Trigger function in VC when modal view is dismissed - ios

I’m trying to trigger a function after dismissing a modal VC (FirstStartVC) back to the main VC. I know that I have to use delegation but it doesn’t work and my debug area stays empty.
In other question topics there were people who had it work exact the same way like below. So I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Does anyone know what I need to change to the code?
// FirstStartVC.swift
import UIKit
import CoreData
import JSSAlertView
protocol NewUser: class {
func newUserAction()
class FirstStartVC: UITableViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
var delegation : NewUser?
func saveNewUser(){
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
#IBAction func saveSettings(_ sender: Any) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
print (delegation)
// ViewController.swift
import UIKit
import UserNotifications
import GoogleMobileAds
import CoreData
import JSSAlertView
class ViewController: UIViewController, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, NewUser {
func newUserAction() {
print("Reload some labels")
override func viewDidLoad() {
var firstStart = FirstStartVC()
firstStart.delegation = self

Swift 3
In your main VC viewDidLoad add:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(mainVc.functionName), name:"NotificationID", object: nil)
and add a function in main VC
func functionName() {
// Do stuff
in FirstStartVC call the method with
NotificationCenter.default.postNotificationName("NotificationID", object: nil)
Hope this helps!
A simple edit on Swift 4
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.funcName), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "NotificationID"), object: nil)
Put #objc before the function definition.
#objc func functionName() {
// Do stuff

In your code, you have:
func saveNewUser(){
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Simply write the code you want to run after dismissing in completion::
func saveNewUser() {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: { finished in
// on completion
(You might not even need to say finished in or anything like that.)

If the code you need to execute within newUserAction() is a part of FirstStartVC, you should just call it inside the completion handler of the dismiss(_:animated:) method. However, if you need the code to execute on the VC that presented FirstStartVC, make sure that it conforms to the NewUser protocol. You could do something like this (assuming the presenting VC was named something like PresentingViewController - change it to whatever is the case for your project):
class PresentingViewController: UIViewController {
// However you instantiate the FirstStartVC
let firstStart = FirstStartVC()
// set the delegation property to self
firstStart.delegation = self
Then at the bottom of the screen create an extension so it conforms to the protocol:
extension PresentingViewController: NewUser {
func newUserAction() {
// Here you can do whatever you want when the delegation calls this method
EDIT: - Further recommendation...
I always find it best practice with delegates to use a weak reference to prevent memory problems. To do so you have to make sure to set the protocol as :class, which you've already completed: protocol NewUser: class. So then when you create the property at the top of FirstStartVC you would just say
weak var delegation: NewUser?
Your code will still run the same, I just recommend doing it this way as it's helped me avoid memory issues in numerous instances.


Get Data from UIViewController to Another UIViewController

Suppose I have a storyboard like so:
Is it possible for me to get a flag or a boolean data from A back to B? I initially thought of using delegation but most of the tutorials about it talks about sending data between UIViewControllers that are part of 1 NavigationController. In my case, the UIViewController I need to get data is outside of the navigation controller. Is there a way for me to send data from A to B despite not being embedded in the same NavigationController?
If you don't want to use delegate between the classes . One possible way is to create separated file , saved in class and fetch required data any where in navigation .
Useful class for your case would be create singleton class FlowEngine . Use getter / setter method for saving and fetching of data. Code is attached for your reference .
class FlowEngine : NSObject{
private let static shared = FlowEngine()
private var data : String
private init(){
func savedData(text : String){
data = text
func fetchSavedData() -> String{
return data // add checsk for nil values
Delegation doesn't require the ViewControllers to be in same navigation stack. You can use the same for your case. However, if you choose to go with NotificationCenter, just remember to remove the observer when appropriate.
Other answers seem to accomplish your requirements but for the sake of completeness you could try to use KVC and KVO for modifying values in A and receiving its changes in B (or any other place)
You could see a detailed explanation of how to use them in here.
You have several ways to go, depending on your needs :
Declare a protocol in A, and make B conform to it. Set the delegate of A to B. This could be cumbersome if the navigation stack has too many level, as you would need to pass the reference of B to each ViewController between A & B
Notification / KVO
B subscribe to a notification sent by A, no reference needed, thread safe. Don't forget to unsubscribe when done.
Proxy class
Use a proxy singleton class, that will hold your data. A will write to it, and B will read it in viewWillAppear.
Same concept as a Proxy Class, but the data will persist during your app life cycle and even after killing the app. It's appropriate if you want to change a flag or a setting for your user, not if you have a lot of data to hold.
Cocoa Touch uses the target-action mechanism for communication between a control and another object. More here... If you would like to use it with UIControl objects like buttons, then you can set it in Interface Builder by sending an action to the FirstResponder object.
Target-Action will start searching a VC which responds to a given method from the current first responder and then will move to the next responder and will terminate a search in a current UIWindow. Once a controller which responds to a method signature is found, the search is terminated.
class AViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func configure(with dictionary: Dictionary<String, Any>) {
class BViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let a = self.targetViewController(forAction: #selector(ViewController.configure(with:)), sender: self) as? ViewController
a?.configure(with: ["firstName": "Alex", "lastName": "Toto"])
if your A viewController is not huge, In B viewController do this :
class B : UIViewController {
var a : A! = nil
func viewDidLoad() {
a = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StoryBoard ID") as? A
if a.booleanValue == true {
// use your booleanValue
a = nil // deallocate after using your value.
Update (better solution)
We've had to edit a few things to the functionality which presented me with the opportunity to refactor this. I used the NSNotification way, which was way cleaner than using closures.
override func viewDidLoad() {
//Observe for notification from "myIdentifier"
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.processNotification(notification:)), name: Notification.Name("myIdentifier"), object: nil)
//function that gets called when notification is received
//the #objc annotation is required!
#objc func processNotification(notification: Notification) {
//Do something
#IBAction func didTapButton(_ sender: Any) {
//Process something
// ...
//Post a notification to those observing "myIdentifier" Notification.Name("myIdentifier"), object: nil)
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Old (but working) solution
This might be an unpopular solution but I managed to solve this with callbacks. I was looking into another possible solution which was commented NSNotification but since someone from the team already had experience with using callbacks in this manner, we decided to ultimately use that.
How we made it work:
ViewControllerB is given the actual code implementation through prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) while ViewControllerC (This is the middle UIViewController in the picture) has a callback property and ViewControllerA contains the value to pass when it's about to be dismissed.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "secondSegue" {
let nvc: NavigationController = segue.destination as! NavigationController
let vc = nvc.viewControllers[0] as! ViewControllerC
vc.completion = { hasAgreed in
//Do Something
class ViewControllerC: UIViewController {
var completion: ((Bool) -> ())?
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "thirdSegue" {
let nvc: NavigationController = segue.destination as! NavigationController
let vc = nvc.viewControllers[1] as! ViewControllerA
vc.middleController = self
class ViewControllerC: UIViewController {
var middleController: ViewControllerC?
#IBAction func didTapButton(_ sender: Any) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
With this, we got the data we needed from the diagram picture above.
Your best bet is to make use of NotificationCenter to achieve this.
Post notification like this: Notification.Name("NotificationName"), object: nil, userInfo: ["somekey":"somevalue"])
Observe it like this:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.dataReceived(notification:)), name: Notification.Name("NotificationName"), object: nil)
Use the following method:
#objc func dataReceived(notification: Notification) {}

CNContactViewControllerDelegate not called when contact property selected/edited on iOS

The delegate for CNContactviewController is not called when properties get edited or selected.
When editing a new contact, the contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, shouldPerformDefaultActionFor property: CNContactProperty) function is supposed to be called, but it's not.
How do you get notified when the user edits/selects a contact property?
Steps to reproduce:
Copy the view controller below.
Edit/select a contact
Expected behavior:
"yo" is printed every time you edit/select a property.
Actual behavior:
import Foundation
import Contacts
import ContactsUI
class ContactViewController: UIViewController, CNContactViewControllerDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func createContact() {
let contactController = CNContactViewController(forNewContact: nil)
contactController.delegate = self
contactController.allowsEditing = true
contactController.allowsActions = true
contactController.displayedPropertyKeys = [CNContactPostalAddressesKey, CNContactPhoneNumbersKey, CNContactGivenNameKey]
present(contactController, animated:true)
// =============================================================================================================
// MARK: CNContactViewControllerDelegate Functions
// =============================================================================================================
func contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, didCompleteWith contact: CNContact?) {
viewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
func contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, shouldPerformDefaultActionFor property: CNContactProperty) -> Bool {
return true
// =============================================================================================================
// MARK: UIViewController Functions
// =============================================================================================================
override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
return true
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
There are three initializers for making a CNContactViewController:
Existing contact: init(for:)
New contact: init(forNewContact:)
Unknown contact: init(forUnknownContact:)
The first and third forms call the delegate method contactViewController(_:shouldPerformDefaultActionFor:). The second form does not. That's the one you are using.
With the second flavor, the only event you get is contactViewController(_:didCompleteWith:), and at that point the new contact has already been saved into the database.
When editing a new contact, the contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController, shouldPerformDefaultActionFor property: CNContactProperty) function is supposed to be called
No, it isn't. That's just an idea you made up.
Expected behavior: "yo" is printed every time you edit/select a property.
Then stop expecting that.
How do you get notified when the user edits/selects a contact property?
You don't.
When you use a framework like Cocoa, you don't get to make up any expectations you like. Your expectations need to be based on what the framework actually does. You might wish that CNContactViewController and its delegate messages worked as you describe, and that might make a very good enhancement request to Apple. But it is not how it works in fact, so expecting it to do so won't do you any good.

Observers don't get called using NotificationCenter Swift 4.0

I have a two ViewControllers: ViewController and SecondViewController.
I added an observer to this two ViewControllers. In ViewController I also defined an IBAction to post the notification. I handle the notification via a closure in both ViewControllers. But only the closure in the ViewController gets called. The closure (and even the whole code) in the SecondViewController does not get called (I checked with debugger). The closure only contains a print-statement.
Here is my Code
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let nc = NotificationCenter.default
nc.addObserver(forName: Notification.Name(rawValue:"MyNotification"), object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
print("I'm the : \(type(of: self))")
#IBAction func sendNotification(_ sender: UIButton) {
let nc = NotificationCenter.default Notification.Name(rawValue:"MyNotification"), object: nil, userInfo: ["message":"Hello there!", "Date:":Date()])
The ScondViewController
import UIKit
class SecondViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let nc = NotificationCenter.default
nc.addObserver(forName: Notification.Name(rawValue:"MyNotification"), object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
print("I'm the: \(type(of: self))")
The closure in ViewController gets called but the closure in SecondViewController does not. Maybe the reason is that SecondViewController does not get initialized before I post the notification. But how would a solution look like?
Any help is appreciated.
If this is one-to-one relationship you can also use the Delegate pattern instead. Although you are right, the notification observer is not yet called because you do not initialise before the post. So there shouldn't be a reason for a function to be called in the SecondViewController.
So if you only need that to update a variable value, you can do that somewhere else in a Variables class where both ViewControllers have access.

Function Overriding in iOS

I have created BaseClassviewController and all my controllers are derived from this controller. I am doing the following steps:
Set custom delegate in BaseClassViewController.
Implement all function of protocol in BaseClassViewController.
Then I am pushing HomeController derived from BaseClassViewController.
Again I am pushing DetailController also derived from BaseClassViewController.
Now when delegate function is called I should get control in DetailController but I am getting control in HomeController.
So my question is why its not calling top controller at navigation i.e DetailController and is it possible to call delegate functions in both controllers?
P.S I am overriding delegate functions in all child controllers.
EDIT: After reading answers and comments I think I have not been clear that much so adding following code snippet.
In Helper Class:
#objc protocol SampleDelegate: class
#objc optional func shouldCallDelegateMethod()
class SampleHelper: NSObject
var sampleDelegate:SampleDelegate!
static var sharedInstance = SampleHelper()
//It is triggered
func triggerDelegateMethod()
func apiCall()
let urlString = URL(string: "")
if let url = urlString {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
if let usableData = data {
self. triggerDelegateMethod()
In BaseClass
class BaseClassViewController: UIViewController,SampleDelegate{
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
SampleHelper.sharedInstance.delegate = self;
func shouldCallDelegateMethod()
In HomeController i.e 1st controller to be pushed
class HomeViewController: BaseClassViewController{
override func shouldCallDelegateMethod()
In DetailController i.e 2nd controller is pushed after HomeController from HomeController.
class DetailViewController: BaseClassViewController{
override func viewDidLoad()
override func shouldCallDelegateMethod()
Now my question is when delegate is triggered from helper class it calls shouldCallDelegateMethod in HomeViewController but not in DetailViewController. But DetailViewController is at top of navigation array.
Also is there any possibility I can trigger same function in both controller at a time with delegate only?
In BaseClassviewController you should have a delegate variable/property.
In HomeController and DetailController you need to set that delegate variable/property to self if you want that class to be listening to the delegate callbacks.
The basic problem is that you are using delegate with a singleton.
Setting the delegate in viewWillAppear is not a good solution either. In short, when view controllers are being shown and hidden, the delegate on your singleton will changed all the time.
Don't use delegates with singletons. Use a completion callback. Otherwise you will keep running into problems.
func apiCall(onCompletion: (() -> Void)?) {
let urlString = URL(string: "")
if let url = urlString {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
} else if let usableData = data {
called as
SampleHelper.apiCall {
// do something
Edit 2
After you posted your code, i realize that you have used the singleton class for delegation.
Delegates allows an object to send a message to another object.
Answer for your query is "No". You can not trigger same function in both controller at a time with delegate.
If you really want to listen an event in both class at a time, i would suggest you to use NSNotificationCenter instead of delegate.
Thats not the correct way to achieve this. I think proper way to set delegate only in respective UIViewController rather than implementing that protocol on BaseViewController and then overriding in child classes. So your implementation should be like.
In HomeViewController
class HomeViewController: BaseClassViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
SampleHelper.sharedInstance.delegate = self;
func shouldCallDelegateMethod() {
// Provide implementation
In DetailViewController
class DetailViewController: BaseClassViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
SampleHelper.sharedInstance.delegate = self;
func shouldCallDelegateMethod() {
// Provide implementation
Using this imeplementation you will be having only one-to-one communication design pattern, ensuring right UIViewController to be called.

Class protocols not working after updating from Swift 2.3 to Swift 3.0

I have a very basic user class, who os responsible for get user data from Firebase and update the currently screen if needed, everything was working until a decided to update my project to Swift 3.0
This is the User Class
#objc protocol userClassProtocol {
func updateScreen()
#objc optional func sucessUnlockedCategory()
class User {
static let sharedInstance = User()
internal var delegate : userClassProtocol?
func fakeClassThatGetsDataFromFirebase() {
//Got data
print("Has new data")
And here is the ViewController:
class FirstViewController: UIViewController, userClassProtocol {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
print("View will load")
User.sharedInstance.delegate = self
func updateScreen() {
print("Screen is going to update")
//Do stuff here
The logs i get from this are:
Has new Data
View Will Appear
But the function updateScreen() in the view controller never gets called. No errors are being pointed out by Xcode.
Looks like it's just an issue with the timing of your method calls.
Your fakeClassThatGetsDataFromFirebase method is called first, and at that point, your delegate hasn't been set. So self.delegate is nil when calling:
This will only work if your viewWillAppear gets called before fakeClassThatGetsDataFromFirebase
It shouldn't get called, according to your code. Nothing calls fakeClassThatGetsDataFromFirebase(), which is what should call updateScreen() on your delegate method.
