rails server does not start on windows - ruby-on-rails

I'm newbie to ruby on rails, I have created project but when I start server (rails server / s ) it gives me error. which is image show you an error.
secondly when I run command "bundle install" it gives me another error which is image show you second error.

I think this might help you figure out the server openssl issue which appears to show up in the bundle install output as well.


Libglib-2.0.0 dll not found on windows every time when I try to run Rails server

I have installed all the bundles but while trying to run rails server getting error for libglib-2.0-0.dll not found. I have followed https://www.dll-files.com/download/b5970cca5b1ed27d99bc23796fa35584/libglib-2.0-0.dll.html?c=cXFJRlUrMWZTV0hiNGxjbGcya1FTZz09 but still it doesn't work

I am not able to create website using jekyll as in command prompt it doesn't show the basic website created at once

https://stackoverflow.com/image.jpg[Command prompt error! or what?]2
I am not able to create website using jekyll as in command prompt it doesn't show the basic website created at once.It takes a lot time to analyse the fundamentals of it .Help me in the command prompt error or anything else.
This happened to me when I updated to Ruby 3 since webrick is not added to the Gemfile.
Run bundle add webrick then your local jekyll serve will works.

why rails server is not working on windows 10

I have created the new rails project and trying to run it without doing any changes. I am using the power shell in windows 10. When I am running the rails s command its not starting the server. Please see attached image. I have highlighted the installed ruby version.
The error is there in the output, you do not have a rails app to start a server for, you can create a new app with:
rails new <name-for-your-app>
Follow along this tutorial
to help you get started with rails.
I think this command will work or you are missing something which is required to run rails server
bin/rails server
I've got similar error when I am not in rails project directory. Seems you are out of directory.
Please run those full commands in powershell
cd c:/
rails new testapp
cd testapp
rails s

Rails Server Startup Error mac

I've been working on a project the last few days, and I've been struggling with an error when starting up my rails server with the 'rails server' command. I have searched the whole internet for an answer but I dont really seem to find a solution to my problem.
The problem is that when I launch rails server with the command I get this output:
Output as seen on image.
It looks to me like you need to install Redis.
There is a Gem for that and you can see the installation instructions HERE

Rails returns a 500-error (Not sure why)

I've been trying to get Rails working, but whenever I try to create my own view, it returns a 500 error.
So, here's the steps I've followed to get where I am:
I installed Ruby to C:\Ruby
I installed Rubygems to C:\Ruby\rubygems-1.3.5 and ran ruby setup.rb
In the cmd prompt, I installed rails using gem install rails.
I created a Projects folder in C:\Ruby, and navigated to it in the cmd prompt
In the cmd prompt, I ran rails project1, then cd project1
In the cmd prompt, I ran ruby script/generate controller home index
In the cmd prompt, I ran ruby script/server
I haven't gotten any errors at all yet.
I go to http://localhost:3000, and everything is looking good.
I navigate to http://localhost:3000/home/index, and get this:
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue
and we'll take a look at it shortly.
I have no clue why. Is there any troubleshooting I can do?
When you create a project with rails projectname the config-file is set to use the Active Record framework for using a database with your application. If you don't want to use a database, simply open:
And set the following line:
# config.frameworks -= [ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ]
config.frameworks -= [ :active_record]
Restart the server with CTRL+C, and then ruby script/server again. This should solve the problem.
As the other suggested, always have a look at \log\development.log to find the cause of such problems. I guess youre reads something like
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
no such file to load -- sqlite3
If you want to use a database with your application, see this guide: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html#configuring-a-database
Take a look at your development log at log\development, and look for a line that starts with
/!\ FAILSAFE /!\
The next lines below should tell you where to look for the error. If you cannot make out the issue, post the all lines from the log file that seem related.
