How to deploy a rails app to heroku using C9 - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to deploy my rails app to heroku. However, it seems that there is a long process to do. I have to change my db but I do not know how! I also want to know how to push to heroku please!
Thanks in advance!

I think you might be interested in Michael Hartl's tutorial where there is section on deploying to Heroku.
Remember that you will need Git before deploying to Heroku. There is good info on that in same tutorial here.
I hope this helps.

Read this instruction
I usually create a Git repo on GitHub or BitBucket and push my Rails project there. Then I go to Heroku website, manually create a new project there (in a dashboard) - and right after that step Heroku provides a detailed list of the Git commands describing how to pull your code from, say, GitHub.
After that you need to run migrations on Heroku - you can do that on your local machine in the console window - but you need to install Heroku CLI (locally) first.
That's it basically. After that Heroku starts your app automatically.
It is not required for you to deploy your code on GitHub or BitBucket. After you init a Git repo locally, you can directly push to Heroku Git. But I prefer use BitBucket as a convenient storage additionally.


Heroku deploying old version

I am fairly new to rails. I originally deployed a rails app on Heroku. I decided then to delete that app from the heroku website and then created a new heroku app using the same original file on my computer. I changed a few styles, but otherwise it's the same code. Whenever I do a git push heroku master now, it updates the new app with the old version. I am practically ripping my hair out. I've done
git remote -v
and it seems to be sending my code to the new source. But it's not! It keeps giving me the display from the older version. It seems to be pulling from a different source than what I am pushing to. Can someone help me?
Maybe you forget commit your changes or they aren't in master branch. Use this commands for diagnosis:
git status
git log heroku/master..master
git branch -a

The page you were looking for doesn't exist

I'm trying to learn Rails ( developpment beginner here )
When I try to deploy my first app on Heroku and execute $ heroku open I got
"The page you were looking for doesn't exist.”
In my Heroku control pannel I also have a second link who works,, but different from localhost.
Here's my first app
As Michael Hartl propose "Unfortunately, the resulting page is an error; as of Rails 4.0, for technical reasons the default Rails page doesn’t work on Heroku. The good news is that the error will go away (in the context of the full sample application) when we add a root route in Section 5.3.2."
You need to work on the Root route of your routes.rb in config folder.
Looks like you haven't pushed your repo to Heroku yet?
Since you're new, let me give you some ideas about how Heroku works, and how you can deploy your app to it...
When you use Heroku, you basically get a bare git repo which you can push your application to. This repo will essentially allow you to use the following commands:
> $ git add .
> $ git commit -a -m "Your App"
> $ git push heroku master
This is, of course, only possible if you have added your heroku repo to your local remote repositories:
> $ git remote add heroku
When you push your local repo to your Heroku one, Heroku then runs what's known as a buildpack:
When you git push heroku, Heroku’s slug compiler prepares your code
for execution by the Heroku dyno manager. At the heart of the slug
compiler is a collection of scripts called a buildpack.
Heroku’s Cedar
stack has no native language or framework support; Ruby, Python, Java,
Clojure, Node.js and Scala are all implemented as buildpacks.
This means that when you push your app to your repo, Heroku will endeavour to compile & run it for you. This is when the app will run.
To fix, you should follow the tutorial here
Basically, you need to get your git repo created locally, which will then provide you with the ability to push to your remote heroku repo

What is the best workflow for updating / deploying a Rails app through Git?

I just deployed my first Ruby on Rails app on a VPS at Digital Ocean.
To get started quickly, I did this by simply dragging my Rails directory tree (and its containing files) onto the server via (S)FTP.
I know this isn't the best solution in the long run. So how can I link my app on the server to my git repository at GitHub?
Ideally, when I work on my app locally, and then git commit and git push to my git repository, my app on the VPS will also get updated automatically.
How can this be achieved or what is the best strategy to achieve this?
Since I am building this app just by myself, I can probably keep things simple and stick to a single master branch, rather than having multiple branches.
Thanks for any help.
If I were you, I'd do the pulling and updating on the remote manually. Sorry, but this is not only best practice, but will also force you to learn something useful about system administration and don't require you to be dependent on one host, but can switch service provider and setup as easy it is to make a git-clone somewhere else.
So my workflow would be:
# Do some changes, commit and add a nice message
$ git commit myfiles
# Push to remote once I'm happy.
$ git push
# SSH to server, and continue from there.
$ ssh username#server
# Enter project directory
$ cd /var/www/myproject
# Pull code
$ git pull
Done. Or perhaps finish by refreshing server container (uWSGI, fcgi, gunicorn, what have you...)
Reading other similar answers, they hint to looking at the following resource using Capistrano:
Capistrano documentation at GitHub
You should spend a little time now setting up deploys with some automation. Since you are using rails, you should try Capistrano Gem
Capistrano will help you deploy and maintain your application with just a few simple commands. The Readme will show you how to get started, but in general, you will add the Gem by adding this to your Gemfile:
gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.2.0'
then run bundle install to install Capistrano into your bundle. If you are not already using bundler, you should start.
then run bundle exec cap install to setup your local repo for Capistrano.
Basically now you have a nice structure for deployment scripts as part of your repo. You will have to write some deploy scripts now, or modify the examples.
Once done, Capistrano will help you deploy new code (once committed and pushed to your remote repo) and restart the services.
It depends on whatever service you are using to publish your app. Depending on the provider, they may or may not provide rails service. For example, a site like Heroku, where you can actually host for free up until certain restrictions is accessible via github and you can do exactly what you're saying and just push up and publish.
If you can put your repo on your server, you can set up post-receive hooks to pull your branch into your web app directory.
To do so you would create a bare repo on your server, add it as a remote on your development machine, and then (on your server) create the file /my/app.git/hooks/post-receive and add these lines:
read oldrev newrev refname
if [ $refname = "refs/heads/master" ]; then
echo "===== DEPLOYING TO LIVE SITE ====="
unset GIT_DIR
cd $LIVE
git pull origin master
echo "===== DONE ====="
Code from Automated Deployment of PHP Applications using git, by Jon Saints.
Note that it would be possible to do something like this without putting the repo on your server if you use Github's webhooks (
However, I would highly recommend using Capistrano (, which can deploy your application code and help you with a lot of administrative tasks (like restarting the server, etc.).
If you want to stick relatively close to git, you might also check out the git-deploy gem.

Ruby on Rails: Pushing to heroku - keys error

I have recently moved my app from a linux machine to windows, and I am trying to set it up with heroku again. There are problems with my keys, so I am just wanting to push the app up as a brand new app.
I do, git init, then git add ., then git commit -m "init", and now I do heroku create.
I want to just push my folder up to the new app cedar, but everytime I run git push heroku master is tries to push to the old one, and an error flags as my keys don't match.
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
Execute heroku auth:logout to logout, then heroku auth:login to login again.
To read full help message, try
heroku help
heroku auth
It seems that you're calling heroku apps:create wrongly? Take a look at the documentation here.
Also, the deployment documentation might be more useful for you if you already have a git repository setup.

How to reset everything Heroku in my Git/Rails 3.1 Project

I solved my problem while writing this post, but I thought this might be good information for other noobs like me :)
To solve the problem below edit the following file
There's a section that looks like this
[remote "heroku"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*
This is what git tries to push to. Just change the line
url =
to whatever new Heroku project you created. Git should now be able to push to Heroku again.
I have gotten my second Rails app ever to a working state and want to deploy it. So I followed all the steps for Heroku deployment in the Ruby on Rails Tutorial (I had the deployment working for the sample app from the book) using:
heroku create
I then push my project with
git push heroku master
The project doesn't work although I can't find any errors in the Heroku logs, all I get is:
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it
So I looked around the Heroku Support Section and found the official Rails 3.0 / 3.1 deployment guide:
I went to the Heroku Web Frontend > General Info > Destroy App because I wanted to continue my efforts with a clean slate.
Following the guide I created a Heroku project for the cedar stack:
heroku create --stack cedar
And push it to Heroku using
git push heroku master
THE PROBLEM: for some reason git is still trying to push to the old Heroku project!!!
resulting in an error
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Check your remote repositories, and update it to the new heroku name:
git remote -v
Then remove the heroku one that is wrong:
git remote rm heroku
Then add the new one
git remote add heroku
This is a bit extreme, but worked for me....
heroku destroy appname
heroku create
git push heroku master
