Branded YouTube Channel: Element Inconsistency - youtube

I am working on a branded YouTube channel for a pharmaceutical client. We have a content block on the right hand side the has auto-scrolling copy. (Highlighted in red below)
It was implemented years ago by someone whom no longer works with the company, and the channel "went dark" (made private) for the last two years. The content block with the scrolling copy not only shows on the channel itself, but also on the right of the videos on the video specific pages... or so it did up until a week ago.
It just stopped appearing on the video specific pages. I am unable to pinpoint why it stopped appearing. To be completely honest, I don't even know how it was implemented into the channel to begin with - I have zero documentation on its implementation, nor a contact to be able to reach out to.
Question: Does anyone have any experience with implementing custom elements to branded YouTube channels, like the one I'm having issues with, that might be able to point me in right direction on how to resolve this?


iOS - cannot interact with video shared directly to instagram story

I'm working on an instagram share feature on both Android and iOS, and I've noticed sub-par behavior on iOS. I've tried using both the #"instagram://library?AssetPath=" API, as well as the official graph calls, and I cannot find a way to add a video file as a "sticker".
Using #"instagram://library?AssetPath=":
Android shares the video as an adjustable sticker and creates new story slots per the length of the video shared. For example, if I share a minute long video, I am able to pinch zoom and rotate it, and I can see it spanning across 3 story panels.
iOS shares the video (seemingly) as a "backgroundVideo" (see com.instagram.sharedSticker.backgroundVideo). This is static, and set to fill the screen by height. I cannot interact with this video at all, and it is cropped at 20 seconds in length to fill only one single story panel.
The same video file, when added to a story directly from the Instagram app, works correctly as a sticker and looks immensely better.
I also may be totally wrong here, but I'm mostly confident that about 5 weeks ago, iOS was not behaving this way using the #"instagram://library?AssetPath=" method. Perhaps this api was altered.
Has anyone experienced this before? Anyone have ideas on how to share a video file directly and be able to adjust it?

Do user-played (but JS paused and resumed) youtube videos count as views?

The iframe docs for embedded YouTube videos are pretty clear:
Note: A playback only counts toward a video's official view count if
it is initiated via a native play button in the player.
But does anyone know if a video which has once met that criteria, then both paused and later resumed by JavaScript, count as a view?
For context, I'd like to do something kinda like youtube-doubler, but I really want the views to count. In many cases I believe my theoretical-users will want the same, and be happy to click on both videos. Is this possible?
(I wholly understand YouTube may change their mind on this, but I can't find this info anywhere. Even if I end up experimenting and figuring it out myself, I'll keep this question up so it might come up in search results)
Google doesn't explicitly state how it's doing the view counts so there's no really precise way to answer this question. All we know is what's stated in How views are counted:
How views are counted
We want to make sure that videos are being viewed by actual humans and
not computer programs. During the first couple of hours after a video
has been published, we'll only show views that our systems believe to
be valid. This might not yet show all legitimate views at that time.
After quality views are counted, view count updates more frequently.
The process of including all quality views can take some time
depending on a video's popularity and viewership. Afterward, the view
count updates more frequently, but keep in mind that we're constantly
validating views, so view count can always be adjusted.
Check views with YouTube Analytics
If you're looking at a video you uploaded, you can monitor your views
more closely using YouTube Analytics. However, keep in mind that the
Realtime report only shows estimates of potential view activity and
might not match the number you see on the watch page.
TL:DR, I don't think you can validate if your proposed method works.

"Unauthorized" overlay on Android YouTube player supported?

I am looking at the Android PlutoTV app and trying to get a similar effect.
Now, just to prove that this video is indeed from YouTube, see the next screenshot:
I would very much appreciate if someone could explain how this overlay effect is obtained notwithstanding youtube's player restrictions.
Kindly help!
There are two ways to overlay the Youtube Player:
Using an ActionBar, as described in one of the samples
Using a Dialog or DialogFragment. In this case your view(s) overlaying the player aren't part of the view hierarchy and can't be detected by the youtube player.
EDIT: About 1 vs 2
The first solution is the "official" way to overlay controls/whatever over the Youtube Player. It was difficult for me to use because it simply didn't work after days of trying.
That's why I'm using the second solution, which is technically against the ToS.
But I've just got a small semi-transparent bar at the bottom of the player which disappears after 2 seconds, so I don't think I will have any problem anyway.

Can I make a docked playlist in vlc NOT dominate the window?

I'd like to be able to view my playlist in vlc in a manner where it is non-obtrusive. Currently it looks something like this:
My desire is kind of the opposite - have the actual video playing take up the majority of the screen and have the playlist unobtrusively off to the side (actually in reality I would probably be happy with an undocked playlist except for this bug.
I'm aware there is a hidden resizer between the video and the media sources thing, but in the image shown I cannot resize the video portion any larger than that.
I know this is a late response, but if anyone else is looking for an answer to this problem like I was, I'd like to spare them the headache of searching any further than necessary for it.
Juidging by this post on VideoLAN's forum made by the site administrator (Jean-Baptiste Kempf), this seems to be working as intended.
Yes, there is no way to have that mode. Either it's two windows, or you just have the preview instead of the thumbnail.
(my emphasis)
This is, in my opinion, a silly limitation/feature to have.
EDIT 2019:
It seems to now be possible to achieve what the OP wants. Just drag the top part of the video up and the navigation will get hidden, you'll see a vertical resize icon replacing the pointer icon when you hover over the line between the navigation and the video. This at least works on my version of VLC (Version on Windows 10
I don't know when this was implemented but I'd feel very silly if I didn't try this before originally posting this answer.

Replicating iOS7 Messages App UIKitDynamics with CollectionView

I know there are lots and lots of tutorials and discussions out there on how to implement a bouncy collectionViewLayout using UIKitDynamics.
There is even a WWDC 13 Session video addressing the exact topic of replicating the "message bubbles" in the iOS7 Messages App.
I created my own "bouncy layout" following the session video and using this tutorial which also provides the details on implementing a tiling mechanism, which makes sure things are running smoothly even with thousands of cells.
However, the result still is very different from what we can see in the Messages App and my goal was to replicate the EXACT SAME BEHAVIOR as the messages app.
No matter how many different values i provide for the UIAttachmentBehavior properties (length, damping, frequency), I can't get the bouncing right.
The session video says that setting a value > 0 for length breaks things, because the cells would not return to their actual position. However, i could only reproduce the smooth and fast decelerating the Messages App shows by setting ~0.5 for length ?
When the collectionView reaches it's bounds ends there is a nice exaggerated bounce for the last few bubbles in the Messages App where my "tutorial implementation" just doesn't bounce at all.
There is a discussion in the developer forums : Apple Dev Forums Discussion
Some suggest using multiple UIAttachmentBehaviors per Cell, others say applying UIView - spring Animations can give you this desired effect. There is even the assumption that the Messages App does not use UIKitDynamics + UICollectionView at all. (i doubt that Apple is not using this obvious technique for that)
So my question: Has anyone successfully implemented an exact replication of the Message bubbles behavior ? What more can i do to get answers regarding this topic ?
