How do some websites play video inline in iOS Safari? - ios

Pretty incredible since I thought all videos expanded to play fullscreen in regular safari. Check this out for example:
That video plays inline and doesn't even stop when I switch Safari tabs. What's happening there? Are they using js and HTML5 canvas to render the video or something? How do they sync the sound so well?

Just constructing an answer based on the link #offbeatmammal posted in his comment.
Also based on new video policies for ios specifically that:
On iPhone, <video playsinline> elements will now be allowed to play inline, and will not automatically enter fullscreen mode when playback begins.
<video> elements without playsinline attributes will continue to require fullscreen mode for playback on iPhone.
When exiting fullscreen with a pinch gesture, <video> elements without playsinline will continue to play inline.
A note about the playsinline attribute:
this attribute has recently been added to the HTML specification, and WebKit has adopted this new attribute by unprefixing its legacy webkit-playsinline attribute. This legacy attribute has been supported since iPhoneOS 4.0, and accordance with our updated unprefixing policy, we’re pleased to have been able to unprefix webkit-playsinline. Unfortunately, this change did not make the cut-off for iOS 10 Developer Seed 2. If you would like to experiment with this new policy with iOS Developer Seed 2, the prefixed attribute will work, but we would encourage you to transition to the unprefixed attribute when support for it is available in a future seed.
Lastly an example:
<video autoplay loop muted playsinline>
<source src="image.mp4">
<source src="image.webm" onerror="fallback(parentNode)">
<img src="image.gif">
with a fall back that displays an image on video error
function fallback(video)
var img = video.querySelector('img');
if (img)
video.parentNode.replaceChild(img, video);


iOS autoplay not working

I'm trying to autoplay a video on iOS's Safari (any version) and I'm using this HTML5 tag:
For some reason it works on Chrome and on Firefox but when I check the video's .muted property on Chrome is set to true while in Safari is set to false. I'm using Browserstack for debugging but I tried it on an iOS device and the video is not playing even when that video doesn't even have an audio track.
Thanks a lot
Did you try to write:
<video muted playsinline />
<video muted="muted" playsinline="playsinline" />
Autoplay is possible on iOS as stated here on Apple's docs
There might be other cases such as Low-power mode that will block autoplay or lower MEI if it's on Chrome.
unfortunately, iOS blocks autoplay. The play function needs to be triggered from a click or touch event. Simulated clicks or touches does not work either. Im afraid there is nothing to do about this due to it depends on Apple.

HTML5 Video autoplay on iPhone

I have some kind of a strange problem. I try to create a website with a looped background video. The code looks like this one:
<video src="video/bg.mp4" style="z-index: -1;object-fit: cover;" poster="video/bg.jpg" autobuffer autoplay loop muted></video>
This works perfectly fine on most browsers (IE struggles with this object-fit thing but I don't mind) but on iPhone the video won't autoplay but on iPad it does. I already read the New Policies for iOS and I think I meet the requirements (otherwise iPad won't autoplay). I did some other testing:
Removing overlaying divs won't fix it
Removing z-index won't fix it
Wifi or Cellular doesn't make a difference
Video filesize doesn't make a difference, too
Am I doing it wrong or does iPhone simply won't autoplay videos and always requires interaction? I only care for iOS 10, I know that the requirements were different on iOS 9
Does playsinline attribute help?
Here's what I have:
<video autoplay loop muted playsinline class="video-background ">
<source src="videos/intro-video3.mp4" type="video/mp4">
See the comment on playsinline here:
iOs 10+ allow video autoplay inline. but you have to turn off "Low power mode" on your iPhone.
Here is the little hack to overcome all the struggles you have for video autoplay in a website:
Check video is playing or not.
Trigger video play on event like body click or touch.
Note: Some browsers don't let videos to autoplay unless the user interacts with the device.
So scripts to check whether video is playing is:
Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'playing', {
get: function () {
return !!(this.currentTime > 0 && !this.paused && !this.ended && this.readyState > 2);
And then you can simply autoplay the video by attaching event listeners to the body:
$('body').on('click touchstart', function () {
const videoElement = document.getElementById('home_video');
if (videoElement.playing) {
// video is already playing so do nothing
else {
// video is not playing
// so play video now;
Note: autoplay attribute is very basic which needs to be added to the video tag already other than these scripts.
You can see the working example with code here at this link:
How to autoplay video when the device is in low power mode / data saving mode / safari browser issue
I had a similar problem and I tried multiple solution. I solved it implementing 2 considerations.
Using dangerouslySetInnerHtml to embed the <video> code. For example:
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: `
<video class="video-js" playsinline autoplay loop muted>
<source src="../video_path.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
Resizing the video weight. I noticed my iPhone does not autoplay videos over 3 megabytes. So I used an online compressor tool ( to go from 4mb to less than 500kb
Also, thanks to #boltcoder for his guide: Autoplay muted HTML5 video using React on mobile (Safari / iOS 10+)
I had the same problem - the video not play on iOS. I tried all the code options "playsinline autoplay loop muted". The problem was the video I received was in the wrong mp4 codec. So what helped us, was to upload the video to Vimeo and download the HD Version again. The video is now playing on all mobile devices.
You could also try to use mpeg streamclip. Here is a screenclip of VLC - those are the correct settings. Hope someone does not have to spend 2 hours searching for the problem - happy holidays
Here is a simple solution to auto-play the video in IOS, I've already tried and it is perfectly working on IOS, Android, also on all the browsers on various platforms.
simply use (data-wf-ignore) and (data-object-fit) Attributes for the video and data-wf-ignore for the source tag..
You can see the working example with code here at this Snippet:
<video id="myVideo" autoplay="" muted="" playsinline="" data-wf-ignore="true" data-object-fit="cover">
<source src="" data-wf-ignore="true" />

Playing video inline in Ionic/Phonegap (webkit-playsinline not working)

I'm using the HTML5 video tag to get a video playing in my ionic app. Here's my code:
<video autoplay loop class="video" webkit-playsinline>
<source src="videos/polina.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="h.264"' >
<source src="videos/polina.webm" type="video/webm">
The video autoplays fine, however the video opens up into the native player and doesn't play inline. After some research I came to understand that webkit-playsinline should solve this issue, at least on iOS, but this doesn't seem to be the case for me testing on iOS8&9.
I tried videogular and I'm still getting the blasted native player appearing.
I even paid a little bit to get this code here: that illustrates exactly what I am trying to create (a background video on my login screen) but still the video opens up into the native player.
Has anyone managed to get a video to play inline on their ionic/phonegap app? If so how?
The reason why is the UIWebView was not configured to allow inline video playback. On iPads it is defaulted to allow it, but on iPhones it is not.
You can easily allow this by adding this to your config.xml:
<preference name="AllowInlineMediaPlayback" value="true" />
The UIWebView should then respect the webkit-playsinline attribute.
Also the code will work on most Android devices as well (especially if you add the Crosswalk plugin). However you should put the webm first, then the mp4 file to avoid problems with some versions of Chrome).
You should also add a poster="firstFrame.jpg" to the video tag so that you get an image while the video gets ready to play. The jpg should be the first frame of the video (use whatever video editor you like to extract it).
See this site for a much more complete example (and free...). I have used this on Android / iOS with Cordova with minimal changes. The changes needed were load the files into the project, use CrossWalk for Android, remove the media selector in the css (it stops video on small screens by design, but it works ok in Cordova), add the playsinline attribute, and finally add in the preference in the config.xml.

Recently not playing youtube clip with iframe player on UIWebView

My iOS application uses youtube iframe player on UIWebView to play any clip with inline mode. The following code is HTML code used.
<style type="text/css">body {background-color: transparent;color: white;}</style>
<body style="margin:0">
<iframe src="" width="320" height="240" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Then, it is passed to loadHTMLString method.
That code had worked well until a recent date. But, I recently noticed that every clips I used aren't played normally. the standby view and play button is shown but, although I pushed the play button, it didn't play well. black screen was only shown.
I haven't found anything to solve the problem. Are there any changes of Youtube Iframe player or points I missed?
I ended up solving the problem by calling [videoView setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction:NO].
I don't exactly know why the method could save me. At a guess, there was a change dealing with the request for playing at youtube. I could find the following changes on youtube developer site.
January 28, 2014
The playsinline parameter controls whether videos play inline or
fullscreen in an HTML5 player on iOS. Setting the value to 1 causes
inline playback.
The Selecting content to play section has been updated to explain how
to find YouTube video IDs and playlist IDs using the YouTube Data API
(v3) rather than the older API version.
The controls parameter's definition has been updated to reflect the
fact that the parameter value only affects the time that the Flash
player actually loads in IFrame embeds. In addition, for IFrame
embeds, the parameter value also determines when the controls display
in the player. If you set the parameter's value to 2, then the
controls display and the Flash player loads after the user initiates
the video playback.
I guess that one of above changes may need extra informations which are passed from a client to youtube server for playing normally.
Today, I identified that it works well without my solution. It seems that the problem was fixed lately.

iPhone plays embedded video fullscreen

i created a small website that includes a video with this code:
<video autoplay="autoplay">
<source src="inc/WEB_MASTER.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="inc/WEB_MASTER_ios.m4v" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
When i load the page via my iPhone the video starts playing, but it does not play it in the part of the website, instead the iphone plays the video in fullscreen. How can i force the iphone to play the video in the respective area on the website?
The iPhone and iPod seem just about the only devices/browsers that force fullscreen video playback in Safari (and in apps that make use of its unmodified WebView)
You can work around this issue by simulating the playback by skimming the video instead of actually .play()'ing it.
I wrote a module that takes care of playing the video inline and synchronizing it to the audio (but it also works on videos without a sound track): iphone-inline-video
This question is answered here:
HTML5 inline video on iPhone vs iPad/Browser
Just add the webkit-playsinline attribute to the video tag. Works in iOS 4.0 and later:
<video id="player" width="120" height="60" webkit-playsinline>
Here is the official documentation for webkit-playsinline.
