Capybara, Selenium, Jupyter Notebook: filling code cell - ruby-on-rails

I want to use Capybara to input text into a Jupyter Notebook cell. Clicking the element and using 'send_keys' does not work, although the cursor ends up in the right location: find(".input").click.send_keys("hello")
Is there a way to simulate pressing keys without selecting an element? find("body").send_keys("hello") also does not produce any text
Edit: I found out that the Jupyter Notebook uses CodeMirror. CodeMirror uses a hidden <textarea> field somehow, so that would explain why Selenium refused to find the input.
My current workaround is to find the first CodeMirror editor and use the setValue function on it: execute_script("var editor = $('.CodeMirror')[0].CodeMirror; editor.setValue('this is the input')")

I avoided the workaround by using Selenium's action builder. Find the desired element and get its native selenium representation:
el_native = first('.input').native
Then, use the action builder to click into the element and send keys:"hello").perform


IMPORTXML without header, navigation and footer

I'm using =importxml("URL-TO-SCRAPE";"//html//body//text()") to scrape the text of urls.
However, this way the content from the header, navigation and footer is also included. How can i exclude this?
if it is in one cell you can either regex it or find a better path.
if the output is across multiple cells you can try query function with limit and offset parameters
You need to analyse the source code of URL-TO-SCRAPE to find the node that contains the text that you want to import. If the DOM is static (it was not modified by JavaScript) they you might use Chrome Dev Tools or similar to get the a better xPath.
Right click the text that you want to import and select Inspect
This will open the Elements tab of the browser's dev tools
Find the parent element that contains the text to be imported
Right click the element and select Copy > xPath
Adapt the xPath to be used in IMPORTXML and add it to the formula instead of the current xPath parameter.

Jquery Select2 multiselect with Dragon NaturallySpeaking

I have implemented a select2 multiselect for list of states in a application, and it works fine using typing the state names. But with Dragon NaturallySpeaking software if you speak in select2 to select a state, it only show the last char of what you spoke and do not autosearch, you have to press space to see the whole text and then press backspace to start the search, looks like some event does not fire when you speak than type. Not sure if there is any solution that I can try. I have tried to fire the change event manually.. but not working !
Since the select2 box is not Select and Say, you probably need to dictate into the dictation box and transfer it over. Or, write a script to take in the dictation, convert it to what you need, and then paste it to clipboard. Then go over to box and paste from clipboard. Let us know what worked . . .
I have added a check if the selected element class is select2-search__field then I trigger a $(activeElement).trigger('change') in that element. that seems doing the job

How to use Ios UI Automation xpath in appium for ios

I am using iosuiautomator for finding the xpath of element
(Note: In appium can't find the xpath). while running following error is displaying
When using iOSUIAutomation search strategy, you don't need localTarget().target.().etc. You can start from right after mainWindow(). I also noticed you put the tap action inside the quotes but is actually a function of the mobile element (and has 2 parameters) so what you'd want is:
driver.findElementByIosUIAutomation(".tableViews()[2].cells()[2]").tap(1, 250)

Understanding basics of iOS uiautomation selector strategy for Appium

I am writing UI automation tests for an iOS native app using Appium and gradually realizing how most of the element locating strategies don't reliably work for iOS. Apart from XPath which randomly works, other options that I have are:
Accessibility ID (did not work for me)
name (not every element will have value for 'name' attribute)
class (makes sense when you are working with a list of elements)
iOS UiAutomation predicates (steep learning curve for beginners)
I have been trying to understand how to use iOS UiAutomation locator strategy and find elements using it but it's not working on Appium Inspector. I have referred to these documentations (Appium iOS Predicate reference, Apple UIAutomation reference) but I feel they cater to an advanced Appium user audience who have some knowledge on iOS development, not for beginners.
Currently the element hierarchy that I am trying to find element in is something like this:
My current automation setup is:
XCode 6.3.2
Appium 1.4.8
iOS 8.3
Appium Java Client 3.1.0
What will be the locator I can use to locate the highlighted element using UiAutomation predicate strategy? I have been trying a few options on the Appium Inspector like:
applications()[0].windows()[0].navigationBars()[0].textFields().withPredicate("value == 'Search eBay'")
.textFields().withPredicate("value == 'Search eBay'")
These did not work. What am I doing wrong here? Are there any other documentations which clearly explain iOS UiAutomation locators from ground-up? It will really help if someone can explain these basics.
I have never worked with Appium before but I have worked with UIAutomation in javascript.
You can probably find the element using:
....textFields().firstWithName("Search eBay")
Note that UIAuatomation uses UIAccessibility protocol. The value for UITextField is its accessibilityValue and that one will be equal to the searched text, not the placeholder. Once you type something to the field, you will be able to use value.
Of course, in your case grabbing the first text field would work too, as there is only one in the navigation bar.
Just use this .navigationsBars()["EBUH_whateverstring"].textfields()["Search eBay"].textfields()["Search eBay"].
Better way is to ask dev to add accessibility id in case the code is in Obj-C or accessibility identifier if the app code is in Swift. Otherwise if the passed on element value is dynamic then the test will fail in asserting or doing action upon this element.
Another failsafe method is using array values.
.navigationsBars()[0].textfields()[0].textfields()[0] --> Check the array values of your element is [0] or any other. U can use this appium app to get the array value from where it shows xpath value for the element. Or you can use XCode Instruments if you have access to the code to find the exact value as UIAutomation interprets it.
If you are trying to find elements in Appium you will have to write code to do so. Assuming you are using Java, which is what I am using for code, the way you locate these elements is through the driver, tables, and rows.
What do I mean by this? Each element has an XPath associated with it, so one way of doing this is saying
This can be very useful when trying to run assertions, for example. using the above code, let us say we want to assert that its name is valid. we can say:
AssertEquals(driver.findElementByXPath("xpath_string_here").getAttribute("name"), 'Practice Example");
When I mention tables and rows, I mean doing something like this:
MobileElement table = (MobileElement) driver.findElementByXPath("string here");
List<WebElement> rows = driver.findElementByClassName("Class name here");
What does this code do? it creates a variable of type MobileElement which will go through the xPath you want, and then the rows value will find elements of that class name present inside of that table view. So in the above image, I would stop at the XPath for the UIAWindow, and then tell my rows to find the elements using class name of "UIAButton" for example.
At this point it is a matter of a simple loop if you want to run some actions on them such as .click(); using their indexes using the .get(int i) method. So for example: rows.get(i).click();
Does this help you with your question?

How to fill tinymce-rails editor with capybara and selenium?

I have trouble with using capybara to test tinymce form. I'm using tinymce-rails and have 7 editors in my form. Also I'm using asciimath plugin with tinymce.
Everything works fine, but I'm unable to write tests to fill in tinymce editor.
Here is how my step definition code looks like, very similar to what is described here:
within_frame("content_ifr") do
editor = page.find_by_id('tinymce')
editor.native.send_keys 'test'
The problem is when I run the following:
editor.native.clear # works, clear the editor area, I'm testing this with pry
editor.native.send_keys :tab # works, moves focus to next input
editor.native.send_keys 'test' # returns "", nothing happens, nothing in editor
So clear and send_keys :tab work as expected. But I can't send any string. send_keys function is always returning empty string, and nothing happens when I do test using pry.
What is going wrong here? and how can I debug / investigate the problem?
I know that this is an old question but I just found it while trying to solve this issue as well.
Although the original question said that he has 7 tinymce's on the same page I think that my solution might work for him too but I do know it will work if there is one tinymce as was my case.
In my request spec I used this:
page.execute_script('$(tinymce.editors[0].setContent("my content here"))')
The page.execute_script with tell it to run the jQuery function. It then finds the first tincymce editor and sets the content.
Worked like a charm for me. I think if there are more than one tinymce it can be called by its position.
Switching to chrome as described here solved my problem.
Obviously the problem is related with a bug in firefox driver.
Still i think it is a valid question for firefox.
Try to switch to an iframe that contains tinymce textarea input, and than send_keys:
# +session+ is an instance of Capybara::Session class
browser = session.driver.browser
I had the same issue. After a day fighting, my tests finally passed.
The code that I am using is:
within_frame("producto_condiciones_ifr") do
editor = page.find_by_id('tinymce')
editor.native.send_keys 'filling text'
The first line is a method of capybara. The parameter passed is the ID of the iframe.
Line #2 is a must.
In line #3 goes the text that you wish to place inside TinyMCE
just came across this problem with RoR and rspec
I managed to solve by doing this:
within_frame { page.find_by_id("tinymce").set("new content here") }
the set method will replace any existing content by the new one
if you want to keep the current content and add things to it, use the send_keys method
