Import graphML created via gremlin in Orientdb to include in DSE graph by Graphloader - datastax-enterprise

I have imported my graphdata in form of GraphMl from orientDb by using gremlin console by g.saveGraphML(filename.xml) funtion.
Now I have to import this graphML in DSE graphloader .
But I found out that the format of graphML DSE graph accepts is not the same as label, member_id, community_id needs to be included which I don't see in my graphml structure.
Kindly help me in this problem as I don't want to manually change all entries in my graphML because its quite huge.

Try out this XSLT transform to convert from TP2 GraphML (used by OrientDB) to TP3 GraphML (used by DSE Graph).


Creating knowledge graphs in Neo4j

1.Can Neo4j store RDF directly? we understand it can import RDF and export RDF but how is the data stored internally.
We also understand in Neo4j we can create property graphs and make it as a KG using APOC procedures and algorithms available,is that the case or are we missing anything?
2. We would like to understand, how an entity will be tagged against an ontology in Neo4j KG implementation.
You can import RDF data into Neo4j, however it will not be exactly in that format. Using Neosemantics, the triples will be converted into a property graph.
Neosematics can reconvert the property graph data back into triples should that be required.

Import OpenStreetMap in to Neo4j with certain structure

How can I import a .osm (OpenStreetMap) file into Neo4j,
so that I have a label Street for addr:street, with Property housenumber of addr:housenumber.
I also want to have a label Postcode of addr:postcode, and of couse relationship between nodes.
Is that structure possible with Neo4j spatial? Or does a alternative exist?
How can I do that, I have Neo4j COMMUNITY EDITION 3.0.4.
I managed to import the OSM data in to Neo4j (by using maxdemarzi/OSM class in Netbeans), but I see now at Database Information:
Node labels: only ReferenceNode.
Relationship types: BBOX, Changeset, .. Ways
Property keys: addr:city, addr:country, addr:housenumber .. zone
How can I make my own structure?

Neo4J CSV LOAD relationships

I'm a very ne beginner with Neo4j.
Now I've data import problem.
I use java and python to import data from oracle to neo4j and found both are too slow(I have about 100 million rows of the table)
So I consider Cypher Sentence: LOAD CSV
I export the csv file of Movie Graph of the community, as the image shown.
Now how can I use the LOAD CSV (export.csv) to build a graph data to restore the Movie Graph?
I found little info on the Neo4J manual about import data.
Thanks!![enter image description here][1]
Yours, Jesse
There's actually pretty good documentation on how to use LOAD CSV.
It's full of useful examples.
They even have an example that's directly tied to the movies CSV:
MERGE (country:Country { name: })
CREATE (movie:Movie { id: toInt(, title: csvLine.title, year:toInt(csvLine.year)})
CREATE (movie)-[:MADE_IN]->(country)
Vaya con dios, mi amigo.

Neo4j staged batch import

I want to import existing entities and their relationships from MySQL database to a new Neo4j db. I have several questions that I still do not quite understand -
Based on the description of the batch importer, it appears as if I need to have both an entity and relationship file. Can I execute an import without one or the other file type?
Can I execute a series of batch imports, using different files for different entities?
Are you using the batch importer from the Neo4j website or the one by jexp/Michael Hunger ?
If it's the jexp batch-import you could execute just the entity/nodes file (resulting in a bunch of nodes and no edges) or just the rels file (resulting in an empty graph since there's no nodes to connect). Or you could import the nodes, then import the rels, either in the same import or in a series of imports.

Importing GraphML files in JUNG

I am new to JUNG, can any one show me how to import a GraphML to JUNG.
I'm not sure if you're working with a database, but if you are this is very easy with Neo4J. Neo4J supports import/export from .graphml files. Once you have everything done, you can hook up your Neo4J database to JUNG using blueprints. It takes no more than 2 lines of code:
com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Graph g = new Neo4JGraph(gds);
GraphJung gj = new GraphJung(g);
In which gds is the GraphDatabaseService object from Neo4J. Like I said, very easy, and you can imagine the possibilities with a powerful graph database behind your application.
