Is it possible to mirror an EventStore without having to write a custom client? - eventstoredb

Is it possible with just using the EventStore.ClusterNode.exe to create a mirror of another EventStore? What I am trying to accomplish is having a readonly copy of the data local to the development and support teams so that we can improve performance of our debugging/support scenarios.
Lets say that I have an EventStore setup at location A. All services for running that environment are located at A.
Support is located over WAN at B, and Development is at C, which is over WAN also.
I would like to be able to bring up B and C independently without A having to be reconfigured (aside from the initial setup of allowing network access).
This way Locations B and C can query their local copies without the slowness of the WAN.
I assumed this was possible, but I don't see this documented online or I don't understand what I am looking for.
I tried manually to figure this out, but all I got on the new mirror as only new events generated.


Causal-cluster-friendly implementation

I am building an application that uses the native neo4j JavaScript driver. I want to make sure that my code will work if we migrate to a causal cluster.
The online documentation doesn't seem to be clear about how to do this: I notice sparse references to things like "bookmarks" and "reading what you have written", etc. But how it all fits together is unclear.
Can someone please provide a synopsis?
To use causal cluster you will need to change :
1) the url connection : replace bolt://localhost:7687 by bolt+routing://localhost:7687
This will allow your application to make some LB query to the cluster, and be fault tolerant without doing anything else
2) When you open a new session, you should specified what you will do into this session, ie. READ or WRITE.
This will help the driver to choose the good server (ie a core or a replica server). Otherwise it assumes you will do some WRITE operations, and the driver will always choose a core server ...
3) because you will be on a cluster env., there is some lag (some secondes) for the propagation of an update inside the cluster.
Or sometimes, you need to read your own writes within two sessions. It's where you will need the bookmark functionality.
Documentation is here :

Delphi - Folder Synchronization over network

I have an application that connects to a database and can be used in multi-user mode, whereby multiple computers can connect the the same database server to view and modify data. One of the clients is always designated to be the 'Master' client. This master also receives text information from either RS232 or UDP input and logs this data every second to a text file on the local machine.
My issue is that the other clients need to access this data from the Master client. I am just wondering the best and most efficient way to proceed to solve this problem. I am considering two options:
Write a folder synchronize class to synchronize the folder on the remote (Master) computer with the folder on the local (client) computer. This would be a threaded, buffered file copying routine.
Implement a client/server so that the Master computer can serve this data to any client that connects and requests the data. The master would send the file over TCP/UDP to the requesting client.
The solution will have to take the following into account:
a. The log files are being written to every second. It must avoid any potential file locking issues.
b. The copying routine should only copy files that have been modified at a later date than the ones already on the client machine.
c. Be as efficient as possible
d. All machines are on a LAN
e. The synchronization need only be performed, say, every 10 minutes or so.
f. The amount of data is only in the order of ~50MB, but once the initial (first) sync is complete, then the amount of data to transfer would only be in the order of ~1MB. This will increase in the future
Which would be the better method to use? What are the pros/cons? I have also seen the Fast File Copy post which i am considering using.
If you use a database, why the "master" writes data to a text file instead of to the database, if those data needs to be shared?
Why invent the wheel? Use rsync instead. Package for windows: cwrsync.
For example, on the Master machine install rsync server, and on the client machines install rsync clients or simply drop files in your project directory. Whenever needed your application on a client machine shall execute rsync.exe requesting to synchronize necessary files from the server.
In order to copy open files you will need to setup Windows Volume Shadow Copy service. Here's a very detailed description on how the Master machine can be setup to allow copying of open files using Windows Volume Shadow Copy.
Write a web service interface, so that the clients an connect to the server and pull new data as needed. Or, you could write it as a subscribe/push mechanism so that clients connect to the server, "subscribe", and then the server pushes all new content to the registered clients. Clients would need to fully sync (get all changes since last sync) when registering, in case they were offline when updates occurred.
Both solutions would work just fine on the LAN, the choice is yours. You might want to also consider those issues related to the technology you choose:
Deployment flexibility. Using file shares and file copy requires file sharing to work, and all LAN users might gain access to the log files.
Longer term plans: File shares are only good on the local network, while IP based solutions work over routed networks, including Internet.
The file-based solution would be significantly easier to implement compared to the IP solution.

Is this the right way of building an Erlang network server for multi-client apps?

I'm building a small network server for a multi-player board game using Erlang.
This network server uses a local instance of Mnesia DB to store a session for each connected client app. Inside each client's record (session) stored in this local Mnesia, I store the client's PID and NODE (the node where a client is logged in).
I plan to deploy this network server on at least 2 connected servers (Node A & B).
So in order to allow a Client A who is logged in on Node A to search (query to Mnesia) for a Client B who is logged in on Node B, I replicate the Mnesia session table from Node A to Node B or vise-versa.
After Client A queries the PID and NODE of the Client B, then Client A and B can communicate with each other directly.
Is this the right way of establishing connection between two client apps that are logged-in on two different Erlang nodes?
Creating a system where two or more nodes are perfectly in sync is by definition impossible. In practice however, you might get close enough that it works for your particular problem.
You don't say the exact reason behind running on two nodes, so I'm going to assume it is for scalability. With many nodes, your system will also be more available and fault-tolerant if you get it right. However, the problem could be simplified if you know you only ever will run in a single node, and need the other node as a hot-slave to take over if the master is unavailable.
To establish a connection between two processes on two different nodes, you need some global addressing(user id 123 is pid<123,456,0>). If you also care about only one process running for User A running at a time, you also need a lock or allow only unique registrations of the addressing. If you also want to grow, you need a way to add more nodes, either while your system is running or when it is stopped.
Now, there are already some solutions out there that helps solving your problem, with different trade-offs:
gproc in global mode, allows registering a process under a given key(which gives you addressing and locking). This is distributed to the entire cluster, with no single point of failure, however the leader election (at least when I last looked at it) works only for nodes that was available when the system started. Adding new nodes requires an experimental version of gen_leader or stopping the system. Within your own code, if you know two players are only going to ever talk to each other, you could start them on the same node.
riak_core, allows you to build on top of the well-tested and proved architecture used in riak KV and riak search. It maps the keys into buckets in a fashion that allows you to add new nodes and have the keys redistributed. You can plug into this mechanism and move your processes. This approach does not let you decide where to start your processes, so if you have much communication between them, this will go across the network.
Using mnesia with distributed transactions, allows you to guarantee that every node has the data before the transaction is commited, this would give you distribution of the addressing and locking, but you would have to do everything else on top of this(like releasing the lock). Note: I have never used distributed transactions in production, so I cannot tell you how reliable they are. Also, due to being distributed, expect latency. Note2: You should check exactly how you would add more nodes and have the tables replicated, for example if it is possible without stopping mnesia.
Zookeper/doozer/roll your own, provides a centralized highly-available database which you may use to store the addressing. In this case you would need to handle unregistering yourself. Adding nodes while the system is running is easy from the addressing point of view, but you need some way to have your application learn about the new nodes and start spawning processes there.
Also, it is not necessary to store the node, as the pid contains enough information to send the messages directly to the correct node.
As a cool trick which you may already be aware of, pids may be serialized (as may all data within the VM) to a binary. Use term_to_binary/1 and binary_to_term/1 to convert between the actual pid inside the VM and a binary which you may store in whatever accepts binary data without mangling it in some stupid way.

offline web application design recommendation

I want to know which is the best architecture to adopt for this case :
I have many shops that connect to a web application developed using Ruby on Rails.
internet is not reachable all the time
The solution was to develop an offline system which requires installing a local copy of the distant database.
All this wad already developed.
Now what I want to do :
Work always on the local copy of the database.
Any change on the local database should be synchronized with distant database.
All the local copies should have the same data in other local copies.
To resolve this problem I thought about using a JMS like software eventually Rabbit MQ.
This consists on pushing any sql request into a JMS queue that will be executed on the distant instance of the application which will insert into the distant DB and push the insert or SQL statement into another queue that will be read by all the local instances. This seems complicated and should slow down the application.
Is there a design or recommendation that I must apply to resolve this kind of problem ?
You can do that but essentially you are developing your own replication engine. Those things can be a bit tricky to get right (what happens if m1 and m3 are executed on replica r1, but m2 isn't?) I wouldn't want to develop something like that unless you are sure you have the resources to make it work.
I would look into existing off-the shelf replication solution. If you are already using a SQL DB it probably has some support for it. Look here for more details if you are using MySQL
Alternatively, if you are willing to explore other backends, I heard that CouchDB has great support for replication. I also heard of people using git libraries to do that sort of thing.
Update: After your comment, I realize you already use MySql replication and are looking for solution for re-syncing the databases after being offline.
Even in that case RabbitMQ doesn't help you at all since it requires constant connection to work, so you are back to square one. Easiest solution would be to just write all the changes (SQL commands) into a text file at a remote location, then when you get connection back copy that file (scp, ftp, emaill or whatever) to master server, run all the commands there and then just resync all the replicas.
Depending on your specific project you may also need to make sure there are no conflicts when running commands from different remote location but there is no general technical solution to this. Again, depending on the project, you may want to cancel one of the transactions, notify the users that it happened and so on.
I would recommend taking a look at CouchDB. It's a non-SQL database that does exactly what you are describing automatically. It's used especially in phone applications that often don't have internet or data connectivity. The idea is that you have a local copy of a CouchDB database and one or more remote CouchDB databases. The CouchDB server then takes care of teh replication of the distributed systems and you always work off your local database. This approach is nice because you don't have to build your own distributed replication engine. For more details I would take a look at the 'Distributed Updates and Replication' section of their documentation.

how to generate multiple instances of my own server/process in erlang?

I wrote a server programe which is planed to use in multi player game. I should be generate multiple instances of my server for every client/player. but i cont able to generate.
I took my server in separate module and I am calling the sever exported function from another module under a process for each client whenever the external aim to connect.
could any one give me some solution other than gen_tcp: server.............
I guess you need to re-think your architecture and identify layers in your system. The first would be connection - ok, it seems you got it. Then you want to present some logic to the user, moreover, you want to give him unique instance of that.. Just spawn it. If it is separate from the rest of the functionality it is going to be trivial. If I ware you, I would read one of Eralng/OTP books (Joe Amstrong, Thomson&Cesarini, Logan recently) to understand nature of Erlang systems and managing processes.
