SpriteKit camera actions being very jerky/laggy - ios

I'm using Swift 3.0 and Xcode 8.2.1, testing on an iPhone 6s running iOS 10.2.
I'm simply attempting to rotate an SKCameraNode at a rate that is slowing down (I.E. it has both an angular velocity and acceleration).
This is my current solution, and yes I know it's weird:
self.cam.run(SKAction.rotate(toAngle: 0.0, duration: 0.7, shortestUnitArc: true))
SKAction.wait(forDuration: 0.1)])))
The camera's zRotation starts at some non-zero place, and then this is called. It then calls the SKAction.rotate part every 0.1 seconds. It's not shown here, but I have it terminate after 3 seconds.
This provides the exact effect that I want, because every time the SKAction is called, the zRotation is closer to its 0.0, but the time it needs to take to get there stays at 0.7, so the rate at which it approaches 0.0 slows down.
HOWEVER, 1 of 3 things happen from this:
It works perfectly as intended
It feels like it stops and continues every 0.1 seconds
The camera just immediately and completely stops functioning as a camera as soon as the SKAction is called, and the player is just stuck looking at the same spot till the cameras are switched.
I tried reducing the waitForDuration from 0.1 to 0.01 but then it always does option 3.
Is there some sort of "rules of execution" that I'm not following when it comes to using cameras?

You can use a single rotate(toAngle:) action that decelerates when the camera's zRotation is close to the ending angle and setting the timingMode property to .easeOut. For example,
cam.zRotation = CGFloat.pi
let action = SKAction.rotate(toAngle: 0, duration: duration, shortestUnitArc: true)
// Slows when zRotation is near 0
action.timingMode = .easeOut
Alternatively, you can define your own timing function to customize the ease-out behavior by replacing timingMode statement with
action.timingFunction = {
time in
// Custom ease-out, modify this as needed
return 1-pow(1-time, 5)
Moreover, you can use the following to calculate the action's duration so the angular velocity and acceleration are consistent regardless of the starting angle (i.e., the amount of rotation)
let duration = TimeInterval(normalizedArcFromZero(angle:cam.zRotation)) * 3
func normalizedArcFromZero(angle:CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
let diff = angle.mod(dividingBy:CGFloat.pi*2)
let arc = CGFloat.pi - (diff + CGFloat.pi).mod(dividingBy:2 * CGFloat.pi)
return abs(arc)/CGFloat.pi
Lastly, since the above requires a modulo function that performs a "floored" division (instead of Swift's truncatingRemainder), you'll need to add this to your project
extension CGFloat {
func mod(dividingBy x:CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return self - floor(self/x) * x


SpriteKit stop spinning wheel in a defined angle

I have a spinning wheel rotating at an angular speed ω, no acceleration involved, implemented with SpriteKit.
When the user push a button I need to slowly decelerate the wheel from the current angle ∂0 and end-up in a specified angle (lets call it ∂f).
I created associated to it a mass of 2.
I already tried the angularDamping and the SKAction.rotate(toAngle: duration:) but they do not fit my needs because:
With the angularDamping I cannot specify easy the angle ∂f where I want to end up.
With the SKAction.rotate(toAngle: duration:) I cannot start slowing down from the current rotation speed and it doesn't behave natural.
The only remaining approach I tried is by using the SKAction.applyTorque(duration:).
This sounds interesting but I have problems calculating the formula to obtain the correct torque to apply and especially for the inertia and radius of the wheel.
Here is my approach:
I'm taking the starting angular velocity ω as:
I'm taking the mass from wheelNode.physicsBody?.mass
The time t is a constant of 10 (this means that in 10 seconds I want the wheel decelerating to the final angle ∂f).
The deceleration that I calculated as:
let a = -1 * ω / t
The inertia should be: let I = 1/2 * mass * pow(r, 2)*. (see notes regarding the radius please)
Then, finally, I calculated the final torque to apply as: let t = I * a (taking care that is opposite of the current angular speed of the wheel).
Since I don't have clear how to have the radius of the wheel I tried to grab it both from:
the wheelNode.physicsBody?.area as let r = sqrt(wheelNode.physicsBody?.area ?? 0 / .pi)
by converting from pixel to meters as the area documentation says. Then I have let r = self.wheelNode.radius / 150.
Funny: I obtain 2 different values :(
UNFORTUNATLY something in this approach is not working because so far I have no idea how to end up in the specified angle and the wheel doesn't stop anyway as it should (or the torque is too much and spins in the other direction, or is not enough). So, also the torque applied seems to be wrong.
Do you know a better way to achieve the result I need? Is that the correct approach? If yes, what's wrong with my calculations?
Kinematics makes my head hurt, but here you go. I made it to where you can input the amount of rotations and the wheel will rotate that many times as its slowing down to the angle you specify. The other function and extension are there to keep the code relatively clean/readable. So if you just want one giant mess function go ahead and modify it.
• Make sure the node's angularDampening = 0.0
• Make sure the node has a circular physicsbody
// Stops a spinning SpriteNode at a specified angle within a certain amount of rotations
//NOTE: Node must have a circular physicsbody
// Damping should be from 0.0 to 1.0
func decelerate(node: SKSpriteNode, toAngle: CGFloat, rotations: Int) {
if node.physicsBody == nil { print("Node doesn't have a physicsbody"); return } //Avoid crash incase node's physicsbody is nil
var cw:CGFloat { if node.physicsBody!.angularVelocity < CGFloat(0.0) { return -1.0} else { return 1.0} } //Clockwise - using int to reduce if statments with booleans
let m = node.physicsBody!.mass // Mass
let r = CGFloat.squareRoot(node.physicsBody!.area / CGFloat.pi)() // Radius
let i = 0.5 * m * r.squared // Intertia
let wi = node.physicsBody!.angularVelocity // Initial Angular Velocity
let wf:CGFloat = 0 // Final Angular Velocity
let ti = CGFloat.unitCircle(node.zRotation) // Initial Theta
var tf = CGFloat.unitCircle(toAngle) // Final Theta
//Correction constant based on rate of rotation since there seems to be a delay between when the action is calcuated and when it is run
//Without the correction the node stops a little off from its desired stop angle
tf -= 0.00773889 * wi //Might need to change constn
let dt = deltaTheta(ti, tf, Int(cw), rotations)
let a = -cw * 0.5 * wi.squared / abs(dt) // Angular Acceleration - cw used to determine direction
let time:Double = Double(abs((wf-wi) / a)) // Time needed to stop
let torque:CGFloat = i * a // Torque needed to stop
node.run(SKAction.applyTorque(torque, duration: time))
func deltaTheta(_ ti:CGFloat, _ tf:CGFloat, _ clockwise: Int, _ rotations: Int) -> CGFloat {
let extra = CGFloat(rotations)*2*CGFloat.pi
if clockwise == -1 {
if tf>ti { return tf-ti-2*CGFloat.pi-extra }else{ return tf-ti-extra }
if tf>ti { return tf-ti+extra }else{ return tf+2*CGFloat.pi+extra-ti }
extension CGFloat {
public var squared:CGFloat { return self * self }
public static func unitCircle(_ value: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
if value < 0 { return 2 * CGFloat.pi + value }
else{ return value }

UIViewPropertyAnimator different behaviour on iOS10 and iOS11 reversing an animation. Bug on `isReversed` and `fractionComplete` properties?

Running the same code on iOS10 and iOS11 my UIViewPropertyAnimator has a different behaviour just after changing of his .isReversed property.
Everything is ok on iOS10. The animation problem happens on iOS11
It's true for any animations, not only for a particular one, and it is verifiable both by watching the animation and within the code.
It happens both on simulators and real devices.
Once created a UIViewPropertyAnimator with his animation, during its running I just call .pauseAnimation() and change the .isReversed property to true. After that I resume the animation calling:
continueAnimation(withTimingParameters parameters: UITimingCurveProvider?, durationFactor: CGFloat)
at this point on iOS10 the animation smoothly changes his verse, on iOS11 it stops immediately and reverses itself with a bit frames lag.
If in code I check the value of .fractionComplete (called on my UIViewPropertyAnimator object it gives me back the completion of the animation in his percent value, starting from 0.0 and ending at 1.0)
just after .continueAnimation(...
- On iOS 10 it remains for a few moments like if the animation is continuing and only after some fractions of time jumps to his complementary.
- On iOS 11 it jumps suddenly on his complementary
On the documentation there are non updates related to this, just a couple of new properties for the UIViewPropertyAnimator but not used because I'm targeting iOS10
Could be a bug or I'm missing something!?
Little update: just tested, same behaviour on iOS 11.0.1 and on iOS 11.1 beta1
As linked in the comment, this happens only with a non-linear curve!
I have been fighting this for quite a while as well, but then I noticed the scrubsLinearly property that was added to UIViewPropertyAnimator in iOS 11:
Defaults to true. Provides the ability for an animator to pause and scrub either linearly or using the animator’s current timing.
Note that the default of this property is true, which seems to cause a conflict with using a non-linear animation curve. That might also explain why the issue is not present when using a linear timing function.
Setting scrubsLinearly to false, the animator seems to work as expected:
let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.25, curve: .easeOut) {
animator.scrubsLinearly = false
On iOS 11, fractionComplete will be reversed (that is, 1 - originalFractionComplete) after you reverse animation by animator.isReversed = true.
Spring animation that have less than 0.1s duration will complete instantly.
So you may originally want the reversed animation runs 90% of the entire animation duration, but on iOS 11, the reversed animation actually runs 10% duration because isReversed changed, and that 10% duration is less than 0.1s, so the animation will be completed instantly and looks like no animation happened.
How to fix?
For iOS 10 backward compatibility, copy the fractionComplete value before you reverse animation and use it for continueAnimation.
let fraction = animator.fractionComplete
animator.isReversed = true
I have tried many solutions, but no one didn't work for me. I wrote my solution and everything is fine now. My solution:
take an image of the screen and show it
finish animation
start new animation for old state
pause the animation and set progress (1 - original progress)
remove screen image and continue animation
switch pan.state {
case .ended, .cancelled, .failed:
let velocity = pan.velocity(in: view)
let reversed: Bool
if abs(velocity.y) < 200 {
reversed = progress < 0.5
} else {
switch state {
case .shown:
reversed = velocity.y < 0
case .minimized:
reversed = velocity.y > 0
if reversed {
let overlayView = UIScreen.main.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: false)
animator?.finishAnimation(at: .end)
startAnimation(state: state.opposite)
animator?.fractionComplete = 1 - progress
animator?.continueAnimation(withTimingParameters: nil, durationFactor: 0.5)
} else {
animator?.continueAnimation(withTimingParameters: nil, durationFactor: 0)
And the animation curve option must be linear.
animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.3, curve: .linear) {

Exponentially shrink an SKNode

In a game I'm developing with SpriteKit, I want certain objects to appear and shrink. I already know how to scale them down, and I'm achieving this using the following code:
myNode.run(SKAction.scale(to: 0, duration: 3))
However, the shrinking happens 'linearly'. Is there a way to make it shrink exponentially faster? Or at least that it starts slowly and at the last second it shrinks twice as fast?
Sorry I could not test this out, I do not have a compiler. It is properly not the best way to do it, but I gave it a shot:
func delay(_ delay:Double, closure:#escaping ()->()) {
let when = DispatchTime.now() + delay
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: when, execute: closure)
let totalRunTime = 1
var add = 0.0
var scale = 1
var done = false
while !done{
delay(add, closure: {
add += 0.1
scale = 1 - (add ^2)
myNode.run(SKAction.scale(to: scale, duration: totalRunTime / 10))
if add == 0{
done = true
Edit: When I look at my code I may see a bug: maybe you need to switch the exponential formula from scale to duration to make it work, I can not test it now :(
Have a look at the Sprite Kit Utils from Ray Wenderlich. It's quite a useful library and also provides easing functions for movement, scale, and rotate actions.
(For reference, have a look at the different easing functions demonstrated on easings.net)
Hope that helps!

Swift Game Scene alter vertically moving background with time?

I have a moving background which is 1500 x 600 pixels and constantly moves vertically down the screen using this code:
let bgTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "bg.png")
let moveBGanimation = SKAction.move(by: CGVector(dx: 0, dy: -bgTexture.size().height), duration: 4)
let shiftBGAnimation = SKAction.move(by: CGVector(dx: 0, dy: bgTexture.size().height), duration: 0)
let moveBGForever = SKAction.repeatForever(SKAction.sequence([moveBGanimation, shiftBGAnimation]))
var i: CGFloat = 0
while i < 3 {
bg = SKSpriteNode(texture: bgTexture)
bg.position = CGPoint(x: self.frame.midX, y: bgTexture.size().height * i)
bg.size.width = self.frame.width
bg.zPosition = -2
i += 1
I now want a new background to come onto the screen after x amount of time to give the feel the player is moving into a different part of the game.
Could I put this code into a function and trigger it with NSTimer after say 20 seconds but change the start position of the new bg to be off screen?
The trouble with repeatForever actions is you don't know where they are at a certain moment. NSTimers are not as precise as you'd like, so using a timer may miss the right time or jump in too early depending on rendering speeds and frame rate.
I would suggest replacing your moveBGForever with a bgAnimation as a sequence of your move & shift actions. Then, when you run bgAnimation action, you run it with a completion block of { self.cycleComplete = true }. cycleComplete would be a boolean variable that indicates whether the action sequence is done or not. In your scene update method you can check if this variable is true and if it is, you can run the sequence action once again. Don't forget to reset the cycleComplete var to false.
Perhaps it sounds more complex but gives you control of whether you want to run one more cycle or not. If not, then you can change the texture and run the cycle again.
Alternatively you may leave it as it is and only change the texture(s) after making sure the sprite is outside the visible area, e.g. its Y position is > view size height.
In SpriteKit you can use wait actions with completion blocks. This is more straightforward than using a NSTimer.
So, to answer your question - when using actions for moving the sprites on-screen, you should not change the sprite's position at any time - this is what the actions do. You only need to make sure that you update the texture when the position is off-screen. When the time comes, obviously some of the sprites will be displayed, so you can't change the texture of all 3 at the same time. For that you may need a helper variable to check in your update cycle (as I suggested above) and replace the textures when the time is right (sprite Y pos is off-screen).

SKAction with duration: 0 doesn't work - SpriteKit (Language: Swift)

I am trying to make a fairly simple running animation by changing 2 images every 0.15 seconds and moving the character slightly up, when it has the running image, and slightly down when it has the other. It would work properly if I have 0.5 seconds as duration, or even 0.1, but when I change it to 0, or even 0.0001 the character doesn't move at all. (the image changing works properly)
let movingUp = SKAction.moveTo(CGPoint(x: self.position.x, y: self.position.y + 10), duration: 0)
let waiting = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.15)
let movingDown = SKAction.moveTo(CGPoint(x: self.position.x, y: self.position.y - 10), duration: 0)
let movingSequence = SKAction.sequence([movingUp, waiting, movingDown])
let animateAction = SKAction.animateWithTextures(runningTexturesArray, timePerFrame: 0.15)
let repeatAction = SKAction.repeatActionForever(animateAction)
I also tried moveBy, got the same result. I need to mention when I set the duration to 0.1 I got a strange behaviour having the character shivering up and down (quicker than it should). It has physics body applied because I want to use collide detection later, but I've set affectedByGravity to false. I was thinking that maybe the physicsWorld has some kind of air, which blocks the character from moving freely while in "vacuum" it could do that.
Thank you in advance for any answer. I'd really appreciate it!
