My task is to calculate clashes between alert time schedule and the user calendar schedule to generate the clashes less alert time schedule.
How should i represent the chromosome according to this problem?
How should i represent the time slots? (Binary or Number)
Thank You
(Please Consider i'm a beginner to the genetic algorithm studies)
Questions would be: What have you tried so far? How good are your results so far? Also your Problem is
stated quite unspecific. Thus here is what I can give:
The Chromosome should probably be the starttime of the alerts in your schedule (if I understood your Problem correctly).
As important is to think of the ways you want to evaluate and calculate the Fitness of your individuals (here clashes (e.g. amount or time overlap between appointments), but it is obvious that you might find better heuristics to receive better solutions / faster convergence)
Binary or continuous number might both work: I am usually going for numbers whenever there is no strong reason to not do so (since it is easier to Interpret, debug, etc.). Binary comes with some nice opportunities with respect to Mutation and Recombination.
I strongly recommend playing around and reading about those Things. This might look like a lot of extra work to implement, but you should rather come to see them as hyperparameters which Need to be tuned in order to receive the best Outcome.
I am working on a machine learning scenario where the target variable is Duration of power outages.
The distribution of the target variable is severely skewed right (You can imagine most power outages occur and are over with fairly quick, but then there are many, many outliers that can last much longer) A lot of these power outages become less and less 'explainable' by data as the durations get longer and longer. They become more or less, 'unique outages', where events are occurring on site that are not necessarily 'typical' of other outages nor is data recorded on the specifics of those events outside of what's already available for all other 'typical' outages.
This causes a problem when creating models. This unexplainable data mingles in with the explainable parts and skews the models ability to predict as well.
I analyzed some percentiles to decide on a point that I considered to encompass as many outages as possible while I still believed that the duration was going to be mostly explainable. This was somewhere around the 320 minute mark and contained about 90% of the outages.
This was completely subjective to my opinion though and I know there has to be some kind of procedure in order to determine a 'best' cut-off point for this target variable. Ideally, I would like this procedure to be robust enough to consider the trade-off of encompassing as much data as possible and not telling me to make my cut-off 2 hours and thus cutting out a significant amount of customers as the purpose of this is to provide an accurate Estimated Restoration Time to as many customers as possible.
FYI: The methods of modeling I am using that appear to be working the best right now are random forests and conditional random forests. Methods I have used in this scenario include multiple linear regression, decision trees, random forests, and conditional random forests. MLR was by far the least effective. :(
I have exactly the same problem! I hope someone more informed brings his knowledge. I wander to what point is a long duration something that we want to discard or that we want to predict!
Also, I tried treating my data by log transforming it, and the density plot shows a funny artifact on the left side of the distribution ( because I only have durations of integer numbers, not floats). I think this helps, you also should log transform the features that have similar distributions.
I finally thought that the solution should be stratified sampling or giving weights to features, but I don't know exactly how to implement that. My tries didn't produce any good results. Perhaps my data is too stochastic!
I have some time occupying myself with motion planning for robots, and have for some time wanted to explore the possibility of improving the opportunities as "potential field" method offers. My challenge is to avoid that the robot gets trapped in "local minimum" when using the "potential field" method. Instead of using a "random walk" approach to avoid that the robot gets trapped I have thought about whether it is possible to implement a variation of A* which could act as a sort of guide for precisely to avoid that the robot gets trapped in "local minimum".
Is there some of the experiences of this kind, or can refer to literature, which avoids local minimum in a more effective way than the one used in the "random walk" approach.
A* and potential fields are all search strategies. The problem you are experiencing is that some search strategies are more "greedy" than others, and more often than not, algorithms that are too greedy get trapped in local minimum.
There are some alternatives where the tension between greediness (the main cause of getting trapped on local minimum) and diversity (trying new alternatives that don't seem to be a good choice in the short term) are parameterized.
A few years ago I've researched a bit about ant algorithms (search for Marco Dorigo, ACS, ACO) and they have a family of search algorithms that can be applied to pretty much anything, and they can control the greediness vs. exploration of your search space. In one of their papers, they even compared the search performance solving the TSP (the canonical traveling salesman problem) using genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and others. Ant won.
I've solved the TSP in the past using genetic algorithms and I still have the source code in delphi if you like.
Use harmonic function path planning. Harmonic functions are potential functions that describe fluid flow and other natural phenomena. If they are setup correctly using boundary conditions, then they have no local minima. These have been in use since the early 90s by Rod Grupen and Chris Connolly. These functions have been shown to be a specific form of optimal control that minimizes collision probabilities. They can be computed efficiently in low dimensional spaces using difference equations (i.e. Gauss-seidel, successive over-relaxation, etc.).
I am asking this question because I know there are a lot of well-read CS types on here who can give a clear answer.
I am wondering if such an AI exists (or is being researched/developed) that it writes programs by generating and compiling code all on it's own and then progresses by learning from former iterations. I am talking about working to make us, programmers, obsolete. I'm imagining something that learns what works and what doesn't in a programming languages by trial and error.
I know this sounds pie-in-the-sky so I'm asking to find out what's been done, if anything.
Of course even a human programmer needs inputs and specifications, so such an experiment has to have carefully defined parameters. Like if the AI was going to explore different timing functions, that aspect has to be clearly defined.
But with a sophisticated learning AI I'd be curious to see what it might generate.
I know there are a lot of human qualities computers can't replicate like our judgement, tastes and prejudices. But my imagination likes the idea of a program that spits out a web site after a day of thinking and lets me see what it came up with, and even still I would often expect it to be garbage; but maybe once a day I maybe give it feedback and help it learn.
Another avenue of this thought is it would be nice to give a high-level description like "menued website" or "image tools" and it generates code with enough depth that would be useful as a code completion module for me to then code in the details. But I suppose that could be envisioned as a non-intelligent static hierarchical code completion scheme.
How about it?
Such tools exist. They are the subject of a discipline called Genetic Programming. How you evaluate their success depends on the scope of their application.
They have been extremely successful (orders of magnitude more efficient than humans) to design optimal programs for the management of industrial process, automated medical diagnosis, or integrated circuit design. Those processes are well constrained, with an explicit and immutable success measure, and a great amount of "universe knowledge", that is a large set of rules on what is a valid, working, program and what is not.
They have been totally useless in trying to build mainstream programs, that require user interaction, because the main item a system that learns needs is an explicit "fitness function", or evaluation of the quality of the current solution it has come up with.
Another domain that can be seen in dealing with "program learning" is Inductive Logic Programming, although it is more used to provide automatic demonstration or language / taxonomy learning.
Disclaimer: I am not a native English speaker nor an expert in the field, I am an amateur - expect imprecisions and/or errors in what follow. So, in the spirit of stackoverflow, don't be afraid to correct and improve my prose and/or my content. Note also that this is not a complete survey of automatic programming techniques (code generation (CG) from Model-Driven Architectures (MDAs) merits at least a passing mention).
I want to add more to what Varkhan answered (which is essentially correct).
The Genetic Programming (GP) approach to Automatic Programming conflates, with its fitness functions, two different problems ("self-compilation" is conceptually a no-brainer):
self-improvement/adaptation - of the synthesized program and, if so desired, of the synthesizer itself; and
program synthesis.
w.r.t. self-improvement/adaptation refer to Jürgen Schmidhuber's Goedel machines: self-referential universal problem solvers making provably optimal self-improvements. (As a side note: interesting is his work on artificial curiosity.) Also relevant for this discussion are Autonomic Systems.
w.r.t. program synthesis, I think is possible to classify 3 main branches: stochastic (probabilistic - like above mentioned GP), inductive and deductive.
GP is essentially stochastic because it produces the space of likely programs with heuristics such as crossover, random mutation, gene duplication, gene deletion, etc... (than it tests programs with the fitness function and let the fittest survive and reproduce).
Inductive program synthesis is usually known as Inductive Programming (IP), of which Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a sub-field. That is, in general the technique is not limited to logic program synthesis or to synthesizers written in a logic programming language (nor both are limited to "..automatic demonstration or language/taxonomy learning").
IP is often deterministic (but there are exceptions): starts from an incomplete specification (such as example input/output pairs) and use that to constraint the search space of likely programs satisfying such specification and then to test it (generate-and-test approach) or to directly synthesize a program detecting recurrences in the given examples, which are then generalized (data-driven or analytical approach). The process as a whole is essentially statistical induction/inference - i.e. considering what to include into the incomplete specification is akin to random sampling.
Generate-and-test and data-driven/analytical§ approaches can be quite fast, so both are promising (even if only little synthesized programs are demonstrated in public until now), but generate-and-test (like GP) is embarrassingly parallel and then notable improvements (scaling to realistic program sizes) can be expected. But note that Incremental Inductive Programming (IIP)§, which is inherently sequential, has demonstrated to be orders of magnitude more effective of non-incremental approaches.
§ These links are directly to PDF files: sorry, I am unable to find an abstract.
Programming by Demonstration (PbD) and Programming by Example (PbE) are end-user development techniques known to leverage inductive program synthesis practically.
Deductive program synthesis start with a (presumed) complete (formal) specification (logic conditions) instead. One of the techniques leverage automated theorem provers: to synthesize a program, it constructs a proof of the existence of an object meeting the specification; hence, via Curry-Howard-de Bruijn isomorphism (proofs-as-programs correspondence and formulae-as-types correspondence), it extracts a program from the proof. Other variants include the use of constraint solving and deductive composition of subroutine libraries.
In my opinion inductive and deductive synthesis in practice are attacking the same problem by two somewhat different angles, because what constitute a complete specification is debatable (besides, a complete specification today can become incomplete tomorrow - the world is not static).
When (if) these techniques (self-improvement/adaptation and program synthesis) will mature, they promise to rise the amount of automation provided by declarative programming (that such setting is to be considered "programming" is sometimes debated): we will concentrate more on Domain Engineering and Requirements Analysis and Engineering than on software manual design and development, manual debugging, manual system performance tuning and so on (possibly with less accidental complexity compared to that introduced with current manual, not self-improving/adapting techniques). This will also promote a level of agility yet to be demonstrated by current techniques.