Launch photo library without using uiimagepicker - ios

I am working on a camera app. I need to adapt the same behavior of the default camera app which opens camera roll when you tap the image on the left corner.
How I can launch camera roll as the default app does? I do not want to get an image, so I don't need to use the UIImagePickerController
Thanks in advance

You can use Photos Framework Available from iOS 8.Using this framework,you will get direct access to photos.You can build your own image editing apps using this Framework.
Please download the sample code from this link :
Photos framework sample code


How to incorporate editing features in native camera in IOS

I have an application that allows user to click a photo and upload I want to allow the user to also be able to rotate or crop after they take the image
How can I do it I am new to development any sources or tutorials that can help?
I am developing using Objective-C.
You can find Apple's sample code on capturing photos here.
There is a property named allowsEditing in the UIImagePickerController. Try playing with that.

Does UIImagePicker Controller has access to all functionalities in IOS 7/IOS 8 camera app?

My requirement is to create a camera application, which contains all the functionalists like Photo,Video,Slow mo,Pano, filters.(like below screen)
My idea is to call the native camera api. I tried UIImagePickerController with options like this
cameraPickerUI.showsCameraControls =YES; but i can't bring filters, pano, slow mo option inside my application.
UIImagePicker Controller has access to all functionalities of camera api?
Using UIImagePickerController how to implement slow mo, filters,pano?(tiny help/ direction is more appreciated)
Please share your thoughts,suggestions,idea.
My device is IOS 7 version only.
No, you can't do it with UIImagePickerController. UIImagePickerController, it has not such kind of functionalities except crop facility.
You can use BradLarson's GPUImageView framework, with that you can do what you want.

How to add image picker with camera button to iOS app

I'm adding a button that opens a view of the saved images on device, but also has a button to open the camera. The iOS Facebook app currently does this.
I've played with both AVCapture to create my own camera ui and UIImagePickerController to use the default UI but have been unable to find a view that displays both the saved images and camera button.
My question is, did facebook implement their own image picker or is it an Apple included library?
Facebook has their own imagepicker subclass but that doesnt matter for you - just implement a different method for each button that changes the imagepickertype to UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera or UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum and then displays the picker.
This came across this control AQPhotoPicker. Hopefully it will help you, it's easy to use

Capture front-facing camera - Phonegap?

How to capture video from front-facing camera, using Phonegap?
I found this navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2}); in Phonegaps API docs online. But I dont see anything about using the front camera instead of rear. Is it possible?
I think after the camera opens up, u can choose the front camera. Currently i dont think so there is an option to open the front camera by default
If your smartphone have front and back camera, when you use
navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit:2});
capture camera will be opened with switch button automatically.
I was playing around with PhoneGap today since I had an idea for an app. For this idea I needed the front facing camera aswell to be selected as default. After trying different things I found a work around which selected the front facing camera by default [NOTE: this is a dirty fix, I've got no clue what happens on devices without a front facing camera!]
In Xcode (or whatever editor you use) open [ProjectName]/plugins/CDVCapture.m and locate both captureImage and captureVideo. Both functions/commands have a line saying
pickerController.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
Add this line below:
pickerController.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceFront;
And both Video and Image capturing will select the front facing camera by default when opening up the camera app. However, the user still has the possibility to switch cameras.
Here's a pastebin with my full CVDCapture.m file:

How can I access the photo library in iOS?

Is there any way to jump into photo library ?
I'm not asking about UIImagePicker.
In original camera app of iPhone, when I touch a thumbnail of one of the last photos (at the bottom left corner), it goes into photo library (actually, camera roll).
Is that private API or can i use it somehow? Well, I think I can implement that using ALAsset but I'm just wondering if there is any API
I believe you can launch the photo app, in order to view it as you would normally. However you cannot return to your app after launching the photo library.
You'll need to launch
